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“Open and Shut Case of Love” by TiberiusRings & Fruitz (part 2 of 2)
18th June 2024 • The Voice of Dog • Rob MacWolf and guests
00:00:00 00:25:14

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Milo wakes up after a night of confronting his own inner thoughts.  Julian, the man he loves, is in the other room and he has a choice to make now – does he confront the demons in his mind or does he keep his mouth shut, afraid to ruin a good thing?

Today’s story is the second and final part of “Open and Shut Case of Love" by TiberiusRings & Fruitz, who are co authors of the series Come to Dust, published by Fruitzberg Press.

Read for you by Rob MacWolf — werewolf hitchhiker. | Apple podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts

If you have a story you think would be a good fit, you can check out the requirements, fill out the submission template and get in touch with us.



Dog.You’re listening to Pride Month on The Voice of Dog.


This is Rob MacWolf,


your fellow traveler, and Today’s


story is the second and final part of


“Open and Shut Case of Love


by TiberiusRings & Fruitz,


who are co authors of the series Come to Dust,


published by Fruitzberg Press.


The importance of experimentation is often stressed, in queer narratives, and rightly so.


How else are people to discover themselves?


The experiments in our stories are usually depicted as successful,


and rightly so. If they are to inspire and encourage experimentation,


they must be stories of success.

That said:

there is no guarantee that everything tried will work,

That said:

nor that something which works for one person,

That said:

one couple, one polycule,

That said:

will work for others.

That said:

There is no shame in,

That said:

after experimentation,

That said:

determining that this experiment is not

That said:

for oneself. Last time,

That said:

Milo was confronted with the reality that his life, while feeling great, is lacking in something

That said:

he had been willing to sacrifice for happiness and companionship.

That said:

His relationship with Julian is open and

That said:

while he wasn’t jealous per

That said:

-se he was absolutely bothered to be is missing an important part

That said:

of the man he loves deeply.

That said:

Please enjoy “Open and Shut Case of Love”

That said:

by TiberiusRings & Fruitz,

That said:

Part 2 of 2 As usual, Julian was awake before me.

That said:

When I opened my eyes,

That said:

the sun beamed down on my face and made me try to burrow under the covers.

That said:

I could hear music from the kitchen

That said:

and my boyfriend

That said:

humming to the tune.

That said:

I could also smell bacon.

That said:

I begrudgingly got up and went to the bathroom.

That said:

With that annoying task completed, I went to my closet and found some loose boxers to wear around the apartment for the morning.

That said:

I didn’t mind prowling around in my briefs, but today felt like a lazy Saturday.

That said:

So on with the boxers covered in little sharks it was.

That said:

I walked out into the kitchen to see Julian, wearing some pajama pants and his ear pods in those adorably rounded ears of his,

That said:

dancing and spinning in the kitchen to some song he had probably just discovered.

That said:

When he saw me he stopped,

That said:

smiled, and pulled one of the buds out

That said:

“Bacon got you out of bed finally?”

That said:

“I’m nothing if not food motivated.”

That said:

I kissed his cheek and went to get myself a glass of orange juice.

That said:

I poured one for Julian as well and

That said:

handed it to him.

That said:

I saw he had bacon and eggs going on the stove.

That said:

“I never would have guessed you’d be the chef in this dynamic duo.

That said:

I remember when you struggled to make Ramen in your dorm room.”

That said:

“After I almost burned down the hall I figured it was time to learn a thing or two about cooking, and voila,

That said:

here we are!” I smiled and sat down on the bar counter stool that let

That said:

me look into the kitchen and at Julian as he cooked.

That said:

It was a weird feeling at that moment,

That said:

a combination of feeling lonely and happy all at once.

That said:

I was both content and frustrated.

That said:

This was a great life.

That said:

An almost perfect life.

That said:

Could I risk undoing everything we had just because I wanted…a

That said:

bit more? Could I risk

That said:

ruining both our lives?

That said:

Would it ruin our lives?

That said:

So many questions spiraled in my mind that I wasn’t sure what to do.

That said:

I know if I wasn’t smart I could end up hurting Julian horribly, but at the same time,

That said:

was hurting myself worth it?

That said:

I wanted to give him the world,

That said:

but I also knew I couldn’t sacrifice just to make someone happy.

That said:

My misery shouldn’t endure because of something else.

That said:

We needed to figure out a balance so we were both happy.

That said:

Or find another answer.

That said:

Anxiety gripped my stomach and made my heart rate pick up.

That said:

The idea of losing Julian, losing the man I loved so much, almost sent me into a panic attack.

That said:

I kept thinking about what life would be like if he wasn’t here.

