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What's the Big Idea Behind Ideas?
Episode 4111th August 2023 • The Connectedness Podcast with Rev Karen Cleveland • Rev Karen Cleveland
00:00:00 00:19:06

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What is the Big Idea with Ideas? Where do Ideas come from?

In this enlightening episode, we explore the intriguing concept of shared thoughts, ideas, and the magical coincidences that show the interconnectedness of all life. Drawing on historical examples such as the simultaneous creation of “Dennis the Menace” in the US and UK, to discoveries like oxygen and the telephone, our host delves into how ideas seem to float through the universe until they land on someone ready to receive them. 

Through stories and reflections, including insights from authors like Elizabeth Gilbert and researchers like Bernard Bitman and Rupert Sheldrake, we examine the notion that our thoughts, inventions, and inspirations might not be solely our own, but part of a greater consciousness that connects us all. 


  • [00:01:00] Introduction to shared ideas and the connectedness of everything 
  • [00:02:00] The story of “Dennis the Menace” and its coincidence 
  • [00:04:00] Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic” and how ideas seek collaborators 
  • [00:09:00] Historical examples of shared discoveries (Calculus, Evolution, Telephone) 
  • [00:11:00] The psychosphere and Morphic field theories 
  • [00:13:00] Bollywood music synchronicities and the importance of energy 
  • [00:14:00] Emphasizing the importance of being open to new ideas and inspirations 
  • [00:16:00] Challenge: Embrace the idea that’s been calling to you 

References and Further Reading 

  • “Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert 
  • “The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature” by Rupert Sheldrake 
  • William Walker Atkinson’s work on thoughts and vibrations 
  • The stories of Newton, Darwin, and more 


Embrace the magic of life and the everyday miracles that come in the form of ideas and inspirations. Whether it’s a thought you’ve had since childhood or a recent insight, don’t dismiss it. Listen to it, give it life, and be a part of the oneness that connects us all. Your idea might be the key to something greater, not just for yourself but for the world. 

  I hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I did creating it. Remember, the world is filled with magic, and you are a part of it. Your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations are not random; they’re a sign of the interconnectedness of life. Stay open, stay curious, and trust in the beauty of the journey. Thank you for tuning in! 


I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group And in the meantime, enjoy the show! 



Rev Karen:

this was the exact same day, two new.

Rev Karen:

Characters were introduced to the world as Dennis the Menace.

Rev Karen:

So how random is that?

Rev Karen:

What kind of a weird coincidence is that?

Rev Karen:

How does that even happen?

Rev Karen:

, and so I believe that this is what helps.

Rev Karen:

Show us and tell us that there is some connection among all life,

Rev Karen:

and I don't care what you call it.

Rev Karen:

Some people call it the energetic web.

Rev Karen:

Some people call it God.

Rev Karen:

Some people call it the universe, whatever you call it.

Rev Karen:

There's some kind of oneness thing that connects us.

Rev Karen:

I have, I have dozens of examples.

Rev Karen:

Hello and welcome to the Connectedness Podcast.

Rev Karen:

Just as you might have guessed, I talk about connection and connectedness

Rev Karen:

on this podcast, our connection with everything in the world around us.

Rev Karen:

Whether you see it or not, we're all connected, and it doesn't matter if it's

Rev Karen:

our dog, our cat, our God, our body.

Rev Karen:

And I'll also talk about some more.

Rev Karen:

Abstract connections like our career or our land, our community, our emotions,

Rev Karen:

your body life is all about connection.

Rev Karen:

So the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we can have an

Rev Karen:

easier, more meaningful life.

Rev Karen:

I will talk about these connections through different lenses.

Rev Karen:

Things like synchronicities and coincidences are just.

Rev Karen:

Everyday little bits of magic and miracles that we, we usually dismiss.

Rev Karen:

It's really important that we pay attention to all of this so we can

Rev Karen:

live an easier, more meaningful life.

Rev Karen:

So welcome to the show.

Rev Karen:

I'm your host, Karen Cleveland.

Rev Karen:

Hello everyone.

Rev Karen:

Welcome back to the show.

Rev Karen:

I am excited today to talk about , a little expanded idea on ideas and

Rev Karen:

thoughts and coincidences and well, the connectedness of everything.

Rev Karen:

So what I wanna focus on today is ideas, and shared ideas and how

Rev Karen:

we see that actually play out.

Rev Karen:

And what it might mean, , for you or for me when it comes to having ideas.

Rev Karen:

So let me just start off with a story because I think it really illustrates

Rev Karen:

what the potential is and why we really need to pay attention to what, what

Rev Karen:

guidance we get, what information we get.

Rev Karen:

There's examples across time and across the, the globe of people that

Rev Karen:

have had the same idea at the same time and put it out into the world.

Rev Karen:

And how does that happen?

Rev Karen:

So let me start with this story of Dennis the menace.

Rev Karen:

Now if you're in the United States, you might know of the Dennis the

Rev Karen:

Menace cartoon by Hank Ketchum, and it debuted, uh, let me see

Rev Karen:

if I have the newspaper here.

Rev Karen:

I don't.

Rev Karen:

but it debuted on March 12th, 1951 and this Dennis the menace as a young

Rev Karen:

kid who got into trouble accidentally.

Rev Karen:

And , it was just about, his mischievous adventures and his neighbor Mr.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Now here's the thing, on the very same day, March 12th, 1951,

Rev Karen:

Over in the United Kingdom.

Rev Karen:

So if you're in the uk, you might be more familiar with this.

Rev Karen:

Dennis the Menace, David Law, introduced a rebellious character

Rev Karen:

with the same name in the BEO comic.

Rev Karen:

And, and while he was a little more, problematic the child , that, Dennis,

Rev Karen:

this was the exact same day, two new.

Rev Karen:

Characters were introduced to the world as Dennis the Menace.

Rev Karen:

So how random is that?

Rev Karen:

What kind of a weird coincidence is that?

Rev Karen:

How does that even happen?

Rev Karen:

, and so I believe that this is what helps.

Rev Karen:

Show us and tell us that there is some connection among all life,

Rev Karen:

and I don't care what you call it.

Rev Karen:

Some people call it the energetic web.

Rev Karen:

Some people call it God.

Rev Karen:

Some people call it the universe, whatever you call it.

Rev Karen:

There's some kind of oneness thing that connects us.

Rev Karen:

I have, I have dozens of examples.

Rev Karen:

I just wanna point out what Elizabeth Gilbert says in her book,

Rev Karen:

big Magic, because the first time I read this book, this really spoke to

Rev Karen:

me because there's some ideas that I've had in my mind since childhood.

Rev Karen:

I have these inventions in my head since childhood, and I've always

Rev Karen:

thought I better act on this because.

Rev Karen:

If I don't, someone else is going to act on it, there's

Rev Karen:

three main ideas that I've had.

Rev Karen:

Only one of them have I actually seen, , out in the world.

Rev Karen:

That doesn't mean there aren't maybe, other people having the same

Rev Karen:

ideas or even patents on these other ideas, or even they're out there

Rev Karen:

and I just simply haven't seen them.

Rev Karen:

But only one of them very, very recently have I started to see.

Rev Karen:

And I, I just think it's really curious.

Rev Karen:

But that aside, so Elizabeth Gilbert talks about.

Rev Karen:

Ideas and that if you get an idea and you don't act on it, you abandon it.

Rev Karen:

The idea it's gonna float around until it lands on someone else.

Rev Karen:

someone, said , that person has to have the right vibration to catch that idea.

Rev Karen:

There was a gentleman by the name of, , William Walker Atkinson, who did

Rev Karen:

talk about our thoughts going out until they land on someone that has the right

Rev Karen:

vibration to catch those thoughts.

Rev Karen:

But it's kind of the same idea.

Rev Karen:

And I know it sounds very abstract that our thoughts or ideas are just randomly

Rev Karen:

floating out there in the world, in the universe, but they come from somewhere

Rev Karen:

They originate somewhere and the more people study how the brain works and,

Rev Karen:

and where memories are maybe the same place where these ideas come from.

Rev Karen:

Memories we've always thought are stored in the brain.

Rev Karen:

The neuroscientists have been finding some of them, the ones that are doing

Rev Karen:

the research on it, that you can actually cut out, due to illness

Rev Karen:

or, or sickness, certain parts of the brain and the memories remain.

Rev Karen:

Or there can be nothing physical wrong with the brain and the memories are gone.

Rev Karen:

So perhaps memories aren't actually in the brain itself, and I know

Rev Karen:

this is going to be a big stretch for some people, but I think it's

Rev Karen:

just okay to be open to the idea.

Rev Karen:

Maybe while it looks like our brain is coming up with the ideas and the

Rev Karen:

thoughts and everything, maybe there is.

Rev Karen:

Our greater self, something greater that is helping us with those.

Rev Karen:

Maybe it's a collaboration between the two, so maybe it's not

Rev Karen:

strictly one or strictly the other.

Rev Karen:

Maybe it's a collaboration.

Rev Karen:

Anyhow, Elizabeth Gilbert and her book Big Magic , , talks about having

Rev Karen:

an idea for a book at one point.

Rev Karen:

She is telling her, friend, I don't know if it's an a friend

Rev Karen:

or an acquaintance, but another author about a story idea she had,

Rev Karen:

I'm actually just gonna read this one part so I don't get the ideas wrong.

Rev Karen:

So Gilbert explains that she once had an idea for a novel about a

Rev Karen:

middle-aged spinster from Minnesota who travels to the Amazon basin.

Rev Karen:

The idea of was vivid and alive to her, but due to various circumstances,

Rev Karen:

she eventually lost interest and moved on from writing that book.

Rev Karen:

Later on, Gilbert met Anne Patchett, and during a conversation, Patchett began to

Rev Karen:

describe a new novel she was working on.

Rev Karen:

Amazingly, the novel had a.

Rev Karen:

A very similar concept and storyline, even though these two had never discussed

Rev Karen:

it before, and the novel was later published as State of Wonder in 2011.

Rev Karen:

So this confirmed Gilbert's belief that ideas are conscious, they're living

Rev Karen:

entities, and they move between people looking for the right collaborator

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Conscious looking for the right collaborator, waiting for that

Rev Karen:

person to bring it to life.

Rev Karen:

So here's what I ask you at this point , is there an idea

Rev Karen:

you've been thinking about?

Rev Karen:

Is there insight or is there guidance?

Rev Karen:

You've just had for a very long time.

Rev Karen:

It might be something revealed to you in a prayer or a meditation, something

Rev Karen:

you've been holding onto for a very long time that you just haven't acted

Rev Karen:

on because maybe it's an idea that's so big and so good and just wants to be

Rev Karen:

brought to life that you need to act on it

Rev Karen:

or it might leave you and move on to someone else.

Rev Karen:

There's all kinds of stories and documentations about people that have had

Rev Karen:

the same idea at the same time without having met or discussed it before.

Rev Karen:

, for example, Newton and Riz, I don't know how to pronounce it,

Rev Karen:

both independently developed, , a system for carrying out operations

Rev Karen:

and calculus in the 17th century.

Rev Karen:

They weren't working together.

Rev Karen:

They may have talked to each other.

Rev Karen:

They were both building on previous works, so calculus itself wasn't unique to them.

Rev Karen:

But the system for, for processing, it was, and they did it differently,

Rev Karen:

but they arrived at the same answers.

Rev Karen:

And apparently because Newton was British and the Britain's pushed his.

Rev Karen:

Method over the other man's.

Rev Karen:

, that's the one that people come to know, even though the

Rev Karen:

other one is probably easier.

Rev Karen:

Another example is the theory of evolution.

Rev Karen:

Again, other people had done work leading up to Darwin's theory of evolution.

Rev Karen:

But there were two, two people at the same time that really had the same

Rev Karen:

ideas about natural selection, both Darwin and Wallace and the telephone.

Rev Karen:

Many people were working on the telephone at the same time, and two people actually

Rev Karen:

filed patents on the very same day.

Rev Karen:

Alexander Graham Bell and Elijah Gray filed patents for the

Rev Karen:

telephone on the exact same day.

Rev Karen:


Rev Karen:

Discovered almost simultaneously by Sheel Priestly and Lavo

Rev Karen:

Sa Lavoisier in the 1770s.

Rev Karen:

, we've heard the story of monkeys on one island trying to figure

Rev Karen:

out how to open a coconut and, you know, they use rocks to open it.

Rev Karen:

And then almost instantly on an island, Thousands of miles away.

Rev Karen:

The monkeys just know how to use the rocks to help them

Rev Karen:

shared ideas floating around . Connectedness, shared consciousness.

Rev Karen:

Bernard Bitman actually calls this the psychosphere.

Rev Karen:

So like, this is the, it's not the atmosphere, it's the psychosphere

Rev Karen:

where the thoughts, the ideas reside.

Rev Karen:

And come to us as we need them or as is right for us or for the idea and thought.

Rev Karen:

. And Rupert Sherick talks about, the Morphic field and Morphic resonance,

Rev Karen:

which is very similar , and the fact that it's these fields

Rev Karen:

out there outside of the body.

Rev Karen:

Potentially shared by everyone that feed information to the body

Rev Karen:

that, , tell it how to grow and kind of archetypal information.

Rev Karen:

So these ideas about there's something out there that feeds us

Rev Karen:

as we need it is not a new idea.

Rev Karen:

And then we have sunspots of all things which were independently observed by

Rev Karen:

four different scientists and 1611.

Rev Karen:

Why all of a sudden in 1611 did people see them and they didn't see them in 1610?

Rev Karen:

It could be.

Rev Karen:

There were some new inventions, there were some new methods, there was new

Rev Karen:

things available to them, and we're all growing always on previous learnings.

Rev Karen:

The consciousness of all the people that have come before us.

Rev Karen:

So it is, like building blocks.

Rev Karen:

It is like building blocks of life it's almost a natural progression that.

Rev Karen:

When certain things become available, more people have the idea.

Rev Karen:

Actually, there's someone that has been studying Bollywood dance

Rev Karen:

songs or Bollywood songs from the movies, and how at almost the same

Rev Karen:

time songs come out that are very similar in two different movies.

Rev Karen:

Even though the, , musicians had never talked to each other, the music is very

Rev Karen:

similar and it does have something to do with the music of the day and just the,

Rev Karen:

the whole energy of what's going on.

Rev Karen:

But I'm really hoping that these examples and, and these stories kind

Rev Karen:

of show you that the energy around us does kind of tell us what's going on,

Rev Karen:

but it is this connectedness that.

Rev Karen:

That leads to these thoughts and ideas and that maybe there's no

Rev Karen:

such thing as an original thought.

Rev Karen:

Maybe these thoughts have been bouncing around for, for a long time, and we

Rev Karen:

are just now ready to hear them or feel them, and maybe a, a thought

Rev Karen:

tries to land on you, but because you've not experienced anything like

Rev Karen:

it before, You can't comprehend it.

Rev Karen:

So it goes back out to the, the psychosphere, wherever, until

Rev Karen:

it's ready to land on you again, until you are ready to receive it.

Rev Karen:

And if you're not ever to ready to receive it, then it'll find someone else.

Rev Karen:

Or maybe it'll find someone in a hundred years, maybe the time is just not right.

Rev Karen:

Conversely, I would say

Rev Karen:

be open and receptive to completely new ideas, things that don't even

Rev Karen:

make sense, and really sit with them a little bit and see if you

Rev Karen:

can begin to make them make sense.

Rev Karen:

And I don't mean in one afternoon.

Rev Karen:

I mean, a week or six months or five years, don't be closed-minded

Rev Karen:

when a, an idea lands on you and you think it's impossible.

Rev Karen:

Maybe it is impossible right now.

Rev Karen:

You know that they have saved d n A from crime scenes.

Rev Karen:

For years and years and years, even though they had no way to test it or to

Rev Karen:

link it because they knew one day we're gonna be able to use this information.

Rev Karen:

So we're going to save it until we can.

Rev Karen:

And today's the day, today's the day people are getting convicted from a long

Rev Karen:

time ago, or at least tied to crimes.

Rev Karen:

From long ago that they couldn't link prior to recently.

Rev Karen:

So what thoughts, what ideas, what have been churning, what have been

Rev Karen:

coming to you time and time again that you keep dismissing and maybe

Rev Karen:

someone else has the same idea as you?

Rev Karen:

It's okay.

Rev Karen:

It's not a competition.

Rev Karen:

It's not a competition.

Rev Karen:

In fact, chances are looking at some of these stories about big breakthroughs and

Rev Karen:

big inventions, there's a good chance someone else has the same idea as you.

Rev Karen:

So don't look at it as a competition, and that means you have to act on it.

Rev Karen:

Maybe the world is ready for it and it's time for you to start putting it out

Rev Karen:

there, even if it's gentle, even if it's, , in a very gentle, soft, non-capital way.

Rev Karen:

That's okay.

Rev Karen:

New thoughts for new people is what's going to help us be open to more new

Rev Karen:

thoughts that can help people, help the animals, help the environment,

Rev Karen:

help the earth, whatever it is.

Rev Karen:

So my challenge for you today would be, what's a new thought

Rev Karen:

that you've had lately that you dismissed, and can you be open?

Rev Karen:

To just sitting with it and letting it marinate, in your head for a little

Rev Karen:

bit in your body, in your life, in your world for a little bit, and see how it

Rev Karen:

feels and what action might come from it.

Rev Karen:

Coming from someone who fully believes in the connectedness of

Rev Karen:

life, that we are connected with the animals and the trees and the

Rev Karen:

mountains and the rivers, and that.

Rev Karen:

I do believe there's a profound link between all of these and that there

Rev Karen:

is a universal tie that binds us all.

Rev Karen:

I just ask to be open and contemplate.

Rev Karen:

And that's all for now.

Rev Karen:

So bye-bye and have a beautiful day.

Rev Karen:

If you enjoyed the show, don't forget to head over to rev karen

Rev Karen:

That's R E V K A R E N

Rev Karen:

There you're gonna find the tools for finding more meaning

Rev Karen:

and happiness in your own life.

Rev Karen:

Plus, if you have a story that you want to share with me, either on or off the

Rev Karen:

air, be sure to look for that form.

Rev Karen:

Make sure you follow me so you get notified when new episodes drop.

Rev Karen:

And also I'd love to connect with you and my Facebook group

Rev Karen:

Connectedness with Rev, Karen.

Rev Karen:

So head over to rev karen




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