In this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast, Dr. Michael Brown shares how we know the rebirth of Israel is a true fulfillment of prophecy.
Welcome to
Speaker:Our Hope a production
Speaker:of Chosen People Ministries.
Speaker:We cannot deny that
Speaker:prophecy is being fulfilled
Speaker:before our eyes in the
Speaker:nation of Israel.
Speaker:While some would say
Speaker:that Israel "got lucky"
Speaker:or that the land was given
Speaker:to the Jewish people
Speaker:as a consolation
Speaker:after the Holocaust,
Speaker:we believe
Speaker:that Israel's rebirth
Speaker:was not man-ordained
Speaker:by God-ordained.
Speaker:It was not a coincidence,
Speaker:but divinely deliberate.
Speaker:This has always been
Speaker:God's plan for Israel,
Speaker:that though
Speaker:they were scattered,
Speaker:He would gather them
Speaker:back again to the land
Speaker:He promised to their
Speaker:forefathers – Abraham,
Speaker:Isaac and Jacob.
Speaker:Unfortunately, Israel
Speaker:has been forced to fight
Speaker:to keep her land,
Speaker:and many have died
Speaker:defending this nation
Speaker:over the years.
Speaker:We remember these
Speaker:brave men and women
Speaker:during Yom HaZikaron –
Speaker:Israel’s Memorial Day.
Speaker:The day after this is Yom
Speaker:Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s
Speaker:Independence Day
Speaker:and this year, Israel
Speaker:will celebrate
Speaker:its 73rd birthday
Speaker:as a reborn nation.
Speaker:While Israel is an
Speaker:independent nation state,
Speaker:she still faces challenges
Speaker:to being in the land.
Speaker:Many do not recognize
Speaker:Israel's right to exist,
Speaker:and there is still ongoing
Speaker:unrest and conflict
Speaker:in the Middle East.
Speaker:As believers, we want to know
Speaker:what God's perfect plan is.
Speaker:At our "Pray For the
Speaker:Peace of Jerusalem
Speaker:Conference" in 2014,
Speaker:well-known apologist, Dr.
Speaker:Michael Brown, spoke about
Speaker:God's plan for Israel.
Speaker:We hope it will help
Speaker:some difficult questions,
Speaker:and that you will be
Speaker:encouraged by God's sovereignty
Speaker:and faithfulness.
Speaker:Take a listen.
Speaker:Let's start in
Speaker:Jeremiah chapter 30.
Speaker:And what we want to focus on
Speaker:today is Israel's
Speaker:relationship to the land.
Speaker:Notice that when Jewish people
Speaker:are scattered around the world,
Speaker:you still have antisemitism.
Speaker:Jews still get blamed
Speaker:for all kinds of things.
Speaker:When the protocols
Speaker:of the Elders of Zion
Speaker:was released
Speaker:over 100 years ago,
Speaker:basically a forgery,
Speaker:a document put on the lips
Speaker:of Jewish leaders,
Speaker:as if there is this
Speaker:Jewish conspiracy
Speaker:to take over the world.
Speaker:Apparently distributed
Speaker:by Russian secret
Speaker:police originally.
Speaker:But bottomline is a document
Speaker:making the Jews responsible
Speaker:for problems
Speaker:worldwide are claiming
Speaker:they're trying to take over
Speaker:the entire world
Speaker:that comes out at a time
Speaker:when the Jewish people
Speaker:are not living in
Speaker:large numbers in the land,
Speaker:and Palestine is mainly Arab.
Speaker:In other words, Jews
Speaker:have been blamed for things
Speaker:through the centuries,
Speaker:wherever we've been.
Speaker:During the Middle Ages,
Speaker:when the Black Plague
Speaker:wiped out as much as a third
Speaker:of the European population,
Speaker:who got blamed for
Speaker:the Black Plague? Jews.
Speaker:Now Jews died also,
Speaker:but in some cases
Speaker:not in numbers as high,
Speaker:and that would have
Speaker:just been because of
Speaker:of sanitary principles
Speaker:that Jews live by
Speaker:or dietary principles
Speaker:because of the law,
Speaker:but they still died
Speaker:They got blamed for it
Speaker:and they were accused
Speaker:of poisoning the wells
Speaker:and taking animal hearts
Speaker:and other parts of
Speaker:you know, living creatures
Speaker:and the communion elements
Speaker:and mixing them together
Speaker:to concoct a poison
Speaker:to poison the wells of Europe
Speaker:and crazy stuff like that.
Speaker:So through the centuries,
Speaker:Jews still get blamed.
Speaker:There's still that
Speaker:spirit of antisemitism
Speaker:in the world, that
Speaker:irrational spirit
Speaker:that blames Jews
Speaker:for everything.
Speaker:But the real controversy erupts
Speaker:when the Jewish people
Speaker:are back in the land.
Speaker:That's when it seems
Speaker:everything goes crazy.
Speaker:Do you ever play that game
Speaker:when when you're a kid you're
Speaker:trying to figure out
Speaker:where something is?
Speaker:You're getting hot,
Speaker:you're hotter,
Speaker:you're red hot, cold,
Speaker:so you're getting
Speaker:closer closer.
