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Episode 9: Larry Williams, Anthony Grindstaff and Susan Arwood on Enabling Technology
Episode 915th November 2024 • A Closer Look at Frontline Initiative • Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota
00:00:00 00:24:31

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DSP Anthony Grindstaff, Larry Williams, and Susan Arwood share how enabling technology has changed Larry’s life for the better and how a visit from the Tennessee Governor’s wife, Maria Lee, provided Larry with new enabling technology for his back door. Larry receives support, and Anthony and Susan work for Core Services of Northeast Tennessee.

Thanks to his technology, he now has much more freedom to do the things he wants when he wants to do them.


Core Services Productions. (2024). Remote Support Specialist   [video].

Core Services Productions. (2021). Chris the Remote Support Specialist using Nucleus   [video].

Tech First SHIFT. (2024). Accreditation. 

Tennessee Department of Disability and Aging. (2024). Enabling Technology. 


00;00;00;00 - 00;00;35;14

Chet Tschetter

Hi, my name is Chet Tschetter, and I'll be your host for a closer look, where we'll explore the most current and relevant topics covered in frontline initiative, which is a magazine produced by the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals in partnership with the University of Minnesota's Institute of Community Integration. If you're wondering what Frontline initiative is all about, it's about the work that direct support professionals do on a day to day basis as they support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

00;00;35;17 - 00;00;49;14

Chet Tschetter

I'll be talking to authors and taking a closer look at current practices, tools, and resources. So buckle up and let's hear what the authors have to say.

00;00;49;17 - 00;01;05;25

Chet Tschetter

Welcome, everybody. I'm so happy to have our guest here today. Coming from Northeast Tennessee, we have Larry Williams and Anthony and staff and Susan Arnold. Welcome, Larry.

00;01;05;28 - 00;01;10;11

Larry Williams

Hello. My name is Larry Williams. Thank you for having me.

00;01;10;13 - 00;01;14;25

Chet Tschetter

You are so welcome, Larry. We're tickled to have you here today.

00;01;14;27 - 00;01;19;14

Larry Williams

And I'm Anthony Grant staff. I'm Larry's caregiver.

00;01;19;16 - 00;01;22;03

Chet Tschetter

Welcome, Anthony.

00;01;22;05 - 00;01;25;09

Larry Williams

Susan Erwin. And I'm very happy to be here today.

00;01;25;11 - 00;01;52;08

Chet Tschetter

Yeah, I thank you guys so much. I had the opportunity to meet you 2 or 3 years ago when we were down in Tennessee filming a realistic job preview for TennCare. And, Larry and, Anthony, you were featured. And in fact, we came to your home. Larry. Right. Because you live in a smart home, and we had the opportunity to see how everything works.

00;01;52;08 - 00;02;11;24

Chet Tschetter

And when we were doing this issue, a frontline initiative on assistive technology. You are the first people I thought of. And I'm like, I'm going to get a hold of Larry and Anthony and see if they will do, an article for us, which you did. It will be coming out in this next, issue of Frontline Initiative.

00;02;11;27 - 00;02;38;07

Chet Tschetter

The name of the article is called Enabling Technology supports Larry to have more privacy, choice and independence. And it's just such a great, article. I also wanted to dig in a little bit more and invite you to come to a closer look. And let's, let's dig in and talk a little bit more about, all the advantages you have, with the technology that you're using at your house.

00;02;38;09 - 00;02;45;01

Chet Tschetter

Anthony, will you get us started just telling us a little bit about yourself and your role at Core Services?

00;02;45;03 - 00;03;06;14

Larry Williams

Okay, definitely. So I've, I've been at Core Services. I think it's, like 18 years now. It's been a while, and, and I actually actually started work, but I haven't worked within the whole time, but actually started working with Larry. So Larry knew me, like, right from the beginning and and like, and honestly like core like especially under seasoned.

