AI has been doing a huge chunk of our work for us, however it can't seem to get that last 10% right. Rich and Paul discuss how technology lacks the human traits of real-time judgement and unpredictability. So, it will have to negotiate with humanity. This episode is sponsored by Aboard (the new tech in town).
All right, rich, you're hitting the table.
Paul Ford:You're so excited to tell me something.
Paul Ford:What do you wanna tell me?
Paul Ford:Tell me.
Paul Ford:Tell me.
Paul Ford:Tell me.
Rich Ziade:All right, so here's the deal, okay?
Rich Ziade:Okay, let's go back to 2015.
Paul Ford:Boy.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Rich Ziade:Pandemic's a thousand years away.
Rich Ziade:Everyone's thinking about self-driving cars and, uh, cars
Rich Ziade:are gonna drive themselves, right?
Paul Ford:That's one.
Paul Ford:When you say self-driving cars, I drew that conclusion.
Rich Ziade:we're gonna have self-driving cars and we're gonna get to do things like
Rich Ziade:watch a TV show while we get to the office
Rich Ziade:the car's
Paul Ford:Yeah, that was, oh,
Rich Ziade:and here's the crazy thing that happened.
Rich Ziade:Do you think driving a car requires a massive amount of intelligence?
Paul Ford:No.
Rich Ziade:Do you think coding a React application requires more
Rich Ziade:intelligence than driving a car?
Paul Ford:Yes.
Rich Ziade:Yes.
Rich Ziade:Do you think.
Rich Ziade:Writing a business plan requires more knowledge and
Rich Ziade:intelligence than driving a car.
Paul Ford:Yes.
Rich Ziade:So then answer me this.
Rich Ziade:We've stalled on driving cars mainly because of Chinatown and New York City
Rich Ziade:and our inability to see people whizzing between parked cars and smashing into us.
Paul Ford:wait for people who don't understand because
Paul Ford:let's just put it out there.
Paul Ford:That could have sounded pretty racist if you don't do New York City, that
Paul Ford:has nothing to do with it being
Rich Ziade:No, it has to do with
Paul Ford:It
Paul Ford:has to do with the Manhattan Bridge ending in Chinatown and just absolute
Rich Ziade:a large bridge ending in a small village is essentially what's
Paul Ford:that, that's it is.
Paul Ford:Chinatown is absolutely, it's, I used and I bike through the It's a disaster.
Paul Ford:Yes.
Rich Ziade:But
Rich Ziade:what happened?
Rich Ziade:We were gonna have self-driving cars, something pretty straightforward, signal
Rich Ziade:left, turn, left park, the car that's stalled, and now we've got AI all over
Rich Ziade:the place telling me I don't need.
Rich Ziade:Health insurance.
Rich Ziade:I don't need to doctor anymore cause I could just ask the AI robot
Paul Ford:suspicious because you're right.
Paul Ford:It couldn't, we, we, we don't have self-driving cars, but it'll draw you
Paul Ford:a picture of like a cat in a shoe.
Rich Ziade:I, I, I put in yesterday, um, Lebanese Civil
Rich Ziade:War as a Renaissance painting.
Paul Ford:Hmm.
Paul Ford:How to do is this mid journey.
Rich Ziade:It was mid journey using Discord, which is re preposterous, but
Rich Ziade:whatever.
Paul Ford:In general, it's hard.
Paul Ford:Like we, we has software gotten better in the last eight years.
Paul Ford:Like what?
Paul Ford:What, how are we using discord to interact with ai
Rich Ziade:If we can do these incredibly complex why?
Rich Ziade:What?
Rich Ziade:I don't think we're gonna get it.
Rich Ziade:We were, they were predicting, I think 10 years, like 20, 25.
Paul Ford:If you told me it's not until like 2040 if ever.
Paul Ford:I wouldn't be surprised.
Rich Ziade:what happened?
Paul Ford:Well, this is the thing that always happens with AI and has been
Paul Ford:happening with AI for 50, 60 years.
Paul Ford:It's the right around the corner syndrome.
Paul Ford:It it's this complicated set of interactions where like the people
Paul Ford:who are true believers are like, you better get ready because the world's
Paul Ford:gonna end and the people who aren't true believers are like o O, okay.
Paul Ford:And then it's always pushed out just a little bit.
Paul Ford:We're seeing it with this new wave, right?
Paul Ford:Which is.
Paul Ford:It's gonna write all our songs for us and write our documents and so on.
