The church's history of antisemitism has led many Jewish people to believe Jesus was antisemitic—but the Gospel accounts tell us a different story! In this week's episode of Our Hope Podcast 🎙, Israeli staff member Moti Vaknin shares how he realized that believing in Jesus should never lead to antisemitism. Listen to this timely episode now!
Welcome to Our Hope,
Speaker:a production of Chosen
Speaker:People Ministries.
Speaker:On this podcast you will hear
Speaker:inspiring testimonies,
Speaker:learn about Messianic
Speaker:apologetics and discover
Speaker:God's plan for Israel and you.
Speaker:Wherever you're listening,
Speaker:we hope you lean in,
Speaker:listen closely and be blessed.
Speaker:Many believers have
Speaker:grown up in churches
Speaker:that advocate for
Speaker:the Jewish people.
Speaker:Perhaps you have
Speaker:always been taught
Speaker:that the Jewish people
Speaker:are God’s chosen people,
Speaker:and that their return to
Speaker:the land of Israel
Speaker:is the fulfillment
Speaker:of biblical prophecy.
Speaker:You may have even heard
Speaker:it is a believer’s duty
Speaker:to love the Jewish people
Speaker:and share the gospel with them.
Speaker:Historically, however,
Speaker:the Church as a whole, has
Speaker:not always been a friend
Speaker:to the Jewish people.
Speaker:You might wonder how the Church
Speaker:could ever hate
Speaker:the chosen people,
Speaker:but the Jewish community
Speaker:They remember the pogroms,
Speaker:the crusades, the Inquisition,
Speaker:expulsions, and,
Speaker:of course, they remember
Speaker:the Holocaust.
Speaker:These horrific events
Speaker:are painful reminders
Speaker:to Jewish people
Speaker:of how those who call
Speaker:themselves believers in Jesus
Speaker:have persecuted them.
Speaker:And sadly, this has tainted
Speaker:their view of the
Speaker:Jewish Messiah–Yeshua.
Speaker:One can see how Jewish
Speaker:people might believe
Speaker:that following Jesus
Speaker:could lead to antisemitism.
Speaker:But is that really true?
Speaker:Does believing in Jesus
Speaker:the Messiah lead
Speaker:to antisemitism?
Speaker:How can we acknowledge
Speaker:the hurt experienced
Speaker:by the Jewish community
Speaker:while also sharing
Speaker:the good news with them?
Speaker:Joining us today
Speaker:all the way from Israel
Speaker:is Chosen People Ministries’
Speaker:staff member, Moti Vaknin.
Speaker:Moti is an Israeli,
Speaker:and he shared his testimony
Speaker:with us in Season 3,
Speaker:so we really look forward
Speaker:to hearing his perspective
Speaker:on this topic.
Speaker:And now, I introduce
Speaker:the host of Our Hope
Speaker:Podcast, Abe Vazquez!
Speaker:Hello everyone,
Speaker:welcome to our hope.
Speaker:I'm Abe Vazquez
Speaker:and I'm really excited
Speaker:for our guest today.
Speaker:The last time we brought him on
Speaker:I think that was probably
Speaker:my favorite episode.
Speaker:I just had so much fun
Speaker:talking about his testimony
Speaker:and just hearing
Speaker:just a sense of humor
Speaker:that God has in our lives
Speaker:and especially in Moti's life.
Speaker:And so I'm just really,
Speaker:really excited to have him back
Speaker:to talk about this question
Speaker:that's really, really powerful.
Speaker:And many Jewish people
Speaker:probably wonder this,
Speaker:and it's, Does
Speaker:believing in Jesus
Speaker:the Messiah lead
Speaker:to antisemitism?
Speaker:Moti, welcome to Our Hope.
Moti:Hey Shalom everyone,
Moti:Shalom from Israel
Moti:from Ramat Gan,
Moti:good to be here.
Moti:Thank you
Moti:for inviting me again.
Abe:Of course,
Abe:we're going to keep
Abe:having you back, depending on
Abe:how you do in this episode.
Abe:But Moti you know,
Abe:usually we start off
Abe:on a light note, but just given
Abe:what's going on in
Abe:Israel, what's happened
Abe:in the past few weeks,
Abe:we're just wondering
Abe:what is the update,
Abe:what's happening,
Abe:how are you doing?