Speaker:You're hot, you're
Speaker:well, it's the same thing
Speaker:with when the Jewish people
Speaker:are back in the land now
Speaker:when things are getting hot
Speaker:and now when Jerusalem is back
Speaker:in Jewish hands now red hot.
Speaker:In other words,
Speaker:there are prophecies
Speaker:that cannot be fulfilled
Speaker:without a Jewish
Speaker:control Jerusalem,
Speaker:there are prophecies
Speaker:that cannot be fulfilled
Speaker:without the Jewish people
Speaker:being back in the land.
Speaker:And it seems that
Speaker:this is the place
Speaker:for all out battle.
Speaker:And you have to ask yourself
Speaker:why is it around the world
Speaker:that with all the disputes
Speaker:about borders
Speaker:and all the disputes about
Speaker:sovereignty of this country
Speaker:or that country, or this group
Speaker:wanting to rebel.
Speaker:Why is it that the only place
Speaker:that the whole
Speaker:world cares about
Speaker:is the land of Israel
Speaker:and the city of Jerusalem?
Speaker:And why is it that it's
Speaker:the only capital
Speaker:city of a nation
Speaker:anywhere in the world
Speaker:that is not
Speaker:universally recognized
Speaker:by other nations?
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:if America said our new capital
Speaker:is going
Speaker:to be Hoboken, New Jersey,
Speaker:and we're moving the
Speaker:the White House there
Speaker:and everything.
Speaker:Well, then all the embassies
Speaker:would move to Hoboken.
Speaker:But when Israel said
Speaker:we're changing our capital
Speaker:from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Speaker:with the rarest of exception,
Speaker:all the embassies
Speaker:of those that recognize Israel
Speaker:are still in Tel Aviv.
Speaker:Why is this?
Speaker:It's clear
Speaker:there's something
Speaker:spiritual going on,
Speaker:so my big question
Speaker:is a simple one.
Speaker:Do the prophetic scriptures
Speaker:speak of the Jewish
Speaker:people coming back
Speaker:to the physical land
Speaker:of Israel
Speaker:at the end of the age,
Speaker:or is that something
Speaker:that was only for the past?
Speaker:So let's start in
Speaker:Jeremiah chapter 30.
Speaker:"This is the word
Speaker:that came to Jeremiah
Speaker:from the Lord.
Speaker:'This is what the Lord,
Speaker:the God of Israel says:
Speaker:"Write in a book
Speaker:all the words
Speaker:I have spoken to you.
Speaker:The days are coming,"
Speaker:declares the Lord, "when
Speaker:I will bring my people
Speaker:Israel and Judah
Speaker:back from captivity
Speaker:and restore them to the land,
Speaker:I gave their forefathers
Speaker:to possess," says the Lord.' "
Speaker:Now, indisputably,
Speaker:this was speaking
Speaker:first about the return
Speaker:from Babylonian exile.
Speaker:Why do we say that?
Speaker:because that's what Jeremiah
Speaker:is prophesying
Speaker:through the book.
Speaker:That's what
Speaker:happens in his lifetime
Speaker:that his people are taken
Speaker:captive to Babylon.
Speaker:And roughly 150 years
Speaker:earlier than that,
Speaker:the Northern Kingdom
Speaker:of Israel was smashed
Speaker:by the Assyrians.
Speaker:And around 721 BC
Speaker:the northern tribes
Speaker:were exiled into Assyria
Speaker:and even scattered from there.
Speaker:There still some remnant
Speaker:that remained in
Speaker:northern Israel,
Speaker:so the people of Israel
Speaker:and the people of Judah
Speaker:are in captivity,
Speaker:and more are going to be
Speaker:taken into captivity,
Speaker:and Jeremiah
Speaker:prophesying from the Lord, says
Speaker:they will come back
Speaker:to the land.
Speaker:Obviously first and foremost,
Speaker:it applied to what happened
Speaker:in Jeremiah's day,
Speaker:and the subsequent generations.
Speaker:That's self-evident
Speaker:that has to be.
Speaker:The question is,
Speaker:does it also apply
Speaker:to the end of the age?
Speaker:Does it also apply to our day?
Speaker:The text continues.
Speaker:"These are the words
Speaker:of the Lord spoke
Speaker:concerning Israel and Judah:
Speaker:'This is what the Lord says,
Speaker:cries of fear – heard,
Speaker:terror, not peace.
Ask and see:Can
Ask and see:a man bear children?
Ask and see:Then why do I see every strong
Ask and see:man with his hands
Ask and see:on his stomach
Ask and see:like a woman in labor,
Ask and see:every face turned deathly pale?
Ask and see:How awful that day will be!
Ask and see:None will be like it.
Ask and see:It will be a time
Ask and see:of trouble for Jacob, but
Ask and see:he will be saved out of it.
Ask and see:In that day,' declares
Ask and see:the Lord Almighty.
Ask and see:'I will break the
Ask and see:yolk off their necks
Ask and see:and will tear off their bonds;
Ask and see:no longer will foreigners
Ask and see:enslave them.
