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017: Permanent Jewelry Expo Recap & A Big Business Decision!
Episode 176th August 2024 • Goldie Links Permanent Jewelry Podcast • Jennifer Thyrion
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In this personal episode, I share my experiences as a first-time vendor and speaker at the Permanent Jewelry Expo (PJX). It was an incredible journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. I have to admit, there were moments when I wanted to call Andy and say, "Just kidding, I don't want to be a speaker!” But I trusted my gut and went for it!

Let's catch up and chat about all the struggles and successes from PJX! The day before PJX, I hadn't received some of my shipments, and I was still working on my speech—procrastination at its finest! Despite these and many other hurdles, the energy and passion in the first class I taught were so validating! Speaking about handmade jewelry, something I am very passionate about, was incredibly rewarding. Handmade is where my entrepreneurship journey started, and I loved talking about and teaching how fellow Permanent Jewelry Owners can incorporate handmade into their businesses!

I loved getting to meet and mingle with so many like minded PJ Artists! After PJX, I felt a tremendous demand for this membership, so I got to work! I created the glow-up and bangle videos and launched the Goldie Links Society membership! I employ stay-at-home mamas to make these handmade chains, connectors, bangles, and glow-ups. Trying to keep on top of orders, mama makers, training new Goldie Girls, creating courses, all while being a wife and mom was overwhelming to say the least! So much growth is happening, and I’m learning so many valuable lessons along the way!

I also share why I decided to let go of franchising my permanent jewelry biz. I love supporting other women and wanted to give them their own creative outlet without having to run everything by me. The membership creates one-on-one help and provides all the tools and resources they need, allowing me more time to build this amazing community of permanent jewelry enthusiasts.

Join me as I reflect on this whirlwind experience and the exciting new beginnings that lie ahead!


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Hey guys, it's Jen here. I am doing a long overdue episode talking all about like basically life since PJX, a PJX recap. I had to look at a calendar and I honestly couldn't believe it's been a little over seven weeks since the end of PJX, which is crazy. Like I believe it because it feels like it's been two years ago because so much life has happened, but also it feels like it was yesterday.

So where do I start? Because I feel like I've had an epiphany since PJX. I think there's been some shifts in my business since PJX. And most people that I've talked to who I met there have, I've actually interviewed, there's some amazing episodes coming out soon, by the way felt the same, like they thought they, even things they Thought they wanted to do when they left PJX, they let settle in and realize, Nope, that's actually not what I want.

But one of the amazing things about a convention like that, and and knowing what's possible is like letting that settle with you and feel like, okay. Does a brick and mortar feel like what I want? And at one point you might be totally convinced like, that's what I want. That's what I want. I have a story about that.

Actually. I really recently this year was going to open a brick and mortar and decided against it. And I'm honestly being where I'm at in my business. I'm so glad I did that. So anyway, where do I start though? Okay. Let's start a PJX. What an amazing experience. If I could sum up in one word, of course, I would say PJX.

Amazing. Like it exceeded my expectations, although I don't know what my expectations even were. I just, being my first time being a vendor of that kind with my handmade supplies and the handmade jewelry and being on the wholesale side of things and being a speaker. Like I'm telling you, I think I said in my last episode, but I had no intentions of actually being a speaker.

It just came out. I went to Sunstone in December, wanted to hang out, see what it was all about. Meet Andy. And and I just was talking about all these different subjects of how, and again, just obviously my passion comes through when it comes to this business. And I was like, I could be a speaker.

And it's do you want to? Sure. And one of the other, one of the many things that I feel like have just totally. When I go with my gut has just served me because I'm telling you, there has been, there was a few times where I almost wanted to call Bandy and be like, just kidding.

I'll be a vendor. Like I don't need to be a speaker, but honestly if you did go and if you didn't and if you don't know permanent jewelry expo is, Once a year and it's normally in Vegas. So they haven't announced the next one yet, but it was the second annual put on by Sunstone and it was amazing.

So elevated from year one, there's no doubt. So I just cannot wait to see what year three is like. But man, I like, I got, I'm speechless, obviously. Okay. Let's start with like me checking in. And me going through the adventure of going to the airport with all the things. So being a vendor, obviously, it's unique when you have to travel.

I've never done this before where you had to go, obviously if I've done markets here with my boutique prep previous to permanent jewelry and was bringing like seven racks of clothes and jewelry, like galore. Of course it was local. So here I am trying to travel and figure this out of so I did ship things, luckily my girl, Ashley.

So if you were at PJX, you might've met Ashley. She's one of my Goldie girls in Missouri and who has a Goldilinks business as well. She was a huge help. I wouldn't have done. All of that without her, by the way. So shout out to Ashley. And if you met her, you probably love her because she's so lovable.

But I shipped things, but also I had a suitcase that was maxed out. And I was like praying that it wasn't going to get like the one check bag in my life that had got lost. But also I brought seven trays of gemstone connectors. So if you don't know, being a vendor, I make handmade chain and gemstone connectors and other connectors and the handmade beaded jewelry that I do is wholesale.

And also I do like a welding shield, like it's a basically a welding vessel for an auto darkening welding lens that you put on your stylus. Okay. So just to give you a little background, if you don't know So basically I am carrying seven trays because I did not want to put them all like individually in baggies because I have gemstones.

