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Episode 2816th August 2023 • Fellowship Of The Reel • Philip A. McClimon
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The Fellowship Of The Reel reviews




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Snyder's Genres:












The Snyder Beats:














gathering the team

executing the plan

high tower surprise

dig deep down

execution of the new plan




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Crowd Ooohs and Ahhhs in Excitement by noah0189 -- -- License: Creative Commons 0

Crowd clapping.wav by IllusiaProductions -- -- License: Attribution 4.0



greetings reers my name is Phillip and together with my wife Sherry and two of our friends Chris and James we're


Fellowship of the real for people who love talking about movies almost as much as we do watching them we hope you will


join us as we dig deep into cinematic masterpieces and some that are well maybe not you have an opportunity to be


the fifth host of our little show click the link in the show notes and leave us a voice message telling us what movie


you would like us to review you can also reach out on our Facebook page Fellowship of the real from all of us at


Fellowship of the real thanks for listening okay on with the


show at this point in the movie I'm like okay well here's here's what you should have done and I'm thinking yeah right


it's one of my favorite openings ever and I've watched that alternate ending and it is garbage it doesn't go where


you think it's going to go there's a monster I am I'm ready for it to be over


well but I I'm not sure I can even fully explain why I love this movie so much I


had some issues with the scene my feelings on it have not changed I fell asleep until the


screaming this is actually where I started enjoying the movie this is one of my favorite scenes in all of Cinema I


thought that should have been cut completely well I'm sure it's artistic and you just don't get it greetings


reers thanks for sticking around for the second part of this special episode feature an evening with John cusac and


16 Candles We join our regularly scheduled program already in progress


with Sherry and her notable [Music]


quotables so youall ready yeah ready okay this is different this is going to be easy but I these are all John cusac


quotes O Okay um you just have to guess the movie but you also have to give me


time to read the whole thing because these are I guess y'all are talking about examples of his acting or whatever


these are long okay so give a shot give time to think about it cuz yeah but I


found them interesting because I can hear him saying them okay you ready yeah


all right first one what came first the music or the misery people worry about kids playing with guns or watching


violent videos that some sort of culture of violence will take them over nobody worries about kids listening to


thousands literally thousands of songs about heartbreak rejection pain misery and loss did I listen to pop music


because I was miserable or was I miserable because I listen to pop music yeah that's that's High Fidelity I


didn't get it till the end most likely High Fidelity I figured but but when he started saying did I did I listen that


last part of the quote nailed I remember that yeah yeah yeah that's it yeah that was my guess but I was not sure at all


yes yeah I wasn't sure until that I I assumed but that last line I remember him saying that yeah that cinched it


High Fidelity yeah okay all right ready yeah all right next one long one I'll


let me finish it okay I just honestly don't know what I have in common with those people anymore with or with anyone


really I mean they'll all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs and you know they'll have made


themselves a part of something and they can talk about what they do and what am I going to say I killed the


president of Paraguay with a fork how have you been I've just been I I just


think I'll it'll be depressing yeah no Gross Point Blank yeah I couldn't get


that that the last bit that killed the president with a fork yeah yeah yeah how


have you been I just think it yeah that's 10 years you disappeared for 10 years man yeah you want me to say I


joined the army Jeremy P I have a certain uh moral ambiguity yeah he says


I they they sensed I had a moral ambiguity I love that line when when he


got to his house he like what the [ __ ] are you doing here I work here


man yeah it's a 7 pour out his house like his parents sold it or something


yeah oh God he can never go home right no all right last one and this is not


the most famous line I'll discuss that in minute but it is a line that he says


okay two brothers one speaks no English the other learned English from watching the wild wild world of sports the wide


not wild the Wide World of Sports so you tell me which is better speaking no


English at all or speaking Howard coell better off dead yeah did you know that


Chris yeah no I didn't know that one dead is a fantastic movie and of course


we learned from our our little uh um field trip Q&A yeah our field trip that


I want my$ two dollars apparently everyone's favorite line of all time yeah have you seen that movie Chris I


haven't actually you never seen that no oh my gosh okay I've only recently seen


it and I've probably watched it now three or four times yeah it is goofy funny it's just enough absurdity yeah to


make you go okay this is an absurd movie but it's not over the toop it's just it's a fun quirky 80s movie it's a ski


movie yeah go that fast the big thing at the end is you've got to ski the hill to


beat the bad guy to get the girl yeah that was one of the lines I was going to do is go that way very fast if something


gets in your way turn turn yeah and then he ends up being chased by this kid for his $2 yeah the newspaper bill is come


do he skis the hill with one ski not only saying that is it it's an


impossible ski uh Poss Hill to ski and anybody that's ever done it is died and


the one guy that's done it that's survived is the guy you're racing nice and the kid chases him on the bike down


the hill and he CH and he rides it down eventally essentially saying he can do


it and better the uh it's just it's absurd yeah we uh we were looking at it on the way home Stace was looking at qac


movies or whatever and we were we talking about a bunch of different ones to to watch and yeah that the uh


everybody wants some Van Halen dream sequence is very cool yeah it really is he has a Frank Dr Frankenstein thing


he's making Hamburger monsters yeah and they come alive and there's a everybody wants some by Van Halen plays and it's


like a the hamburger playing Eddie Van Halen's fste guitar it's silly and and


his mom oh yeah at some point oh the food crawls off the plate some point


this jealous mass starts crawling off the plate across the desk across the table that she's cooked apparently has


come alive well he goes he goes what did you do to the bacon well you said said you didn't like the greasy bacon so I


boiled it green scrips of meat boiled bacon oh God french fries french toast


and their Christmas presents are all Frozen TV dinners yeah yeah yeah french fries french toast French dressing well


because there's a exchange student that living with the neighbors across the street who are ultimately creepy and the


the international language of love Ricky Ricky yeah Ricky turned out to be a a


pet really in real life well allegedly sorry he was one of Big Shot producer for


Nickelodeon he did I Carly he did uh several of those shows yeah apparently


he's a little bit of a creeper allegedly I don't know I don't think I don't think petas is the correct


nomenclature anymore I think it's um what's a pest [ __ ] up D I think it's um life is stop and start aink child


attracted person oh that's attracted person child attracted person person I've heard this that this is what


they're called now cuz heaven forbid we [ __ ] offend goddamn pedophiles you know we're going sideways on this


podcast Yeah well yeah but he was creepy and better off dead you know but man that dance


sequence sequence at the end where he pulls off like the I was like damn dude get it he pass yeah he takes his tie off


he's like yeah the floor what movie are we uh yeah so


totally recommend better off dead John qack yes uh I would rather have I'd rather have


uh reviewed better off dead than 16 Candles if we were going to be doing a John Q sure yeah no cuz that's that's a


well I said that or either Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil but yeah yeah but hey it's a special episode I


think so we're going to look at it right all right uh you got bumpers like yes


yeah let's do our bumpers hold on so we're doing money critics fans yeah it's the green button


[Music] yeah


yeah 16 Candles critics and fans all right so um I guess I I guess I


understand these scores the fans obviously there is a fan base for this uh to some people this movie is there


Labowski everybody's got one where they you know love it quote it know it back to back uh critics


81% gave this uh three and a half stars or above which is respectable and


85% the audience gave this three and a half stars above so this is uh a beloved


film and I think those scores are uh I would have probably thought the audience scool would have been a little higher


but that's still respectable the I wrot I printed out a couple of blurbs here one short and one


long with the occasion all but overshadowed by her sister's upcoming wedding angst ridden Samantha Molly