00;03;06;14 - 00;03;34;17

Larry Williams

I would like, pretty much like immediately when Sundar would take over, like, it's like corporate reps, live wires. It's a block and and even like nowadays with like the technology stuff with Larry's technology, that was unimaginable like even just a few years ago, you know, and then a that Larry like, like whenever he, whenever he was able to get his technology, he was he was able to have so many more freedoms and privacy.

00;03;34;19 - 00;03;46;09

Larry Williams

Like I mentioned, the article and he's just able to, to do things, in his day to day life that were very, though rather pretty much impossible or very hard for him to do.

00;03;46;11 - 00;03;53;06

Chet Tschetter

So what an opportunity for Larry to accomplish things that he's been wanting for a long time, right?

00;03;53;09 - 00;03;53;20

Larry Williams


00;03;53;20 - 00;04;05;06

Chet Tschetter

Massive opportunity and congratulations to you. Being a DSP for 18 years and having Larry Williams in your life for 18 years, that's pretty monumental, right? Larry?

00;04;05;08 - 00;04;05;18

Larry Williams


00;04;05;24 - 00;04;08;15

Chet Tschetter

You know, he's shaking his head. Yes.

00;04;08;17 - 00;04;14;02

Larry Williams

Definitely. If it wasn't for Larry, I don't think I could do this for this long because he's like. Like working with Larry. He's amazing.

00;04;14;09 - 00;04;21;18

Chet Tschetter

Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome. Larry, will you please tell the listeners a little bit about yourself?

00;04;21;20 - 00;04;41;21

Larry Williams

I was born and raised in East Tennessee. I live alone with my cat. Core supported me for decades. I love to watch and attend wrestling shows. I am a huge Tennessee Titans fan and University of Tennessee Volunteers fan.

00;04;41;24 - 00;04;49;00

Chet Tschetter

Are they having a pretty good year so far? Yeah. Both teams.

00;04;49;02 - 00;04;52;16

Larry Williams

According to Larry, always rallying. Very good.

00;04;52;19 - 00;05;03;05

Chet Tschetter

That's awesome. And, Susan, will you please introduce yourself and talk a little bit how enabling technology has come about at Core Services? Okay.

00;05;03;08 - 00;05;09;04

Larry Williams

Well, I've been the director at Core Services for a decade now. I reached my ten year anniversary on.

00;05;09;04 - 00;05;12;20

Chet Tschetter

September 29th. Congratulations.

00;05;12;23 - 00;05;26;10

Larry Williams

Thank you, thank you. The funnest job I've ever had. Prior to that, I had a 30 plus year career with State of Tennessee Vocational Rehab program. So I've spent my entire lifetime, working with adults with disabilities in helping them achieve.

00;05;26;10 - 00;05;27;24

Chet Tschetter

A full employment and.

00;05;27;24 - 00;05;30;11

Larry Williams

Independence. At Core.

00;05;30;11 - 00;05;31;25

Chet Tschetter

Services from around two thousand.

00;05;31;25 - 00;05;52;24

Larry Williams

And 14 and two thousand till two thousand seventeen, we went through a transformation to become a person centered organization. We figured out pretty quickly that people aren't really interested in a bunch of great services. They're more interested in just having a great life. And when we moved away from like a service model to just creating live good lives one at a time.

00;05;52;27 - 00;06;05;08

Larry Williams

We just we just saw some amazing things happening. And then around two thousand seventeen, the state of Tennessee started an enabling technology transformation program. And we were the first ones in line with our hands up, because it was.

00;06;05;08 - 00;06;06;07

Chet Tschetter

Just like the.

00;06;06;10 - 00;06;20;03

Larry Williams

Most natural progression from person centered to, a different support and funding model using technology. And, it's just been an amazing journey ever since we did that. We had two.

00;06;20;03 - 00;06;21;07

Chet Tschetter

Gentlemen that stepped up.