I have all the birthstones plus other gemstones, like thousands of connectors. Okay. Then I'm bringing in trays and I had this like crossbody bag that I was obviously having them in trying to keep them upright. This thing was so heavy. Not only was I had that in there, but I also had like just displays of, Beaded bracelets.

I was stuffing things anywhere I could. I was bringing velvet tablecloths. I had three velvet tablecloths that were like 10 pounds each. Like it was just ridiculous, right? Note to self, pack better. It was a hot mess. I had like literally burn marks in my shoulder from carrying this heavy bag cross body bag.

I also was sore. No joke, my whole body, maybe this is something about how in shape I am too, but I was so sore from carrying this bag around the airport. Like I felt like I couldn't walk another step when I got to the Vegas airport. I was like, how am I going to do this? I'm looking for a cart. I'm looking for like something.

Oh my gosh. It was just classic. That's just how I do things. I feel like sometimes I just do things the hard way, but they get done. Get to Vegas and I checked myself in my hotel room at two o'clock Planet Hollywood and did not leave my room at all the day before. Okay, the day before that started.

I was still updating my website with everything I was offering all the supplies on my website because I had some on Etsy, but not all of it. So I was still like, I had all these photos and if when it comes to a website, it is not. And we're going to have, I'm gonna have a whole episode.

I've been getting more inquiries and like people asking about like getting a simple website together. Cause I feel like it is very important. If you are just on social media, I think it's super important to have a website as well. So we're going to talk a lot about that. And actually inside my membership, we're going to have someone talking about that the month of September.

But anyway, it was like, I have a lot of variations when it comes to my items and things like that. So there's a lot more than just putting a simple item on there and it takes time. Hours. Okay. It's it's definitely hard work. So I did not leave my room. I got room service. Very overpriced salad with a side of fries and a glass of wine for 80, like whatever.

And sat from two o'clock in the afternoon till midnight. Not kidding. Non stop. Also couldn't log into their internet. Don't know why I was on literally phone calls with it and everything. I luckily I had a hotspot on my phone. Thank the Lord, because everything I was doing was obviously using the interwebs.

So yeah. I was working on the website. I was also before I left. Thank God for my husband too. Shout out to Jordan if he ever listens to this. But he is just such an amazing, supportive husband. And if you have one of those we're so blessed because honestly I could not, especially with two young girls, I could not have done what I did.

I was a stress ball the week before PJX trying to do all the things and get everything in order and bring with me and just make sure I had all the displays. Oh my gosh. Also last minute I'm calling Amazon at the airport because I was like, Oh yeah, what am I displaying these chains on? So I had ordered these necklace displays off Panda Hall.

Okay. And of course they weren't look like they weren't going to be delivered in time and they were being delivered to Again, Ashley's sister, I think whether or not I mentioned this or like I ship stuff, Ashley's sister lives over in that area in Vegas. So I was freaking out. Cause I'm like, these things are going to be there in time.

How are these going to be displayed? I have so many chains to display. So I purchased something like a few days prior off Amazon to safeguard it. Of course. The prime delivery was running late. I was freaking out. I'm like, no way. So of course, when it gets delayed and they just say should be delivered by this date, but it doesn't really tell you, and I'm going crazy.

I'm like, what am I going to do? Oh my gosh, I'm calling Amazon. There's seriously no help. I don't even know why I tried. And so I'm like, you know what? It is what it is. I have to just let go because there's nothing I can do about at this point. I have to just pray that someone, one of these necklace displays show up.

Sure enough, the day before. The Panda Hall one showed up. I swear to God, I could have cried. That was like very stressful as well, because as you might know, you can't just go to Michael's. It's, and get like a necklace display, at least the kind that I needed to display chain.

So anyway, so that was also just drama. Okay. So I get into my hotel room. I can't get internet. I'll have my hotspot. I'm working on the website nonstop. I also thought I was going to print out this email. digital cat, or sorry, a physical catalog for everyone. I'm a physical, I love tangible things. I call me old school, but I literally have a million notebooks sitting next to me with a million lists.

And I just love journals. I love writing things out versus typing them. I just feel like it is just solidifies it in my brain a little bit more. It feels like almost therapeutic. And so anyway, but I also love a tangible catalog. I really do. I love to be able to like, not have everything.

Attached to my computer and my phone. So I was going to print out this lovely catalog for everyone. And of course, by the time I was adding all the things with talking about the membership and the podcast and the, and all the bracelets and having basically my line sheet of all the bracelets I offer and all the chains and the connectors.

And, talking about the hidden message collection of the bracelets, which is an amazing thing. Cause that alone takes up three pages because they're so there's, they're so great. 18 pages later. Printing out like 400 of those was pretty hefty price. And of course, also very impossible to do maybe three days before leaving for PJX.

So I was like, all right, I'm gonna do this digitally. So it was also less of a decision, but anyway, so I was just going, I was scrambling. Of course, I'm all over the place, which with the story, which is how I felt, which is very suitable for the story because PJX, but I love, I got into my hotel room and.

Anyway, so I'm then decided to make just a one pager where it had some information and a QR code. And you click on the QR code, it enters you into this email like segment, and you can get the free wire wrap training, which you still can, by the way, if you go to all the things, permanent jewelry, and you want to learn how to wire wrap and make your own connectors and possibly your own chain, you can definitely do that.

And so you can get the free training. And then my catalog Also is within that as well. The digital catalog that unfortunately is digital, not physical. So anyway, I was working on that and creating the first email sequence, but I'm not going to lie. I was of course working on my speech. Why not?