Ringwald faces her 16th birthday with typical adolescent dread uh Samantha


Pines for studly older boy Jake but worries uh that her Chastity will be a turnoff for the popular senior meanwhile


uh Samantha must constantly rebuff the affections of nerdy Ted Anthony Michael Hall Michael schling played Jake by the


way Anthony Michael Hall the only boy in the school unfortunately who seems to take an interest in her uh and then a


shorter one 16 canels a girl sweet 16th birthday is anything but special her family forgets about it and she suffers


from every embarrassment possible more or less yeah uh with a a budget of 6.5


million uh it was do domestically released only not released worldwide at


all 100% domestic and it made 23 m686 27 so roughly you know four times


its money back it was it had to been deemed a a commercial success and over the course of its life I think it has


become a beloved film certainly why do you think that they don't release movies


worldwide sometimes I think maybe my James and Chris could maybe answer this but my gut


feeling is that this is such a uniquely American 80s High School experience I don't know that it would have resonated


maybe yeah I think that's probably some of it I mean if I had to guess and then also the time it was 84 yeah so I mean I


don't know how much when the worldwide Market really opened up box I was like I mean it's I think we talked about this a


little bit before like it's it definitely way more popular now than I think it used to be 10 years ago and


then even 20 years ago and 30 years ago I'm not saying they didn't release movies worldwide back in ' 84 but yeah


just think that's some of it and then yeah I don't know how much of that you know would play you know play well


especially you know long duck dong you know that probably wouldn't play well over there all I know is when you know I


was in high school when this came out I think yeah this is 84 of course everyone at our high school


was obsessed with the bands from over in England Europe it's true yeah yeah and I


think we discussed it was maybe Hughes first right so if it's an unknown quantity then you don't want to risk you


know spend all this money to you know put it out over there and then it not do well where like if you you're fairly


certain okay this person has International draw then we can do that and put it you know yeah well that and


uh just the logistics of it all the legalities and sure making sure you get


your money and you know the other countries want their cut but what did they do for that movie nothing yeah so


it's just that's why movies don't go anywhere yeah that's true because now that the China Market's opened up


tremendously and all that they've got all that infrastructure put in place where they can get movies over there I


think they come out in China two weeks after they do here really something like


that they come out it's later after so there's their own little world oh yeah movies so in the 80s God that didn't


exist I don't think I was very very little at that point all right uh any


other thoughts on uh budget audience whatever on the I was goingon to say uh


this movie for me specifically this is before my time uh Breakfast Club 16


Candles all the brat pack stuff was before me yeah so this kind of Comedy I


can only look at in retrospect yeah so it always seems yeah weird and and that


was the interesting part about seeing it with an audience on Saturday yeah Friday it was Friday yeah uh was when we were


pulling into the parking lot I was like oh I forgot the audience for this movie is middle-aged white people in their 50s


oh yeah no I I this oh what it came out in ' 84 yeah I was I was a sophomore in high school right so I was right there


that's it so when I see it in a sea of these people and they're laughing I get it now yeah be because I've only ever


seen it like I was saying I've only ever seen it on DVD or on TV yeah going man


these the the laugh breakes feel long I'm not laughing this movie feels weirdly paced well you know I don't


think I saw it until the 90s I might not have either no but but but looking I mean Hughes had a


grasp of the 80s High School experience I mean like right the clicks and the and the groups you know yeah uh the close oh


my God I everything was well it was made at that time showing that time frame yeah unlike like Adam


Sandler going back retro yeah yeah no right uh yes it was contemporary at the


time that's the word every there's every once in a great while does somebody from


a previous generation have their pulse on the current generation and is able to


put out product yeah that's if you have that skill that could be very profitable well there was like we watched I I love


that 70 show but they've tried a couple times to to have spin-offs once they had that the 80s Show which I really enjoyed


it's got Glenn Howton on it okay Dennis Reynolds from Always Sunny he's the main character in that 80s Show I watched


maybe a couple episodes and to me it felt like somebody trying to capture


the80s in the modern era and rather than say 16 Candles which felt legit as far


as what it represented right so made by people who either weren't contemporary


to the80s and were trying to capture that cuz it all felt very pasted on to me that 80s Show yeah uh yeah but if


maybe if you didn't grow up in the 80s if you weren't a sophomore in ' 84 maybe


it had some value I just I remember watching it and not resonating even though you know we're both kids of the '


80s or whatever anyway well that's the thing is uh and maybe I guess I can say is


to take you back to That 70s Show yeah we have that 90s show yeah I watch we


grew up then I don't like that show nothing of that resonates with me and I


have to say maybe my dad and their generation when they watched That 70s Show they're probably like that's that's


stupid too that might be that might be a good point because I really enjoyed That 70s Show but I was I was three years old


197 you have more of a romantic version and me as well with the 80s CU I was 7


years old when the 80s ended so all that was just Ninja Turtles and New Kids on the Block and the ' 80s were cool but my


80s weren't Molly Ringwald and yeah yeah yeah Jud Nelson right I still like the


70 show because I I think the cast was you did have a yeah the cast for


that 90 show is that what it's called 90 show yeah oh the newest on Netflix yeah


I it they don't resonate not the same no it's right but Kitty you're what you're


you know the the only draw in my opinion cuz the kids don't have the same as the


the original kids yeah well that 80s show every single person that's on there


you know their face okay gln Howton Kyler Lee who's on Supergirl yeah the


the dad he was on like obviously this was a 20 years ago but those are familiar faces from 20 years ago and now


have you watched The Goldbergs yeah well I like that one better that's a good one that kind of recaptures that but he I


like that one a lot better like those are stories of his childhood I mean it it doesn't feel pasted on because it


it's hitting things that he because they'll show like actual home footage of of what he Bas yeah I really like that


one so yeah know I you're saying like there's certain things that like U feel organic and it it it those seem to


resonate more like like stranger things even though it's you know it's about obviously made up monsters and stuff it takes place in the 80s and it feels it


feels 80s it feels ' 80s as opposed to and this is I wish I could think of a better example


like like like they're they're checking off a a list you know yeah that's what it felt like for some of these other


shows that only works if you're doing like a like a comedy or something you know what I mean like almost I I dare I


say Wedding Singer a little bit right but it's but that's that one feels less organic to me but it's a comedy so it's


okay where if you're trying to be yeah I don't know like it's poor example I can't think of I I know exactly what


you're saying but I cannot think of a movie right now that I watched or a show and was like oh that feels like they're


just checking to me it feels like for some of those shows oh we'll have a bunch of 80s stuff and it'll be funny


rather than here's a bunch of kids funny story in the 80s a funny story in the 80s like because even with 16 CS here's


a bunch of kids who are dealing with The Angst that all teenagers you can put it in any era yeah right right almost I


mean obviously the set dressings are different sure but that angst that you know I I tell people that I'm not a


virgin I tell people that I do all this stuff yeah but here I am being vulnerable and yeah yeah now can I


borrow your underpants for five minutes it's gonna be funny in any you sure decade now um well we'll talk about this


and then we'll go through the Beats or whatever uh like I've seen some people say about John Hughes movies that um


they either didn't age well or can be a little cringy I didn't find that to be true for breakfast club and certainly


not for planes and trains but it is it is interesting uh how we have sort of


advanced in our thinking because there were several moments within 16 candles that I was like whoa yeah whoa would not


fly today like uh the you know the derogatory term for homosexuals being cast about and now I I say that I was


telling Sherry on the way home I said I said yeah that's that's inappropriate we wouldn't we don't want to talk like that


but guess what kids in the 80s talk like that yeah you know that's so you can't have a movie


and I guess this is and this is part of the larger discussion of of you know uh


PC PC and and how it's it's affecting movies you cannot have a film that's Tak


place in the 80s without the kids and everybody talking a certain way right exactly uh they're G that's how they


talked and you can't sort of revise that and expect to resonate with any authenticity uh I didn't know uh that


[ __ ] was a derogatory term for hungarians Sherry looked that up yeah I didn't know that oh I didn't I figured


it was some kind of like a and a h sure no it's it's a it's a drom


I thought I thought it something bad a drory I thought it was just 80 sling that I was not no right no cuz well I


don't know that many hungarians either but right and Goofy me I'm sitting there going that's not his name I thought you


know he was at first I was like he wait this guy's name is [ __ ] yeah that's yeah yeah um let me see that sounds like


a placeholder name for boyfriend ah he's a bow he's a hung yeah it is from H


Hungarian so I'm sorry we keep saying that over and over we don't want to offend anybody out there this is ridiculous to us yeah but it's someone


from H Hungarian descent or someone from Central or Southeastern Europe and by


extension a brute or a buffoon oh sure yeah so uh I I didn't know that


but you know but there was a there was a different sensibility certainly less you


know PC yeah and whether that's good or bad I don't know I mean certainly we don't want to be calling people names


racism towards you know long dong I mean name you know yeah which supposed to be


the name but the way you know he he mows the grass he does the laundry yeah the the the latent uh racism against against


long they even call him [ __ ] right the [ __ ] yeah chinan in the yard or whatever just [ __ ] hell yeah and and


to to our point that you know even even Walter says not the proper nomenclature Asian-American please right which I thought was pretty pretty Progressive


for lowski in the 90s because that was 98 right even was pretty Progressive


well it was set back in that time with Sadam so yeah yeah yeah it came out in '98 but it was set back in Walter is


subject to his own2 you know trying to find a ver 91 91 yeah what was 91 Labowski the the story


was set in 9 oh right in our time with Saddam right yeah uh we'll get we'll get


to we'll get to that um then they're taking the pictures um of the girl while she's taking advantage of her while


she's drunk well I I was I hly couldn't remember what happened so when they started talking about I was like oh [ __ ] well age this they want to so so so


