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49. Finding Clarity: How a Two-Month Break Renewed My Purpose
Episode 498th October 2024 • How's All That Working For Ya? • Rachel D. Baker
00:00:00 00:10:34

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After a two-month break, the podcast is back, and Rachel is excited to share the journey of renewal and self-care that led to this return. She reflects on personal challenges, including health issues and the demands of family life, which prompted a much-needed pause. Through prayer and introspection, two key words emerged: "speak" and "invite," highlighting a commitment to share messages and foster community connections. Listeners can expect more solo episodes filled with encouragement, accountability, and practical insights as the podcast moves forward, aiming to empower everyone to live purposefully and authentically.

Episode Highlights

  • Why we went two full months without any new podcast episodes
  • The three options Rachel considered when she hit the wall of exhaustion
  • Listening to God and others - who gets a vote?
  • Resources to create some breathing room in your life

Resources Mentioned

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Mentioned in this episode:

J. Brooks Coffee Roasters - Medium Roasts

This episode of the “How’s All That Working for Ya?” podcast is sponsored by J. Brooks Coffee Roasters in Memphis, TN. The world of medium roast: it’s like the perfect playground. Mediums are all about balance. Some of the playfulness of fruit or florals or herbals from the light zone along with some nice rounded body and creaminess from the dark zone. But it’s not too extreme in either direction. Welcome to the wonderland that is medium roast coffee. J. Brooks is offering the listeners of this podcast a 10% discount on any order! Just use the code BAKER in the notes section of your order at checkout. To order your medium roast coffee and learn more about J. Brooks, visit

J. Brooks Coffee Roasters

Overcome the Overwhelm Digital Course

Do you feel like you're drowning in chaos and can't get a grip on things? I've been there, and I've got your back. You’ve got to check out the "Overcome the Overwhelm" training: It’s 6 video lessons, a handy PDF workbook, and email support from me to reclaim your sanity. Take the shortcut to mental clarity and breathing room.

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Speaker A:

Welcome to episode 49.

Speaker A:

We are jumping back in after a two month break and I am so excited for what's coming here on the podcast in the next few months.

Speaker A:

Stick around to hear more about that towards the end of this episode.

Speaker A:

But first, I want to share a bit about why we went two full months without any new podcast episodes.

Speaker A:

I reached my breaking point a few months ago.

Speaker A:

It was near the end of July and I found myself completely exhausted and overwhelmed.

Speaker A:

Kids had been home for more than two months at this point for summer break and my physical health was in the toilet with medication adjustments we were having to make for all my autoimmune diseases.

Speaker A:

Hopefully you know by now that the topics I speak about are very close and personal for me.

Speaker A:

I'm a real person with the same real struggles that plague all women.

Speaker A:

It's not that I have this overcome the overwhelm thing completely under control, but I did get that red flag moment that let me know it was time again to lead here by example.

Speaker A:

When I hit that wall of exhaustion, I knew I had three options.

Speaker A:

Number one, do I just suck it up and power through?

Speaker A:

Uh, nope.

Speaker A:

Been there, done that.

Speaker A:

Got burned to a crisp more than once.

Speaker A:

Lesson learned.

Speaker A:

Finally, option two.

Speaker A:

Do I just quit everything thats wearing me out?

Speaker A:

Its tempting, but that seems a little bit extreme.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

i allowed to take a break or will it all come crashing down if I step away?

Speaker A:

Those last two options seem like possibilities, but ive learned in these situations, what I really need is some time to just be still and listen for a bit.

Speaker A:

So the kids went back to school in August and I decided to schedule some intentional time on my calendar to rest in every possible way, to just get still and listen.

Speaker A:

None of this comes naturally for me.

Speaker A:

I need you to hear me say that this is a very intentional effort on my part.

Speaker A:

I am with you in the trenches for this.

Speaker A:

So with listening, I want to talk to you for a second about what that looks like.

Speaker A:

First of all, I'm listening to God.

Speaker A:

And that really just required me to get quiet and still prayerful.

Speaker A:

Lord, let me know what's next, what do I need to be doing, what needs to go and what needs to stay?

Speaker A:

And there were two words that just kept jumping out in my mind.

Speaker A:

Two words that I just felt, okay, this is, this is what I'm supposed to, to be doing.

Speaker A:

The two words for me were speak and invite.

Speaker A:

Speak was not new.

Speaker A:

Speak was why we have the podcast.

Speaker A:

Speak is why I offer my services, to go and speak to women at conferences and retreats and workshops and ladies days, all those things.

Speaker A:

Speak is not a new thing.