00;06;21;07 - 00;06;39;12

Larry Williams

First and foremost, that wanted more independence in their life, Carl and Brad. They both went from 24, seven DSP supports to pretty much an independent lifestyle and just made it look easy. And following that, it was just the number of people that, wanted different, different.

00;06;39;12 - 00;06;39;27

Chet Tschetter

Levels of.

00;06;39;27 - 00;06;43;00

Larry Williams

Independence. Larry, for one, when we asked Larry if he.

00;06;43;00 - 00;06;43;12

Chet Tschetter

Would like.

00;06;43;12 - 00;06;47;21

Larry Williams

To live independently, he didn't even think about it. Did you, or.

00;06;47;21 - 00;06;49;04

Chet Tschetter

Have some independence in his life?

00;06;49;04 - 00;07;17;05

Larry Williams

He didn't even think about it. He was just ready to go. So, we've we've had situations where people have learned how to, administer their own meds independently with a, with a, a medication dispenser to people that, just simply want to be able to pick a radio station without staff support. To Larry, who can ask his staff to leave or open his door or, answer the doorbell or change his television station.

00;07;17;07 - 00;07;20;26

Larry Williams

Just different varies just depending on what people's outcomes.

00;07;20;26 - 00;07;21;10

Chet Tschetter

Are and what.

00;07;21;10 - 00;07;23;08

Larry Williams

They want to achieve in their life.

00;07;23;10 - 00;07;50;24

Chet Tschetter

Wow, that's really amazing. And just that shift, that shift of mindset. How life changing. Anthony and Larry, in the article, you talk about use of the iPad smart lights, Ring Video Doorbell and some other, buttons that help enable technology and things to happen in your home. Will you tell us how these tools work and how they've changed your life?

00;07;50;27 - 00;08;13;09

Larry Williams

I can be left alone for two hours a day if I need anything. I just hit a button. Knowing someone is close makes me feel safe. My technology in my home allows me to have more privacy in the restroom, and more accessibility to my TV, as well as the rest of my home. If I ever want, I can always talk to Susan.

00;08;13;15 - 00;08;17;12

Larry Williams

As new technology becomes available.

00;08;17;14 - 00;08;39;27

Chet Tschetter

Yeah, just to be able to change the television station. To turn on what you want to watch, right? That's pretty important. Yeah. And close the bathroom door. So glad you can do all of those things. Anthony, we've heard from other DSPs that using technology to support someone can be pretty overwhelming. How is this experience for you?

00;08;40;00 - 00;09;04;05

Larry Williams

Well, I just want to say, like the, like something like, okay, even my he mentioned be able to use the restroom, alone, you know, without stopping in there. And he has that has a button, set up that is to whichever hit a button. And that speaker, well, that the staff know that he's done and just something like that, that I don't think a lot of people even really think about, like just having privacy in the restroom.

00;09;04;07 - 00;09;23;25

Larry Williams

And, and then also can be able to be left alone is massive, in my opinion. And I'll be, like I said earlier, I've known like for years and years and years. And you know, different points like anybody else. And the other person like would say, you know, not having a great day or, or be a little like, you know, a little more irritable or, you know, it's not worth talking about it.

00;09;23;27 - 00;09;36;00

Larry Williams

All he has to do is look at me and say, hey, get out of here, you know, for a little while, and I can do, you know, just like, you know, make sure the buttons are out there for him or the app, how they can use it on. And if he needs me, he can call you. You can call me back.

00;09;36;00 - 00;09;52;26

Larry Williams

And if he does need me, he can. He can have some time alone and and every and since. Since then also I've noticed, I've noticed a massive difference in Larry. I mean, he, like, I can't tell you the last time that, you know, he's like, you could just tell. He just didn't want to talk, you know? And Larry's like.

00;09;52;28 - 00;10;04;20

Larry Williams

And Larry is a very sociable person. But like I said, anybody, you know, you're around somebody 24 seven, obviously you're going to want a little bit of privacy. So I think the privacy has just been a game changer for Larry.