Ask and see:Instead,
Ask and see:they will serve the Lord
Ask and see:their God and David their King,
Ask and see:whom I will raise
Ask and see:up for them.' "
Ask and see:We looked at this passage
Ask and see:briefly last night,
Ask and see:"So do not fear,
Ask and see:oh Jacob, My servant;
Ask and see:do not be dismayed
Ask and see:oh, Israel," declares the Lord,
Ask and see:"I will surely save you
Ask and see:out of a distant place,
Ask and see:your descendants
Ask and see:from the land of their exile.
Ask and see:Jacob will again
Ask and see:have peace and security,
Ask and see:and no one
Ask and see:will make him afraid.
Ask and see:I am with you and will save
Ask and see:you," declares the Lord.
Ask and see:"Though I completely destroy
Ask and see:all the nations, among
Ask and see:which I scatter you,
Ask and see:I will
Ask and see:not completely destroy you.
Ask and see:I will discipline you,
Ask and see:but only with justice.
Ask and see:I will not let you go
Ask and see:entirely unpunished."
Ask and see:And flip over to chapter 31.
Ask and see:And skip down to verse
Ask and see:10, Jeremiah 31:10.
Ask and see:"Hear the word of the
Ask and see:Lord, you nations
Ask and see:proclaim it in
Ask and see:distant coastlands:
Ask and see:'He who scattered
Ask and see:Israel will gather them
Ask and see:and will watch over his flock
Ask and see:like a Shepherd, for the Lord
Ask and see:will ransom Jacob
Ask and see:and redeem them from the hand
Ask and see:of those stronger than they.
Ask and see:They will come and shout
Ask and see:for joy in the heights of Zion.
Ask and see:They will rejoice
Ask and see:in the bounty of the Lord –
Ask and see:the grain, the new
Ask and see:wine in the oil,
Ask and see:the young of the flocks
Ask and see:and herds.
Ask and see:They will be like
Ask and see:a well-watered garden
Ask and see:and they will sorrow no more.
Ask and see:Then maidens will
Ask and see:dance and be glad, young men
Ask and see:and old as well.
Ask and see:I will turn their
Ask and see:mourning into gladness;
Ask and see:I will give them comfort
Ask and see:and joy instead.
Ask and see:I will satisfy the
Ask and see:priests with abundance,
Ask and see:and my people will be filled
Ask and see:with my bounty.' " And
Ask and see:there are many other
Ask and see:related verses.
Ask and see:So here's the question,
Ask and see:was that only for ancient
Ask and see:Israel and Judah,
Ask and see:or does it apply to today?
Ask and see:The regathering
Ask and see:of the Jewish people
Ask and see:that has happened
Ask and see:over the last century.
Ask and see:The Jewish population of
Ask and see:Israel today being more than
Ask and see:6 million people,
Ask and see:is that the hand of God,
Ask and see:or is
Ask and see:that just something
Ask and see:that happened?
Ask and see:Or was that the
Ask and see:outgrowth of European
Ask and see:colonization of the Middle East
Ask and see:and dividing these
Ask and see:different places into nations
Ask and see:like, places like Saudi
Ask and see:Arabia did not exist
Ask and see:as a nation before.
Ask and see:Some of the other nations
Ask and see:in the Middle
Ask and see:East did not exist
Ask and see:as distinct nations.
Ask and see:Is it just European
Ask and see:and American governments
Ask and see:just kind of
Ask and see:chopping things up?
Ask and see:And that's how we got Israel?
Ask and see:Did people just do this?
Ask and see:First, let me give you a really
Ask and see:simple spiritual answer
Ask and see:that that is impossible
Ask and see:according to the Bible.
Ask and see:And then I want to
Ask and see:give you more scripture
Ask and see:to support this.
Ask and see:And then I want to explain why
Ask and see:this is such a big issue today.
Ask and see:Israel in the land.
Ask and see:But first, let me give
Ask and see:you a very simple
Ask and see:scriptural principle.
Ask and see:And we see throughout the Bible
Ask and see:that when God promises
Ask and see:to do something if
Ask and see:He determines to do it,
Ask and see:no one can stop Him
Ask and see:from doing it.
Ask and see:Now, He might say
Ask and see:I will do this if you repent.
Ask and see:I'll bless you if you repent.
Ask and see:If people don't repent
Ask and see:then He won't do it
Ask and see:or I'm going to judge you.
Ask and see:And if they turn
Ask and see:away from that,
Ask and see:He won't judge if He said
Ask and see:I'm going to bless you
Ask and see:and they turn away from doing
Ask and see:what's right, He won't.
Ask and see:Plus we understand
Ask and see:things are conditional.
Ask and see:But if God says, "I'm
Ask and see:going to do this."
Ask and see:It can't be stopped.
Ask and see:So for example, if God curses
Ask and see:no one can bless.
Ask and see:Remember what happens
Ask and see:with Balaam.
Ask and see:Balaam asks
Ask and see:If he should go and
Ask and see:and curse Israel when Balak,
Ask and see:the king of Moab invites him.
Ask and see:And then he asked the Lord.
Ask and see:And what is the Lord
Ask and see:say to him?