Abe:How is your wife?
Abe:What's going on over there?
Moti:Well, first of all,
Moti:just to say that
Moti:it feels like like
Moti:the world has stopped
Moti:and Israel is
Moti:on a first forward
Moti:because everyone is still
Moti:stuck with COVID-19
Moti:and we in a way just finished
Moti:with that here in Israel
Moti:and we jumped into
Moti:a war with Gaza.
Moti:And then after the war
Moti:with Gaza, right now
Moti:we're trying
Moti:to build our government,
Moti:which is something
Moti:that it's it's going
Moti:for a few months already.
Moti:It's a- Abe:
Moti:Just a few things happening.
Moti:Just a few things.
Moti:But somehow when the world
Moti:is going on with COVID
Moti:and fighting COVID,
Moti:it feels like we are still in
Moti:a war
Moti:against antisemitism online,
Moti:and we see that all the time.
Moti:But besides that, thank God
Moti:we live in Ramat Gan,
Moti:and if you've seen on the news,
Moti:a few rockets
Moti:fell in civilian area
Moti:in Ramat Gan, Giv'atayim,
Moti:Tel Aviv, which is something
Moti:that we don't see that often.
Moti:I can say that one rocket
Moti:fell a street behind us.
Moti:I'm pointing this side,
Moti:but it's actually
Moti:this side right there,
Moti:and it shook the entire house.
Moti:Thank God it fell on the street
Moti:in the middle of the street.
Moti:Just imagine that it happens
Moti:just you know, in,
Moti:I don't know on the corner
Moti:of of 4th avenue and 50
Moti:and 51 or something like that.
Abe:we know you're
Abe:not from New York,
Abe:'cause there's no such thing
Abe:as a 4th avenue.
Moti:No such thing?
Moti:How about third avenue?
Abe:3rd avenue, there you go.
Moti:just just to give you a-
Moti:just let you think that
Moti:these things happen
Moti:and somehow we Israelis
Moti:are not getting used to it,
Moti:but this is our life.
Moti:And this is
Moti:where we are right now
Moti:with this moment.
Moti:But thank God we finished
Moti:the Guardian On the Wall,
Moti:this is how they called
Moti:the last operation that was
Moti:with Gaza and right now
Moti:we're dealing
Moti:with our government.
Moti:But besides that God is good
Moti:and we are following Him
Moti:and preaching the gospel,
Moti:which is what we need to do,
Moti:what we've been called to do.
Nicole:Yeah, and I'm sure
Nicole:this is a very strenuous time,
Nicole:and I'm probably
Nicole:a lot of people
Nicole:are more curious to hear
Nicole:about the Messiah.
Nicole:Do you have any testimonies
Nicole:about what God is
Nicole:doing during this time?
Nicole:Well, the
Nicole:entire season of COVID
Nicole:and the way that Israel
Nicole:dealt with it was
Nicole:I can say it was bad or good
Nicole:because nobody
Nicole:could really know
Nicole:how to deal with it.
Nicole:But the outcome from
Nicole:that pandemic brought
Nicole:a lot of people into,
Nicole:I would say becoming
Nicole:more self-aware
Nicole:to themselves and
Nicole:and staying at home.
Nicole:Even our congregations
Nicole:here in Israel,
Nicole:where I won't say
Nicole:just a lot of people
Nicole:left our congregation,
Nicole:but it feels like
Nicole:there was something
Nicole:that was against
Nicole:the Spirit of God
Nicole:in this country,
Nicole:but we know it
Nicole:didn't really caused
Nicole:a big major events
Nicole:against against the church
Nicole:when it comes
Nicole:to this testimony.
Nicole:I can say that right
Nicole:after the war in Gaza
Nicole:I received three
Nicole:messages from friends
Nicole:that I just know
Nicole:online on Facebook
Nicole:and and they said OK, there's
Nicole:something there's
Nicole:got to be something spiritual
Nicole:that's going on in this country
Nicole:because we can't
Nicole:really understand
Nicole:how the world doesn't
Nicole:see the truth
Nicole:that we are fighting here
Nicole:in this country.
