Show Summary: “Establishing a HUMAN CONNECTION & a COMMON GROUND with your audience will help you differentiate yourself from others.”
Hi guys! It’s been such a long time since I recorded an episode. And now I’m super happy and pumped up writing the show notes as a preview of the 9th episode!
So the 9th episode is about making your podcast more engaging. We all know that it’s challenging to keep the engagement of your audience especially if your contents are “recorded” which is a characteristic of a podcast. But it doesn’t mean it’s meant to be boring & non-interactive.
You can do a couple of things to boost your listeners’ excitement, enjoyment and participation while making sure that you’re continuously building a very good relationship with them. And in this episode, I share with you those 5 actionable ways on how to ignite the engagement and make your listeners take action with fun and creativity!
Don’t forget to share this with your friends, family or clients who badly need to add more spice to their podcast show!
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Exceptional Highlights:
- Content creators are also prone to error. And sharing little parts of it to your audience through outtakes can make your audience feel that we are all imperfect human-beings.
- Simplify your Call To Action. Creating complex steps can make your audience repel in taking action.
- Let your audience feel that you listen to them through reading their reviews or letting them share their stories through your podcast.
Show Highlights
Creating Outtakes
Kai 2:21
- Outtakes are bloopers, and it makes your audience feel that even though you are someone they are listening to, you're still a human being that's prone to error like everybody else.
Kai 4:16
- Do not make the mechanics complicated for your listeners because it's also one of the reasons why maybe there are fewer entries than you are expecting. So try to make it simple.
Mention their reviews
Kai 6:13
- Mentioning the reviews and their names, especially for those who are your followers, gives them the chance to be heard and is an excellent achievement for them, especially if they're your longtime followers. So it's one way and how I can connect with them.
Kai 7:43
- You can ask them on social media, like, "Which part of this episode did we mention about this specific topic? Comment below."
"Whoever gets it right will have free access to our program."
So it makes it more interactive and more exciting for your listeners.
Guest a client or a listener
Kai 8:59
Having them as your guest in the podcast builds this genuine and sincere connection because you can connect with them through a one-on-one conversation. This is also where you can create a safe place for them to share their own stories based on your advice, and that's also how you can see the effectiveness of the things you teach through your podcast.
Important links
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