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Release All Anxieties To God
Episode 40211th September 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:03:15

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"When we write down the things God has spoken to us, we’re signaling to the enemy, 'No, this is mine. God gave me this promise."" - Wesleyne

Bible Verse

Then the Lord replied, Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. — Habakkuk 2:2 (NIV)


In today’s message, we explore the importance of recording and holding onto the revelations and promises God gives us.

The passage from Habakkuk 2:2 emphasizes the value of writing down what we receive from God, ensuring that these messages are clear and accessible.

This practice not only helps us remember the promises but also serves as a powerful declaration to the enemy that these promises are secure and belong to us.

By documenting these revelations, we create a real reminder of God's faithfulness and fortify our own faith in His promises.


- When feeling defeated, remember that God is not a God of defeat.

- Negative emotions are tools of the enemy and should not be embraced.

- Letting go of control and surrendering to God allows Him to work in our lives.

- Fully surrendering to God means taking our hands off the situation and trusting Him completely.

- Continually release worries and anxieties to God, trusting that He will take care of them.


  • 00:00 Introduction and Personal Update
  • 01:12 The Importance of Writing Down Revelations
  • 02:28 Declaring God’s Promises and Strengthening Faith

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Wesleyne (:

Then the Lord replied, write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. Habakkuk two verses two. So this morning, today, whenever you're listening to this, bear with me. I am just on the brinks of getting over some pneumonia that I had. So my lungs are still learning how to

be filled with air completely and there's still a little bit of yuckiness in there. So bear with me. As I was spending time with God this morning though, this verse popped out to me. And the reason why is because oftentimes we hear things from God. We hear him speaking to us. We hear him commanding us to do things and we just hold on to it. We don't do anything with it.

We are just like, okay, God, I heard you and that's it. But what he is telling this prophet, what he is saying to us today is write down the revelation and make it plain. And why do we do that? When we write down the things that God has told us, those promises, those prayers that he said he will answer.

those blessings that we see coming to fruition, we can go back and say, no, this was not man. This was not me. This was not they or them. This was God. Because he told me that I would become a VP of this company. He told me that one day I would become a mother. He told me that this would happen or that would happen.

So we should not be quiet with the things that God has told us. And don't just hold it in yourself because oftentimes I know for me, God will tell me something when I'm sitting in my quiet time and I'm listening to him and I'll forget it. And then I say, what was that thing? So I stop.

Wesleyne (:

in that moment and I allow God to speak to me and I write it down whether I write it on my phone, I write it in my journal and the last part of that verse says so that a herald may run with it because when we write the things down that God has spoken to us when we write the things down that he has told us we're signaling to the enemy no you can't have this no this is mine

This is mine. God gave me this promise. God spoke this to me. So please, I compel you to write it down and make it plain.




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