00;10;04;22 - 00;10;21;07

Chet Tschetter

Yeah, I think all of us need some time kind of by ourselves, especially if we're feeling a little irritable or just like, I just don't want to talk to anybody else and ask, answer these questions that they ask me all the time. Right? So to be able to take that break, of course.

00;10;21;07 - 00;10;39;16

Larry Williams

Yeah. And even like, okay, picking out food sometimes you may have to like, you may want something like say you want it on a Taco Bell. Well, you know, you may have before before he could just point out finals I've had and say so you know Taco Bell. You may have to like, guess 12 places. And now there's a Taco Bell.

00;10;39;16 - 00;10;49;17

Larry Williams

So you happy? These probably get a little bit irritable irritable with you, man, because he's like, you know, he's like one Taco Bell and you're not, you know, not provide the Taco Bell.

00;10;49;19 - 00;10;57;12

Chet Tschetter

Yeah, yeah. To be able to, get to get to the answer faster, right. A little bit more effectively.

00;10;57;14 - 00;10;58;27

Larry Williams

Yes. Yep.

00;10;58;29 - 00;11;08;29

Chet Tschetter

That makes a lot of sense. Susan, how do you support the staff to learn about using technology to help them feel comfortable and confident.

00;11;09;01 - 00;11;27;11

Larry Williams

Oh I think the absolute first thing is that you have to help people have a firm grasp on the person centered concepts. That's got to come first before you can effectively use the technology. For us, that was putting our staff, our staff through a two day person center thinking training and four days of personal outcome measures.

00;11;27;11 - 00;11;31;16

Larry Williams

We made sure every employee in our agency had that. It's one of.

00;11;31;16 - 00;11;32;17

Chet Tschetter

The lessons learned.

00;11;32;17 - 00;11;55;29

Larry Williams

And we learned this the hard way with we have to make sure our staff or our involved from the from the start, you they have to be involved in the planning when we're first even talking about introducing technology as supports and all the way through the you know, the, installation and implementation of it. And, we, we really believe in, helping our staff get credentials.

00;11;55;29 - 00;12;16;14

Larry Williams

There's, you know, there's, like, there's shift tech first out there right now that that has online training and continuing education and technology. So we're making that opportunity available for all of our staff to get credentialed. But I think, you know, it's a multi multi layer thing that you have to do. You have to make sure people have that a firm grasp on person centered.

00;12;16;14 - 00;12;21;24

Larry Williams

You have to make sure that they're involved in, planning the technology and the persons that are planning.

00;12;21;24 - 00;12;23;00

Chet Tschetter

Meetings where we identify.

00;12;23;00 - 00;12;32;23

Larry Williams

The outcomes and what technology needs are. And then, just continuing education opportunities so they can stay on top of, you know, what's out there and how to use it.

00;12;32;25 - 00;12;51;20

Chet Tschetter

Yeah, absolutely. That makes sense. I mean, a lot of I would guess a lot of times DSPs have some really great ideas of maybe what needs to be accomplished and maybe they don't know what the technology would be, or maybe they do to help the person accomplish that because they know what they know. The people are supporting the best.

00;12;51;23 - 00;12;57;22

Chet Tschetter

So being able to be a part of that conversation from the ground up makes total sense.

00;12;57;24 - 00;12;58;09

Larry Williams


00;12;58;14 - 00;13;04;28

Chet Tschetter

Yeah. That's awesome. Anthony, what sort of training did you get?

00;13;05;00 - 00;13;30;06

Larry Williams

Well, I've worked, I've done the shift training, obviously, and obviously the person training center, I think everybody the company is has done that and also even whenever I like because like I said, I wasn't at Larry, for, for a little, little period of time when I came back, you know, here I have, you know, the technology and things set up and they made sure there was people in the home to like, show me the technology as well as Larry, Larry, show me, like, the technology and stuff too.