Hughes can be but at the time it wasn't but so yes it can be reviewed as maybe


not Progressive but because I remember because I was standing back there or maybe I I guess I was still sitting at


that point because I I didn't get up till the movie ended anyway um the when Jake is talking to Farmer Ted and his


girlfriend has passed out he says I could violate her 10 different ways if one I there was a lady near me who


physically groaned at that sure uh and that is yeah that was a little at that


point I felt a little uncomfortable you know sure but Jake immediately sort of


he doesn't do that first of all yeah and he says that he's sort of tired of that whole Arrangement and he wants because


it's in that same dialogue that he wants somebody to love and somebody to love him back so immediately it's elevated uh


and and and and Hughes does that even when he's accused of not aging with


well his themes are always more elevated than that but that's how people talked right in the 80s and you can't even the


the picture stuff right when he he's posing the girl you know why she's you know drunk and passed out you know he's going to you know pose her and [ __ ] like


I couldn't remember what he did and what was going to happen right so I were watching it and then like I'm like oh okay he's just posting a picture with


her there's nothing sexual here and then I thought you know how much of it was Hughes being aware of it or not when


they take the picture and they show it she's not even in the damn right they all played to like funny beat the joke


yeah the joke these guys are so so nerdy and and they're yeah this girl complely safe because they they're buffoon and


they're setting up an instant camera on the tripod man you know those freaking


of just Snapp just a minute just a minute just a minute hang on hang on well and then she wakes up and she hold


yeah party and hold the beer out yeah but that's the thing is and that's what


I kind of learned I guess you learned lessons from these stories is even when a girl's in a vulnerable situation yeah


these are good guys not abusing the situ I don't even think at the end of the movie when they said


they they thought that they slept together I don't think they slept together I think but but Jake says you


know make you've got to get her home you can't just leave her somewhere make sure she gets home right so you know yeah


don't just leave her in a parking lot which he didn't just leave her he stayed with her in a parking lot church so I


think Hughes gets a bad rap because he does elevate the theme I think at those points sure uh anyway so I was but there


were times like especially with the you know like viol I was like oh VI that that to me was the biggest ouch Mo


moment uh well the other one was when the the two guys are doing their their pull-ups the the quote unquote pull-ups


where they're just standing up doing the pullups but you know he said you know she's a girl what are you gonna you


can't party seriously with that girl you know that kind of thing that had me grow was like yeah


right and these are and I even said his friend I was like that is a 40-year-old man with a


mortgage doing pull-ups in that high school yeah the same thing she was like God that guy looks like like a you know


yeah way older uh but for all of that Jake is looking for more more he he wants you


know to love somebody love him back so I think it you you get through that but there are elevated themes but you cannot


and that's and that's any time period you can't you know have a story about Oppenheimer for


instance where he turns to the camera and says and I know this is a bomb and it kills people you have if you want to


tell a story you have to tell the story and not every character is going to be a smiling rainbow MH sure uh and and you


wouldn't want that I I don't know how you'd watch a story where everybody is respectful and kind to each other you know I mean even that's what


we want I guarantee you don't want it in the story U right anyway that's what because it is six and 16 kendles I think


is the biggest offender of that as far as aging but what are you going to do that's that's right that's how people


talked I think it's my uh I think it's my least favorite John Hughes movie yeah however because I was talking about


generation gaps type of thing my John Hughes is home alone he wrote home alone


that's my John Hughes so there is that disconnect there for us at our age I


guess you'd say yeah like I mean I was saying with that earlier when you said it um yeah I think I appreciated his


movies as I've gotten older yeah right but yeah but Home Alone the Christmas Vacation like in vacation like even


though vacation was older like I don't know those resonated with me first I think before like the kind of the high


school stuff outside of Ferris like I remember liking Ferris a lot but it wasn't it was more about a kid breaking the rules versus you know actual high


like resonating with high school life yeah like only later did did some of that start to make sense I think I think


Ferris ber was for me cuz I didn't watch Weird Science a bunch I didn't watch all those other ones yeah that's another one


after yeah cuz we made a comment about that that house where they part Jake's house is it looks like the weird


science's house I you know and I'm almost especially the exterior shots I'm almost got to be he always films in


Chicago I'm sure it's the same place hey Bob can I can I borrow your house again please just the exi just the exterior


we'll build everything else in the high school yeah you're not going to like this but I like this movie a lot better


than I do The Breakfast Club really I'm sorry I think breakfast does too I think I think he made this movie so he could


make breakfast club and in terms of because I think Breakfast Club is on a whole different plane of writing uh 16


CS is a fun comedy The Breakfast Club I think he was shooting a little higher


yeah yeah and then after after breakfast club was Pretty in Pink yeah I've never seen that and I don't know why I've


never seen and uh well that's when the wheel started coming off yeah for Anthony Michael Hall Molly Ringwald and


John Hughes John Hughes had this I'll say it none of the actors will say it but everything that I've seen


John Hughes had a creepy relationship with them really like he thought he was


more of a threepiece like Hey we're all this same age we're all the same


stuff obviously I don't think sexual I'm not talking about that at all I'm talking like hey we have these projects


I wrote all these movies I want you to be in all my movies together and and pretty and pink they were like we don't


want to do that like we're 17 yeah CU I think I may have tried watching Pretty


in p and just was never attracted to it for some reason like it never it has it his moments you know Ducky's pretty


funny and then I think even Molly ringal after that one was pretty much done John


Hughes movie so Breakfast Club I think was all the strides all cylinders it hit


what's the actor she ended up Andrew um McCarthy Andrew McCarthy yeah I like him


I've liked him in some older roles he didn't he play uh he was in mannequin he put a Hitman in that show you watched about the girls who were yeah he was


yeah yeah good good girls good girls or whatever yeah they they they wind up smuggling what are they drug she worked


for a drug dealer anyway counterfeit money yeah McCarthy plays a Hitman Andrew McCarthy uh ber we Bernie ber


yeah yeah yeah anyway yeah s i rewatched mannequin recently and um it was it was really enjoyable and I was not expecting


it to be cuz like this and yeah sure it was Goofy and some parts of AG well but she's an Egyptian princess yeah uh Kim


Kim katrol kimr oh yeah yeah yeah she gets cursed and she's the mannequin and then she comes to life cuz he's like a


mannequin you know uh designer or whatever in the Window Control is yeah


yeah for sure anyhow but seems like we watched it on a whim and we enjoyed it the other guy in that um Silverman yeah


jonath he showed up in something with Andrew I I can't remember if it was good girls or not but yeah and that was like


the the B level ad80 star the Andrew McCarthy Silverman like those were you


had your John QX sure Emilio Estes and Molly ringwell and you had those guys


well like Andy McCarthy and uh even uh Hugh Hugh Grant is that the British guy Hugh Grant a British guy yeah yeah we I


watched uh Dungeons and Dragons the other day I don't know if you've seen this I love that movie I think I think I


but Hugh Grant I was really attracted he was a bad guy in it but but I liked him in that role more so than some of his


younger roles like I think he he was a lot of fun in that yeah he's aged well as a actor and and Andrew McCarthy when


he played that Hitman I was like that's I can see more of him yeah I'll have to check that out yeah no I don't want to


watch you die that's why I'm going to look away all right so 16 Candles um what


movie we reviewing again uh every 80s movie ever right yeah


um might as


well I I think this hit most of the Beats I think some fuzzy and I and I I struggled with some towards the end so


we can get into that uh for setup uh set up an opening image you know obviously


the setup is the first 10 pages the 10 minutes 15 minutes whatever uh there's chaos in the household there is a


preparation for Jenny's wedding who's the older sister of Sam Samantha Who uh


happens to be her birthday uh time frame High School in the 80s Teen Angst and romance um this is set up Jake Ryan


feeling bored nothing to keep his attention he's in study hall and he's staring off into space when he decides


he's going to intervene that note um so very much an 80s angst film uh our main


character Samantha it is her birthday can I ask her a question sure I'm sorry


that's fine uh you call it study hall they called it independent study and I'm


like what it was always study hall yeah I don't I don't know yeah they they call


it all kinds of different things I've never heard it called that and yeah cuz what uh Flex right is what they call it


now yeah Flex yeah it's called Flex really what yeah we I was always study hall for us your extra stuff cuz independent


study sounds like oh my gosh I thought that was a course or something no it's just he's sitting there staring yeah


that opening scene reminded me a lot of Catty Shack yeah it did very much open catty Shack and like a Catholic Family


when Kat sh catty Shack and they were all just zipping back and forth and he sits down who whose kid are you yeah


well the long duck D well I guess that's later but yeah but yeah it's a lot of lot gave me home alone Vibes as well


yeah Home Alone Vibes gee there you go yeah uh the opening image I have it at 2


minutes and 50 seconds Samantha poor body image wants to be a woman feels like a little girl and then you know literally she says chronologically


you're 16 physically you're still 15 hopeless utterly forgettable uh having unrealistic expectations about what it


means to turn 16 so this is her opening image uh disappointed with herself and


having perhaps unrealistic expectations I think yeah she's longing in love with


Jake Lloyd yes that doesn't even know she exists or she believes sure I don't


think it's Jake Lloyd is it not Jakey oh Jake Lloyd's the uhe Ryan Jake Ryan Jake


Ryan is's the Phantom Minister Anakin way my bad all right thanks for the


correction um 16 Candles she wants her Turbo Man though Turbo Man so this is


really obviously 16 candles cuz it's her birthday but she she is the she's the character we're going to want to focus


on the main character yeah so I think that anything else on opening image it's fairly clear I think it's


her yeah it's basically you get the the indication that it's a whirlwind of


activity and this poor girl has fallen through the cracks fallen through the cracks what a birthday now uh I


struggled a little bit with theme stated and I'm always interested to hear what what you all have as theme


I have that the theme is perhaps stated by the annoying little brother who you


know little wise cracken smart ass brother yeah uh theme stated at 4


minutes 22 seconds I have perhaps by the annoying little brother who would marry her and then her I didn't catch this in


the theater but her the little other little sister says uh Mr T you know uh


so I think the theme stated is is who would marry her and I think that we spend the rest of the movie seeing


exactly who would would and probably will marry Samantha you know who would be attracted to you this kind of thing good Lord that girl is 16 years old yeah


she's worried about who she's going to marry who she's going to spend her life she is 16 get out of high school girl


well obviously yes but at a 16 That's The Angst of you know love and romance and well it's that very struggling with


image for certain I think maybe and this is just me looking but that very 60s mentality of high school yeah get out of


High School you get married you have a job family car all that stuff so this was very prevalent I guess in her


thought cuz 16 Jesus that's young yes uh we yes when you're 55 it is


Young when you're 16 you know the world is ending if you don't have a boyfriend sure you think yeah because even even uh


the Jake's girlfriend was I just imagine us you know being the richest most popular yeah that those are her values


what she's listing you know that rich just most popular family in town and and Jake is at that point the dreams of a a


child literally like these people are children sure those dreams yeah I wish I could be rich and have a big house and


be the most popular people but that's not real life right and I think that's what Jake sees yes so did y'all have any


were you able to identify a theme and did you have any ideas about a theme dude with a problem no that's not what


this is that's genre man that's genre uh a lot of the same letters I can't be I


can't be right all the time it's true um we did not talk genre um for to James's


point I don't we can do it later but yeah I think it's probably well no I I you know poor poor homework on my part


on this one because I just watched it the Friday night and obviously didn't take notes while we watching well uh I


don't think there really is a clear theme stated like a question that the Movie answers except who'd marry her


yeah I do think the rest of the movie spend like spends a great deal of time discussing that so you're probably right


uh because Jake and I think it's interesting if that is right that the this [ __ ] had sn's little brother is the


one that states the theme that's pretty cool yeah uh because it usually comes out of the mouth and it's about the right time you you want usually within


the first five or six minutes you want in a well structured movie according to


catboy you want that theme to be stated around that time right um I think it's


the the one question that gets answered uh because and I think that because later


on her father and having that conversation with her says uh you don't I don't worry about because when it happens to you it's going to be


permanent or last forever and so that's why I sort of feel like yes this may be her first crush blah blah blah but in my


mind this is their High School SP and they go on and get married and that's and this is it could be especially based


on what her father says you know sort of yeah he doesn't worry about her you know getting hooked up with you know some


loser cuz cuz he's watching him Jak open the car door for her and and he seems like genuinely impressed at that point


that she's going to be okay you know well the sister was getting married to a guy who liked her for more than six


months yes and uh hey I can look but I I can't touch right and slap on the back


says that at the family rehearsal yeah do shots you know yeah essentially I'm into limousines vending products


destruction political doubl imp Poli this guy's a mafia yeah oh God yeah yeah


it's uh yeah so I I said that this is the theme that the question that the movie asked and I think Jake is probably


the answer uh well he wasn't the only answer to that question though yeah yeah cuz Ted the farmer was also into her yes


but he very quickly helps her hook up with Jake yeah Jake hook up with her


like yeah once she's not reciprocating or whatever yeah oh no for sure become more I guess and he's he's obviously and


if it's okay with my dad she's coming with home with me you know so this guy's he doesn't have a he he's got C he [ __ ]


Shore guess what I'm saying he's he is uh induced with an overindulgence in


confidence I mean he was mixing martines spitting you know just all kinds of advice and that kind of


confidence can get you you know fake it till you make it you know you know you you were talking about the look on Molly


ringwell face whenever he comes up to her at the the dance yeah the object


horror I have felt that pain before you're sitting there in a room with someone that you just have the biggest


crush on and then Here Comes This little oh my gosh seriously this is the time


you choose to sit here and and you know yeah is this a story of how you two met


I was going to say I've never had that happen I've never had anybody come up to me sure she she is


revolted that's off to Molly ringal for for really playing it I didn't know you I didn't know you know how to didn't


know how to dance yeah yeah cuz he thinks he can he was right


that's what he says to her he's got some moves I'll give it that to him he moves better than I do well just the the sheer


level of confidence that Farmer Ted is anyway yeah they call him the geek at the end of the credits yeah so is his


name Ted farmer like is Ted farmer kid's name it is Ted Farmer Ted farmer but in the uh like in school yeah when they're


calling roll call Farmer Ted Farmer Ted so it's Farmer Ted yeah I did not know


anyway yeah but then in the in the credits it's geek yeah it's that that almost seemed like they had the credits made before he had he had more lines


Than Jake oh yeah no this was bar a ring wall Anthony Michael Hall vehicle I feel


like for sure so yeah him just being called geek was oversight yeah I mean he was in it so much and was just on the


way home thinking about the the beats and trying to kind of beat it out a little bit like was all right but like I


almost approached it from his point like maybe it's his story and then I I stopped wait a minute this thing's called 16 can [ __ ] it's hers it's his


it's got to be hers there is uh but he's in it so much I didn't track the Beats for all but there are three characters


that sort of come through the story Farmer Ted Jake and and Samantha yeah I think it's Samantha's story but and I


didn't track all their beats because I just we didn't I didn't want to get that involved I wanted to stick to whose


opening image it was but I think Jake has a break into three I think Farmer Ted has a break into three and I think


Samantha has a break into three so is that a three-hander well it could be but and and sometimes buddy loves of


romances can be that you know uh if it's a romance it's it my inclination is that


it's a buddy love because that's the Snider's honor right is that what you decided I I didn't write that down but I


it could be um what of the coming of age almost WR of Passage write of Passage because Samantha I think does go from


worthless to the the scene at the end I think she's on her way you know so yeah it could very much be a write of Passage


uh Jake Ryan intercepts the note with Sam's desires written on it I call that his Catalyst because I I I I think that


more his Catalyst than hers Jake is currently dating Caroline who is I I quote air quotes blessed because they


have the shower scene where yeah she she is more endowed than probably any 80s


gratuiti gratuity yeah but but I mean clearly uh she is more developed than


you know girls in her the the back a little background of it that is not her that


body devil you sent us that information and that's where I saw it read that yeah that is a body double I think that


person was 27 cuz obviously that is a te supposed to be a teenage girl in a


shower well now uh when I when I was in high school


uh very age of consent was 12 what what are you trying to say here right yeah


don't forget we're being recorded no no the I'm talking about when I there was I would I went to a school with a guy I


didn't know him we didn't move in the same circles but uh he he had longer hair than Jake but he looked almost he


dressed almost exactly like Jake and he drove a red freaking Porsche wow in high


school seriously yes uh I sat next to him in one of the classes but he was very he you could tell that he was more


genetically advanced than almost everybody every other teenage boy in that school it wasn't him what's that it


wasn't him it wasn't the guy that played Jake no no no but he but very much that character some people have it drove a


red Porche dressed well seemed like he was a seven-year-old you know that's funny hanging out you drove a Porche in


high school yes a red almost exactly like that car was a was a red wasn't the 911 career or


whatever it was the more I don't know yeah anyway I don't know Porsches but but he drove a red