The day before PJX, I was working on my slides. I was working on my speeches and just working nonstop from two to two to midnight. But again. PJX just exceeded my expectations that first, I taught two classes. One was, infusing handmade into your business, whether you're doing it yourself, whether you're purchasing from another maker.

I taught that class the first night. Okay. And if you were there thank you so much because that class just set off the tone for me. The next few days. And I'll say this again and again, I feel like this community is so supportive, so kind, so warm. And that's why, again, going to PJX, I'll talk about it all day and going to in person things is so crucial for your business, but like specifically something that's so niched down to your business, if you're a permanent jeweler, the connections you make is priceless, the education, of course, just even if it's like education.

That things that you might not implement in your business right now, because even if you're listening to this and you're like, I'm not there yet, I'm not there yet, but it plants a seed because, if you're just getting started, you might not want to be worrying about handmaking your own stuff yet, or even like looking forward to infuse that.

You just want to keep it with simple chains, things that you can buy. You want to keep it simple because you're just starting and you should be, you should take things step by step. But. What's so great about this is like opening your mind to what's possible and maybe where your business could go, right?

So anyway, the education, the connection, but seeing the suppliers in person and also meeting the people behind these supply companies is so important. As we know, permanent jewelry is all about connection, and it should be Also within your supplies, right? Like everything about this, is about relationships and connection and business in general, but like how it's so important to get to know your suppliers.

And that way you can speak more again, educated about the supplies that you have. And you can ask them questions about where they're sourced and different things that you're going to learn just by communicating with them and having relationships with them. And so it's so amazing to see and hear their story too.

Maybe why the, how they started this company. And really that plays into. You speaking about the things that you're offering. So I cannot wait till next year, by the way, I don't know what the date is yet. I think I'm assuming it's still in Vegas, but I just know it's going to be a million times more amazing than than it was.

So I, that first class was a full, Class of permanent jewelers

but shout out to you if you're in that class, because it was just such a great way to start PJX from, for me. And I hope for you too, obviously. But just the passion I saw in that class and everyone was very interactive and it was just the energy of that class and the vibe of that class was just so positive and amazing.

And it just solidified Me, like I just had such a

it just felt like it was validating me going with my gut. Does that make sense? Like the fact that I said yes to speaking when I really have never spoke before. And but also just speaking about the subject of handmade, I realized this is my, this, I always knew, of course, I love handmade and that's the reason why I got into it.

In business in general, even with my boutique prior to this is because I made jewelry. I really was just wanting to sell my jewelry and then it became a full blown boutique. But I, it just felt so like me, I felt like it was just so authentic to me and what I'm passionate about.

And it just, It was like so easy to talk about, and it just was so fun. And I'm so glad that other people felt the same and were as excited about making these things as I was about talking about them and teaching on making these things. So basically because of the. With the way PJX went and everyone kept asking about the glow ups and the bangles.

And so I felt like it just sped up and I just let things flow out of my mouth again, went with my gut with no plan. I had the QR code where you could go and get the free wire rep training and I had every intention to sell, sorry. Every intention to teach on bangles and glow ups.

But I really knew that I was launching this GoldieLynx membership this permanent jewelry membership. So in my mind, I was like, okay I'm going to infuse this in the membership. And that will be probably like towards the end of the month or early July. But there was so much demand for it that I was like, you know what?

I'm going to do this. Everyone's asking for it. Like I can do it now. I realized I'm more passionate about it than, more. I speak about it that I came home from PJX and I went to work on creating these courses that following week, I created the videos for the bangle training and the glow ups and the stretches.

And And then also within that, I was like, realized okay, I'm going to launch the membership too. I had been working on the membership since literally the fall. I had the idea in July and I started working on in September and I kept pushing back the launch date because of everything that was just happening in my business.

And so finally I'm like, I'm doing this. Like I, cause I want to be able to offer the trainings where you can just buy them separately and you're not forced to be in the membership or you can be in the membership and the trainings are within the membership, by the way. So it's all included. I came back.

I worked hard on that for two weeks, the following two weeks, making the videos, had breakdowns as you might know, Oh my gosh, technology, not my jam. I can make a podcast episode. I can check my email. I can go on Instagram. Okay. That's really the extent of it. Like I can do I can do like things on my website here and there too.

Yes. Okay. But Technology, when it works for you, it's amazing when it doesn't you, as you probably can imagine, and you know how frustrating it can be. So I definitely had the ugly cry a couple of times trying to edit these like videos because I made the bangle training and that's pretty much, it's over an hour.

So it's definitely a lot. We go over a few different techniques and things like that. From solid bangles to the open ended to different styles, whatnot. And so there was a lot to edit out and splice together. And then voiceover. And I worked. All day on trying to splice together this video. It would not download or upload.

I should say, whatever you call it to my phone. Cause I was doing it on my phone. Cause I had recorded all these videos on my phone and it was not working. And I don't know what I did. Probably user error, but poof. Like literally a whole day of work, a video went down the drain. It like disappeared, got erased.

And I was a wreck because then I had to go through the clips again and splice and split out the parts that I didn't want and voiceover again and do the whole thing again. And I literally, I remember putting up a story in my Instagram and just explaining, cause everyone, a lot of people were asking like, Hey, when's this coming out, when's this coming out?