Nicole:And that's by itself
Nicole:opens a conversation
Nicole:when people understand
Nicole:that it's not political,
Nicole:it's not something
Nicole:that you can just deal with it.
Nicole:It's not a pandemic, it's not,
Nicole:not a doctor that you can go
Nicole:and fix, it's
Nicole:something spiritual
Nicole:that we need something
Nicole:from outside and
Nicole:and we see that
Nicole:people are more open,
Nicole:but then in the same time
Nicole:we're trying
Nicole:to bring the gospel
Nicole:as much as we can.
Nicole:So I don't have
Nicole:any major testimony
Nicole:to share with you,
Nicole:but I can say that
Nicole:people are becoming open
Nicole:after those events.
Nicole:That's awesome.
Abe:So Moti
Abe:this war in Gaza, it felt like
Abe:the whole world was watching
Abe:what was going on
Abe:and because of that
Abe:there were a lot
Abe:of different opinions as to
Abe:whose fault this was
Abe:and what's interesting to me
Abe:is that many people
Abe:will associate Jewish people
Abe:with what's happening
Abe:in Israel.
Abe:So even Jewish Americans
Abe:kind of get blamed
Abe:for what's happening in Israel.
Abe:So as a result, there's
Abe:a lot of antisemitism
Abe:going on around the world.
Abe:The funny thing is
Abe:many Israelis, even in
Abe:the government, would say
Abe:evangelical Christians are
Abe:one of their greatest
Abe:allies, right?
Abe:That's kind of what's
Abe:floating around,
Abe:but at the same time, Jewish
Abe:people still feel like
Abe:if the gospel is
Abe:shared with them, that it's
Abe:some sort of antisemitism
Abe:or can lead to antisemitism,
Abe:and so that really
Abe:is the point of this question
Abe:that we want to answer today.
Abe:Does believing in Jesus
Abe:actually lead to antisemitism?
Abe:So in
Abe:order to answer this question,
Abe:it would be helpful
Abe:to understand how
Abe:the Jewish people
Abe:view believers and the Church.
Abe:Can you share a little bit
Abe:about that and why?
Moti:I can give you from my
Moti:own prespective,
Moti:growing up in a religious home.
Moti:By the way you mentioned there
Moti:that the Christian
Moti:families and Christian
Moti:I would say Christian world
Moti:is the best friend
Moti:that we know that
Moti:there is in Israel
Moti:and that's true.
Moti:From around the world
Moti:I believe that the best
Moti:allies of Israel
Moti:are Christians, and in the war
Moti:that we're fighting
Moti:against an enemy
Moti:whom we know that
Moti:the only goal they've got is
Moti:to try to kill people,
Moti:we as Israelis see
Moti:that the entire world hates us
Moti:and and when we see Christians,
Moti:and that's interesting,
Moti:when we see
Moti:and I can tell for
Moti:myself as well,
Moti:but for other friends
Moti:that I know about them,
Moti:when we see Christians
Moti:that raise the flag of Israel,
Moti:or when they say that they pray
Moti:for the Jewish people
Moti:or pray for Israel,
Moti:it warms our hearts
Moti:because the only thing
Moti:we hear
Moti:all the time on the news
Moti:is how much Israel is the bad
Moti:enemies, the bad monster right?
Moti:And I can tell you
Moti:by myself that growing up in
Moti:a religious home
Moti:I didn't,
Moti:I didn't know anything
Moti:about Christianity.
Moti:I just knew maybe two
Moti:things about Yeshua.
Moti:One thing,
Moti:He walked on the water,
Moti:the second thing
Moti:He was Jewish,
Moti:which is important,
Moti:but they didn't know
Moti:anything about Him.
Moti:What most of the Israelis
Moti:know about Christianity
Moti:today is mostly
Moti:comes from movies,
Moti:from videos, from
Moti:friends they met,
Moti:and of course, from what they
Moti:they know from Rabbis,
Moti:which is a lot of
Moti:the time incorrect.
Moti:So when Israelis
Moti:think about Christianity,
Moti:the first thing they think
Moti:about is Catholics.