Porsche you just know you keep the [ __ ] out of it [ __ ] you but there was very much a


jake character yeah it's it's an archetypal character there is one of those in every school there's a there is


a a loner there's a nerd there's all of it I I think the nicest car that any of


our classmates drove was maybe a Camaro yeah no this guy I can't imagine yeah I


mean in high school and in college that was a different story but you got money you're able to spend it sure yes not in


my small town uh well actually the girl who drove the camra her dad owned the Chevrolet dealership oh there you go was


a business right off might have not even been her car right no and and what is a high school kid doing driving a red


Porsche except if his family's rich right I mean obviously but it was very much that situation uh Jake is currently


dating Caroline uh who is you know more advanced Farmer Ted has all the moves he


thinks uh Sam is his I wrote Sam is his Jake Ryan like so he is going after


Samantha like Samantha probably is going after Jake right I think is he though


like uh yeah he is but only after the bus like it's not like he's been been pining after her for no no I think she


was just yeah she was just in the way he was chumming water hey there's one let's see right yeah absolutely I I was going


to say when they get onto the bus and those two nerds are looking at them firing the things with jockstraps on their head I just want to be like guys


you're not doing yourself any favors come on I mean nerds are cool help


yourself out bro jock strap's on the head yeah I yes uh I wrote Joan Cusack


almost steals this scene without saying a word her the three of them Michael we talked about this earlier but Jan kusac


yeah you know listening to Ted go on about how confident he is and how well he thought that situation worked yeah I


love a girl with a hat you know any uh this is all sort of set up the


grandparents are here and they're camped out in Sam's room uh the other sets I wrote have boundary issues so this is


this is part of the the humiliation this girl must endure uh on her birthday this


is her life long duck dong is an exchange student living with wanton a set of grandparents and we meet farmer Ted's crew so this is sort of the setup


well they all all the grandparents they don't remember that it's her birthday and what grandparents they live for this


[ __ ] you know yeah they live for this [ __ ] yeah yeah they all forget and they've invaded her room yes the other


rooms and now she's on couch City because of long duck dong yes and that's a running theme in uh Hugh stuff or at


least at least he repeats it yeah um Home Alone yeah uh K and then yes so I


would yeah definitely call oh oh yes yes and then Forgotten Christmas vacation no but like the the parent being share


rooms and [ __ ] getting kicked out of your room well I'm sleeping with your father right sure but ALS but being


forgotten because in even in Breakfast Club my parents ignore me and and even uh with u uh Hey I've seen you before


what's your name Breakfast Club I've seen you before and and then even uh Molly Ring wal's character in that yeah


they used me to get back at each other and and so there's very much detachment


of the family unit on the part of the kid not just know experience about high school but just yeah your parents being


invisible feeling invisible and c and for cack to ask the two kids well how's that going I think not not necessarily


based on these movies but Hugh I think was tapped into that angst and that those feelings that probably all teenage


kids go through and cack very much interested in you know it's interesting like I had a thought earlier like cuz we


before dur when we talked about the Q&A we kind of briefly touched on did he watched the movie or not and I'd kind of


decided on he probably didn't he showed up time to do the Q&A but and I don't know but like he he talks about like you


said that asking talking kids about being invisible right and how are they doing but I was going to have that


thought too of I wasn't sure if John Cusack was going to be watching it with us I'm sure he wasn't going to be just


out in the audience watching it with I thought he might have been off stage whatever but possibly but he I doubt he


he probably listened to it and listened to the crowd do their when his sister came on and stuff like Yeah Joe I was


hoping he was I really made the comment about being 16 and having everything you know all those pressures and stuff and


then we talk about how you know it's a checklist you know boyfriend get you know graduate get married like get a job


he getting having everything figured out like that and then asking the kids how they're doing yeah you don't feel like


you need those two thoughts I was like [ __ ] maybe he did watch the movie because those a very topic to well I and I but I think those are issues that are


real to him I mean for sure so yeah it might just been him versus actually being in tune with the movie but yeah


anyhow um I have the Catalyst at 25 minutes and it's it's uh they're at the


dance when you're walking into the dance is that I I Jake Smiles at Sam because at this point he is aware and maybe I


think he's had the conversation with his friend doing pull-ups or whatever and knows that she is interested in him


because he has a conversation with the friends the doing the pull-ups after finding the note yes and ask about read


the note but we assume we read it and yeah knows that she yes yeah is interested in him and so so he makes uh


a smile he smiles at her uh and that in his mind would lead to maybe a conversation and but she does not have


Ted Farmer's confidence yeah uh Sam can't believe it isn't isn't in prepared and Retreats see that it would have been


my reaction too when I was that age somebody smile at me I'm like yes


Retreats now I'm like I don't care sure and run Farmer Ted that's her reaction


Phil was dancing around like farmer tever well like I said he was Hans and


FRS when okay every time I run into him it's like


something else goofy that's funny Sam can't believe it and isn't prepared and Retreats uh so she her debate


immediately is no this can't be happening and and runs away farmer Ted's Advance Farmer Ted advances and send Sam


to tears and out of the gym because now she knews she has screwed up with Jake


here's Farmer Ted again and it's all too much and she and nobody has celebrated


her birthday so she's out of the gym and tears uh she perhaps feels frustrated at her reaction and Jake and The Angst of


her plight is sort of the situation and and I think I'm calling this the debate at 25 minutes yeah because Jake grabs


former Ted and says you danc with some girl and yeah what's that story yeah he


immediately tries to play it off thinking he's going to get beat up or whatever ever she came up to me man


yeah sure uh Farmer Ted uh now I thought this was interesting because they begin


to discuss uh Farmer Ted with his crew uh Weezer and or weiz and and Bryce you


know John kusak and the other guy uh they talk about getting evidence and he says uh video and he says uh no not


video um it'll get dubbed a million times and get put on cable or something and I thought yeah well that's that's as


close as they had now it would be freaking social media obviously you know uh but the fact that he thought anybody


would be interested in watching him again it's this this overconfidence um long duck dong finds a


romance hey sexy girlfriend Jake questions Ted about Sam uh wait just a


minute like the so he they agree that he's going to get you know proof right yes and then uh Underpants right he


walks off and then they they both look at each other and they go you know uh girls girlss yeah was that a was that a


cringy line at all like to you like as far as seeing about well I think he acceptable he acts hurt or or or CU I he


thought maybe because that's at a higher bar yeah at that point he can't just


come up with underwear he's got to come up with girls underwear sure so I think


I think it's go to one of his buddies and hey dude I need your [ __ ] right yeah yes yes um Jones physical comedy is


gold I think she's trying to get well she's dancing and then she's trying to get drink out of the water fountain yeah just and neck bra keeps clinging against


the the the metal and then yes goes to the lower one and it squirts her right in the face yeah and she's muttering


things but it's it's so understated but I I I'm just fascinated by her whole


presence on the screen even like every time I saw her I I enjoyed it uh Sam


continues to to retreat she goes to the auto shop where Ted goes in for strike three I have so he he just keeps coming


you know he's already been here twice at the dance once on the bus uh he's going to wear down that's what I'm saying it's


a it's it's it's definitely wearing her down because she unlocks the door and lets him lets him in at this point and


right after he leans on the the rack and knocks the whole oh yeah thing yeah just total awkward but it doesn't phase him


like these are all I can he's instantly overcome these blunders yeah the opposite in the two like you know Jake


you you know crossed the Dance Floor smiled at her and she oh my God and fled and this dude's knocking over whole