Cause I had announced a couple of times, I'm trying to do it by Monday. I'm trying to do it by Thursday. And that literally, that was that week where I was, I kept, I said a couple of different days, a couple of different times. And I'm like, Oh my God, I hate doing that. Like I want to stick to my word. So it was supposed to be Thursday. And I remember I was going to put it out that day. And that's when I had to redo the whole thing. And I had an event that night. It was the last thing I wanted to do was go to an event. Okay. It was inside of a barn. It was pretty cool. It was like a whole vendor situation.

And I honestly, of course look, I was literally crying on the way to the event. I'm not kidding. And I was, of course, so grateful after the fact because it just got me out of my head. I was able to talk. Of course, I love my customers. I love talking to vendors. So my jam had a blast and I'm like, okay, it was cool.

I got on my mind, got out of my head, I should say. And then what I did though, because I knew I couldn't record the voiceover for the bangle videos in my home because my girls are sleeping. By the time I got home, it was like 9 30. So I parked down the street from my house. in my car and recorded the voiceover for the bangle training in my car for an hour.

Because I'm like, I'm determined. I don't want to think about this tomorrow. This is happening. And I knew there'd be like, I didn't want, I knew there would be probably a couple other hurdles. So sure enough, that was a Thursday night. And I think I finally launched it on that Saturday. Yeah, I'm excited.

So that was a good two weeks after PJX launched those courses. You can see everything at all the things, permanentjewelry. com. I also within making the trainings, and just of course, tweaking the membership, making sure it was ready, although it's been ready for months. I went in. Also decided, okay, I'm going to make a page where it's like my hub, right?

That's where all the things, permanent jewelry. com is. So basically it has like information on how to get the free wire wrap training to get the separate trainings, to get the membership information on the podcast, my supplies, my handmade, stretchy bracelets that you can purchase wholesale. Like all that's in one spot because obviously it just gets confusing.

And so now you have all the things. in one place. So I also created that page on top of it because I'm like, wow, how am I going to talk about this now? It's once you start working on something, you realize something else ends up coming up okay, wait, what about this? So then I created that page.

So everything got launched a couple of weeks after PJX. Okay. In the meantime, keep in mind, I'm doing my own events still. I am training a new Goldie girl. I franchise Goldie links, if you're not aware. So I've franchised Goldie links. I have Goldie links businesses and now Six different people are doing GoldieLynx business under my umbrella.

So I was training new girls are doing it together. They're amazing. I was training them also would go from my event on a Saturday. I think the day I launched the the actual membership and trainings, I believe I went to an event during the day and then I went right up to their party to help them out with their first party.

Jam packed day. And then right after that, I decided to travel to Michigan just by myself for three days to train another Goldie girls. Actually, I'm from Michigan. It was one of my best friend's daughters. And so I decided to do that because I knew after that, I'm like, I can't think of another time that I can make this happen.

So I left on a Monday last week of June came back. And during the time, of course, I got a ton of orders from PJX of the glow ups and the bangles and all the things they offer online, the chain. And just so grateful and so excited. And I already had, of course, a few makers making them. So if you don't know already too, I do employ stay at home moms to make these supplies.

So especially the chain, the connectors, the glow ups. Okay. So they are trained and there's a lot of, obviously, follow up with quality control and all these things that are happening to, or to do. At the time I only had three maker or sorry. maybe five makers going doing different things. But like I was getting so many orders.

I definitely needed more than that because these are state home moms or no, it's not a 40 hour a week type of position. They're definitely doing it around 10 hours a week. And also was in the process of knowing that I need to train more women, to do this, but also, okay. So these orders are coming in.

People are starting to ask, where's my order. I am working hard in the meantime of creating these digital courses, doing my own events, launching the membership, but also training two new Goldie girls and being a mother and a wife and trying to wash, do laundry. So this was a course, as you can imagine, I definitely, I feel like this is a month of like such, it's such a crazy like combination and facets of.

Emotions, right? Because it's so much excitement, so much gratitude. But also so much overwhelm and like times where I'm like, I can't do this. I'm going to break down and cry right now. And that's okay. And this is expected. Okay. Like growth is amazing, but also you're learning lessons like constantly.

And so that's why I like urge you. I know we talked, I actually talked about this in a podcast with someone recently, but it's like, when it comes to even a fellow permanent jewelers and you might hear something or, you like, if you ever have the urge to like, quote unquote shit talk, about somebody or something, there's so many different levels of stages of business that we're in.

And there's, there's so much growth that happens when you're an entrepreneur. So really giving people grace and, it really, that's why I urge people to go to PJX and things like that, to stretch yourself because that's the only way you're going to improve and understand, and, really.

Be able to improve your business in some capacity. But so through this process of me obviously getting more orders and launching these courses. Obviously there's a lot of growth happening and a lot of lessons being learned too, and so anyway, here I am going to Michigan last week in a June.

Okay. This is all my updates since PJX. So I go to Michigan. I train Chloe I'm getting up in the morning, early going to the coffee shop to like, get work done at the same time, organizing orders, responding to emails, doing what I can. I get back. I have events that weekend, like crazy. I booked myself Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

When I got back in a Thursday. And then my brother came in town. So like the next week was the week of July 4th and I was working on like fulfilling the orders and just making sure, of course, my goal was to have them all out by July 4th because they had been piling up and I'm like, okay, I have to focus on obviously fulfilling these orders, and in the meantime, I did at that time prior, I had trained two new makers that month, the month of June, I did train two new makers. So July 3rd, here it is. I am like, okay, this is my packing shipping day. So I have, you should have seen my kitchen. I had everything just strung about, brought out my printer.

