My guest is Producer/Engineer/Sound Designer/Editor/Mixing & Mastering Engineer Nicholas Messitte, who has done podcasting work for Amazon, ABC, iHeartRadio, NPR, and music work for Animal Adjective, Super City, Micah E. Wood, Leland Sundries, Pete Mancini.
In this episode, we discuss
- Kids
- His Dad's Musical Side
- Early Recording
- Discovering Audio
- Boss Recorder Experiments
- Oceans Eleven
- Guitar Center
- Imagination and Mixing
- Creating Opportunities For Yourself
- Drug Use and Abuse
- Working from Home
- Dealing with Opportunities
- Finding Your Value
- Spirituality
- Listserves and Getting Work
- Money and Taxes
- Theatrical Podcasts
- Opening Doors
- Keeping it Fun
- ChatGPT
Matt's Rant: Fear of Missing Out
Links and Show Notes
- Guest: Nicholas Messitte
- Host: Matt Boudreau
- Engineer: Matt Boudreau
- Producer: Matt Boudreau
- Editing: Anne-Marie Pleau
- WCA Theme Music: Cliff Truesdell
- Announcer: Chuck Smith