[ __ ] racks of stuff making all kinds of Racket and he just shakes it off and moves on there yeah yeah he he he is


convinced of his of his whatever you know roof on the door


and they unlock it like I don't know I like that touch you sure Sam lets Ted in the car uh where having nobody else to


talk to she opens up to Ted Ted opens up to her gets cross signals you know he


basically like crawls on right it's okay okay a


ding yeah uh I felt it on my leg got a roll of your attraction to me or


whatever I can feel how much you like me yeah you know no I mean I felt it on my leg and then yeah come on I don't want


to see it like like she sells it like you could hear the yeah please do not


whip out your [ __ ] right now yeah and then yeah like you said James it was a Ru of shirts or whatever fresh breath is


his priority yeah it's a priority for me and he he's totally selling it man


uh so here I have Samantha is still debating is convinced Jake doesn't even know she exists when she finds out that


he does to to Ted or whatever than my boy yeah she has a formal debate about breaking into two should I do it should


I not do it uh I know it sounds crazy but I think I'm GNA do it I think this is her so all of this is debate yeah I


think so that's a lot yes well I I think the beats are not solid yeah uh this is


so strange but I think I will leaves the car I'm saying as she gets out of the car you know how like doors that this at


point she's breaking into two I have this at 38 minutes which is kind of okay if it's an hour and a half movie you you


think you know okay yeah we saw her get out of the yeah we see her get out of the door yeah yeah that's good yeah had


to get your your thing there yeah so cuz at that point she's going to be proactive about right but she breaks


into Commando style though without underwear yeah well spends really the rest of the that night you know she


foret but he does say five minutes right well yeah I don't know when he doesn't get it she doesn't get it back seem like she ever got them back right no cuz Jake


gets them later he does say oh you're right she does not she does not she does get those back at the very end end of


the movie oh yeah so that whole night she's walking around the farmer goes can I borrow for five minutes right that is the line right can I borrow your pants


for 10 minutes 10 minutes yeah okay so it's not can I have them yeah yeah yeah he yeah because later on at at the end


of the evening when her dad comes down and realizes that he forgot her birthday she he says you know make sure


what ever guy you find that you wear the pants and it's like oh yeah right you know cuz remembering that I did not get


those back right uh yeah right anyhow yeah so gets the underwear and she


breaks into yes uh so breaking into two at 38 minutes now series of funny games


Underpants for 10 minutes uh how old are you or what year are you yeah that


you're right right yes uh a dollar yeah he needs a dollar s Sam is out in the hall practicing lines and then you know


the one you know I had a dream about you and you were in it she sned like yeah that's the one I thought that was very


cute um she chickens out on her first attempt uh so I guess she goes there and


and is looking at him and then he turns around and smiles at her and she turns around and fleas and this the point he


thinks that she thinks he's you know a leper or whatever he says yeah that's what he says yeah uh give me my one I


broke give me my $1 yeah so he they're selling admittance for a dollar a piece to see the Underpants you know uh the


trophy the quote unquote trophy yes uh long duck dong and marleene uh give


Samurai at home and then they go to the party uh we yeah she has a comment about you know he's been here yeah yeah been


in this country five minutes or whatever and already has somebody and I can't get anybody yeah I'm a disease you know uh


we meet the donger The Donger yes we meet the inlaws in this whole party scene at Jake's uh Joan drinking a beer


you know she is trying to drink this beer with the headgear and Falls backwards so I'm going to give this poor lady a straw yeah long duck and Marlene


arrive and party on Ted Bry and we arrived to the party with all their Misfortune knocking the beer cans over


please take those things off you're right uh guys headlights and


[ __ ] on yeah yes uh these are the funny games with leading to a midpoint false defeat I'm calling it uh Jake calls


Samantha and gets blocked so he calls so he's he's basically his left Caroline his girlfriend and is trying to


get in touch with Sam and he calls and it's a false defeat but Sam doesn't even


and this is why I think it's a little fuzzy she doesn't really know that she suffered this defeat right uh yeah if


she's main character it should be her false deat or false victory in um but it's her grandparents blocking Jake uh


cuz he calls you know and it's very polite is would it be possible to converse with her briefly you know well after he's called three times later on


and no but I feel play from the get-go well he yeah he's


calling and they're not answering they're not answering so then he gets frustrated says eat me yet hangs up but


not realizing that the e that's all she heard what did they want


sex uh yeah so this is a 49 minutes Jake calls which is perhaps a little late


Jake calls Samantha and gets blocked uh bad guys close in obviously we're leading into that the grandparents


because he calls back several times and then they really shut him down and Jak's house is trashed by Caroline's friend so


uh Caroline has basically just used him for a party and trashed his house the grandparents have right called him


despicable andh uh this this is what I'm calling the bad guys and Samantha was just at home sleeping yes yeah yeah


she's on the couch on the couch yeah yeah yeah thank you uh so she said no you can't call because my grandparents


are in my room later later yeah yeah uh so that's that's what I was able to


figure out for a bega the All Is Lost obviously we want to make that a false Victory which I guess maybe dad has a


talk with Sam realizing they forgot her birthday now this I have to call as much


of a victory as she's going to get right now because they did remember her birthday after having forgotten so


that's what she was concerned about for a lot of the movie yeah now she get both parents come to her and say she gets


what she wanted was the remembering of her birthday MH um leading into the Dark


Night of the Soul confesses her love angst to her father because it has to be sort of a a deep down moment and again I


think it's squishy she confesses her love to her father extremely embarrassing sitting here in the dark with your dad telling him about your


love life uh she likes him but she is convinced he doesn't like her and it just hurts uh and then he says when it


happens to you Sam it'll be forever so this this is her sort of dark night she's feeling the pain of of thinking


Jake doesn't like her and she'll be alone for a long time yeah yeah uh as


near as I could come to any sort of dark knight uh did y all have any different thoughts about that like I said I think


they're kind of squishy that's the only thing I could think of yeah um still in this dark night Jake talks with Farmer


Ted uh she looked at me like I was a leper Jake is not interested anymore with Caroline wants love and to be loved


back so they're all sort of both Sam it sort of almost Cuts back between the two but they're both sort of having these


talks about each other thinking that the other one doesn't like them and feeling pretty bad about


it all right I have a break into three uh at 1 hour and 4 minutes and again


it's sort of and this is where I think it sort of starts to get split ends almost because each one of these Farmer


Ted Jake and Samantha all sort of have their own separate instance into the third act where they're finally going to


get their closing images and finale MH Farmer Ted drives out of the garage into the third act so he's with Caroline now


is unconscious he's me who's that I'm I'm him you know this this whole conversation yeah uh break into three so


Farmer Ted drives out of the garage what I'm calling into the third act uh he gets photographic em evidence the whole


female extraterrestrial is better than that um those guys cuz they got four huh


how do you know they're female oh yeah yeah they got four breasts four breasts those guys I swear I swear when I hear


someone say extraterrestrial sometimes I think of that scene yeah female extraterrestrial yeah female EXT how do


you know yeah uh so Farmer Ted drives out of the into the third act Sam wakes


up in the third act at a minute and 10 uh uh because at this point she's going


to go to the wedding and and for whatever kind of storming the castle is going to take place that's


it's going to happen yeah that that's what I had as storming the castle was the wedding yeah like that's okay


absolutely weird now I I surprise was going back for the veil you know yes and and again she she makes the statement


like I better get downstairs because they're probably mad at me that they didn't get to wish me happy birthday and then she said well my my family's all


waiting for me I gotta go when she's talking to the lady the lady who I guess


I always associate her with Poltergeist she even seems creepy there I well not only that but she reminds me a lot of my


grandmother my paternal grandmother yeah you you put a oxygen mask on her chain


smoke and a wheelchair that is my grandma that's crazy uh now I did write


the state one of the St the station wagon they get into because they get into two cars the first one is it looks very much like the family truckster to


me did you see this panel station wagon yeah yeah it's just not green like the grizzle right uh another John Hughes


thing all right uh yeah that's a running thing with him too yeah you just remun me of that


is bigger families or F like it's a [ __ ] production to get into a goddamn


car and go somewhere and he nails that in multiple yes it's always it's always this big production big thing yeah even


the part where the the younger brother is like he has to go around and wait to


get in the front seat in the middle I was like I remember doing that exact same thing cuz you're the little one


you're stuck between people right I thought he was I was like oh the kid's going to drive like first I'm like oh he's all the way yeah they're Ben seats


so he's got to slide over yeah long duck dong on the front lawn uh timobile


just um Jake so so Sam wakes up in the third act Jake knocks on the door of the third act at 119 talking to Long duck


dong married married you knew this whole situation so so all all these characters


are now either making advances or or on the brink of the third act and I think


it's three separate it's kind of weak it's all happening to yes everybody yes


and and two out of three other guys are sorry the other guys are acting but you know yes I was about to say being active


and moving into she wakes up and yes she goes to the wedding and goes back get go


the veil and then gets everything She Wants yes uh cool which is yes F but it's weak and fuzzy in my opinion we see


the sister get her come up and too because she's very [ __ ] earlier on yeah and then you know has her period on


her [ __ ] wedding day oh no she's and then takes a bunch of muscle relaxers and now she's yeah she's how many did


she take four you did not yes um yeah so that and then and


then the final image Farmer Ted with Caroline whether they stay together I don't know but they have a connection uh