Moti:This is the big symbols
Moti:of the cross, images
Moti:of the Holocaust, and programs,
Moti:and inquisitions
Moti:that happened in the past.
Moti:And that's not because of
Moti:what Christianity is (but)
Moti:because what antisemitic is
Moti:and this is what we're trying
Moti:to do a lot in Israel
Moti:when we're trying to explain
Moti:Yeshua is that Yeshua
Moti:never mentioned
Moti:fighting against Jewish people
Moti:or against Judaism
Moti:or against every
Moti:other religion.
Moti:But we know that people,
Moti:when they have power,
Moti:they just use this
Moti:power in a bad way.
Moti:So I know for myself
Moti:and for friends that I have
Moti:that we do not hate Christians.
Moti:We do not go
Moti:against Christianity,
Moti:but in some way I do believe
Moti:that every Jewish
Moti:person in the world
Moti:has in his own mindset
Moti:somewhere over there
Moti:a fear from Gentile,
Moti:and that's and I
Moti:can, I can see why
Moti:I can see why
Moti:and then that's it.
Moti:This is how I think.
Moti:But Israelis love Christianity.
Moti:As much as it's
Moti:funny, December,
Moti:Christmas I know
Moti:we don't celebrate Christmas,
Moti:I just look at that
Moti:as a holy day.
Moti:Of course
Moti:that Christians celebrate,
Moti:but if you go to churches
Moti:you'll see a lot of Israelis.
Moti:Jewish Israelis take their kids
Moti:and go to during Christmas
Moti:to the Christmas mass
Moti:and this is amazing
Moti:because they're very open.
Moti:Israel today is very open,
Moti:especially for the West.
Moti:And this is a change.
Moti:20 years ago
Moti:you would never see things
Moti:like that happen
Moti:in this country.
Moti:We'll be right back.
Moti:During these difficult times,
Moti:we know how hard it is
Moti:to hold on to hope,
Moti:and we want you to know
Moti:that Chosen People Ministries
Moti:is here for you.
Moti:If you have any prayer
Moti:requests, our prayer team
Moti:is standing by to receive them.
Moti:You can submit your request
Abe:So there's a
Abe:shift happening,
Abe:but before this current shift
Abe:that's happening,
Abe:what's the historical backdrop
Abe:of why many Jewish
Abe:people around the world,
Abe:not just in Israel,
Abe:maybe Jewish Americans
Abe:or just Jewish
Abe:people in general,
Abe:what did they equate
Abe:Christianity with?
Moti:Usually paganism.
Moti:Jews look at Christianity as
Moti:I would say that
Moti:today maybe less, but
Moti:maybe even more in
Moti:in orthodox circles,
Moti:they'll see that
Moti:as a extremely different
Moti:religion, paganism,
Moti:something that you don't need
Moti:to get close to.
Moti:A religion that tries
Moti:to exterminate the Jewish faith
Moti:and this is what they use,
Moti:this is their words.
Moti:And they see
Moti:Christians as enemies.
Moti:And then on the other hand,
Moti:if you're not orthodox,
Moti:if you're not Hassidic
Moti:or something like that,
Moti:if you're more liberal or open,
Moti:then a lot of the
Moti:Jews and Israelis
Moti:will look at Christianity
Moti:as a very warm religion
Moti:that accept everyone
Moti:and the same as Yeshua
Moti:that He accepted
Moti:everyone who comes
Moti:in His, in His steps.
Moti:And anyways, when
Moti:when you look at the history
Moti:before Israel was established,
Moti:it's funny.
Moti:I just talked with a friend
Moti:about that a few days ago,
Moti:before Israel was
Moti:established, most Christians
Moti:did not did
Moti:not accept the Jews.
Moti:They did not accept,
Moti:they did not accept the way
Moti:they live.
Moti:Most of the Jews
Moti:they were in diaspora,
Moti:in Europe I would say.
Moti:Most of the programs
Moti:that happened was in Europe
Moti:and that was against
Moti:Jews from the Christian Church.
Moti:The Holocaust, which was
Moti:an event that I think
Moti:that most of us
Moti:wants to forget, but we can't
Moti:because it's such
Moti:an evil event
Moti:that happened in the history.