I don't really have a, I have a studio space, but it's in my basement and it's not ideal. I don't have a ton of room. So I definitely have things everywhere. Oh my gosh. If you like took a tour of my home, like my TV council has all Jewelry things. I have all my connectors stacked in trays and my ATV console.

My pantry is hidden. It's to the side I so I hide things I have a bench that I put a bunch of things in I also have Just I literally have little pockets everywhere around my house storing things for my business. Okay It's always a process of organizing i'm telling you but i'm manifesting an amazing studio space.

So that is something that I am manifesting currently, but So anyway, I've spread everything out. I have my connectors, I have my chain, I have all the things, I'm like all trying to get, so I'm shipping, I'm packing and shipping from 10 AM to 3 PM and I have to leave to go pick up my brother from the airport.

And I was just feeling so, I was like, Just there was the orders I couldn't fulfill because I realized I was low on like glow ups and I couldn't sit there and make them with that minute. And there was a lot of things that I just felt pretty defeated where I was like, man, I really want to be able to fill every single order at ASAP.

Of course, I would love to have keep in mind, these are made to order. They're handmade. So it's gonna be a little different than mass produce where they just have it on a spool. They cut it to. Three feet and ship it to you. It is a little different, but at the same time, I want to be able to ship things like an exceed expectations and be able to ship things like very fast because I know that's what I want.

I we're in an Amazon instant gratification world when we want things and we want things for a certain specific event that might pop up. Like I know how things happen. I am aware I do this too. So I want to exceed right. Expectations. And so I felt like I was just falling short and it was Really discouraging.

Honestly, I was very overwhelmed and I knew that I was heading into a week where I wasn't working because my brother was in town for literally a week, like Wednesday to like that following Tuesday night, I was like, Oh my God. And that gives me anxiety, like not knowing that I can't really work because someone's in town and I have to obviously, be present with them.

It was overwhelming. Like I was excited, but I was also so nervous and not ready for it. And I almost felt, I always feel like I need one more day or one more week. I'm like, Oh my God, I need to catch up more. I'm just like almost mad he's coming in town because I need to do this. But also of course, I'm so happy he's coming in town.

That seems ridiculous, but it was just so much, right? So I drive into the airport and I'm having a breakdown, right? I'm having another breakdown. I am like, I think I was, Marco pulling Ashley at the time, just sharing like how overwhelmed I am. And just knowing that I need more help, right? I'm like, I need more makers.

I need more I just, I need more help. I cannot do all this. I will drive my, I will go crazy, but I'm also again, I'm so excited about this growth. I'm so excited about every single order that comes in. I'm just like. I'm telling you guys, it's like nothing else. I'm just so excited because not only it's I'm just so excited that this is growing to the fact that I'm training more women.

I'm training more mama makers is what I again, call them. Cause they are stayed home moms for the most part or even working moms. They're working moms, but they also. They are more at work from home moms that obviously would not be able to get another job and it gives them a creative outlet.

It's not so much too about the, like maybe the money for that, although it's awesome to have extra money, but at the same time do something for themselves. Because as we know, being a mother, if you're, if you're constantly doing things for other people. And it is hard to have I was just talking to a group of a couple of girlfriends that came in town.

From Michigan, actually last night that I hung out with. And one is a mom and her kids are about 11 and 14 and one was not, is not. And, but they were both talking about how they're obviously full time. They work full time and they were talking about hobbies and they were also just, they were also just like, Dreaming and like sharing with me their ideas for opening a business and over there in Michigan, like a type of brick and mortar, like coffee shop, all these different ideas they have.

And they're like, Oh, but I like, I work all day. And I'm like, cause I was like, Oh yeah, I kept saying nine to five and they're like, yeah, more like eight to seven. You know what I mean? Cause a lot, depending on your position and what you do, they're like, by the time I get home, I don't have the energy to have a hobby.

I don't have the energy to even put into something if I wanted to create something else for myself. So it's before you know it, days go by, years go by, and you're like, have this dream, or you have this want to have this outlet, but you don't really have the way to do it or how to do it or the time to do it, really, or the energy.

was like, obviously fresh off:

My boutique changed so much. I was adding a second child. Two children, two and under. And it was just a really confusing time for me. And I like, maybe it was postpartum some things, but honestly, the first year and a half of Goldie's life was like a blur and a lot of anxiety. Just, I swear to God, I cried every day.

And. I understand after that, I remember saying that to a friend being like, I really want my jewelry to mean more. And that was even before I found permanent jewelry, because permanent jewelry obviously checks that box for the fact of connection and wanting it to mean more than I always wanted jewelry to mean, but it's more or less too obviously I love that jewelry that gives back, that donates to a, Or some kind of bigger purpose.

And for me, I was like, God, at the time I was just feeling the way I felt as a new mother, and two children and feeling like, quote unquote, stuck at home, like in the best way, of course, I love being a mother, but it was just like, I didn't feel like I was feeding into myself.

And I was very, honestly, I was very depressed. Like I was, I did not feel good. And I remember thinking like, God, I like, I want to support them in some way. I want to support the people that are me that feel the way I do. And, because honestly, of course, it's going to play into your children and your parenting and just, it's a domino effect.