Farmer Ted is finally backed a babe I guess he says you know I've never bed to bate and whether they did or not I think is open to some question right but they


both think they did so that's all that matters right matters and then Jake with Samantha celebrating her birthday at 129


the closing image you know wait a minute okay you have to talk about him he's


waiting by his car but you don't see him sure until all the cars move it's like


the curtains open no no it it and and blocked yeah I think that has to be one


of my absolute favorite scenes well the audience cheered of a lot of I mean you know yeah no no it's still got me like


because as a a young 16-year-old I would have died sure I'd


have been like ho no no it was it's um it's a get you in the end kind of ending


it's very sweet and you he holds the door for no it it's to build up to everything that You' wanted to happen I


mean I had a grin on my face every you say in Wedding Singer it makes you want to believe in love sweet sweet


love yeah you want to believe in love sweet sweet love


um one thing I didn't think about till you were you said it a minute ago about um we're talking about with the dad and


the dad having the conversations with her about when it happens to you it'll be forever and all that stuff right um


her and Jake meet up like they keep trying to meet up in high school and all other places they meet up in a church yeah where someone just got married


where you get married you sure sure like that's if that's what Hugh was going for I think that's you know there right you


know yes I you didn't think about till you said it I was like oh that's very cool yeah yeah yeah no I um yeah but


that whole yeah the whole thing and then of course it does the sweet ending with the 16 candles and all that no so so


theoretically this movie took place over how many days two yeah that sounds about


right so yeah Friday and then a if they got married on a Saturday which so she


would yeah they're getting married tomorrow today is her birthday tomorrow they're getting marri because they're meeting the family that night too yeah yeah yeah and the next day that's a lot


of that's a that's an emotional swing for 2448 hours oh yeah yeah completely


hopeless just turned 16 to now having everything you ever dreamed and thought you would have sure now how long had she


had been crushing for Jake apparently a while because when she's ented that survey she already had who in mind that


she would but what work did she do to get Jake like what Arc do she have like


what trials and tribulations other than filling out that note and being emotional yes what did she do she yeah


yeah Jake is is pre-programmed to she's almost like a flat art Jake like


watching it I was like all right is she a flat art cuz she doesn't really change but she changes Jake theoretically right


Jake changes he goes from being with the you know the popular Wan more wanting more um I think he started off that way


I don't know that I don't know she prompted him to you know what I mean we don't see that she prompted him to want a change and then she diverts Farmer Ted


yeah like he's a bundle of energy and hits her and doesn't yeah as far as even romance beats it's very week because


typically you'll have the the meat cute and then they're forced into a situation and they can't be together and they


don't want to be together at some point and then they discover that they're the can I say this you know he says I catch


her looking at me during that yes like she loves me or something you know I believe me in high school yeah I'm lot


of puppy eyes I've gotten caught looking at yeah sure you know yes but in terms of like the effort that she makes to


control like she doesn't really seem to be at the helm of Her Own Story a lot of times yeah uh she's just a kind of


feather in the wind she's pining for these things and things seem to come together for her for her yeah with with


thanks to Farmer Ted you know yeah she didn't do anything so uh and but I think


Jake uses Farmer Ted as a foil to get to her yeah but if there was no Farmer Ted he already knows that she's interested


in him I think he would have yeah he's got the comments to go up to her yeah and she tried but yeah she yeah yeah it


would have almost been more fulfilling if we see her trying and she keeps failing failing and then she goes up to him at the end or whatever like that


almost would have been yes I mean that ruins the whole thing we're just talking about about the cars you know pulling


out and revealing him but yeah well I I mean I like it how she drops the note and he yeah it works it was interesting


to me like I felt felt that way about both these movies we're reviewing today is like they're the Beats aren't necessarily the strongest but they they


still really really work yes the story I think is full of enough funny games and and and and and good moment and funny


lines that that that that you enjoy the ride yeah uh it is very convenient


though I mean that luckily for her he found her attractive you know uh right


right you know the one he wanted the one she wanted also wants her right thank goodness I mean yeah um anyway yeah so


the Beats I don't think are there the structure is not solid but it's it's a feel-good enough story I think but cuz I


cuz the ending both time I watched it I was like I felt good about the ending you know so right yeah you know yeah I


remember to me like you feel like she deserves she gets what she deserves but she to James's Point she doesn't do a lot of things to earn it


to putting up with a lot of [ __ ] so I guess you know on that you know you


Damn parents forgot the birthday [ __ ] grandparents are in your room like like you feel for her all the stuff she's going through so wa all good things


happen to good people like yeah I guess that's what it is because she doesn't yeah I just had a thought she doesn't win the boy the movie is called 16


Candles yeah her wish came true she said that at the end of the movie it already came true yeah that was it she got her


wish yeah it's almost as if you know like like the silent voice is maybe she


can't hear it but it's it's telling her don't worry kid you're going to be okay you know this kind of thing see i' asked you um I think when we watched it or


whatever uh CU Jake buys her he meets her at the church and then he buys her a cake right you know cuz so did Farmer


Ted tell Jake that hey everyone forgot her birthday or did five minutes after finally talking to her Crush she starts


crying about how everybody forgot my birthday and he goes and buys her a cake you know what I mean because that's terrible like if yeah it's true well she


I mean she could have said something like you know like I know it's we for him and but that's what ran through my head was so 5 minutes after finally


getting your crush you start crying about your birthday and I think he finds out about her birthday and wants to do something nice for her you know I get


that I guess I'm just being an [ __ ] about it but just yeah you know that's I don't run through my head is not how


thing he did but her parents had apologized by then and should have been over it so she shouldn't have been crying to her Crush about it but clear


even the mom I read in the the trivia that the mom the actress that plays the mom was like Hey if we're going to have


the mom be such a doting attentive mother and forget about her daughter's birthday we got to have something in


there of her apologizing sure sure so he did John Hugh put that in there but because both of them apologize we both


missed it and who puts their wedding date so close yeah well that shows the instance because I'm I'm sure that the


her older sister and and yeah her fiance picked the date sure so how insensitive


and and clueless are they you wouldn't believe some people pick wedding days


that are oh on her birthday though is what I'm saying even she even said well I listen to you talk about your boy


problems like why don't you listen to mine oh you're just being kind of [ __ ] they're all just [ __ ] no I I


can understand I I can see people doing that she is supposed to be cast as the


opposite of Sam just a clueless you know this is probably the best her life's ever going to be you know life with this


guy and well kind of he's going to wind up in jailing charges she kind of mirrors the


uh the the popular girl the one that Jake dumps like the older sister and the popular girl kind of yeah favor each


other on the it's easy like the money goodlook people we're going to get


married six months we're going to be rich popular have parties yeah I thought they were the same for a split second


like I thought Jake was with the the sister like when it first started for like second yeah yeah they almost same


hairstyle same yeah sort of attitudes yeah yeah I wonder I I was sitting there


wondering how how much older is she because it seems like Jake would have known cuz she is really attractive Jake


would have said oh that's Samantha is oh so and so's Sister Sister yeah but I


don't know how how long she's been out of high school yeah I don't she can't be that long no I I don't know I think think the


story is surface level story and it's you know a sweet little somebody's going to say it not that kind of movie kid


yeah right yeah I mean I mean you we'll get to when we get to the Past consider


all that kind of stuff but there there is there was so much better writing in some of his other like Planes Trains and


and and uh plan trains and and breakfast aut automobiles yeah are so


far there I think they're so far and above candles you somewhere man but let


no no I don't fault it I'm just saying let me say as a person that's that age


sure that is it is 16 Candles is a really really sweet yes movie yes now I


think it's still sweet and I think it still gets you at the end yes I know and there's a lot of fun times in between


yeah I just don't think it holds up you and I you and I like the the plane train automobiles in Breakfast Club because of


the the the ritery [ __ ] that's going on with them right Stacy like if you put those two and then you put 16 Candles