00;13;30;06 - 00;13;52;29

Larry Williams

And that way I could, like, familiarize myself with things and, and, and also we have Adam in the office, which has been a massive help with, like with Larry's program, the Goto talk mail program. He's helped me like a lot with that and even like, different, different, like ideals. And he's came to the house and like, whenever he's like, set up the buttons or this and that whole like, show me exactly how things work.

00;13;52;29 - 00;14;12;21

Larry Williams

And then he can tell, you know, take and feedback very well. And, and Larry's able to talk to him and it's just like it's good. Like having, like a team like Larry has a, like a team behind it and everything. And it's a it's been great. And Susan. Yeah. Similarities. Larry's point is so it's always been like like right.

00;14;14;06 - 00;14;31;25

Chet Tschetter

Yeah. That sounds, sounds really great. So important to take that time to talk things through and share those different ideas and make sure that everybody on the team knows how to work everything and, and, and helping them be confident and comfortable with it. Right?

00;14;31;27 - 00;14;48;29

Larry Williams

Yes, definitely. Definitely. They they've done it. They've done an amazing job making sure like like if you work in Larry's home, but also like if I'm trying to my Larry's done. That's like one of the first things I show them and label. We'll show them where all the technology things are, how they work and things of that nature that way, that way.

00;14;48;29 - 00;15;07;04

Larry Williams

You know, if they, you know, when they work in the house with him and then they, you know, they know whenever Larry gets the button, you know, like whatever it is, like he needs help in his room or needs help his bathroom or or what have you. Then they know exactly like, you know, what to do and how to, and how to work on technology.

00;15;07;06 - 00;15;18;02

Larry Williams

And Anthony actually is involved in making sure everything's working properly and doing regular checks and changing batteries and making sure all that regular maintenance happens. Yes.

00;15;18;04 - 00;15;20;24

Chet Tschetter

Yeah, that's a part of it too, right?

00;15;20;26 - 00;15;23;01

Larry Williams

Yes. Yeah.

00;15;23;04 - 00;15;41;18

Chet Tschetter

So it sounds like, I mean, the ways to keep staff from kind of getting overwhelmed with it all is just taking the time to make sure they understand how things work and given the opportunities to use it, did you have any reservations about leaving Larry alone, and if so, how did you work through that?

00;15;41;20 - 00;15;58;03

Larry Williams

It's it's still like it's still sometimes like, I'll be like, you know, like, you know, because I stay, you know, we did, you know, a couple minutes from his home in case he needs me to come back quickly. But even sometimes, like, I'll be sitting there watching the time and I'll be and I'll be like, I hope he's okay, but he hasn't hit the button, you know?

00;15;58;03 - 00;16;15;00

Larry Williams

So, I mean, but at first it was pretty nerve racking, I'm going to lie, because I couldn't even like when I first started, like I couldn't in my wildest dreams ever come out. And just being able to, like, leave him home, you know, just go down the road for an hour and, and, you know, like before I probably then fired me, you know.

00;16;15;00 - 00;16;39;17

Larry Williams

Right. You've done something like that. You know, you build your massive problem, you know, but now with the, the impossible, like it's, it's like, oh, no, it's like, it's like one of those things. Like you don't realize how, like, crazy it would have been until you sit here and think about, like, you know, like 18 years ago, like, like for him to have the technology and the pad and like, all that stuff would have been unimaginable.

00;16;39;17 - 00;16;54;04

Larry Williams

And even the cameras, even the ring cameras, I mean, because, I mean, 18 years ago, I mean, cameras and stuff were like, not as accessible for everybody, you know, and actually, because of Larry, I mean, I got about I've got about your ring cameras now because I started using them here and I was like, you know, all of these were pretty good.

00;16;54;05 - 00;16;58;12

Larry Williams

I like, and it's all star bouncer for myself. I think that's that's I think.

00;16;58;12 - 00;16;59;05

Chet Tschetter

That's an important.