Paul Ford:What it is gonna replace is the world's worst marketing
Paul Ford:messages that you sent to spam.
Paul Ford:Anyway, it's gonna do that.
Rich Ziade:is.
Rich Ziade:Let me throw out a hypothesis and you tell me if I'm right or wrong.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Rich Ziade:Um,
Rich Ziade:the, the human brain is vastly complex in its ability to, um, synthesize a decision
Rich Ziade:in real time with like almost instantly.
Rich Ziade:Almost instantly.
Rich Ziade:And what I mean by that is it's that last mile of logic that I feel like
Rich Ziade:a lot of AI and self-driving cars, it's the one thing they have in common
Rich Ziade:is they kind of quickly sprinted the first like 90% of the race.
Rich Ziade:And then there's that last 10% where you pretty much have to decide how
Rich Ziade:you're gonna navigate Chinatown.
Rich Ziade:Are you gonna have to decide?
Rich Ziade:And, and, and that's why you're seeing like a lot of the, the chat G P T
Rich Ziade:stuff looks incredibly impressive, but if you really look carefully,
Rich Ziade:that last 10% is, goes off the
Paul Ford:Let me make this easy for you.
Paul Ford:I can give you one word and then you'll be able to completely clarify your point.
Paul Ford:Neurosurgeons.
Rich Ziade:Whoa,
Rich Ziade:Okay?
Paul Ford:They go to school for how long?
Rich Ziade:years and then they watch surgeries for like another 10
Paul Ford:Mm-hmm.
Paul Ford:And it's that last, it's, it's for those hours that they're in the room, right?
Paul Ford:there's
Paul Ford:computers everywhere.
Paul Ford:There's robots everywhere.
Paul Ford:They're assisted in a million different
Rich Ziade:There
Rich Ziade:actually are.
Rich Ziade:Yeah, it's incredible actually.
Rich Ziade:The tools they use now, um, don't allow them to screw up from a,
Rich Ziade:like motor skills perspective.
Rich Ziade:It's kind of wild.
Paul Ford:That's right.
Paul Ford:So they can't make a mistake because the robot will keep
Paul Ford:them from making a mistake.
Paul Ford:Correct.
Paul Ford:Okay.
Paul Ford:And uh, but could we get rid of the human in the loop?
Rich Ziade:Um, really, really hard because you need that realtime judgment.
Paul Ford:You can't, right?
Paul Ford:You can't, you can't.
Paul Ford:And it's, it's context and it's humanity and so on.
Paul Ford:And so like is it
Rich Ziade:and experience
Paul Ford:is it inconceivable than a robot?
Paul Ford:Could an expert system of some kind could eventually perform better
Paul Ford:neurosurgery than most humans?
Paul Ford:No.
Paul Ford:I, I, I, you know, I, I think like, I'm sure like it's, it's, it's
Paul Ford:conceivable, but what I, I think happens, what drives me bananas is that the.
Paul Ford:And I think of this as a West coast thing.
Paul Ford:The West coast vision of humanity is extremely narrow, and that aligns
Paul Ford:with creating products that millions of you, you know what's funny?
Paul Ford:You work to get the humans out of the loop until the point they're about to.
Paul Ford:Once they get their credit cards out, that's okay.
Paul Ford:Then you want 'em back in the loop.
Paul Ford:But up until that, no.
Paul Ford:I'll tell you like remember you ever tried to call like Amazon for
Paul Ford:customer service, early days of
Paul Ford:aws?
Paul Ford:like they didn't want humans in there.
Paul Ford:Everything needs to be as automated as possible cause it's all of your
Paul Ford:efficiency and all your margins.
Paul Ford:The minute you add humans to the computers, you ruin everything.
Paul Ford:And it's less goes.
Paul Ford:That is a West coast ideology in the West coast, but the West Coast ideology, God
Paul Ford:bless it, often doesn't include things like read, you know, they're always ready
Paul Ford:to kill the humanities on the west coast.
Paul Ford:We've talked about this on the podcast before.
Paul Ford:They're always like novels.
Paul Ford:Nobody reads novels.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:And let me be frank, I haven't been reading many novels these days.
Paul Ford:I'm kind of busy, but nonetheless, I've read a lot in the past.
Paul Ford:And there is a,
Paul Ford:a.
Paul Ford:real thing that happens, and it happens as you get older and it
Paul Ford:happens, especially if you grow up maybe without a ton of money.