Ask and see:It's basically
Ask and see:a threefold answer.
Ask and see:Don't go, don't curse them
Ask and see:because they're blessed.
Ask and see:This is one sentence
Ask and see:but basically
Ask and see:a threefold answer.
Ask and see:Don't go, don't curse them
Ask and see:because they're blessed.
Ask and see:And when he does go in
Ask and see:and try to curse them
Ask and see:later on, he can't!
Ask and see:Here he is.
Ask and see:He's a, he's
Ask and see:a pagan, soothsayer.
Ask and see:And you know, hears
Ask and see:from different gods
Ask and see:and beings whatever.
Ask and see:And and he's trying to curse,
Ask and see:but God won't let him.
Ask and see:So if
Ask and see:God is determined to bless,
Ask and see:you can't curse.
Ask and see:And if God is determined
Ask and see:to curse, you can't bless.
Ask and see:In the same way,
Ask and see:when God smites, for example,
Ask and see:some of the diseases
Ask and see:and the curses in Deuteronomy
Ask and see:28 they are incurable. Why?
Ask and see:Because if God smites,
Ask and see:nobody could heal.
Ask and see:And if God heals,
Ask and see:no one could smite.
Ask and see:These are just basic
Ask and see:biblical principles.
Ask and see:When the Lord says
Ask and see:in revelation,
Ask and see:the third chapter
Ask and see:to the believers
Ask and see:in Philadelphia,
Ask and see:I've said before
Ask and see:if you open door
Ask and see:that no one can shut.
Ask and see:No one can shut it.
Ask and see:If God opens the door,
Ask and see:no one can shut it.
Ask and see:If He shuts the door,
Ask and see:no one can open it.
Ask and see:I mean, this is pretty basic.
Ask and see:I don't know that anyone
Ask and see:that believes in the scripture
Ask and see:would differ with anything
Ask and see:I'm saying here.
Ask and see:So here's the question.
Ask and see:If God scattered
Ask and see:Israel in his anger,
Ask and see:if God scattered
Ask and see:the Jewish people in His anger
Ask and see:in judgment over our sin,
Ask and see:then we cannot
Ask and see:regather ourselves.
Ask and see:Alright, otherwise
Ask and see:He scatters and we go,
Ask and see:"Oh yeah?"
Ask and see:And we just walk back.
Ask and see:He puts us in exile,
Ask and see:we think, "Oh yeah?"
Ask and see:And we just regather ourselves.
Ask and see:No if we had the power
Ask and see:to do that then it wouldn't be
Ask and see:divine judgment.
Ask and see:So, very simply,
Ask and see:if He scatters, and now
Ask and see:we have more
Ask and see:than 6 million Jews
Ask and see:living in a land surrounded
Ask and see:by hostile enemies,
Ask and see:the only way that happened
Ask and see:is God did it.
Ask and see:Now, you might say,
Ask and see:that's so simple.
Ask and see:It is so simple.
Ask and see:But it's so simple
Ask and see:because it's so basic
Ask and see:and it's so true.
Ask and see:Well, I've I've put
Ask and see:this question out
Ask and see:in public debates
Ask and see:with scholars.
Ask and see:I put this question
Ask and see:out with folks
Ask and see:I've dialogue with.
Ask and see:You know Palestinian Christians
Ask and see:on my radio show.
Ask and see:I've put it out on social media
Ask and see:to the millions of people
Ask and see:we reach on social media
Ask and see:and not a single person
Ask and see:has been able to give me
Ask and see:a legitimate answer to this.
Ask and see:If God scattered
Ask and see:the Jewish people in His anger,
Ask and see:then who regathered them?
Ask and see:Satan doesn't
Ask and see:have the power to, human beings
Ask and see:don't have the power to.
Ask and see:It must be God who has done it.
Ask and see:Now let me give you
Ask and see:a good principle
Ask and see:of interpretation.
Ask and see:That if God brings curses
Ask and see:that
Ask and see:the literality of the curses
Ask and see:must be just as real
Ask and see:as the literality
Ask and see:of the blessings.
Ask and see:And if God smites
Ask and see:that the literality
Ask and see:of the smiting must equal
Ask and see:the literality of the healing.
Ask and see:My doctoral dissertation
Ask and see:was on the Hebrew word
Ask and see:for healing, and the larger
Ask and see:concepts related to that
Ask and see:and then
Ask and see:other Semitic languages
Ask and see:that use similar terminology,
Ask and see:and so I looked at
Ask and see:this very intensely
Ask and see:for a couple years
Ask and see:and then wrote a book
Ask and see:some years later
Ask and see:called Israel's Divine Healer
Ask and see:and studied all the relevant
Ask and see:scriptures on this.
Ask and see:So it's something
Ask and see:I really gave attention to.
Ask and see:So what would it mean?
Ask and see:If God says, I will smite you
Ask and see:with boils from head
Ask and see:to toe because of your sin.
Ask and see:But if you repent,
Ask and see:I will totally heal you.
Ask and see:Then that must mean
Ask and see:if He literally smoye
Ask and see:that person
Ask and see:with boils from head
Ask and see:to toe because of their sin,
Ask and see:when that person
Ask and see:cried out for mercy
Ask and see:and turn in repentance
Ask and see:that He would literally
Ask and see:heal him of the boils, correct?