00;16;59;05 - 00;17;16;21

Larry Williams

Point, too, is that, you know, I think all of us have taken some of this home to our personal lives, too. Like I, I kept my parents in their home probably for three years, longer than they would have been able to because of all the technology that we learned and supporting people here at Core Services. Yeah. That's amazing.

00;17;16;26 - 00;17;41;21

Larry Williams

That's amazing. Also, that's like that's like like that, that like the quality of life. I think that the, the technology brings such like a, like a quality of life, like an improved quality, like to people like, like she was saying with her, with the parents, I mean, you know, like 18, 20 years ago, I mean, what would you not you know, that stuff would have been available or if it would have been available would've been like way out of somebody's price range.

00;17;41;23 - 00;17;44;29

Chet Tschetter

Now, we think in terms of possibilities.

00;17;45;01 - 00;17;45;17

Larry Williams


00;17;45;19 - 00;17;52;22

Chet Tschetter

And how do we how do we support those to happen. So it's a whole different whole different life out there.

00;17;52;24 - 00;17;55;01

Larry Williams

Yes. Yeah definitely.

00;17;55;03 - 00;18;05;23

Chet Tschetter

Larry how is technology changed your life? And what's next? Is there anything you're dreaming up that you you'd like, technology to do for you?

00;18;05;26 - 00;18;25;00

Larry Williams

Where would you like to see it? Where you didn't have step at all at night? That you're by yourself at night? Yes. Yeah. See, Larry still told me that before that that would that would be one of the dreams that he would have, would be to, like, have staff go home at night and then come back in the morning right.

00;18;25;03 - 00;18;30;19

Larry Williams

And you told me that before. Yeah. So.

00;18;30;22 - 00;18;35;11

Chet Tschetter

Maybe by the next time I talk to you, that'll be happening. What do you think?

00;18;35;13 - 00;18;37;25

Larry Williams


00;18;37;28 - 00;18;41;18

Chet Tschetter

Got a thumbs up there from Larry on that Susan. For sure.

00;18;41;20 - 00;18;45;02

Larry Williams

Yeah. What do you mean? Yes.

00;18;45;04 - 00;18;55;13

Chet Tschetter

So I last visited you in, I think, two thousand twenty one. Anthony. Larry, is there anything that's been added, since the last time I was down there?

00;18;55;15 - 00;18;58;13

Larry Williams

He actually, had a visit from the governor's wife.

00;18;58;13 - 00;18;59;04

Chet Tschetter


00;18;59;11 - 00;19;22;03

Larry Williams

Because. Yeah. Yeah, but, yeah, they came to visit. They came all the way down here to visit Larry. And the purpose for their visit was because at the time. Okay, there has two entrances to his home. Yeah, yeah, there's a front door and the front door. You know, he had the automatic door opener. It was, you know, like, like a control with, he has like a little, remote clicker thing.

00;19;22;03 - 00;19;51;24

Larry Williams

Or he can use his app, at which most time he does not have, but the the issue was he has two doors. He has a back door as well. And the issue was the budget only with, you know, a lot of for the one door opener. So the governor's wife actually came down here and, yeah, she came she came down here and, you know, he, provide the funding for him to have the opener on the back door also, which I'm sure you know, that was a very generous, you know, generous thing.

00;19;51;24 - 00;20;15;15

Larry Williams

And now he's able to exit, her 100% zone with his pad, either the front door or the back door. And that's also made him feel very safe at home because, you know, obviously, you know, having that quick access the other door because, you know, I mean, you never know. He might, you know, need to exit the home quickly or he just wants to get out the back door.

00;20;15;17 - 00;20;33;26

Larry Williams

Yeah. You know, like so now now he's able to do that and even like, okay. Like he has a porch out there like he can just anytime he wants, like, we'll just we'll just be sent here and he'll just open his back door and just roll out there and, and you know, like, go check everything out or he go out there and he has lunch out there all the time or dinner out there.

00;20;33;26 - 00;20;38;11

Larry Williams

And it's it's really been nice having, having that quick access to the back door.