And I know how important it is to take care of yourself. So you can be the best for the people around you and the people that are relying on you and these little humans that, that you are just love and adore so much. So that's why that's been so amazing kind of going off on a tangent, but getting these orders, knowing that.

It's going to a bigger purpose. It's not just my business. This is not just my business. This is a business of other moms and and feeding into like, their family and their dreams and, doing something for themselves, which is so important. And we all know how important that is. So anyway, I'm driving to pick him up from the airport.

Okay. I'm having a breakdown and I'm like something, but again, this is the process, right? It's if you're feeling a certain way, even in your business of something isn't working or whatever, it's okay, what is this telling me? Whether they're getting stuck in the emotion and being like, okay I'm stuck here.

I'm miserable, whatever, like something and beating myself up for not being able to fulfill the I wanted to and whatever. It's okay, how can. improve this? How can I make this work? So I pick him up from the airport. And again, this is also thing about productivity. Again, I was like irritated. He was coming in town.

I say that in the most loving way. Of course I want to see him, but it was more or less I don't have time for this. I have to work. I have to do so to take To force time off and obviously not have any events that weekend. Fourth of July, just enjoy him, just try and shut down my brain. Of course, I was still answering messages and working and doing all the things and waking up early before anyone else and getting on my computer or making connectors and, of course I was still doing that.

But for the most part, of course, I was taking a big break because I was being present with him, right? And productivity. Okay. So here I was like upset that I was not going to be productive maybe in the sense I would normally be, right? And by doing all the things, but sometimes productivity means doing nothing.

Okay. Sometimes it means sitting down and Gaining some clarity going within asking yourself the questions, checking in with how you feel because we just go through the motions and I find this so I've been actually doing interview podcast interviews. I find that people are telling me that especially after we.

Get done chatting. And we we, we say goodbye for the episode, but then we continue talking. They're like, man, it's so crazy. Like a lot of things you asked me, I don't really think about, and it is so important to like, check in with yourself because we just go through the motions of day to day life, not really checking in.

Is this still really what I want? Is this still, so he was here and I keep in mind just that week before I had fresh trained Chloe in Michigan. Okay. And. I literally had the epiphany and it kept coming into my mind, that I did not want to franchise GoldieLynx anymore. And I was like, at first when I had the thought, I was like, interesting.

I don't know. And then I just kept thinking about it and then I voiced it to Ashley. She's always like my go to, so I told her and I gave her all my reasons. And her response to me, she was like, you know what, Jen, I can't believe I never didn't even think this for you. But yes, it does make a lot of sense because, and this is why I came to this.

Okay. Because. I am so passionate about helping other women get started. And honestly, who I got started with GoldieLynx, I'm so proud of them. And literally like I could cry talking about it. Like it's been such a joy for me to get them started in their business and see some of them just doing amazing and kicking butt.

But I find that first of all, franchise, what is a franchise? A franchise is Starbucks. It's McDonald's. It's target, right? It's these places that, when you walk in the door, what you're going to, you're, they're going to have, it's not a surprise. I shouldn't even use target as an example, but say Starbucks, right?

What drinks they offer. You're not going into a Starbucks in a different city and thinking they're going to offer different coffee drinks. And that's the comfort of Starbucks too, because you know what you can order and what you can have. So that's the beauty of franchises.

With Goldie links, the way I started it, I never wanted it to be something that I was like, you can only offer these chains. I really wanted to give the creative freedom to the business owner. So that is really technically not a franchise. And so as I was adding more women, cause I was up to six Goldie links.

Girls, Goldilink owners under my umbrella. I was like, it's hard to keep track of like quality control. As we know, when we are looking for items, like how we can come across suppliers that say they're gold filler, they're not, or like styles. I feel like really aren't Goldilink styles because I really do want to stick to what Goldilink is as a whole.

What vibe is it right for me? It's 14 karat gold, Phil sterling silver, solid gold, gemstones. Adding any of the things that we, the glow ups, the the bangles, like any innovation. I want it to be a part of Goldilocks because I feel like that's what it is. And I don't really want to deal too much with obviously we know we can offer like the, some selection of more inexpensive chains, stainless steel, whatnot.

I'm not big on stainless steel. I know some people love it and depending on your area and they think it's, it's, or they know it's good in, maybe they live in. Ocean cities where they say it's really good in the water. And there's, they have their reasonings for me. I don't love the way look, the look of stainless steel.

And I just, that's just not. my jam and that's okay. Everyone again has their own vibe and there are reasons for what they offer. So I just want to, I wanted to stay to a certain like look, and as things are growing, it's hard to have that quality control and know, especially when I have women that are like in different states and whatnot really what they're offering how they're presenting.

Their, their brand. And although I do supply the display and all the things to begin with, as we know, as we grow, we add things, we, change things up and it might not always look how I want it to look. And so being someone that I created this and obviously being really passionate about the brand and, whatnot, I find that I found that technically, it's not really a franchise, right?

I'm not saying Hey, you, you only offer this many chains. And this, and these are the chains you offer. And so that was number one. And number two, I found that like with the structure it was, I feel that you, especially with you're starting a business and you've never had a business before.

It's so helpful to have that support, especially right in the beginning. Cause you're gonna have questions about. Every single thing. But I found that as women are getting going and maybe they've been in this for seven, nine months, they like, they don't need as much help. Of course, they're going to check in when they need to like, certain questions or, they want to evolve and, other questions like that.