Ask and see:It would not be a
Ask and see:literal smiting,
Ask and see:but a spiritual healing.
Ask and see:There God smites
Ask and see:that person with boils, Lord,
Ask and see:I've sinned, forgive me,
Ask and see:have mercy on me.
Ask and see:Yes I will heal you
Ask and see:spiritually.
Ask and see:No, no, He did not just heal
Ask and see:that person spiritually
Ask and see:and leave them with boils
Ask and see:from head to toe.
Ask and see:And again, this is just a
Ask and see:theoretical illustration.
Ask and see:I'm giving you.
Ask and see:So the literality of
Ask and see:the healing would
Ask and see:have to be as real
Ask and see:and as literal as the smiting.
Ask and see:Otherwise, the words have
Ask and see:no meaning and the promises
Ask and see:are of no value.
Ask and see:You know God destroys
Ask and see:Jerusalem and scatters
Ask and see:the people because of sin,
Ask and see:and then he says and
Ask and see:I will rebuild Jerusalem
Ask and see:and regather the people.
Ask and see:But I only mean it spiritually.
Ask and see:The city is going to
Ask and see:still be in ruins.
Ask and see:The temple is going to
Ask and see:still be burned down.
Ask and see:You're still going to
Ask and see:be rotting in exile,
Ask and see:but I will spiritually
Ask and see:rebuild the city
Ask and see:and spiritually we got,
Ask and see:no, that's not what He said.
Ask and see:I'll smite you.
Ask and see:I'll hear you, I'll scatter
Ask and see:you, I'll regather you.
Ask and see:What the Church has often
Ask and see:done with these passages
is said:Yes,
is said:the smiting was real,
is said:but the healing is spiritual.
is said:The scattering was real,
is said:but the regathering
is said:is spiritual.
is said:And the general principle is
is said:when God says I will
is said:scatter you in my wrath
is said:that's Israel.
is said:And I will regather
is said:you in my love
is said:that's the Church.
is said:I mean, that's how
is said:the Bible is read
is said:that the curses are for
is said:the Jews and the promises
is said:are for the Christians.
is said:We'll be right back.
is said:Shalom, my name is Nicole Vacca
is said:and I'm one of the co-producers
is said:of Our Hope podcast.
is said:We created our hope
is said:to be a window into
is said:the Messianic community,
is said:a place where we can discuss
is said:Israel and the Bible
is said:and a resource for people
is said:who want to share their faith
is said:more effectively
is said:and compassionately
is said:with the Jewish community.
is said:If you are interested
is said:in supporting what we do,
is said:you can donate to Chosen
is said:People Ministries
is said:at
is said:You could also support us
is said:by sharing this podcast
is said:on social media with your
is said:friends and family
is said:or by writing a review
is said:on Apple Podcasts.
is said:We are so grateful
is said:for your support
is said:and we hope you enjoy the rest
is said:of this episode.
is said:Alright, let's go
is said:a little deeper into this.
is said:Jeremiah 30 this passage
is said:that we've looked at.
is said:Beginning in verse
is said:5, "This is what the Lord says:
is said:'Cries of fear are heard
is said:– terror, not peace,"
is said:and it goes on with this
is said:time of horrific judgment
is said:that's coming, and yet
is said:God will deliver
is said:Jacob out of it.
is said:Some say this just
is said:refers to end time,
is said:final tribulation and calamity.
is said:I don't believe it
is said:can just refer to that
is said:– the time of Jacob's trouble.
is said:I'll explain why in a minute.
is said:Some say, well, it's
is said:a pattern for Jewish
is said:suffering
is said:through the centuries,
is said:there have been many times
is said:of Jacob's trouble,
is said:including the Holocaust.
is said:OK,
is said:that has some validity to it.
is said:And some say, no,
is said:no it was just referring to
is said:what happened in Jeremiah's day
is said:and nothing like that
is said:will ever happen again.
is said:Time of trouble for Jacob, but
is said:he'll be saved out of it.
is said:But there's a problem
is said:with that as well.
is said:I get into it in some depth
is said:in my Jeremiah commentary
is said:and really looked at the text
is said:as carefully as I could
is said:in the Hebrew to understand
is said:what was going on.
is said:And from what I can tell
is said:the first application again
is said:has to be to Jeremiah's day.
is said:He's prophesying
is said:the destruction of the temple.
is said:He's prophesying what
is said:the Babylonians
is said:were going to do.
is said:He's prophesying
is said:these horrible things
is said:that are going to happen
is said:and they happen.
is said:To say that he wasn't
is said:referring to that,
is said:but he was referring
is said:to something 2500 years
is said:later makes
is said:no sense whatsoever.
is said:But you better believe
is said:what the Prophet
is said:was saying happened.
is said:So first and foremost,
is said:this is speaking
is said:of the terrible suffering
is said:that was going to
is said:come to the people
is said:and this is in Jeremiah's Day.
is said:But for me
is said:as I studied it carefully,
is said:it doesn't end there.
