Understanding the Shadows
of Time
John Newton
Have you ever gone to the movie theatre to watch a movie and it seemed like you already knew what was going to happen? As if you has seen this movie before?
Or perhaps you are traveling and on a sight-seeing trip you give directions to where you are headed, even though you have never visited this area before?
Have you ever watched a movie and you could see some aspects that “seem” to reflect Biblical events or themes, but, it did not seem “just right” in some way?
Well, our guest today is making a difference by taking on subject matter like I just shared – and so much more! Praise God!
John Newton is our guest today. He is an author, an electrical engineer, robotics programmer, part-time farmer and is the father of seven. Amen. He is the host of an amazing YouTube Channel, John Newton Scifi. His tag line is “Bringing the past to life and the future into focus.” Amen!
His first book is titled, “The Healing Stone” and is book number one in what will be called “The Shadows of Time Series.” This is a Christian SciFi novel series. Amen!
Help me welcome to the program, John Newton! John, thank you for taking the time to join us today!
First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is John Newton?”
Where do you get the ideas for your stories? I mean, to think up some of this stuff seems like the hard part, right?
Your YouTube channel discusses modern movies, etc. and relates Biblical stories to the movie?
You state the goal of your channel is how to use the themes in movies and shows – and books – to help spread the gospel message. How do you accomplish that?
I know many of my friends will go a watch a movie or series of something that would have a Biblical inference to it… I won’t say a Biblical reference, but an “inference.” Then, when consider it and watch it, I’m blown away by subtle, but obvious, inferences. You have taken that to the next level by actually creating a YouTube Channel that discusses this subject!
What led you to begin dissecting these movies looking for these kinds of inferences?
I saw something on your website when I was doing my prep for this interview and thought it was interesting…
In Jurassic Park, they discussed the “Butterfly Effect.” So I think we are familiar with the concept. But you discuss a few different versions of this and call them Paradoxes. Can you explain the three paradoxes for our listeners?
Explain for us the paradox used in the movie “Back to the Future.” I loved that movie series…
I read the post you titled, “How to Time Travel and Not Kill Your Grandfather.” I think that concept explains this idea quite well. Can you briefly go over those ideas with us?
How does all of this come back to what you do with your YouTube videos and tie it all into Jesus and Faith, etc.?
You share this is to dig into theology and apologetics. How do you accomplish merging these two subjects into entertainment?
Share about your book series, “The Shadows of Time,” with us. This is a Christian SciFi novel series. Your first book is titled, “The Healing Stone.” Can you share a little about your book?
Where can someone obtain a copy of your book, “The Healing Stone?”
John, this is so interesting. If someone has a question or would like more information, how can get in touch with you?
Your YouTube Channel is “Newton SciFi” correct?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, it is so important that you be able to reach people where they are at. It’s been that way for ages. That’s the reason Jesus had to come to earth. To reach people where they were at. That’s the reason he did not only focus on preaching in the Temple or Synagogues… he went to where the people were gathered together.
That’s the reason He used parables to explain concepts to them. He was a story teller.
John Newton is a story teller in our day and time and he is making an impact by opening the eyes of believers to what is actually reflected in the modern movies, etc. By doing this, he is educating us (you and I) on these hidden inferences – and this allows us to have an intelligent conversation with those around us.
They could say, “I went to see such and such movie – it was great!” Then you can respond with something like, “Did you see the part where…. (whatever it is you can talk about in the movie)? When they say “Yeah, that was cool” or whatever they say. You can then respond with a little bit of apologetics that you learned from John! Praise God! You can open the eyes of those around you simply by understanding these small details of the movies or TV shows or books. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to John Newton. Visit his YouTube Channel and website. You will not be disappointed. I’ve already subscribed… the information on there is classic. I mean it is some really great stuff. I find myself checking back in every day or so to see if he’s posted something new. You’ll hear me start preaching on some of these things soon, too. Amen!

Email: ReadMore@NewtonSciFi.com
Website: https://newtonscifi.com
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@NewtonSciFi/
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