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35 - How to Have Unlimited Energy at Your Next Live Event with Energy for Success's Dr. Barry Morguelan
29th November 2022 • High Profit Event Show • Rudy Rodriguez
00:00:00 00:34:56

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In this insightful episode, host Rudy Rodriguez takes listeners on a journey that started with a serendipitous meeting with Dr. Barry Morguelan in Austin, Texas. Globally recognized for his distinct voice, Dr. Barry stands tall as one of the 12 living masters of a 5,000-year-old energy practice from China. Over the years, he has collaborated with high-profile figures, including the likes of Tony Robbins, Dave Asprey, and Vision from Mindvalley. Beyond his collaborations, Dr. Barry is seasoned in hosting workshops and events, and he joins Rudy to shed light on how to host profitable events without succumbing to stress and burnout.

Dr. Barry's expertise is deep-rooted in a rich tapestry of experiences. Before discovering his passion for energy practices, he was a renowned gastroenterologist, surgeon, and professor deeply ingrained in Western medicine. However, a profound dissatisfaction with the medical system, especially after witnessing the struggles of patients like Mrs. Rodriguez who endured misdiagnoses, led him on a transformative seven-year journey. From the mystical terrains of South and Central America to the cultural hubs of Europe, Dr. Barry delved into various healing modalities, ranging from shamanism to crystal therapy and acupuncture. It was in China, though, that he experienced a pivotal moment. There, he encountered a revered grandmaster and embraced an ancient discipline that emphasizes the body's innate sensors, a practice he believes is the cornerstone of true holistic health.

The episode also touches upon universal emotions that transcend cultures and disciplines. Drawing parallels with sports, Dr. Barry discusses the unbridled joy an athlete feels during moments of triumph, such as hitting a home run in the World Series. This raw emotion isn't a product of rote learning but stems from deep-seated, genuine experiences. In today's digital age, with constant updates from platforms like Twitter and Facebook, he believes we've drifted from these real experiences.

The crux of the conversation revolves around energy. Dr. Barry emphasizes the omnipresence of energy and molecules in our lives and how we possess the power to harness this energy for good. By shifting our often repetitive and negative thought patterns, we can enact transformative changes in our lives. This isn't merely a philosophical change; it's a tangible shift in our very vibrations. Dr. Barry also underscores the insights of historical figures, from Lao Tzu's symbolism with yin-yang to the revolutionary thoughts of Turing, Tesla, and Einstein regarding energy's significance.

The discussion culminates with an exploration of the human body's intuitive "knowing pathway." Every cell in our body connects to a sensor, allowing us to understand our environment inherently. Dr. Barry's programs aim to harness this intrinsic energy and intuition for personal success. He showcases the impact of his teachings through real-life success stories, like that of Sherry, who witnessed a remarkable uptick in her earnings. Rudy chimes in with his personal experiences, noting a distinct enhancement in energy and effectiveness when employing Dr. Barry's techniques. For listeners eager to tap into this reservoir of energy, Dr. Barry's teachings and resources are available on his website, ""

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Rudy Rodriguez:

Hi, Rudy Rodriguez here and on today's episode, we have a very special guest, Dr. Barry. Welcome to the show, sir. And really excited to have you on as a guest for a few reasons. I feel like we've met very serendipitously. Just a couple of weeks ago in Austin, Texas, we were at The War Room Mastermind. It's interesting because I heard your voice and I instantly knew who you were purely based on your voice.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

You know, I hear that in Europe. I hear that in South America. And they go, I was from y'all. I go, yes. They go, you said, they say this. In Germany, I haven't spoken a number of languages, but they don't know that. They hear my voice speak and they go, then they say the same thing. So, yes, I like that because then it allows me to immediately say, OK, what do you need from the energy? Let me help.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Right. They know you from the work. Yes. I came or you came into my office.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Before I jump into that, I want to share a couple of bio points for our audience in case it's the first time they're hearing from you. Dr. Barry is a unique human being in that he is one of only 12 living masters of a source energy practice today that comes from an ancient practice from China that's over 5,000 years old. Dr. Barry actually has over 15,000 documented cases of successful energy practices ranging from healing sicknesses to multi billion, with a B, dollar exits. Some of his clients include the likes of Tony Robbins, Dave Asprey, Ben Greensfield, Jay Abraham and Vision from Mindvalley. So, Dr. Barry, you've been around the block quite a bit and you yourself have hosted many events, many workshops yourself, and you work with some of the greatest event leaders on the planet. On today's episode, we talked about discussing how our audience, how they can lead successful, profitable events while at the same time being able to have healthy energy, be able to attend the event and not be burned out, being able to go to Necker Island and just avoid that burnout and stress that tends to happen from from events. So I'm really excited to have you on here as a show. I'm going to turn over to you to share some of your background, some of your story, whatever you want to share there. Then we can talk about the show's topic.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