is said:It's also speaking of other
is said:calamitous times,
is said:perhaps right up to the end.
is said:The final calamity,
is said:the final attack,
is said:and God's final deliverance.
is said:My point is that Jewish
is said:suffering has not stopped
is said:that the scattering
is said:of the Jewish people
is said:has not stopped, and therefore
is said:the promises of restoration
is said:have not stopped.
is said:As long as we are here
is said:preserved by God
is said:as a distinct people,
is said:as long as the world
is said:is out to destroy us,
is said:as long as we have
is said:been scattered, then
is said:the promises of restoration
is said:still remain.
is said:Remember, fulfillment
is said:means to fill to the full.
is said:So, so you may have a glass
is said:that literally is half full,
is said:and maybe that's
is said:the first pouring.
is said:OK, let me get some
is said:more of that drink,
is said:and now you pour in the rest
is said:and fill it
is said:the rest of the way.
is said:So as we saw last night,
is said:the prophecies of
is said:the return from exile
is said:were partially fulfilled,
is said:but not completely fulfill,
is said:and we are now gradually
is said:moving towards the complete
is said:and final fulfillment
is said:of those scriptures.
is said:And how can we also see that?
is said:Well, let's let's
is said:turn to a passage
is said:like Zechariah chapter 12.
is said:Zechariah chapter 12.
is said:And, you have to
is said:ask the question,
is said:has this come to pass yet?
is said:Remember
is said:Zachariah is prophesying after
is said:the return from exile.
is said:Alright, so the Jewish people
is said:have returned from exile.
is said:Jerusalem is being rebuilt
is said:or has been rebuilt
is said:and Zechariah gives
is said:this prophecy.
is said:"This is the word
is said:of the Lord concerning Israel.
is said:The Lord, who stretches
is said:out the heavens,
is said:who lays the foundation
is said:of the earth
is said:and who forms the spirit of man
is said:within him, declares:
is said:'I am going to make Jerusalem
is said:a cup that sends
is said:all the surrounding
is said:peoples reeling.
is said:Judah will be besieged
is said:as well as Jerusalem.'
is said:" OK, so hang on.
is said:This has not happened yet.
is said:What is prophesied
is said:here has not happened yet.
is said:I've read interpreters who try,
is said:try to put some spiritual
is said:interpretation on it
is said:or try to apply it
is said:to the destruction
is said:of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
is said:It doesn't work.
is said:It absolutely doesn't work.
is said:So it is speaking of
is said:a time still to come
is said:where there will be
is said:a Judah and a Jerusalem.
is said:And there will be
is said:Jewish inhabitants
is said:in a Jewish controlled
is said:Judah and Jerusalem.
is said:This still has to happen.
is said:In other words,
is said:for the prophetic scriptures
is said:to be fulfilled,
is said:there have to be Jewish
is said:people living in the land.
is said:There has to be a Jewish
is said:controlled Jerusalem.
is said:This has to be
is said:an Israelite country,
is said:otherwise these passages
is said:can't be fulfilled.
is said:"
is said:'I'm going to make
is said:Jerusalem a cup that sends
is said:all the surrounding
is said:peoples reeling.
is said:Judah will be besieged
is said:as well as Jerusalem.
is said:On that day, when
is said:all the nations of the Earth
is said:have gathered against her,
is said:I will make Jerusalem
is said:an immovable rock
is said:for all the nations.
is said:All who try to move
is said:it
is said:will injure themselves.'
is said:" Notice that imagery
is said:of trying to move it.
is said:So notice again plainly
is said:that this is not
is said:yet come to pass.
is said:All nations have
is said:not come against
is said:Jerusalem in this way.
is said:" 'On that day I will strike
is said:every horse with
is said:panic and its rider
is said:with madness,' declares
is said:the Lord.
is said:'I will keep a watchful eye
is said:over the House of Judah, but
is said:I will blind the horses
is said:of the nations.
is said:Then the leaders
is said:of Judah will say
is said:in their hearts,
is said:"The
is said:people of Jerusalem are strong
is said:because the Lord Almighty
is said:is their God." '
is said:'On that day I will make the
is said:leaders of Judah like a fire
is said:pot in the woodpile,
is said:like a flaming torch
is said:among sheaves.
is said:They will consume right
is said:and left all the
is said:surrounding peoples,
is said:but Jerusalem will remain
is said:intact in her place.
is said:The Lord will save
is said:the dwellings of
is said:Judah first that
is said:the owner of the house of David
is said:and of Jerusalem's inhabitants,
is said:may not be greater
is said:than that of Judah.
is said:On that day,
is said:the Lord will shield
is said:those who live in Jerusalem,
is said:so that the feeblest among them
is said:will be like David
is said:and the house of David
is said:will be like God,
is said:like the angel of the Lord,
is said:going before them.
is said:On that day
is said:I will set out to destroy
is said:all the nations that
is said:attack Jerusalem.
is said:And I will pour out
is said:on the house of David
is said:and the inhabitants
is said:of Jerusalem a spirit of grace
is said:and supplication.
