//DeadDrop{TRANSFER}:"11th August, 2022"// Today's transfer includes the crypto-crash leaving Nvidia short $1.4B on Q2 projections, Call of Duty pulls plagiarised skin from DLC, Unity buyout for $17B on the table, Beyond Good & Evil 2 finally gets a lead writer, and plenty more! Welcome to The Dead Drop, your secret cache of game news delivered safely and securely to your podcast player.
Sources for the stories in this episode:
Story 1: Call Of Duty devs pull Samoyed skin after alleged plagiarism
Story 2: Crypto-crash and GPU sales dive causes Nvidia to be $1.4B short on Q2 projections
Story 3: Unity announces partnership with Microsoft, then potential $17B offer from ApplLovin
Story 4: Valorant devs defend approach to “smurfing” by users
Story 5: “Beyond Good and Evil 2” finally hires a lead writer after announcement 6 years ago
Story 6: MultiVersus reaches 10 million players in 3 weeks
Story 7: Marvel’s “Midnight Suns” delayed to March 2023 on new-gen, TBA for old consoles
ANNOUNCEMENT: A new Dead Drop episode type coming next - "Network Intel" episodes based on your questions! Watch out for a question about "Scorn" from Jordan Reed on an episode tomorrow, and send your "Network Intel" to deaddroppod@gmail.com if you'd like to be featured!
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