Well, one of the most exciting things is that. Your people listening should know that. If I'm going to be on somebody's podcast, it's got to be someone like you, that you really are heart centered and really want the latest tech for people, but want them to win in the whole picture. When I went to China, it wasn't my first stop. I was already successful as a gastroenterologist and endoscopic surgeon and professor, and I'd already discovered diseases and published. I was at the top of my field, much of my two practices in Los Angeles still do, until I stopped being a surgeon about 18 months ago. So the joy of Western medicine wasn't there. I was running from the emergency room, the intensive care unit, because I want people to see that there's the way God set up the universe or mother nature. All that is operating this whole system, any way you want to look at it, it really is meant for us to succeed and win, but that isn't most people's experience. So as I was going from the emergency room to the intensive care unit, to the floor and signing people out and going, hey, things are going great. Then behold, another crew of people came in the next day and the next day, I went, wait a minute, we're fighting an ocean here of people not making it in life and being stopped. So it wasn't until one day, I think I told you one time that I was making rounds on a Saturday, which usually you try to get out earlier on Saturday, but you don't do because you just hopefully help people to get through what success that you had.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

So the last patient was a lady I really knew, Mrs. Rodriguez. I knew her family, sort of a heavy set Hispanic woman, and I'd eaten all her food she'd brought me over the years. But I said, hey, we took your tumor out, everything's good, you get to go home. So I figured I'd be out of there. But she says, hold on. I said, what? She said, I'm not happy that it took so long to see you. I said, yeah. She said, I had to go through all those other doctors, they didn't know what was wrong. They couldn't find out what was wrong. Then I got sicker and sicker until finally, I saw you and then boom, because of the system, her insurance or whatever it was. So I knew her. So I sat down on the bed. It's one of those moments, the sun was coming in the window. I can see it like it was yesterday. I sat down, I said, you know, Mrs. Rodriguez, I wish you never got sick at all. I wish there was a way you could be your own doctor without ever having to get surgery, even though surgery is perfect, we did it well. The downtime you had beforehand, plus the worry, she says, yes, the worry. Three-state, very sad, all the time. My family having to be concerned about me. And it was just too much. So I said, I really wish we didn't have to go through that. So then she, like something from heaven comes down through her. She looks at me, she says, if anybody can do it, Dr. Barry, you can do it. So I said, I'm going to discover what else there is. It's on the other side of the equation called illness. Because we expect, I remember explaining this to Dave one time, who loved it. I think he put it in one of his books. We expect you're born and then you're slowly going to have ups and downs, the process in life is a decline, right?

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

That's your expectation given you from birth. Even if you're a positive thinker, it's still statistically, that's what we have. I knew that for every yin, there was a yang, because I studied. I was an anthropology major in addition to science when I was in college. So I was really interested in knowing that there's always opposites. So could there be something else? So I went on a search every three months on my own ticket. Everybody in those days were, it wasn't like now. You have to understand this is over 20 years ago. People were very like, you're wasting your time. You're already doing fine in your business. You're the educated guy, you're teaching. Why do you want to go look for the fountain of youth? I just felt such compassion for everybody suffering. I said, it's got to be there. They said, we have to understand what we had in Los Angeles at that time. Only healthy stuff we had, there was Winchell's donuts, which is nothing, a sugar coated dough. So we didn't have anything that was really going to have you reverse that curve and have you get to feel stronger, more robust every year of your life, every day, actually. So I did a lot of things that people are doing now. I researched all over. I have a map on it when I do a presentation, but actually I went around the world. Every three months, I'd go to a different place, South America, Central America, Europe, and learn things in each one of those places. I'd love to tell you all about them. One of the places was deep, maybe you've been there in deep South America. I got to be a shaman for a while and actually had all the garb and the clothes and learned how to do all those things that people are getting excited about now with plant-based medicine.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