Moti:But we know that
Moti:the Church back then
Moti:did not even do anything
Moti:to support the Jewish people.
Moti:We do know about
Moti:some families,
Moti:Christian families
Moti:that protected Jewish Jews
Moti:and that's these
Moti:people are very important
Moti:for the Jewish people
Moti:and for Israel
Moti:they even have a place
Moti:where they are buried in
Moti:Israel in Mount Olive,
Moti:which is it's tag
Moti:of honor for them.
Moti:But coming to Israel as a state
Moti:that was established,
Moti:I believe that most
Moti:Israelis and most Jews
Moti:were kind of afraid
Moti:of different religion,
Moti:of Christianity,
Moti:especially coming
Moti:from a background
Moti:of the Holocaust or inquisition
Moti:and stuff like that.
Nicole:So Moti
Nicole:what made you see
Nicole:that believing in Jesus doesn't
Nicole:lead to antsemitism?
Moti:I read the New Testament.
Nicole:That'll do it.
Moti:That's that's,
Moti:that's exactly what made me
Moti:really change my mind
Moti:about the way that
Moti:Jesus is being presented
Moti:to the Jewish people,
Moti:and I think that by reading
Moti:the New Testament
Moti:and getting to know Yeshua even
Moti:not going to Bible school.
Moti:Just when you get to know
Moti:the character,
Moti:you understand that Yeshua was
Moti:There is no words
Moti:to say what He was
Moti:because He was everything.
Moti:Accepting everyone,
Moti:protecting the homeless
Moti:and the poor, and fighting
Moti:to protect them.
Moti:And this is not an act
Moti:that you will see
Moti:from an antisemite.
Moti:This is not an act
Moti:that you will see from
Moti:someone who wants
Moti:to hate people just because
Moti:of their race or their faith.
Moti:And more than that
Moti:I do believe that
Moti:when when every Jew
Moti:or someone that believes
Moti:that has any faith in his heart
Moti:will open the New
Moti:Testament and read it,
Moti:he will see a book of love.
Moti:A book that brings
Moti:people together.
Moti:And I remember sitting there
Moti:when I, when I was
Moti:in New York back then in 2009,
Moti:and sitting in my basement
Moti:and I was searching
Moti:for evidence of of
Moti:Jesus saying, destroy
Moti:the Jewish faith,
Moti:kill all the Jews.
Moti:I was looking for that
Moti:and I just found the opposite.
Moti:Love your enemies
Moti:exactly exactly.
Moti:Love your enemies.
Moti:If someone
Moti:slap you in the face,
Moti:give him your other cheek,
Moti:it's amazing that
Moti:this is not an act.
Moti:This is not a person
Moti:who seeks for war
Moti:and I was shocked
Moti:because I was taught
Moti:that the New Testament is
Moti:is the core of of
Moti:antisemite in the world.
Abe:So what are
Abe:some other verses
Abe:in the New Testament that show
Abe:the heart of Jesus towards
Abe:the Jewish people?
Abe:I can't remember how
Abe:it goes in English,
Abe:but I remember when
Abe:Yeshua was on the cross
Abe:and when the people
Abe:that were there,
Abe:we all know
Abe:that they were Jews,
Abe:the audience that
Abe:were around him,
Abe:and they were mocking Him,
Abe:and He suffers on the cross.
Abe:And He suffers on the cross
Abe:because the people that were
Abe:there were actually people
Abe:that put Him on the cross.
Abe:It was us.
Abe:It was the entire world
Abe:that put Him on the cross
Abe:and from His deepest
Abe:pain, and I don't need
Abe:to teach anyone who listens
Abe:to this podcast
Abe:what it means to go
Abe:through a crucifixion.
Abe:It's so much pain,
Abe:and from His deepest pain,
Abe:He says, forgive them, for
Abe:they do not know
Abe:what they are doing.
Moti:And I look at this person
Moti:and I look at Yeshua
Moti:at this moment, and I say,
Moti:I am one of those people
Moti:who was probably sitting
Moti:with the audience
Moti:and mocking Yeshua.
Moti:And now He gives
Moti:me forgiveness.