But I feel like over time, when I went, especially when I developed the membership, I was like what's the difference between them just being a part of the membership that they chose to be part of the membership against support that way versus being the franchise, right? I would say, yes, the franchise are getting more one on one help.

But honestly, within the membership, I'm, I feel like there's a lot of one on one help actually. And I know that I'll be offering even more specialized one on one help in the future. So that's an option. So I'm like, you know what? I was like, I know that time, as we know, is money that that's the quote, right?

But I like prefer to obviously say, in a sense of like time is a non renewable resource. So as I expand this business and I'm experiencing all these things since PJX and having my own epiphanies about what I'm feeling really fired up about and what, I'm What is lighting me up is I, and I always know I know I only have so many hours in the day, right?

And we know how it is. If like you focus on something, how it's, it gets hard when you're doing a million different things. And having a million different focuses versus two solid focuses, right? Like how much is that one thing going to grow when you are not able to focus on it? So for me, and that's going back to shipping orders, like I don't want to quote unquote, lack of a better term, half ass anything, right?

So I want to be able to fulfill orders. I want to be able to offer the best quality. I don't want that to slide. I don't want to be one of those suppliers that you hear about that are like, Oh I spent six weeks and they won't respond to my messages. And most likely it's not again, ill intended on their end.

It's more or less. Like they are overwhelmed. They are a small business and they probably just can't get to it because they need more help themselves. And they are, it's gotten big and they are unable to fill. But at that point you have to ask yourself what's more important? Like I would rather slow it down and be able to fill those orders and give good customer service.

Then obviously be taking on more than I can handle. That weekend I slowed down with John, my brother, I had this epiphany and I literally by the end of the time he was gone, I was convinced and I was having conversations literally the day he left. I called a lot of my Goldie girls and said, Hey, I have some things I'm going to share.

And so basically they're all eventually going to rebrand and they're going away with their own business. And and we worked it out if there's anything left to pay in order to keep the machine and move on. And yeah, and it's crazy because I just trained two new goldie girls in the month of June, which is insane, but honestly it felt so good and it felt like that was a good decision that I needed because I again want to focus on The handmade portion of this business, helping people with the handmade portion, whether again, offering these supplies and, or teaching on it.

The membership I want to give my all into and create this amazing community of permanent jewelers that we want to, support and evolve together and improve our businesses and have all the resources to make your business and life easier. I'm really passionate about that because I know how hard it can be to wear all the hats and how hard it is to wear all the hats.

I get it. Um, and also too, when he was here, I was like, I need more help. I need to hire more mama makers and this is what's happening. And so literally the day he left as well, I went on next door and also a local Facebook job listing group. I was so amazed by the response I got. I was actually worried.

I'm like, am I going to find three women? No, I had many messages. I was also fielding through that. I could not get to and. I end up, of course, creating the script that I gave him. All the information was super honest about what I expect. Gave him the video. Is it something you'd want to do? Do you like tedious work?

Do you like working with your hands? Do do you feel like you would enjoy this? Do you have at least 10 hours a week to dedicate to this? And so I then, There was a Monday, maybe after he left, I had four women in at 9 a. m. time, two women come in at 11 o'clock, I had one person come at 2.

30, and I had four more women come at 4. 30. All that Monday to train them on wire wrapping, bangles. Glow ups, like just all the things that I'm having made. And so then after getting them started, I realized I need a few more. So I actually contacted a few more and I trained four more women this past week.

So I have so many new women getting going. They're so excited. They are loving it, which is, again, it's just so fulfilling and just feels my heart of just so much gratitude for them. But also the fact that they, it's like, they're just loving it. Like I just. Before I started recording had a mama maker DD drop off some supplies and she was like, I just love this so much.

Thank you. Like it's been such an outlet. People think I'm crazy, but it's just been so much fun to do this. And she was actually, she's a mom of young two, two young children. I think her youngest is six or yeah, five or six. And She was actually working. She wanted a job and she wanted something and obviously to provide for the family and also bring something in.

So she was working for UPS and she was working really crazy hours and she just couldn't do it anymore. She said it was really affecting her six year old. And and so she just, she had to quit. It was just affecting her family too much. So she's loving that she could do this on her own time.

And. And really I, they, people, everyone has caught on to this so beautifully to the quality has been amazing and I'm huge on it. Trust me, I am the pickiest person, but I love that. I am because you know that if you order for me and you're getting trained for me, it's going to be amazing. The best quality.

I'm always comparing chains. I'm always with wire wrapping, I'm very specific on certain things that I want done when it comes to wire wrapping. Okay. That's going to ensure quality, durability, and just give you the best that you can. So just know that because with training all these women that might not have any jewelry experience, but I'm training them on one specific skill.

So they're doing it again and again, and it's all like muscle memory. And honestly, it's one of those things I do over time. And within a few weeks, they're like, they're. Basically pros, that's all they're doing. So it's just been an amazing experience, but that is literally, I feel like up to date with the seven weeks I've trained, goldy girls.

I've trained probably like 20 women to make more jewelry. I have decided to end the franchise. I launched the membership. I offer two trainings, bangles and globes. Currently next is metal stamping for permanent jewelry and non permanent as well. You can offer, it'd be a great time for the holidays. So I'm offering that training that's going to be offered in August as well, coming up that you can purchase separately.