is said:They will look on me,
is said:the one they have pierced,
is said:and they will mourn for him
is said:as one mourns
is said:for an only child,
is said:and grieve
is said:bitterly for him as one
is said:grieves for a firstborn son.
is said:On that day
is said:the weeping in Jerusalem
is said:will be as great.' "
is said:And it goes on from there,
is said:leading into 13:1, " 'On
is said:that day
is said:a fountain will be opened
is said:to the house of David
is said:and the inhabitants
is said:of Jerusalem,
is said:to cleanse them from sin
is said:and impurity.' "
is said:And the same with Chapter 14.
is said:There must be a Jewish
is said:controlled Jerusalem.
is said:There must be a Jewish
is said:land of Judah
is said:for these prophecies
is said:to come to pass.
is said:And ultimately,
is said:this is the climax of the ages.
is said:This is the final battleground.
is said:And and certainly
is said:Satan understands
is said:that it is a Jewish Jerusalem
is said:that welcomes the Messiah back.
is said:So, so we know in the judgment
is said:passage in Matthew 23,
is said:where Yeshua pronounces
is said:7 woes against hypocritical
is said:religious leaders
is said:that He ends by saying in verse
is said:37, " 'Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
is said:you who kill the prophets
is said:and stone those sent to you,
is said:how often
is said:I have longed to gather
is said:your children together, as a
is said:hen gathers her chicks
is said:under her wings,
is said:and you were not willing.
is said:Behold, your house
is said:is left to desolate for
is said:I tell you...' " verse 39, "
is said:'you will not see me again
is said:until you say Baruch haba
is said:b'Shem Adonai, blessed is
is said:He who comes
is said:in the name of the Lord.
is said:And we understand
is said:that those were the same words
is said:that were used with
is said:His triumphal entry
is said:as He was coming into Jerusalem
is said:just a couple weeks earlier.
is said:And the crowds, hailing Him
is said:as the Messianic King.
is said:What was
is said:what was going on then?
is said:What were they saying?
is said:Blessed is He who comes
is said:in the name of the Lord.
is said:We welcome you King Messiah.
is said:He said,
is said:you won't see me again.
is said:It's a judgment passage, yes,
is said:but what's the word?
is said:You won't see me again
is said:until you welcome me
is said:back as the Messiah.
is said:And what is Peter
is said:preaching in Acts 3?
is said:I referred to it last night.
is said:Repent and turn to
is said:God that your sins
is said:may be blotted out
is said:that times of refreshing
is said:may come that
is said:He may send the Messiah.
is said:And this is a concept
is said:that was found in
is said:traditional Judaism as well.
is said:That Jewish repentance
is said:will bring back the Messiah.
is said:And here we see it
is said:in Zechariah, the 12 chapter.
is said:This is the final battleground,
is said:and Satan knows that
is said:it is a Jewish Jerusalem
is said:that will welcome
is said:back the Messiah.
is said:And when He returns,
is said:that's the end for Satan.
is said:So if you were the devil,
is said:what would you try to do?
is said:Well,
is said:wipe out the Jewish people.
is said:That's a good place to start.
is said:That failing, keep them
is said:out of the land.
is said:And there's one other thing
is said:to think about.
is said:We are here to see
is said:literal promises
is said:fulfilled of the Jewish people,
is said:literally restored
is said:back to the land.
is said:And when God acts in history,
is said:when the Son of God
is said:comes into the world,
is said:what do people do?
is said:They kill Him.
is said:It's almost as if you can
is said:get close enough to God,
is said:the human beings,
is said:the human race
is said:with our rebellion
is said:with our hatred of God,
is said:what do we want to do?
is said:We want we want to attack.
is said:You know there's the
is said:the joke that some atheists
is said:who've written books
is said:that are tremendously hostile
is said:to God and religion.
is said:You could sum them up
is said:with saying there is no God
is said:and I hate him.
is said:I mean you
is said:you understand that sentiment.
is said:It's certainly there.
is said:So the point is this
is said:there is a hatred
is said:for the things of God,
is said:the purposes of God.
is said:So when God acts in history
is said:in a tangible way,
is said:an undeniable way,
is said:there is a fierce resistance
is said:to it, and hence
is said:this fierce resistance
is said:to the Jewish people
is said:restored back to the land
is said:because it is God acting
is said:clearly in history
is said:and demonstrating His will
is said:and demonstrating His power.
is said:Now let me say one last thing.
is said:The theological ramifications
is said:of the return of the Jewish
is said:people to the land.
is said:The theological ramifications
is said:are massive.
is said:Why do I say that?
is said:Well,
is said:replacement theology.
is said:Or, as you understand,
is said:supersessionism
is said:the idea that the
is said:Church superseded
is said:Israel and God's promises.
is said:That was prevalent
is said:through much of Church history.
is said:And although there are people
is said:who hold the different
is said:forms of it today
is said:who are in no way antisemites,
is said:who love the Jewish people,
is said:the fact is historically
is said:this opened the floodgates
is said:of antisemitism.
is said:Without this theology
is said:we would not have
is said:had the
is said:antisemitism in the Church
is said:that we've had through history.
is said:So again,
is said:there are people
is said:who hold to various
is said:forms of replacement
is said:theology today,
is said:and most of them
is said:don't like to use that term.