Moti:So here is an amazing verse
Moti:to show that not only Yeshua
Moti:was never giving any antisemite
Moti:verses, or words, or quotes,
Moti:but He forgave the
Moti:people who hated Him.
Moti:This is this is more than what
Moti:we can understand,
Moti:and His people were Israel.
Moti:They were Jews.
Moti:So for me it's it's a big,
Moti:a big verse to hold on
Moti:for how God loves
Moti:the Jewish people
Moti:and of course everyone else.
Nicole:Jesus never encouraged
Nicole:anybody to hate, only to love.
Nicole:What are some verses though
Nicole:that in the Gospels
Nicole:and even in the New Testament,
Nicole:that have been misunderstood
Nicole:as anti-Semitic?
Nicole:how can we properly understand
Nicole:what the text is really saying?
Nicole:There is a verse
Nicole:that I am trying to find it,
Nicole:but I know that
Nicole:during the Holocaust
Nicole:they used it a lot
Nicole:and that's the Jews
Nicole:are the Church of Satan
Nicole:and it's I think it's
Nicole:found in Revelation.
Nicole:During the Holocaust,
Nicole:a lot of the times,
Nicole:this verse was used to burn,
Nicole:to burn synagogues
Nicole:to burn, to kill Jewish people.
Nicole:And until today,
Nicole:we do hear that.
Nicole:We sometimes we hear
Nicole:those verses that comes out.
Nicole:And it should-
Nicole:I think that when you
Nicole:look at the entire context
Nicole:of the New Testament,
Nicole:you can't, really,
Nicole:you can't really see that
Nicole:this is what God wants.
Nicole:In the book of John 8:43–44,
Nicole:Jesus tells the Jews
Nicole:you are of your father
Nicole:the devil.
Nicole:In this case
Nicole:Jesus was referring to those
Nicole:Jewish people
Nicole:with hardened hearts
Nicole:that rejects Him.
Nicole:He is never referring
Nicole:to all Jewish people,
Nicole:with those who have disobeyed
Nicole:God, such admonishing words
Nicole:were also written
Nicole:by the prophets in the Tanakh.
Nicole:The Prophets were always,
Nicole:this is the Prophets',
Nicole:the Prophet's language
Nicole:was always
Nicole:very rough against Israel
Nicole:because it's by the way, it's
Nicole:the same today, but
Nicole:not with prophecy
Nicole:but with commercials or
Nicole:if you want to say
Nicole:something you have,
Nicole:you have to point something.
Nicole:You have to make someone react
Nicole:to what you're saying,
Nicole:because if no one
Nicole:reacts to what you were saying,
Nicole:you actually not
Nicole:saying anything.
Nicole:And this is what
Nicole:Yeshua is doing in
Nicole:this moment is actually making
Nicole:people understand
Nicole:that He's here and people
Nicole:need to react right now.
Nicole:And as much as most of
Nicole:the Prophets were doing before.
Nicole:Isaiah was referring
Nicole:the Jewish people to sons of
Nicole:serpent, and murderers
Nicole:with blood on their hands.
Nicole:So are we going to look at
Nicole:Isaiah as an antisemite?
Nicole:Is that- No!
Nicole:This is an internal
Nicole:debate among Jews
Nicole:and in a way that
Nicole:wants to show a prophecy
Nicole:to the Jewish people.
Nicole:But I don't think that
Nicole:we can take this verse
Nicole:and use it as an
Nicole:as an antisemite.
Nicole:We need to understand
Nicole:that the books of
Nicole:the New Testament
Nicole:was written by Jews, to Jews
Nicole:and to the rest of the world.
Nicole:So we are free
Nicole:to fight among ourselves.
Nicole:But when someone else
Nicole:is taking one of our verses
Nicole:and use it against us
Nicole:then it's missing the point.
Abe:So now that
Abe:we have an understanding
Abe:of some of the
Abe:Jewish perspectives
Abe:regarding those
Abe:who follow Jesus,
Abe:what would you say
Abe:to a Jewish person
Abe:or an Israeli
Abe:who has such a view
Abe:to help them
Abe:see the actual truth?