But you can't bring that back to UCLA. It's going to ruin the smoke detectors and it's just not going to happen. Also the trouble with that whole system is that it's not much different. I call it plant-based pharma versus big pharma. It's still just a blip. It doesn't change the curve that everybody is already in, their genetics, epigenetics, actually, epigenetics is set up. What I learned when I was in China, but it took me 160,000 miles, I think seven years before I finally got to China. After going to all these different places, Central America, South America, I learned something in every place I could use, crystal therapy, water therapy. I got a degree in acupuncture, a degree in herbology. I was thrilled that that might be the answer, but it was still remedial. Even though there was a thing called supportive therapy and a way to keep yourself more healthy, that moved the notch a little bit, and that's when the whole supplement craze came out. But still the death rate and the illness rate and the process rate of people getting more robust every day, it wasn't happening. Then when I finally was in China, I got to work with their grand grand master, who was their national treasure. There were a lot of, I could go on the website or another time. I can give you the whole story, but it wasn't easy to get to meet him. He was guarded. This is back in the day when everybody's wearing these suits like this, and they may be going back there now, who knows where China is, but it was all rickshaws then. They said, no, you can't meet him. You're an American and you're working in the hospital, you stay there. But I actually had great success with one of their big guys in Beijing, who was part of the government.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

When I finished doing his colonoscopy, it took up huge wealth. His right hand person said, how did it go? I go, we got them all out. He can go. It's fine. Go just meet him tomorrow. He said, wait, what does that mean? He goes, I don't think you'd be leaving the country if it didn't turn out good. Okay. But then they wanted to pay me. I said, no, I said, what I want to do is meet that guy at the top of that monastery that nobody can get to. They said, we'll work it out for you, but I'll have 30 minutes. But the point was, we hooked up. It was serendipity, which has a lot to do with this is how you and I met. It was like, okay, for some reason, and then later I found out why, it's a much longer story, that he actually was in their ancient scriptures in China, in this discipline that had been oral tradition since Lao Tzu and before him, was that it was supposed to be spread to the West by somebody, but no one had ever wanted to do that because you have to learn it by challenges. But I passed all the challenges and I got the ability to deliver this to other people, treatments. We have so many wonderful results because it's not based on thinking, which is the part I like the best, because we have enough thinking. I have a bunch of psychiatrists and psychologists who are in the courses and they love it because of their communication with the clients. They say, we play your tapes in the waiting room or send them home, and then they can hear what we're trying to say. Because it's not that the therapy won't work, the person's TPS, thoughts per second, are so rapid that people can't actually listen. That old thing about how you talk to someone and say, I might listen to them first because they're so anxious to say what they want to say.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

But even then, they still want to keep saying that even though you've got something to contribute to them, the people are blocked by what I call the matrix. They made a movie about that and then later they made another movie. But the point is, it's real that for existence to occur, that there is a yin and a yang. There's a positive and negative pole. We just haven't explored how this whole other operational system that really works, that doesn't take thinking or stress, it's actually the sensors in your body open up. And as you get those sensors open, it's like, I don't know, did you ever play sports, tennis, golf, baseball?

Rudy Rodriguez:

I played some football and some other intramuralnumeral sports.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

But in football, did you ever throw a great pass or make a great block? See, that feeling right there? I hope that's on the screen. That see what came over you, where those sensors opened up and reconnected to that time where all of a sudden grace came in and you were able to pop. And then you can see it at any time. I tell people to watch TV during The World Series. If somebody hits a home run, they don't just run. They're almost, even though they've done it before, they're transfixed because the energy comes down so deep that they're still amazed. They've been doing it since grade school and they're amazed. Here, they're the pros that you can do that because you're part of the magnificence of existence is being amazed all the time of the wonderfulness of what's happening. That doesn't come from trying to memorize something, it comes from an experience from within. It's totally available all the time. That's when people are able to be super successful. That's the other reason why I like this program. Not only the fact that I could do surgeries, we timed it in the hospital, like twice as fast or three times as fast as what normally gets much better results than the usual statistics and anything. That it made sense that you're meant to have a good world if you can learn some of the basic things about how to turn on your own sensors each day and taste takes practices and listening to certain vibrations because we don't have those vibrations normally on Twitter or Facebook because there's other things going on there.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