00;20;38;13 - 00;20;45;23

Chet Tschetter

Oh, nice to just be able to go in your backyard and hang out and do what you want to do out there, instead of having to go around from the front.

00;20;45;25 - 00;20;46;18

Larry Williams


00;20;46;20 - 00;20;51;08

Chet Tschetter

Especially in Tennessee, because you guys have such nice weather down there.

00;20;51;11 - 00;20;51;29

Larry Williams

Normally, yeah.

00;20;52;02 - 00;20;58;00

Chet Tschetter

I have another question. What types of things does Larry have on his iPad.

00;20;58;03 - 00;21;06;27

Larry Williams

Oh gosh. Like what do let's say. What about jokes. He has jokes on here. He's a jokester. He loves to tell some jokes about children.

00;21;06;29 - 00;21;09;16

Chet Tschetter

Do you have one for us?

00;21;09;18 - 00;21;25;10

Larry Williams

Yeah. We do a joke. Share call. All right. Pick one. Larry. Oh, I used to do Bob. Brian. Right. So long. Jim wears a turtleneck. He looks like we're all of you here.

00;21;25;12 - 00;21;35;24

Chet Tschetter

All right, so, he's got lots of things that he, says, lots of jokes. He's got things on there that, he can command things with in the house.

00;21;35;26 - 00;21;59;24

Larry Williams

Yes. Yeah, yeah, he can, you can try, I mean, everything I think you tried everything with Bob had, even this TV, and, like, he can tell you, like I mentioned earlier, like, places he wants to go. Just simple. Yes. And those, I mean, that's been like. That's been, you know, good too, because, because, sometimes it just makes, like, a lot easier can and they even, that's one thing Saddam helped us with.

00;21;59;24 - 00;22;19;18

Larry Williams

Was he set up like a, a little quicker shortcut thing to where, like, you don't have to go to a whole new screen. It's like in the corner here. And he can bring that up and just say yes now, okay. Without leaving the screen. He's already on. Cool. He can control his lights. Yeah. It calls lights which is, which is great too because like you know when we're leaving that we're leaving the home.

00;22;19;18 - 00;22;33;25

Larry Williams

He's able to turn his lights off now with his off hand or I mean sometimes I'll leave and I'll come back and I have the lights off. And he said, are watching TV or watching a movie. So he's able to do that now without having to ask somebody or even like having to get up and do it.

00;22;33;28 - 00;22;41;11

Larry Williams

He can, he can answer his doorbell and decide if he wants to let somebody in or not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

00;22;41;13 - 00;22;44;25

Chet Tschetter

So you ever left you out in the cold Anthony.

00;22;44;28 - 00;22;47;22

Larry Williams

Not me. No.

00;22;47;24 - 00;23;09;23

Chet Tschetter

Thank you all for being part of this podcast. It was really fun talking with you today. And thank you, the listener, for taking your time to listen to a closer look at Frontline initiative so that you don't miss a single episode. You can follow a closer look on Spotify or Apple Podcast. Also, consider following Wellness Matters for direct support.

00;23;09;25 - 00;23;42;27

Chet Tschetter

It's a podcast for direct support workers, and we share different ways and information about how to support your health and wellness. To find all the issues of frontline initiative, go to aisi dot backslash series backslash seven, then subscribe to Frontline Initiative and get the next issue as soon as it's published. Until next time, be well.

00;23;42;29 - 00;23;54;10

Chet Tschetter

Thanks for joining the conversation. If you would like to reproduce all or part of this podcast, please email frontline Dash DSP at encore Edu.

00;23;54;12 - 00;24;38;06

Pete McCauley

Our show is co produced at the University of Minnesota's Institute on Community Integration by Frontline Initiative. Coeditor Chet Tschetter and ICI technical Director Pete McCauley. Skyler Mihajlov is our editor. Graphic designers are Connie Burkhart and Sarah Curtner. For more information on the Institute on Community Integration and all of our products and projects, please visit




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