she's picking 16 Candles you're underestimating the power she said she like 16 Candles better you're underestimating the power of the sweet


sweet love man yes I can that's true me at 16 I can so see see that whole story


and I think you know now like I said if it it had been made today maybe not well


no I mean said in today's world whatever yeah but


that is I can relate to it I hear you because because I like I think of of Breakfast Club and I'm immediately


enamored of we're all in the same page and he plants that in this and then and then all the the the the writing and and


the nuances and the setups and payoffs and the [ __ ] rigid calendar like when you pointed that out I'm like holy [ __ ]


the evolution of John Hughes is again all cylinders and Breakfast Club sure but I like it for reasons about the


mechanics and the and the and the depth of the story story and you like Breakfast Club I mean 16 Candles I like


it because it's sweet you know the the not the most uh what what do you call it


the uh what do you call it prom queen you sure um or the homecoming queen yeah


you know usually the homecoming queen gets the total hunk with the Porsche and


everything of the universe but yeah they win the championship game everybody's yes but the average girl actually gets


the the yes like it wasn't John H but exactly in uh better off dead he is


cusac is after some girl who is the prettiest and blah blah blah and at the end uh is more enamored of the exchange


student who is you know can fix cars and get dirty and and infinitely more


grounded and down to earth than than this prom queen he's been chasing the whole movie you know and has the opportunity to get the prom Keem back


but doesn't that that's always that's always the preferred ending for me yeah yeah yeah well I mean you know but


because yeah any anyway yes but but my my my great ending is okay I got the


farmer tip no I'm just kidding I'm just kidding bre fresh breath is very important to me Sherry


huh fresh breath is very important a priority for me no you're you're actually you would be more actually like


um okay well the um the nerd John CAC character oh sure yeah yeah yeah well


yes if you were to put me on the spectrum of high school I'm closer to that than I was say that's what I'm saying between the John cack character


and the guys with the jock straps on their head shooting little ray guns no he's more John yeah you're in between uh


yeah you you would have been in there with the computer stuff and doing stuff like that High School felt like prison me I could not like if I I feel like if


I did High School I could do prison I hated High School my god well I loved High School of course you did yes I did


yeah she did too CU I was never thought of it in those terms yeah it was not in


the marand yeah we had we had we had fun in I didn't want to get out cuz I don't have to get a job I wanted to go to


school just to eat up my time yeah right now I don't agree with one of my teachers says that you know you you


trying to rush through this and and one day you're going to want to come back well no I don't want to go back and


repeat all that no but that it it I do have good memories back I'd love that structured lifestyle no bills that'd be


awesome be here at this time be here at that time be here at that time have fun with your friends don't worry about


bills eat all the crap you want oh yeah you'll never gain a pound right yeah I don't that's what I miss about school I


don't miss school right yeah I don't miss homework and andu I never had homework thankfully I was too smart for


all that well there you go I could have graduated early but I didn't CU I didn't want to get a job that's right well I


squeezed every minute school like you know crazy like a fox I could have my mother asked me did I want to do the you


know graduation early and everything like that no I wanted to that extra year in the band I wanted that I wanted to


graduate with the the kids that I grew up with my parents were happy if I got sees season you know yeah they I had no


school spirit none of that none of that [ __ ] so like girlfriend was older had already graduated so yeah I wanted


out so I did it in three years I didn't either I just wanted to my dad said if you're not in school you have a job so I


did school I did everything else I no school pride none of that I didn't do act I did school and I did everything


else I wanted to do right right not having a job yeah all right any final


thoughts on this I think uh yeah we cover sweet sweet love wins again right


I I mean I definitely I think it carries it I think I think from a depth perspective you can you overlook any


story elements because it's fun and gets you in the end well because you I mean


we talked about it I don't remember what movie it was before but we like for us like I don't know it's always been the


case and it's not blanket statement for every movie but like if if we can for you and I like and if we can see the the


writer working right we can feel it then we start to we're able to forgive other things so I think with any movie if


something about it resonates whether it's a structure thing or just a character or whatever if something about it resonates with you you're able to for


forgive any any of that stuff yes right and where so like in this like Stacey and Sherry you know every girl wants to


be you know sure you know picked up by Jake Ryan right where you had said plan train automobiles yeah the I you know


that doesn't resonate with me as much as you know I want a [ __ ] car right [ __ ] now like that resonates with me you know so it's just whatever you know


no no absolutely and and works for you bam that's your thing and if it does resonate then the writing has achieved


its purpose you know oh for sure for sure I'd like to add something yeah um


you know recently well before Co um there were several older movies that


came to the theater and you um wanted to go and I was like uh but like we went to


see psycho in the theater never of course saw that in the theater enjoyed it but I but there wasn't a big audience


I I think that if there's ever older movies that we truly love Yeah and have


an opportunity to go back into the theater after 30 years or whatever yeah


to watch with an audience it's worth it sure it is really worth it cuz I really


enjoyed no yeah watching this movie yeah the audience made it very enjoyable yes until they started talking and asking


questions right yeah well yeah that's true so the questions did not resonate


with us no bad writing yeah bad writing bad writing questions uh all right so


any other comments we'll do our past consider no no I forgot about yeah all




right CH you want to Sure lead us off yeah lead us off pin recommend well I recommend yeah to


watch it at least once yeah sure I mean yeah I mean I enjoyed it like I said I I


did not see it when it first came out I didn't I don't I think I didn't see it until after we were married yeah I don't


remember honest with you I don't remember when I first cuz I don't I don't ever remember hearing about this movie I don't know why I think I was so


busy in high school you know yeah just with


everything going on in high school yeah yeah um that there were a lot of movies I missed um yeah I don't in the theaters


um but I recommend it yeah all right I especially if you're a Anthony um


Michael Hall I think I think he's one of the serious highlights his fun watching him yes he is absolutely hilarious yeah


in this movie yeah and yeah he's my I guess he is my favorite character in the movie


sure I'd consider it uh as far as John cack movies go this isn't a John Cusack


movie right better better off dead is my uh goat he's not showcased yeah uh yeah


but 16 Candles consider uh Breakfast Club I think is better uh better uh


better Showcase of what John Hughes has sure uh but everything else I think I pretty much said we yeah really went


over this one yeah I think more than I thought we would have actually anyway uh


yeah it's also a considered for me um James uh I guess similar thoughts yeah


there's there's better Hughes movies out there um as far as his abilities and stories like you know plan trains Ferris


right um those are uh the vacation movies those are better um but this is not a bad movie um so if you're a Die


Hard Hughes fan you haven't seen it you definitely should check it out or the back to the whole sweet sweet love thing


you should check it out um as far as a romcom it definitely works yeah um but yeah it's just a consider for me I


wouldn't put it in my my recommend category yeah yeah I think it's for me it's also a consider it's not definitely


not a past I think it is a fun ride it is it if this is one of his earlier or


even first earlier movies anyway uh like we're going to talk about the corn


brother movie Next and and their body of work is is immense uh and a lot of their


movies are different and quirky but their first movie was Blood Simple which is very different than anything they


pretty much have done maybe no country no country yeah in um


yeah and Miller Crossing they do the Miller yeah they did it's maybe sort of like this but their first movie like if


you watch that and then you watch some of their other movies you're like are these the same guys yeah so there is this development uh but Blood Simple


Cohen Brother's first movie is still a great movie and I think this is still a


good movie yeah uh Hughes would become more Adept and I think I think his


apexes breakfast club and that kind of thing yeah know we Lo the movies lost something when we lost Hughes I mean him


on his worst day is still sure million times better than a lot of this this is still out movies and this is still an


enjoyable movie and still get you in the fields a lot of times so I I don't pass


on it uh I definitely think you should consider it and you'll probably have a good time so all right cool that's


that's uh 16 candles any no other thoughts we're good all right we are out


I have felt that pain before you're sitting there in a room with someone that you just have the biggest crush on


and then Here Comes This little oh my gosh because there were several moments


within 16 candles that I was like whoa his themes are always more elevated than


that uh I think it's my least favorite John Hughes movie yeah however uh induced with an overindulgence in


confidence that's a running theme in uh she stuff I I I'm just fascinated by her


whole presence on the screen there's the boy yeah what did they want sex as a a


young 16-year-old I would have died that's a that's an emotional swing for 2448


hours I swear when I hear someone say extraterrestrial sometimes I think of


that scene yeah female extra restrial yeah female extra



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