Catholic Life Coach for Men Michael Jaquith pt 1
In this day and time, many men, more than are willing to admit, struggle or are frustrated with their lives and their relationships – including their relationship with God. Many are addicted to various things, sports, alcohol, pornography – gaming is a big one today…
What are they doing? They are trying to find peace in things that just distract them from their life – even if it is just for a few minutes.
Many of these men have no idea how to process their emotions and, need I say, the emotions of their wives? You know, the old saying if you “ask your wife what is wrong and she says, “nothing.” That is not the time to say, “OK, I’m going to play golf, see you later.””
Well, our guest today has made it his life mission to help Christian men cope and thrive in this modern life and process their emotions and fit everything together in their proper, Godly perspective, of living in this world we call home.
Dr. Michael Jaquith calls himself, a “modern Catholic guy” that prioritizes his faith and is also a Life Coach as he helps Christian men who really want to become the man God wants them to be. Amen! He is also a podcaster and host of the “Catholic Life Coach for Men Podcast.”
Help me welcome to the program, Dr. Michael Jaquith.
Michael, thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to join us today!
First question that I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Michael Jacquith?”
I alluded to the problem a lot of men have on processing emotions. Women seem to be more in tune with that aspect than men. How difficult is it for men to process emotions correctly? And why is that so important in a relationship?
I’ve seen one of your most recent podcast episodes was discussing something about “Marital ADHD.” Can you share a bit about that topic here for our listeners?
Most men are like, let’s say, “Tim the Tool Man Taylor,” on the old TV show “Home Improvement.” The willingness is there but the execution – not so much! For some, they just drive on and problems don’t seem to faze them. For others, the smallest problem seems like a huge roadblock. How do you help men in both spectrums become more focused on their God given talents and callings in our “quest for success?”
It seems no matter how much a man tries to “be successful,” in the world’s eye… he loses the perspective of how he looks in God’s eyes. Pride is a big factor. A HUGE factor. How does our “worldly success” compare to whether or not we achieve success according to God’s plan for our lives?
Folks, if you are a man who has or is struggling with some of the things Dr. Michael Jaquith and I have discussed today, I urge you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to him. Ask your questions. Listen to the podcast. You are listening to this episode today for a reason! God has pre-ordained that YOU would be listening to us right now – for a reason! Do not ignore it. Amen! He knew before the world was formed that you would be listening to us right now.
Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Dr. Michael Jaquith and ASK your questions. Seek the answers to problems you may be having with handling the stress and problems of life, and learn how live the life God has planned for you to live and prosper with. Amen!
Email: Michael
Podcast: Catholic Life Coach for Men Podcast
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