Paul Ford:And so, but you realize that humans are unbelievably perverse and slippery and
Paul Ford:in infinitely creative in the weirdest possible ways, and that you can do
Paul Ford:anything you want to try to capture that.
Paul Ford:In fact, some of the greatest minds in the world have done spent
Paul Ford:their entire lives as philosophers, novelists, whatever, trying to capture
Paul Ford:every aspect of human behavior.
Paul Ford:And they just can't get it.
Paul Ford:It's not the last five years.
Paul Ford:It's the last 5,000 we've been working on this problem.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:And computers don't solve it.
Paul Ford:Not in this, I mean any more than like guns solve it or
Paul Ford:like, I don't know, hammer solve
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:And, and, and that is just the creative mind.
Paul Ford:I think so.
Paul Ford:I think that, so why is this so hard to make a self-driving car?
Paul Ford:It's not cuz of the cars, it's cuz humans are utterly unpredictable and they make
Paul Ford:incredibly bad decisions all the time.
Rich Ziade:So what you're saying is if we.
Rich Ziade:Built a zone around Chinatown and said, only self-driving cars are
Paul Ford:allowed.
Paul Ford:I'll fix all that for you.
Paul Ford:Absolutely.
Paul Ford:I'll, if you let me put a one inch metal strip down the middle of the street and
Paul Ford:then block all the other traffic off, the self-driving cars will work beautifully.
Rich Ziade:So the issue is other humans.
Paul Ford:always
Rich Ziade:interesting
Paul Ford:you can't create a model of humans.
Paul Ford:Except in the absolute most aggregate, even then it falls through.
Rich Ziade:Right?
Paul Ford:What's the way to accelerate this?
Paul Ford:The way to accelerate this is to work with local governments and create like a
Paul Ford:self-driving car lane throughout the city.
Rich Ziade:Mm.
Rich Ziade:So you're negotiating with humanity
Paul Ford:Now?
Paul Ford:We're in the, now it's so, it's like, I'm like, ah, there's all this
Paul Ford:epistemological, philosophical stuff.
Paul Ford:All it comes down to ultimately here is like regulatory, right?
Paul Ford:So go ahead and go to the Adams administration and the Hoku administration
Paul Ford:and say, Hey, we want to completely change the way traffic works in New York City.
Paul Ford:And they'll say, we're trying to do congestion pricing,
Paul Ford:and it's not going well.
Paul Ford:right.
Paul Ford:Like
Rich Ziade:So you're saying, Technology isn't the way out.
Rich Ziade:We're gonna have to negotiate with the humans.
Paul Ford:It always ends up that way, and that's why Google has a, why would
Paul Ford:Google the most automated organization in the universe have an extremely large
Paul Ford:lobbying arm in Washington dc Like there's buildings of Google lobbyists.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Yep, yep, yep, yep.
Paul Ford:So what, what did they figure out eventually?
Paul Ford:Because honestly, with AI and all these systems and self-driving,
Paul Ford:like why would you need to regulate?
Paul Ford:Why would you need lobbyists?
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:You know, no.
Paul Ford:You.
Paul Ford:You.
Paul Ford:That's not how it works.
Paul Ford:You're gonna get in these systems for all the fantasies that we have on either
Paul Ford:side, that somehow we can shut the platforms down or that the platforms are
Paul Ford:gonna take over the world or whatever.
Paul Ford:Ultimately, you still have these giant regulatory frameworks in the middle,
Paul Ford:and you can look at them different ways.
Paul Ford:They could be, you could see 'em as people with their hands out.
Paul Ford:You could see 'em as people who are protecting our best interests.
Paul Ford:You can see them as people who are selling out.
Paul Ford:The working class like we have, but that's the framework we're in.
Paul Ford:So you drop self-driving cars in as a, as a hypothesis.
Paul Ford:It works fine.
Paul Ford:You drop it into an environment with human beings interacting as human
Paul Ford:beings do in a relatively justice oriented, law oriented society.
Paul Ford:Yeah, no way.
Paul Ford:Slow down there, buddy.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:And, and, and you mentioned Arizona.
Rich Ziade:I mean, there are places where solving the puzzle is a lot easier than, yeah.
Paul Ford:yeah.
Paul Ford:I mean, New York City, if we don't have self-driving cars,
Paul Ford:we, we can't, we can't do
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Paul Ford:We can't get new subways.
Paul Ford:We, it's hard to get your trash picked
Rich Ziade:Right, right, right, right.
Paul Ford:um, yes.
