What are your goals for your business in the next month? Three months? One year?
What are the steps you are taking to reach these goals?
More importantly, what are the things holding you back and stopping you from reaching your next level?
In this episode, we dive deep into the three areas we see holding coaches back from growing their business. The first step in eliminating these roadblocks is to become aware of them.
What have you taken from this episode and what will you be doing differently in your business? Share your take-aways from this episode in the comments below.
- To niche or not to niche - that is the question (4:37)
- The power of referrals (8:33)
- How to build a recognisable brand (9:49)
- You can’t read the label from inside the jar (10:40)
- The symptom of promoting multiple products and services (12:18)
- When to tweak your marketing funnel (15:20)
- Learning how to implement (16:13)
- Getting help from an expert to help with your implementation (17:10)
- If you’re not implementing, you’re invisible (19:38)
For full show notes and links visit: