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The Price We Pay | Ep.23
Episode 233rd November 2022 • Diaries of a 6 figure Coach • Theresa Lambert
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Have you ever thought about the price we pay for staying in the same place?

If we are literally in the same place by the end of the month, by the end of the quarter, by the end of the year… What is the price we pay for staying in our inaction, the price we pay to overanalyze what the next step is, or the price we pay for continuing to try and do it on our own?

Even if we know what we are doing isn’t working for us anymore, we never really think about the price we pay for staying the same, for keeping things the same. Yet when it comes to investing in coaching programs, when it comes to investing in a team, when it comes to investing in support, when it comes to investing in our health, when it comes to maybe even investing in an incredible vacation, we look at the price tag and we're like: “Ah, this is how much it costs us.” This is the price we have to pay to receive this service, to have this experience, to have “this” and we look at the price of that. And we try to “validate” if it’s worth paying that price. But if you don’t invest. If nothing changes. If you decide to stay put…how much is it going to cost you especially as it relates to your business? Let’s talk about it…

PS: Only 7-days left to apply to be a part of the FREE Mastermind experience.


Theresa Lambert:

I believe in divine timing. I believe that the right people information, wisdom, guidance, heck things arrive when we're ready for them. I believe that owning our own truth unconditionally is the path to not only creative fulfillment, but more about success and abundance. This is not only a podcast to help you get strategic and mastered a position of success. It's a declaration to share the truth. It's a commitment to keep going to make it happen no matter what. It's an activation and invitation for me for you and for us to play a bigger game. So my question for you is this. Do you really want it? Do you really want to make your dreams come true? Do you really want to become a six figure coach? Welcome to the diaries of a six figure coach podcast, I am your host, Theresa Lambert, and I dare you to get ready to show up, boss up and make it happen.

Theresa Lambert:

I had a very, very interesting want to say conversation with myself over the weekend. And I was tuning in. And I was very giving a lot of thought to how much it costs us. If we are literally in the same place by the end of the month by the end of the quarter by the end of the year. And the price we pay for staying in our inaction, the price we stay for over analyzing what the next step is that we're going to take the price we pay to continue to try and do it on our own. Even though that isn't working for us anymore, and we know it yet, we

Theresa Lambert:

never really think about the price we pay the price we pay for staying the same the price we pay for keeping things the same. Yet, when it comes to investing in coaching programs, when it comes to investing in a team, when it comes to investing in support when it comes to investing in our health when it comes to maybe even investing in an incredible vacation. So you get the rest that you desire. So you'll be energized. Again, we look at the price tag, and we're like, Ah, this is how much it costs us. This is the price we have to pay to receive this, to receive the service to have this experience to have this and we look at the price of that. But we validly sit back and think about what's the actual factual price we pay? If nothing changes, and if nothing changes, nothing changes. But if nothing changes, how much is it going to cost you especially as it relates to your business? How much is it going to cost you? If you keep thinking about how you're going to build your business? How are you going to grow it? How are you going to do this? How are you going to do that? But not take action? How much is that actually costing you? See, you might be thinking about? Uh huh, you know, you might think, wow, it would be really helpful to have somebody helped me with a strategy would be really helpful to have somebody teach me how to launch it would be really helpful to have have a program that teaches me how to create better content or speak to my clients in the right way. So the messaging lens, it might be really valuable to do X, you might say to yourself, it might be really valuable to do inside whatever it is, that would be valuable for you to do in your business. And then you literally go and you see what's available. And you might even see your dream code, you might somebody you've been following for a while, somebody that you may be inspired by, and then you check out how much it is to to buy that program or to join their mastermind or to hop into that one to one experience. And then you're like, Wow, that's so much. That is so much because you get so hung up on the initial price tag for that. And you don't really think about the return on that investment. But more so what you're not thinking about is how much it's costing you to not invest how much it's costing you to keep trying to figure it out on your own, how much it's costing us to keep not taking the action, even if it's not about investing into a program. And we simply look at this as investing in our time. How much is it costing us to be in an action? How much is it costing us to be in constant progress a nation or perfection? Paralysis? Like what the heck like I have been In that before I have beaten that look like I am not perfect, and I don't want to be, I don't have all my shit together, I actually just did a video the other day on my instagram at Teresa Lambert coaching. And I was talking about this misconception that in the online space, online business owners will just think like everybody else has their shit together. And we don't and it's so not true. Nobody has all that shit together doesn't matter if things are working in their business or not. It doesn't matter if they're making millions or not. It doesn't matter where we are, how much we are. And there's always things that we're working on are working through. And the thing with that is, for me, I have been seeing myself being in a bit of like paralysis

Theresa Lambert:

around taking action, I haven't been showing up as consistently, as I have I have been haven't been selling my services and programs as consistently as I have. And I found myself noticing that I was in this in action pattern that I was in this procrastination pattern over thinking over analyzing, being like, No, I gotta do it this way. I got to do it that way. But this doesn't feel aligned when we're wrong. I let my mind just go off. And I do this. Sometimes I feel like we all do at least that's what I'm telling myself that we all do. But seriously, how often are you in an action? And what is it costing you to not take action. Because the thing is this imperfect action is far better than perfection paralysis, I can tell you that, especially in business. So if you're trying to grow your business, if you want to scale your business, if you want more clients more impact. If you want to serve more people, if you want to have a bigger impact, full stop. You've got to take aligned action with that vision that you have, you've got to show up for it, you have got to do the things that you say that you do, even when they're not perfect, even when they're not perfect. Like I remember there was a few times now this has happened. And I told myself, I am done with it. Wow, have re recorded and re recorded and re recorded an episode for this podcast. And I literally was like what's the point, just record it and publish it, just record it and publish it. Maybe not every single episode is going to be a home run. That's fine.

Theresa Lambert:

I am human. I own my humaneness. I am very human. And somebody used to say to me, Jeanne, actually, she was in a networking group that I was in. She said, You're so human. It's really beautiful. And I agree it is really beautiful to be human. And part of being human. And part of being a good CEO, by the way, is recognizing when we have got to invest in getting some support to help us move the needle forward, when we have got to invest and say you know what, I'm going to spend $25,000, and I'm going to hire Theresa, I'm going to have her create a strategy that's designed for me to help me scale my business to make my office irresistible to take this off my hands. And to come up with a strategy and a plan that is aligned with me so that I don't have to do it. So that I can spend my time and capacity, serving my clients communicating my value to my community, showing up marketing and selling my programs and services. And to do the best damn job I can doing what I do. While somebody else is creating an epic plan for me, that will get me to the next level so I can show up and be in my business and scale my business and feel fucking fantastic doing it. Sometimes we just need to say I am ready to invest. I am ready to invest to be part of a mastermind to get the experience and get the close proximity support and mentorship that I need to understand the things that are working and the things that are not in my business and help me communicate it and to transmute it, transform it into a plan of actions that I can take consistently that feel good, whether that's what your lead generation or whether that is how you serve and show up your clients. Whether that is how you design your programs. It doesn't matter what it is, but sometimes we need to say I'm ready to invest. I'm ready to invest 1015 20 $30,000 You'll help me get to my next level to help me move forward. Sometimes we have to decide to say you know what, I'm going to take messy actions. I'm going to take Masse actions that are aligned with my vision I'm going to just show up, and maybe, damn, not every post is going to land not everything I'm going to say is going to learn. Not everything I'm going to do is going to work. But I am taking action because I know this will get me to where I want to go. Whether that is having bigger impact, making more money and having more freedom, having more space in your calendar, there's so many things, but you have to decide to take the action. Because at the end of the day here, what is the price you pay for staying the same? So the question often that we ask is, How much is it going to cost me to do X? How much is it going to cost you to stay where you are? That is something that I kept pondering over on the weekend, as I found myself in some inaction patterns around things, especially like lead generation stuff, I was holding off these office hours that I'm going to start doing on my Instagram on Wednesdays where I'm going to be riffing on a topic. And then you can come on live with me on my instagram, and receive coaching and mentorship from me on a particular topic that we're talking about. And I was just procrastinating on some other things as well. And I was like, Damn, how much is it costing me? To not move on this stuff? How much is it costing me to not stop doing these things? How much is it costing me to not start, get the momentum going and flowing again, in my business after taking up some significant time and space to dedicate to my healing, dismantling my life, just mapping my business, heck, literally packing up my livelihood, changing my entire life, putting everything in storage and moving to a different country for the time being traveling. Right? I did a lot of things. My focus was in different places. But now my focus is back kids back in my business and my business is what I want my focus to be right now. And I want it to be focused in my business not wasting time on shit, that doesn't matter. So I was like, Okay, what are the things that will help get that momentum going and flowing again? Here's the things it is. And let's stop procrastinating because not moving on these things is costing me significant amounts of money, significant amounts of money. I might right now be leaving 10 or $15,000 a month on the table, but not moving on new things.

Theresa Lambert:

So if I look six months down the road, not taking action might cost me $100,000. How much is it costing you do not take the action? How much? Is it costing you to not invest in the support? Because you're telling yourself? Oh $25,000 is too much? Or maybe it's $10,000? It's too much? Do you really not have the money? Do you really not have the money to invest? Or are you scared to invest the money because you're scared that it might not work? You're scared that the results aren't there? Maybe you don't trust yourself? Maybe you don't trust the person you're thinking and investing in? What's the question you need to ask them? What do you need to know from them, to be able to trust that that is a good investment for you. But stop getting so hung up on how much it will cost you to invest how much time you might invest? How much could go wrong.

Theresa Lambert:

And start thinking about how much it's going to cost you if you keep things the same, especially in your business. And I know it's scary. I know it's scary sometimes to think about investing or getting support. I've just hired a bunch of team members. And it scares the shit out of me on some days. Because now I'm responsible not just to pay myself, but I'm responsible to pay all these people, I'm responsible to pay my team, I'm responsible to make sure that they have work, I'm responsible to make sure that I have everything that that give them everything that they need. So I have an investment of my own time and energy to make in the team. And I've invested money in the team to get the support. But what was it costing me to continue on or to stay where I was to keep doing it by myself. It was costing me my sanity and my energy and my capacity. And guess what? It got to the point in July that wasn't able to take on clients anymore because I was maxed. I knew I couldn't continue growing from him. So I needed to pivot but I waited for so long. By the time I realized that I was maxed by the time I realized where I was. I already was at the point where I did the brakes and say can't take on more business. I have to make all these changes that cost me that cost me a lot of money and at the same time

Theresa Lambert:

I invested in a coach to help me figure out the changes I needed to make to help me navigate dismantling my life, to hold space for me for my healing. To help me look at certain areas in my business that were out of integrity, so I could make a better choice so I could create better programs refined my programs, I revamped pretty much everything and more revamping is being done and more things are coming, which is so exciting. So exciting. It's exciting now. And now I'm outwardly expressing again, now I'm moving again. Now I'm finding my flow again, and getting in the momentum. But I needed to give myself a kick in the ass on the weekend around this. And this question, how much is it costing me to not take action? How much is it costing me, if I keep doing what I've been doing? If I keep holding back? Everyone, I started to realize I was like holy shit, time to move, time to move. Right? So stop getting so hung up. And looking how much something is costing you that you believe can actually help you move the needle forward. Maybe that's hiring your dream coach or investing in the mastermind, maybe heck that is coming and taking the time to apply to possibly be in a 10 day free mastermind with me and experience for 10 entrepreneurs, well, I'll help you in your business while you will have my eyes on your business to figure out what's working what's not. And to help you make a plan to get you to your next level. The link to apply for that is below and you still have a bit of a week to do it. Maybe you've even heard me say it once and you're like, ah, you know, I'm not gonna waste my time filling it out. I'm not gonna get in anyways. While you know, if you don't take action, if you don't apply, if you don't try, guess what, nothing changes, nothing changes when nothing changes, the only person that can make a change, is you. So would you rather waste a little bit of time? Would you want to take the scary plunge and invest money into getting the support and mentorship that you not only desire, but you know that you deserve? And that you're ready for?

Theresa Lambert:

Are you going to put in the sweat equity? Are you going to pay that price now just spent the extra hours to get some project data to start showing up for an hour every day to do lead gen for your business? What are you going to do? You're going to start investing now and get less worried about how much you're investing in the moment. Because you realize it's costing you way for Kenmore to stay exactly where you are. What is it going to be set with us sit with us and see how it lands. But for me, that really put me back into the gear that really gave me some extra motivation to get back and moving again. Because I'm ready to be moving again. I'm ready to be going again. I've slowed down a lot. I'm not going to go at the same pace than I did. People the summer before my big dismantling. And I have a team now. So it's different. But I am ready to be out there again to bring new things into do things differently. I'm ready to feel the fire and to get moving. Because not doing that not investing that sweat equity is going to cost me a lot more. It's going to cost me a lot more. So I'd rather actually get going even if it's not perfect just out trying these new things like the mastermind a weekly office hours to start rolling out finalizing these last pieces. But these evergreen programs that are fantastic that I was working on over the summer. We're going to sit and wait, wait for fucking what? Wait for what wait for nothing to change? No. I'm not going to do that because I'm recognizing how much it's costing me to do that. So sometimes we have to look at that. And that can really help us make some big decisions, get into some big momentum get us fired up to get going. So I hope that you enjoyed this episode. really tuned in. What is it costing you because there's always a price to pay, whether you invest or you don't, there is always a price to pay whether you change or you don't. There is a price that's attached to your decision. And often the price of staying exactly where you are and being in the exact same place where you are six months from now a year from now cost you a lot more than making the investment in your time, energy or money to help you get to where you want to get to. I love you so much At this was such a juicy episode, and I cannot wait to be back again next week for another brilliant episode of diaries of a six figure coach podcast. Don't forget to apply to be a part of this mastermind you have just more than a week left before applications closed on November 11. Take care everyone.




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