Abe:Well, I would first of all say,
Abe:I would first of all
Abe:dare, I will dare
Abe:every Israeli and every Jew
Abe:to go by themselves
Abe:to the New Testament and find
Abe:verses that speaks against
Abe:Of course, with
Abe:understanding again
Abe:that this book is for Jews,
Abe:and was written by Jews.
Abe:This is the first thing
Abe:that I will do.
Abe:The second thing is
Abe:that I will ask is
Abe:Have you ever met a Christian
Abe:or a follower of Yeshua?
Abe:Did you see how he acts?
Abe:Did you see how he prayed?
Abe:Did you?
Abe:What did you didn't
Abe:agree with his faith?
Abe:What did you agree
Abe:with the things he is doing?
Abe:And then thirdly,
Abe:I would definitely go
Abe:back to Yeshua and ask,
Abe:what is so wrong with Yeshua
Abe:that makes you think that
Abe:Christianity is antisemitism?
Abe:Is antisemite.
Abe:What did Yeshua did
Abe:that make
Abe:Christianity antisemite?
Abe:And to be honest?
Abe:Most of the Israelis
Abe:that I've met
Abe:would never answer
Abe:question three because
Abe:they don't know Yeshua.
Abe:And this is also the-
Abe:Because if you know Him,
Abe:you know that He's not.
Moti:and so in light of all this,
Moti:how can we share
Moti:the gospel of Yeshua
Moti:with someone who
Moti:has this mindset
Moti:that Christianity
Moti:is antisemitic?
Moti:First of all,
Moti:I would go back to the verse
Moti:that I just talked
Moti:about in the beginning.
Moti:When Yeshua was on the cross,
Moti:He said He forgive them
Moti:didn't, doesn't matter
Moti:who you are, how old are you,
Moti:where you're from,
Moti:and what language do you speak.
Moti:Yeshua forgave your sins.
Moti:And I would always make
Moti:that clear to a person
Moti:that speaks to me
Moti:that He loves you.
Moti:He loves you
Moti:and you can hate Him.
Moti:You can go against Him.
Moti:You can fight against Yeshua
Moti:or you can fight against God.
Moti:This is not what I want
Moti:you to do.
Moti:This is not
Moti:what I, I don't think
Moti:that anyone needs to fight
Moti:God because we can't.
Moti:But you can.
Moti:You can be angry with Him
Moti:but Yeshua will
Moti:always love you.
Moti:And the best images
Moti:is looking at the cross
Moti:when He was there
Moti:and from His deepest pain,
Moti:still gave us forgiveness.
Moti:I don't know any other hero
Moti:that will do that
Moti:for His own people
Moti:that actually throw
Moti:Him away from the circle
Moti:or from the family.
Moti:I always love to
Moti:speak to Israelis
Moti:or to any person
Moti:that I meet with Proverbs
Moti:or just give them
Moti:like little stories.
Moti:But I remember
Moti:a story that happened
Moti:in Israel in 2011.
Moti:I'm sorry, 2007,
Moti:Second Lebanon War.
Moti:There was a soldier in Lebanon
Moti:that I think it was a grenade
Moti:that was thrown into his unit
Moti:and he jumped on the grenade
Moti:and saved his entire
Moti:unit from being hit from
Moti:that grenade, and he
Moti:of course lost his life.
Moti:And Israelis know
Moti:that story clearly,
Moti:and this is an act
Moti:that Jesus did for us.
Moti:This is an act that Jesus
Moti:would do for every person.
Moti:this is not antisemite,
Moti:Jesus cannot be antisemite,
Moti:the New Testament
Moti:cannot be antisemite,
Moti:the only people that make
Moti:this book antisemite
Moti:are people that don't know
Moti:Yeshua or don't know this Book.
Abe:So if people are wondering
Abe:how to share their faith
Abe:with Jewish people
Abe:who are struggling
Abe:with this question,
Abe:we have another episode
Abe:where we brought on Olivier
Abe:Melnik to talk about
Abe:this kind of same theme
Abe:that was Season 2 Episode
Abe:5 called "Sharing
Abe:Your Faith, Part 2".
Abe:It was a series tackling
Abe:some of the similar objections.