Paul Ford:Arizona can have self-driving cars cuz the, it's like the, each street
Paul Ford:is, you know, you know where you can You ever been to Minneapolis?
Paul Ford:It's like 45 minutes to cross the street.
Paul Ford:They're so wide.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Well that's a sprawl situation of a, of the first order.
Paul Ford:Let's do it there.
Paul Ford:Go find one of those like nicely constructed cities with
Paul Ford:like a 1.2 million population.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:I, I think, I think, I think you're kind of nailing it here.
Rich Ziade:I also think, you know, self-driving cars are capable of killing people.
Rich Ziade:AI isn't yet, maybe down the road,
Paul Ford:God forbid we just have buses too.
Paul Ford:Sorry, that's not
Rich Ziade:I worry about this with ai, is that we're really
Rich Ziade:good at sort of creating this wild machine that then gets out of hand
Rich Ziade:and then we gotta reign it back.
Paul Ford:you don't mean like wacky robots with laser
Rich Ziade:No, I mean social media and it's like, oh my God, it's messing.
Rich Ziade:You know, messy kids are, are mess
Paul Ford:I am
Rich Ziade:it and misinformation.
Rich Ziade:And now crypto and you had a lot of people losing crypto's, kind of making
Rich Ziade:a, like the, the, the shares are back up, but they'll, they'll be another day.
Rich Ziade:And even so, even though they're back up, there are a lot of people
Rich Ziade:who like got wiped out, like people who put their savings in it and,
Rich Ziade:and.
Paul Ford:what happened with crypto too is the media's just done.
Paul Ford:Like, it can't take, nobody wants any more press releases.
Paul Ford:Nobody's gonna cover it.
Paul Ford:So like,
Rich Ziade:And now we're on ai and then we're gonna be like, uh oh.
Rich Ziade:Um, that drone that was supposed to deliver your Taco Bell smashed
Rich Ziade:into like, you know, a home.
Paul Ford:It's that.
Paul Ford:And it's not just that, just like look.
Paul Ford:Do I even have to tell you it's the 2024 election will be the AI
Paul Ford:bot election, and we'll have to like, that story's coming and, and
Paul Ford:just it's, I'm already, I'm, yeah.
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:I'm pre exhausted.
Rich Ziade:fake articles that are generated by ai.
Rich Ziade:By
Rich Ziade:ai,
Paul Ford:yeah.
Paul Ford:Can you imagine?
Paul Ford:Like, I mean, who's gonna, it's Trump or DeSantis and then their,
Paul Ford:their team will start using bots and
Rich Ziade:oh, God,
Paul Ford:we're just, it's gonna suck.
Paul Ford:And then Facebook will be like, well, this is our new policy.
Paul Ford:Everything is, look, I think what is different is that even at the
Paul Ford:giant platform level, everybody leans into a regulatory framework.
Paul Ford:Even if they have to improvise
Rich Ziade:sometimes later than they need to.
Paul Ford:But even, I don't think Facebook knows, like, I kind of doubt that
Paul Ford:2024 will be a replay of, of like 2016.
Paul Ford:I think that's
Rich Ziade:right.
Rich Ziade:And it could be other bad actors that are leveraging tech, but
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:I just like, yeah.
Paul Ford:But where else?
Paul Ford:There's only like a few platforms.
Paul Ford:Where are they gonna go?
Paul Ford:Like, here we are.
Paul Ford:So I, I like that, that part, it's hard to get
Paul Ford:Because it feels like the excitement is so manufactured, and if you look at
Paul Ford:it, it, it kind of all ends up rolling back to a few incredibly wealthy
Paul Ford:individuals who sort of keep raising the stakes and raising the stakes and, and,
Paul Ford:uh, or very, very wealthy companies.
Paul Ford:And so
Paul Ford:My pleasure and excitement about technology is typically
Paul Ford:an inverse relationship to that.
Paul Ford:Cuz I like seeing people mess stuff up or frankly, like, this goes back
Paul Ford:to the product you and I are building.
Paul Ford:I like seeing people clean stuff up, like, you know, make sense
Paul Ford:of the world for themselves.
Rich Ziade:Well, I mean, you're making an important distinction here
Rich Ziade:and I think this is a good sort of closer, which is distinguish technology
Rich Ziade:that tries to automate people away.