Or you can get within the membership again. Everything's within the membership. We have a guest expert every month. And so actually you have a social media expert coming on the group next week and she'll be actually on the podcast talking about this and we'll be airing that very soon too. So yeah, just so many amazing things are lighting me up right now, and it's just been so amazing to connect with you.

I can't believe how many people, amazing people I've met at PJX that has continued and a few people I have interviewed this past week for the podcast. But here I am. So it is July 29th and I am also. looking at a bunch of orders in front of me and that I'll be fulfilling in the next week. I have so many different mama makers making specific chains, right?

So one person has a certain stone, the other person has a certain stone. So it's it's very specific to what they're making. And I'm also coming out with a new line of handmade chains that will be available towards the end of August. Super excited about that. Oh my gosh, just so many things in the works.

With the Mama Makers and just feeling so passionate about that and leading that mission for me. Even you do order the handmade chains, I will have a little sign that you can add on to your display. Cause if you do have something special like that, handmade chains or even a glow up, say you make them yourself, I would just urge you to really educate your customer on the fact that it's handmade.

It's something special, just I would, keep in mind these chains they take depending on, of course, their skill level or like how long they've been doing it. But I have one maker who's been making it for me the longest, and she's been making chains for me since the end of last year. And she is doing about a yard an hour when it comes to, you creating chains.

So three feet per hour. So right now, a lot of mama makers are doing about two feet per hour. So keep in mind how long it takes, right? There's a lot of connectors per foot. There's about 15 connectors per foot, depending on the chain. But my point in saying this is if you do have, and again, I'm not trying to sell If you have my things, amazing.

I appreciate it. But I'm saying, even if you have, you hand make your own items or you get handmade items by someone else, keeping it on a separate display and really educating your customer on the fact that these are handmade, whether it be by you, whether it be, and maybe telling the story, but why I think it's so important.

Cause I actually, one of the Permanent jewelers. They're actually interviewed them for my podcasts are amazing. Their first anniversary is coming up and they were ordering the pink Opal chain for their first anniversary party coming up. And I, she called me and I was asking her how much she was going to charge for, because everyone's always asking how much do I charge for this chain?

Because keep in mind, they are definitely more expensive than you're typically paying for a mass produced chain because of the fact they're handmade. And there's beautiful stones on them. And so when I communicated with her, how they're made. And who's making them? She was like, Oh my God, that's a game changer.

She's actually, she's yeah, we should charge our like solid gold price for those chains because they're so special, they're handmade. And she's if you did have a little sign, cause I, I communicated with her how I was thinking that. Because we're having a photo shoot coming up with all the mama makers and honoring them, and I want to put all their bios, my websites.

You get to know people that are behind, who's making your chain, and making your, what you're making. other supplies. I'm going to make a little sign that has, a beautiful picture of all them possibly with just information effect that they are handmade with 14 karat gold, filstone, silver, that, these are all mainly stay at home moms.

And so just a little bit of so people are really understanding how special those chains are. And if you do make your own handmade, I urge you to do the same, whether or not you communicate it vocally. But I think that when you get busy and maybe you are not able to really communicate with every single person who sees it, to understand the difference to really make something so that they can see that how special that is.

Okay. OMG. That's an update. I feel like I lived five lives since PJX, but I've also been doing podcast interviews. I have five in queue, so I cannot wait to share. I'll also be sharing. I'm there's new things I want to do. I actually want to come up with a personal episode every week when it comes to recaps of my events this past weekend, I'm going to start sharing my numbers profit.

I'm also going to have a Excel spreadsheet, really that you can plug in your numbers and figure out your profit for events. I'm really excited about that. Just a lot of things to improve your business coming up that I've just been like thinking about. And okay. I don't know where to end this episode because I feel like I could keep talking forever, so I'm just going to stop it.

But anyway, I hope to see you inside. I also have a Facebook group that I also developed or, made, created, whatever, since PJX, because obviously I knew people were like starting to make loops and want to maybe ask some questions and whatnot. So if you just look at Goldilinks in the groups Goldilinks podcast I believe it's called Goldilinks podcast, handmade supplies and all things, permanent jewelry or something like that.

So that's a public group, but then there's obviously the Goldilinks society group. That's just for members. If you're interested in any of that, any of those things, even the Facebook group, Again, it's allthethingspermanentjewelry. com and reach out to me. I'm on Instagram at GoldieLynx Jewelry. I'm at GoldieLynx Society too, although it's just I have such a habit of showing up on GoldieLynx Jewelry, but I will, communicate with you any way you choose.

So Facebook, the Facebook group, the Instagrams, and it's been such a pleasure. I love that I met a lot of you at PJX and I hope to meet anyone who's listening in the future. Take care. Bye. And I hope one of you, one of you listening, all of you listening, I was going to be a guest one day and tell me your story and your journey.

So anyway. It's been a pleasure, and I'm looking forward to serving you guys more and more, offering more amazing things. I hope you get to check out the chains and all the things. And just know I'm working hard at this end to fulfill your orders ASAP and exceed your expectations. I currently have an organization process going on right now.

To organize all the supplies. That has been also just so amazing. Organization is so key. I'm telling you. So anyway, like I said, I can go on and on with all the little things I've been doing over here, but it's been really amazing. And Gosh, like how much can change into the short period of time?

actually I'll be recapping my:

share like after that end of:

So I'll see you guys soon. Bye.




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