Abe:"I'm Jewish, Jews don't believe
Abe:in Jesus", or "Evangelism
Abe:is an attack on the Jewish
Abe:people", and Olivier
Abe:he also mentions this idea of
Abe:just making sure you arrive
Abe:and you show up to
Abe:that conversation
Abe:knowing that there's baggage.
Abe:That one baggage
Abe:is the Holocaust, another
Abe:baggage are the programs.
Abe:They're all, there's
Abe:this history
Abe:that we need to acknowledge,
Abe:and we can't forget
Abe:when we enter into
Abe:this conversation.
Abe:And it's just so
Abe:important to be humble
Abe:and not pretend that
Abe:these things didn't happen,
Abe:and we're not trying
Abe:to shove down
Abe:Jesus down anyone's
Abe:anyone's throat.
Abe:We need to be respectful.
Abe:I mean, of course
Abe:like what Moti, what
Abe:you've been saying
Abe:we just need to love.
Abe:You went into the New Testament
Abe:looking for hate
Abe:and you found love.
Abe:And that's how
Abe:we need to approach
Abe:these conversations with love
Abe:and respect for others.
Abe:So Moti
Abe:just to kind of wrap things up,
Abe:One last question,
Abe:does believing in Jesus lead
Abe:to antisemitism?
Moti:But people do.
Abe:That's it.
Moti:But people do that.
Moti:It will be,
Moti:no, but people do.
Moti:Religion does and
Moti:and I will dare
Moti:any person that thinks that
Moti:the New Testament is antisemite
Moti:to just read the New Testament.
Abe:Yep, see for yourself.
Moti:And speak to us.
Abe:thank you so much
Abe:for joining us.
Abe:We really appreciate
Abe:your insight and how personal
Abe:this is to you.
Abe:it's really great to hear you.
Abe:We're glad to see you're safe
Abe:and we continue to
Abe:for you, the staff in Israel.
Abe:Yeah, just blessings over
Abe:you and your family.
Moti:Todah rabah,
Moti:thank you so much for
Moti:for having me here with you
Moti:It's a blessing
Moti:and thank you for,
Moti:and thanks for
Moti:all the listeners
Moti:that we have here
Moti:on this podcast.
Abe:Yeah, amazing.
Nicole:Thank you, Moti.
Moti:Shalom, from Israel.
Moti:For many
Moti:in the Jewish community,
Moti:it is hard to forget
Moti:the Church’s
Moti:history of persecution
Moti:and rejection towards them,
Moti:but as we have seen,
Moti:Jesus loves His chosen people.
Moti:Throughout the New Testament,
Moti:we see that He was sent
Moti:first to the lost sheep
Moti:of the House of Israel,
Moti:and as we have discussed,
Moti:Jesus Himself is Jewish,
Moti:as well as His 12 disciples.
Moti:While we cannot change history,
Moti:we can ensure that history does
Moti:not repeat itself.
Moti:We can be mindful
Moti:of the Jewish community’s pain
Moti:and rebuild our relationship
Moti:and trust with them once again.
Moti:It is through kindness and love
Moti:that we can share the truth
Moti:of Yeshua’s heart towards
Moti:God’s chosen people.
Moti:In this series, we tackle
Moti:many common objections
Moti:that Jewish people have towards
Moti:believing in Yeshua.
Moti:For some people,
Moti:there is the need to debate
Moti:and research to find truth.
Moti:But one’s intellect
Moti:will only get you so far.
Moti:In next week’s episode,
Moti:we will bring to you three
Moti:of Jewish intellectuals
Moti:and atheists who have decided
Moti:to follow Jesus.
Moti:Thank you for listening
Moti:to this week’s
Moti:episode of Our Hope,
Moti:featuring Chosen
Moti:People Ministries’ Israel
Moti:staff member, Moti Vaknin.
Moti:This episode was
Moti:produced, written,
Moti:and edited by Grace Swee.
Moti:This episode was created
Moti:thanks to Dr.
Moti:Mitch Glaser, Nicole Vacca,
Moti:and Kieran Bautista.
Moti:I’m Abe Vazquez.
Moti:Until next time.
Moti:Thanks for listening
Moti:to Our Hope.
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