But you know that at all places, there's molecules around you hitting your body. You're where you think we're here, but we're actually in this big sea of molecules. It's almost like we're swimming in an ocean of molecules of things, all kinds of things. None of that is necessarily there to revive you because no one took the choice to say, okay, I'm going to do this. No one took in you and your podcast and your other things we were talking about. No one just said, hey, it's going to be my responsibility because I like this. I think people will benefit, it'll be a win-win. That's what I liked about this whole program. It's win for the patient, win for their community, and then win for the person who's administering because it doesn't make me weak to treat the people individually or to give them these techniques. Then they get stronger each day and both your intelligence, anti-Alzheimer, get you more creative. When I was helping Dave and Tony with their books, they said, we've only got like three days to finish this thing. I went, okay, these practices and it's amazing to me. That's why I keep doing it just because it's that walking around in that home run state. So you can see, I get excited just every time I get to be with somebody because the field that I get to emanate for them is one that their mirror neurons and your epigenetics picks up on. And you go, hey, I can do that. But how do I keep doing it? That's always the problem. People go away on retreats. Wonderful. It's just like the people that I was trained with, all of them stayed in the mountains. Okay. The reason is they didn't feel like going to the cities and dealing with all the conflict of law.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

Is this really possible? So plenty of people left the cities and came up the mountains to see us when I was there, whether I was in China, was in Japan, after I got trained in Korea, Russia, even Canada, Northern America. So people always came once they knew that they could get a benefit. But my joy was now you go home. You don't have to come back. Now you just do these practices. It's a little bit like a change in our, what we call, I've been running as hard as I can already in life. How come I haven't gotten there yet? And you want me just to take 20 more minutes out? I'm saying that, yeah, but the 20 minutes, we have all this reported, the 20 minutes you get there will produce 10 hours of freedom and big deals coming through. What most people, it's been studied, most people's minds and thoughts are about worry. Your thoughts each day are almost always the same. I mean, you run through a whole series of them and most of them are not positive. So for example, wait, and then that creates your field. Then when you're around anybody, then what do you supply? You're not supplying anything that's going to be helping them. If you could turn yourself on every day. So when I discovered this and learned how to be able to do it for other people, I ran back to Mrs. Rodriguez, ran back to measure all kinds of people, went in my office and everywhere just to collect all these testimonials, because I wanted that the body, the human being, the person, no matter what your age, that you could hit a home run in life without me being there or a drug.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

You could just do these practices and all of a sudden you're in that place. It isn't testosterone either. It's not you're jumping up with a ton of hormones or another extra added cost. It's just getting this thing to work. I'm thrilled that for one reason is that if we could get everybody to work their own bodies correctly with these different techniques every day, then I think people would be in much better shape because financially, this really helps people become super successful because you make a lot of great decisions. Romantically, if you're looking for a soulmate, this does it. I have all those records of people really being super happy and staying happy with their mates, physically getting stronger and healthier. So all those things we all worry about, all the sides so that your everyday community, which I think we barely need, not only COVID pointed that out, but the more that people need a friend, they need a community, at least five very close people. Otherwise, as shown by your statistic, your whole health is going to diminish that way. And that's not even the person being super positive. So I love the fact that people are more freed up and that I can get my ultimate goal, which would be that we'd have a society of people being successful and healthy, happy and living longer. Therefore, the whole world feasting would be brought on by a grassroots movement rather than having somebody legislate it with bombs, which doesn't work. Neither does legislation necessarily. So it reminds me of, they did a study with kids in grade school, and they put plants, two plants next to each other in the window, same fertilizer, same plant.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

And it's been repeated multiple times. So it wasn't just one plant. So for one plant, they told the kids, all we want you to do is to say this quietly, not out loud to the plant. It was all negative things. Like, I wish you were here. You're a bad plant. Why did you come here? All kinds of bizarre things that run through people's minds. Then to the other plant, same kids, they've got a switch. You only get a minute to do it. To the other plant it's, I love you. You're wonderful. I want you to grow strong and healthy. You're looking great today. Again, a whole list of positive things. Things that you'd like to say if you saw somebody that you wanted to help out. But you don't say that when you're suffering. This is all mis-and right-brains communication translated to Spanish to me. So the study, you can look it up. How do you think it went after six weeks? The plant, they got the same water, same nourishment, same sunshine. They're only saying, this one went and died. The other one, I have plants in my office that have never seen sunlight. Never. Just the lights in here, not even special lights. And people go, how's that plant keep growing year after year? Energy. It's all about what vibration you want to be around you. That's the ultimate thing that if I was to say how this whole thing is based, because what Lao Tzu actually discovered, the yin-yang symbol is all about this quantum physics. And Turing studied him. Turing helped stop the war. Tesla studied him.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