is said:They use other terms.
is said:And they are not antisemites,
is said:but it is replacement theology
is said:that opened the doors
is said:to antisemitism
is said:through Church history.
is said:And many will say, "Look,
is said:look I don't hold to
is said:replacement theology.
is said:I hold to fulfillment theology.
is said:I hold to this.
is said:I hold to that."
is said:I just asked a simple question.
is said:Are there literal promises
is said:that remain
is said:for the physical nation
is said:of Israel today?
is said:If they say
is said:no, they hold to
is said:replacement theology.
is said:Somebody else
is said:got those promises.
is said:OK, those promises were given
is said:to physical national Israel,
is said:and now we're told they
is said:no longer apply to them.
is said:Then they've been replaced.
is said:It's really simple,
is said:no matter
is said:how you slice the cake.
is said:Or excuse me, no matter
is said:how you slice the bagel.
is said:Last point.
is said:It was easy to have a theology
is said:that said God's finished
is said:with the Jewish people
is said:as a nation.
is said:Individual Jews can be saved
is said:but God is finished with
is said:the Jewish people as a nation.
is said:Why?
is said:Well, they are scattered?
is said:Obviously.
is said:The temple has been destroyed.
is said:It's over.
is said:God made His statement.
is said:He gave His final statement.
is said:It's done with it's over.
is said:With the destruction
is said:of the temple,
is said:it's like three strikes
is said:you're out.
is said:You rejected Moses,
is said:you rejected the prophets.
is said:Now you rejected
is said:the Messiah it's over.
is said:This fig tree will never
is said:bear fruit again.
is said:It's been cursed.
is said:Jewish people scattered
is said:the wrath of gods
is said:come on them for good.
is said:Individual Jews can be saved,
is said:but no promises remain
is said:for national Israel.
is said:With the horrors
is said:of the Holocaust and the shame
is said:of so many church leaders
is said:recognizing that
is said:it was antisemitism that paved
is said:the way, prepared
is said:the way in Europe,
is said:for the horrors
is said:of the Holocaust.
is said:And now with the restoration
is said:of the Jewish people
is said:back to the land,
is said:it became very difficult to say
is said:that
is said:God is through with Israel.
is said:Surviving the Holocaust,
is said:the shame of the
is said:fruit of replacement
is said:theology in the Church
is said:and now the
is said:physical restoration.
is said:How can you possibly say
is said:that God is finished with them?
is said:And so that teaching
is said:really took a blow.
is said:However, given time
is said:many Christians revert
is said:back to it. Why?
is said:Because Israel has
is said:been around so long
is said:now it doesn't even
is said:seem like a miracle.
is said:I mean, this is the way
is said:it's being pictured now
is said:and Israel's faults
is said:and blemishes are obvious,
is said:so you can't just have
is said:this sentimentalized
is said:view of ah Israel.
is said:And so, little by little
is said:this wrong, false teaching
is said:is raising its head again.
is said:And yet every day
is said:Israel existing
is said:as a nation stands
is said:as a witness against this.
is said:And of course, at
is said:the end of the age,
is said:this is one
is said:of the false teachings
is said:that will
is said:be completely demolished
is said:and on a broader
is said:scale, as I often say,
is said:it will be a bad
is said:day for antisemites
is said:when the One coming
is said:in the clouds of heaven
is said:in flaming fire,
is said:taking vengeance on those
is said:who do not know God, that
is said:One will be a glorified Jew.
is said:That'll be a bad day
is said:for antisemites.
is said:So hopefully you see
is said:the spiritual significance
is said:and importance of
is said:these things in the
is said:ongoing relevance of the words
is said:of the prophets.
is said:“Hear the word of the Lord,
is said:O nations, And declare
is said:in the coastlands afar off,
is said:And say, ‘He who scattered
is said:Israel will gather him
is said:And keep him as a shepherd
is said:keeps his flock.’ ”
is said:Jeremiah 31:10.
is said:Throughout the Bible
is said:and in present time,
is said:we've seen
is said:how the Jewish people
is said:have faced challenges
is said:to their survival,
is said:and since 1948,
is said:they have had to fight
is said:to stay in the land
is said:God gave to them.
is said:In the Old Testament,
is said:Israel fought giants and larger
is said:armies, and today,
is said:this nation is now surrounded
is said:by neighbors who oppose her.
is said:Yet in all of this,
is said:we see
is said:that God has been faithful
is said:to preserve His people.
is said:The State of Israel
is said:is a fulfillment of God's
is said:promise to Abraham.
is said:Only He can regather
is said:the children of Israel
is said:back to the land He promised
is said:to give to them.
is said:As we reflect on God's
is said:faithfulness to Israel,
is said:we can be sure that He will
is said:also be faithful to all
is said:who believe in Him.
is said:Thank you for listening
is said:to Our Hope.
is said:This episode was
brought to you by:Dr.
brought to you by:Mitch Glaser, Dr.
brought to you by:Michael Brown, Grace Swee, Abe
brought to you by:Vazquez, and Kieran Bautista.
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brought to you by:until next time.
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