Rich Ziade:Versus technology that actually empowers people and amplifies our, ourselves
Paul Ford:Yeah, but I'm gonna make one, I've been thinking about this a
Paul Ford:lot cuz our, our, the product we're about to launch has a lot to, like
Paul Ford:our particular culture, our culture of like internet nerds who believe the
Paul Ford:computers are incredibly empowering and make smarter, better human beings.
Paul Ford:Mm-hmm.
Paul Ford:What do people actually do on the web all day?
Rich Ziade:shop for stuff?
Paul Ford:for stuff, they watch videos, and often they're watching
Paul Ford:videos about shopping for stuff.
Paul Ford:If the web has taught me anything, it's that we are extremely economic
Paul Ford:humans, like things that you think are incredibly meaningful and deep, like
Paul Ford:your book club tie back to a product called the book or things like, I'm
Paul Ford:gonna, I'm gonna buy a beautiful home and decorate it with my, my wife that I love.
Paul Ford:You know, that involves a large transaction and a mortgage, right?
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:There's this infrastructure, the web is infrastructure around
Paul Ford:those transactions just as much as
Rich Ziade:around life decisions,
Paul Ford:distribution and document creation and so on and so forth.
Paul Ford:And I, I feel like.
Paul Ford:There's a product manager ethos of the greater human being that I'm just
Paul Ford:increasingly suspicious of as well.
Paul Ford:Right?
Paul Ford:Like, I feel like if you're gonna help people, you want to help 'em.
Paul Ford:And that's what we're trying to do.
Paul Ford:Like, we're gonna like pat me on the back before our product launches and
Paul Ford:everybody looks at us from blinks.
Paul Ford:Um, but, but what we are consciously trying to do in this very room is
Paul Ford:look at people where they are and say, how can I make that better for you?
Paul Ford:Not just buying, also creating documents, also doing all that
Rich Ziade:Very east coast
Paul Ford:very east coast, humans are gonna be in the loop.
Rich Ziade:Yeah.
Rich Ziade:Humans are gonna be in the loop.
Paul Ford:Put lots of humans in the loop and, and hope
Paul Ford:and, but not too many at once.
Paul Ford:That's the other aspect.
Rich Ziade:Well that's not, that's a different podcast, but
Rich Ziade:that is a very different take from why are humans doing that?
Rich Ziade:We can make machines do it.
Rich Ziade:Right.
Rich Ziade:And
Paul Ford:funny, the West coast ideology is like, don't let humans in the loop.
Paul Ford:But if you do.
Paul Ford:Let 'em all in.
Paul Ford:Yeah, let,
Rich Ziade:yeah, yeah, yeah.
Paul Ford:just assume they'll be fine.
Paul Ford:Which is another
Rich Ziade:It'll work out the details
Paul Ford:Yeah.
Paul Ford:You kind of learn when you're walking around New York City that you don't
Paul Ford:want to be in a room with everybody.
Rich Ziade:So what you're saying, Paul, is that the best self-driving
Rich Ziade:car is the one that uses a human
Paul Ford:That's a, that's an Uber rich,
Rich Ziade:and a gas pedal
Paul Ford:that's a
Rich Ziade:and a brake.
Paul Ford:No one would love self-driving cars more than me.
Paul Ford:No one is more ready.
Rich Ziade:Yes.
Paul Ford:uh, I have one though.
Paul Ford:It's called a bus.
Paul Ford:It's not quite self-driving.
Paul Ford:There's a human in the loop, but it's solving
Paul Ford:well, but it's, it's one to 50 ratio, so it's pretty good.
Rich Ziade:pretty good.
Rich Ziade:It's pretty good.
Paul Ford:my bus.
Paul Ford:I love my bus driver.
Rich Ziade:this, this podcast has been sponsored by a
Rich Ziade:We talked about this, uh, throughout this podcast.
Rich Ziade:Um, it's a new tool that we're making available real soon.
Rich Ziade:Sign up to get in line.
Rich Ziade:We're gonna let wave a ton of people in very shortly.
Rich Ziade:Um, it's a, it's this really, really cool platform that helps
Rich Ziade:you organize your passions.
Paul Ford:Can't say any better than that.
Paul Ford:Check us out at, uh, hello.
Paul Ford:It's yai at Ford on Twitter, but also add a board on Twitter.
Paul Ford:Follow us.
Paul Ford:We're gonna start tweeting soon.
Paul Ford:Tweeting.
Paul Ford:Um, and, uh, yeah, can't wait to show it to you.
Paul Ford:Anyway, all Rich.
Paul Ford:Let's, uh, let's get back to work
Rich Ziade:Have a good week.