All the greats, Einstein, they all said, this guy's got it. But it hasn't been really brought out completely because it's so powerful. And now there's enough studies out that show that whether you want to say it psychologically, or you want to say it philosophically, and like you're learning in the programs that we have, that the world turns according to you and your field. You may meditate for two hours and be in really good shape. I've been to meditation circles. They were wonderful. Then the person who brought me there, we got to the parking lot. He goes, what happened? He said, I got a ticket the second time I went to the meditation. So you just went out the window. So yeah, I'll be more deep that it holds us like a keel on a boat. So that when you got in the ocean, I'm a sailor, the boat, you don't worry about the boat, unless there's a tsunami or something. So, whatever it is, even if it goes like this, you're going to write. We don't have that experience in our lives. We go through stress, stress, stress. Kids have bad dreams. Oh, by the way, I have kids who play these videos and audios every night. They just put it on themselves and it gets rid of night terrors. So we have a parent program because kids actually are just, well, if you've been a parent, you know that they're going way faster than we're supplying them with the best of the world. And they're so much more capable and want to be, but we don't have the process to give them until I developed these audios and videos. He was watching what's embedded in them is the vibrations that open up your sensors that you can do and feel.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

So what's the sensors, your ear, your eyes, your nose, those are big sensors, but you have much smaller ones. There's one here called the parotid body. This measures when you jump up from a chair, how your oxygen shifts and how you can get your heart rate to go that fast. There's sensors everywhere in your body. There's so many that, and it's the same as with David, his mitochondria talking about, well, it's all about mitochondria, which is in every cell. I said, believe it or not, every cell has a connection to a sensor. He goes, really? I go, yeah, man, you don't need to learn specifically like what I had to go through, but if you do these practices, then you're ready to go. So for people who are going to be doing big events, the heart of, and I think that's where people are going to be hearing this today, is that most people doing big events, God loves you. I've been there with you many times and people get worn out. People, how are you doing? Fine. You're not fine. Your aura's about this big. You're not in any way ready to even go and they go, well, this problem, that problem, they're on. So then I would give them treatment and give them the practices, and then they could jack themselves back up into being in that healthy state. Some people say, well, wait a minute, even if you miss sleep and you're tired and you've been stressed, you think you can just pull yourself back? I'll give you an example. Say you're the most tired you've ever been. You're just exhausted. You've got a bad story. Then I say, oh, did you know that your lottery ticket over here that you bought just won for $2 billion, like this guy over here, but you gotta pick it up today. Would you get out of bed and go over and get it? You would brighten up automatically and you would turn yourself on in a fun state and get there.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

But nobody's telling you that the world was set up for us to collect our tickets every day. Yeah. Every day. And why not? Because there's other influences that we have to learn, like in speed, you have to learn to handle each one of them, and that's what we do in the different courses we've got. Actually we have a gift for you people to use. It'll be That'll give them a chance to experience some of this just in the very beginning at the energy for success website. We have so many materials. It just depends how deep you want to go and how quickly you want to scale. So say you put on an event that has had this many people. Okay. You gotta start somewhere. It's okay. What did you learn now? What worked? You're a whole thing on how to yourself to scale in every department, but not just on the stage and not just with the audience, but to also make sure your material gets used. You were talking about that before that people collect stuff and they don't even use it. So then they don't get the benefit of when you spend your life working. Then also so that they stay and want to continue with you. And then most importantly, it's win, win, win, which is what turned me on because I'm doing the energy practice. People should be in better shape every day, which means even if you're taking on a big project, like we're going to event by the time it's finished, you should have time or somewhere in the middle, take a break, be with your family, play golf, do something and say, I think I got this handled. That comes, if you just take it for a second, that comes because where you've been working from is this pathway in your brain that very few people know about called the knowing path.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

It's just not even talking about, but your sensors go into the knowing pathway and the knowing pathway allows you at any moment, like one of the clients that's in the camp when I was there was a jet leader, the martial artist. The knowing pathway is sort of like, you've got this 360 knowing that I'm going to do this and I'll catch the ball, catch like Mr. Miyagi catching the fly. So it's very easy to experience the knowing path. If I asked you, where's your right thumb right now, you don't have to look. You don't even have to think. There's already something that goes, I know where it is. You don't even look because he's already passed that thing. You're not in the phase of doubt, but where does everything else live in your brain? Doubt because as old and the Vedas and all the old scriptures from India, where I did study, I studied in India. It just was too slow. I wanted people, as a surgeon, to be able to do whatever their modality was, even if their modality was part-time golfer, part-time handling big events and part-time husband, that's great. Then keep expanding. I wanted you to get healthier and stronger each day. What I've seen happen, like there was this one lady, Sherry, she came to me from the reason I remember her, she was so adorable. She was like about 20, 21, I think, 21. She lived with three sisters and a mother and that was it. They all were on top of each other and there was one big hairball. She just said that it was, she didn't think that anybody in her family was ever going to do anything. She says, I want to be a millionaire saleswoman and I want to work for the best companies. Can I do that for this program? And I said, yeah.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

