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Faith and Obedience
Episode 36523rd June 2024 • Daily Love Letters from God • Wesleyne
00:00:00 00:07:55

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"Stop trying to put on other people's clothes. Stop trying to put on other people's identities. You were created in God's image and you are perfect just as you are."- Wesleyne

Word of the Day

"The battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands." – 1 Samuel 17:47


In this episode, the message focuses on the story of David and Goliath, highlighting the importance of faith, obedience, and staying true to oneself. David, despite being underestimated and scorned, trusted in God's plan and used his unique skills to defeat Goliath.

This narrative teaches us that true victory comes from relying on God and not conforming to others' expectations or identities. It emphasizes that God prepares us through our experiences and equips us with everything we need to overcome our battles.


  1. Stay True to Yourself: Avoid trying to adopt someone else's identity or methods; God created you uniquely for your battles.
  2. Trust in God’s Plan: God prepares and equips you through your experiences for the challenges ahead.
  3. Use Your Gifts: Rely on the skills and tools God has given you, not on what works for others.
  4. Overcoming Doubt: Don’t let others' doubts deter you from pursuing what God has called you to do.
  5. God’s Protection: The true strength in battle comes from God's protection and guidance, not from physical armor or weapons.


  • 00:00 -Introduction to David and Goliath**

Setting the stage with the familiar story and its lesser-known details.

  • 00:58 -David's Role and Questions**

David’s humble position and his curiosity about Goliath’s challenge.

  • 03:18 -David Rejects Saul’s Armor**

David refuses to wear his father's armor, choosing instead to be true to himself.

  • 05:11 -Facing Goliath with Faith**

David confronts Goliath with faith in God’s power rather than physical might.

  • 07:20 -Victory with One Stone**

David defeats Goliath using his sling and one stone, highlighting God’s role in the victory.

  • 09:00 -Lessons from David’s Battle**

Reflecting on how God prepares and equips us for our battles through faith and obedience.

What questions are you struggling to answer? Wesleyne would love to answer these questions for you personally. Send any questions or prayer requests to

Follow Wesleyne on Instagram @wesleynewhittaker


Wesleyne (:

The story of David and Goliath is one that we hear often. And typically we hear the end of the story when David defeated Goliath with one smooth stone that he had in his pouch. But how did we even get there? How did David come to even defeat Goliath? In 1 Samuel 17, we walk through this story.

and a few key points that I want to pull from this text. So the first thing is David was the youngest of his siblings and he was the one who would run and give them food. He would tend the sheep. He was kind of like the runner. He didn't have a position in the army. His brothers were fighting in the army and in a...

I'm saying the army. They were fighting a battle and he was the one who was supposed to make sure they were taken care of. They had their food and he started asking questions like, what's going on here? What happens if the big giant Goliath is defeated? His brothers got upset with him and they said, why are you asking these questions? Like this has nothing to concern you. This is not of your concern.

So when he got back, he went to his father and he said, I'm going to do this. I can defeat Goliath. So the second key point here is his father put him in his battle clothes. He said, okay, all right, you wanna do it? Let me make sure that you have my battle clothes on. And those battle clothes were so big and bulky, David said, yeah, this doesn't.

feel like me, I can't wear these. So that first point that I made about his brothers taunting him and getting upset when he's asking questions, know that once you start advocating for yourself, once you start asking those hard questions to people in your life, they will get upset because you are bucking the status quo. You are asking them questions that they do not want to answer.

Wesleyne (:

That second point where his father said, yep, you can go to battle. And he put on his clothes. When you try to put on someone else's identity, when you try to act like someone that God did not create you to be, it doesn't feel right. So you're trying to fit into this box. You're trying to follow the influencers, the people that you see online and it's not working for you. And it's your.

You feel like you're getting burnt out. You feel clunky. The results that you want aren't working. Stop trying to put on other people's clothes. Stop trying to put on other people's identity. You were created in God's image and you are perfect just as you are. So finally, the verse that I'm going, the portion of this.

text that I am going to read.

Wesleyne (:

All right, so it's a pretty meaty portion. First Samuel 17 has almost 60, 60 to, yep, almost 60 versus 58 versus. So I'm gonna pick up right here in the middle.

Wesleyne (:

Verse 43, he said to David, am I a dog that you come at me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his gods? Come here, he said, and I'll give you give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals. David said to the Philistine, you come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands and I'll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcass of the Philistine armies, the birds and the wild animals and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves for the battle is the Lord and he will give all of you.

into your hands. That was first Samuel 17 verses 43 to 47. So David said, I came to battle. I'm not wearing my father's armor. It doesn't matter that my brothers don't believe in me or think that I am supposed to be here, but I come covered with the almighty God. He came to battle with what he knew.

who he knew could fight this battle for him. He knew that no metal clothing, no huge army behind him was gonna help him defeat this giant. And when he got equipped for battle, he took his slingshot and five smooth stones. When his father said, how are you gonna do this? He said, well, I keep the sheep safe. Anytime the bears come,

They're trying to get to the sheep. I defeat them. I can defeat this giant so the work that he had done in a different part of His life in a different area equipped him for this battle and He used what he knew to use he used God the Almighty God and so when he reached it down into his his his bag

Wesleyne (:

He pulled out one stone and that one stone hit Goliath directly in the head and he fell down. He only needed one stone to defeat his giant. Why? Because this wasn't his battle. This battle was covered by the Almighty God. God said, I will protect you. God said, I will do.

all the things that you are calling and asking you to do. Once he defeated Goliath, then the rest of the army, the army that his brothers were fighting in, they were able to defeat the rest of the opponents. So don't let somebody talk you out of what you know that you need to do. Don't let somebody talk you out of the destiny, the calling that God has on your life.

Don't put on somebody else's identity to fight that battle. And when you get ready to fight, when you get up to those battle lines, be sure to use the armor of God. God is with you. He may give you a physical emblem. He may tell you, I need you to do this. I want you to fight the battle in this way and you fight it in the way that he tells you to fight it. So yes.

David defeated Goliath with one smooth stone. He took him down but There were so much that he had to overcome to even get to the point of defeat So remember this battle it feels heavy This battle feels so long, but everything that God is doing and taking you through he is preparing you He is preparing you for the next step




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