Speaker A:

But invite, invite felt kind of new.

Speaker A:

It's something that I kind of already want to do.

Speaker A:

But it was a very specific thing that I just kept hearing over and over.

Speaker A:

k in, I think it was April of:

Speaker A:

We were sitting down, having coffee and talking about these goals that I have, and I'm asking her a few questions.

Speaker A:

And the one thing I really remember she said to me was, Rachel, you need to be with people, because podcasting like this, sitting, writing, speaking into a microphone, that's a great way to get the message out.

Speaker A:

But the way that I was created, she could just tell that connection, that personal, face to face connection with other women is something I need to have that just validated the thought of going and doing these speaking events and being with the women in person.

Speaker A:

And also retreats.

Speaker A:

I have such a heart for retreats, women getting away from the day to day life, which I was kind of doing for myself, this little personal retreat, but to provide opportunities for other women to do that as well.

Speaker A:

I just feel more and more passionate about it.

Speaker A:

So speak and invite.

Speaker A:

That's where my heart is right now.

Speaker A:

And the other thing I want you to know is I'm listening to the voices who get a vote in my life, and I really want to hone in on this for a second.

Speaker A:

First of all, I've got these close friends who pray with me.

Speaker A:

And for me, they are walking with me towards serving God and serving others.

Speaker A:

These people get a vote.

Speaker A:

Not every voice in your life has to get a vote on what you're doing and how you live your life.

Speaker A:

And I just want you to hear that.

Speaker A:

I want you to know that in your soul that there are a lot of voices out there, a lot of people speaking to who you should be and what you should do, and they'll just should all over you.

Speaker A:

But not everybody gets a vote on how you live your life and what you do.

Speaker A:

So let's be discerning in that.

Speaker A:

And I really, in this season, tried to be discerning.

Speaker A:

So I listened to those close friends who do walk with me on this journey towards serving God and serving others.

Speaker A:

But the other voices I listen to are yours.

Speaker A:

You, the listeners who are in this with me, who are trying to do your daily best, ready to get off the hamster wheel and knowing that you were created with purpose.

Speaker A:

On purpose.

Speaker A:

And when I listened to you, when I asked what is it in this community that you love, that you want more of that matters to you and that is helpful and encouraging?

Speaker A:

These are the things that you told me.

Speaker A:

You told me, yes.

Speaker A:

Please keep podcasting because you have a calming voice.

Speaker A:

I like to hear your voice.

Speaker A:

It's helpful to me.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

More solo episodes, more things like this where I'm sharing life or what I'm studying in the Bible or thoughts in this area of getting more time and clarity and creating breathing room.

Speaker A:

So more solo episodes, more of the encouragement and challenging the accountability piece came up quite a bit.

Speaker A:

You know I'm here for that.

Speaker A:

I'm going to ask how's all that working for you sis?

Speaker A:

And more truth, more scripture.

Speaker A:

So those are the things that I want to make sure in the next season of episodes I am bringing to you on a regular basis.

Speaker A:

My prayer is that you are continually blessed, encouraged and empowered by this podcast to live each day in your God given strengths, skills and passions.

Speaker A:

Each one of us was created on purpose and with purpose.

Speaker A:

Stepping away to be still with God and quiet.

Speaker A:

My mind was so needed and my prayer is that you will do the same.

Speaker A:

Allowing myself to take this time to renew my mind and spirit.

Speaker A:

It just makes me that much more excited for our next renewal retreat.

Speaker A:

t retreat, the end of October:

Speaker A:

And at this time that I'm recording and sharing, there are still just a few beds available.

Speaker A:

And maybe hearing me share about my intentional time away from the chaos of life has left you wishing you could do the same.

Speaker A:

So I'm here once again to give you that permission slip.

Speaker A:

Click the link in the show notes to get all the information about our renewal retreat.

Speaker A:

You can jump in as a last minute sign up, or you can join the waitlist and be the first one to know when our next retreat is happening.

Speaker A:

I'm obviously very passionate about these retreats and I'm trying to live in that calling, to speak and to invite if you just need a tangible thing at home to see and use for that quiet time that you want to cultivate each day.

Speaker A:

There are a few journals I've created for exactly that reason.

Speaker A:

There's one for moments of gratitude, one to celebrate your daily wins, and several where you can just dump your thoughts and your prayers.

Speaker A:

Get it out of your head.

Speaker A:

The link to find those is also in the show notes, so check that out and see if there's one that speaks to you.

Speaker A:

There are some fantastic episodes headed your way as we wrap up this year, and I am so thankful for amazing listeners like you.

Speaker A:

Thanks for being here.




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