So she worked the programs with me and her facilitator and watched the videos about some of them. She kept sending me notes each couple of weeks about how she's succeeding. In less than three years, she went from making five figures to high six figures. And then was given the position, this is all reported in this huge IT company as best saleswoman in the country. She gave a talk at their national meeting and got to go to this big deal thing. Here her family's never seen anything like this, you see? And they said, well, where did you get all this talent? She said, just like Dr. B says, just like what Allison said, it's in you. You just have to know how to choose. You want to choose the side that says we're always degrading or do you want to use practices and then gear up and then choose to be successful. That's this opportunity we all have that no one's encouraging you to do. People just try to hold it in. As a matter of fact, most people, I think, don't really tell you the truth about anything when you say, how are you doing? They go, I'm doing fine or it's the same old. I don't like that. I don't think that that's produced. I've been bringing this out with so many different clients who started the same way, no matter what age you are, that that doesn't have to be that way. You can be on the superstore. It isn't a mental thing. Although it is good to be positive, but that, believe it or not, it comes up from within when you threw that football or made that block, it came from within. You didn't say, okay, now I'm going to be exhilarated. No, grace descended on you. So you don't have to create happiness. It's you just create your sensors being open and then you're ready.

Rudy Rodriguez:

So Dr. Barry, this has been remarkable to hear your story, your background and how you've integrated this into your life and the lives of thousands of other people. I do want to share my own personal experience. By the way, thank you for your generous gift with our audience. So make sure if you're listening to this as the audience, including the show notes as well, stick and listen, but Dr. Barry, you know, I actually was introduced to your work about four or five years ago through a friend and I downloaded your app energy for success and had an 18 minute meditation in that app that I started to do actually in preparation for events that I would be working. Then I even started to actually do it with our team at the event. We get up, sometimes six in the morning before the event begins and we don't set aside 30 minutes to sit still and do this together. I would look at the team and say, hey, listen, I know you guys want to have a great event. Are you willing to try something out that is maybe outside the box? And everybody would opt in and then we would do this 20 minute, roughly meditation of yours. Sure enough, coming out of that, I would feel great, team members would feel great. The energy would be aligned and quite consistently we were having blockbuster events. I do truly believe that taking the time to align energetically is one of the key things. I know that when we don't do it, we definitely feel the impact. When I don't do it, I definitely will feel tired, exhausted, and stressed. Like I definitely feel the impact when I don't do it. So I want to point to the efficacy and the power of what you're teaching and your work and your tools that you've created for the marketplace.

Rudy Rodriguez:

So, again, for our audience, if you're listening here, highly recommend going to Dr. Barry's website,, use the app, download the gift and do whatever you can to think outside the box. And maybe if you haven't done energy work before, try it out before you judge it, try it out for at least 30 days and see the difference. I know I've seen the difference in my life. So Dr. Barry, thank you so much for this incredible work you've brought into the world.

Dr. Barry Morguelan:

Joy. I'm so proud of you and congratulations. That's what it takes. The spirit moves within you and you go, hey, this works. I want to keep doing this work. So I want to keep doing it. It's just that, how do I consistently do that every day? We have to put ourselves in gear, just like in your car, you've got to put your car out of neutral, which doesn't get you anywhere, into gear. Then you can get out of the garage. So this energy practice gives that and you can see your team. It doesn't matter what part of the country. I have similar reports and a whole bunch of testimonials from some guys who actually had their company bought and they were portrayed in fortune magazine that they were doing so well, just by doing the same thing. They had their whole crew listening to the guy to bring. They called me and said, hey, thanks for letting us get into fortune. I went and they spoke German. I said, well, how did you do? I don't know you guys, but it's fun. This is what turns me on. Helping the success of our whole community, which is what I experienced. Thanks.

Rudy Rodriguez:

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Dr. Barry for being a wonderful guest on our show and really look forward to continuing to dig deeper into your work as well. So thank you so much, sir. I appreciate you. Thank you. You're super.




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