That said:

What would these lovely Saturday mornings turn into?

That said:

What would happen to me? To him?

That said:

Would I become the crazy ex lover who stalks his social media and gets angry at him?

That said:

I couldn’t say definitively that I would take it well.

That said:

Heartache is the worst feeling in the world and losing someone I’m so close to is awful.

That said:

When I was younger,

That said:

breakups hit me

That said:

hard, but none of my previous relationships had lasted this long.

That said:

Besides, those relationships had been in high school where

That said:

life was so much simpler,

That said:

and I didn’t have real issues like

That said:

bills and medical issues, a career

That said:

and trying to forge ahead while I was still young enough to do so.

That said:

I was running out of time to ‘reset’ my life if it ever had to happen.

That said:

Still, could I live with it?

That said:

Could I live with being constantly upset deep down just to keep someone I love around?

That said:

Wait…why am I even considering this? Why am I

That said:

assuming the worst? Why am I— “Milo?”

That said:

My crazy thoughts snapped back together all at once and

That said:

I fell through the ethereal right back into the barstool I had been in,

That said:

having been brought up from the negative spiral

That said:

I had been falling down

That said:

and down and down.

That said:

“Spots?” Julian called out louder as he put a plate in front of me,

That said:

his face conveying a sense of worry that said so much.

That said:

“You okay? You look like you’ve—” “I’m okay I promise I—”

That said:

“You don’t look okay,

That said:

Milo.” “I’m fine, I just—”

That said:

“Now you’re lying to me.”

That said:

Julian’s voice took on a tone of seriousness.

That said:

He glared at me. We didn’t lie, as a rule, but I sometimes avoided problems by ‘fibbing’ about my feelings.

That said:

It was something Julian never tolerated and somehow he could see through every time I

That said:

made one up. He walked around and put his hand on my shoulder.

That said:

“Hun, what’s wrong?

That said:

You look like you’re going to be sick.”

That said:

“Please, Jewels, don’t do this…”

That said:

“Milo!” he said, his voice turning firmer as he grew more and more frustrated.

That said:

“You can’t do this!

That said:

What did your therapist tell you about avoiding conflict?”

That said:

“That I’ll hurt myself more in the long run if I don’t confront these situations,”

That said:

I recited, to which Julian nodded.

That said:

He was about to speak but I put a hand up.

That said:

“She also said that I need to approach these things as rationally as I can,

That said:

and I don’t think I’m feeling very rational.”

That said:

“You just seem down.

That said:

I can’t pretend to know what you’re thinking, but I can usually tell when you’re not feeling okay.”

That said:

Julian frowned at me and I had to look away.

That said:

I was pacing now, in the living room.

That said:

When I put the sofa between us, Julian huffed and walked around.

That said:

“What are you doing?”

That said:

I quickly sputtered.

That said:

He was a foot away from me. He could

That said:

touch me if he wanted but he didn’t. He was

That said:

respecting my personal space…mostly.

That said:

“When you walk away like that, and put things between us, you’re putting emotional distance up because something is hurting you.

That said:

I don’t want you to feel like you have to do those things just to talk to me.”

That said:

“Julian,” I growled low in my throat.

That said:

Not at him and never at him, but I was feeling frustrated.

That said:

“You can’t make someone open up to you.”

That said:

The painted dog frowned and looked down briefly,

That said:

shrugging his shoulders up and dropping them in a somewhat dramatic display of defeat.

That said:

“You’re right,” he agreed with a forlorn tone to his voice.

That said:

“I can’t make you do anything.

That said:

I have to respect you and your feelings, and I have to

That said:

trust you’re not going to do something that could hurt yourself or others,

That said:

but that’s really hard,

That said:

hun.” Now I was definitely hurting him.

That said:

I had a feeling this was going to happen –

That said:

either way I would cause him pain and torment, something I wanted to avoid.

That said:

I tried to step away again but Julian made a sharp tsking

That said:

sound, making me stop.

That said:

I sighed and turned back to him,

That said:

looking at his handsome face and his rounded, beautiful ears, those warm eyes and concerned face.

That said:

He was mostly naked but I didn’t even consider the sexual aspect of it all.

That said:

Even if he didn’t look this good I would still love him to death.

That said:

“What…do I do if…if…” Julian’s brow furrowed but he remained quiet.

That said:

He was letting me get it out on my terms. He wasn’t going to pry even though I could tell

That said:

he wanted to jump in, encourage, entice, probe…but

That said:

he respected my

That said:

mental health and personal space too much to do that.

That said:

“What…do I do if…what I want to talk about may…may…hurt

That said:

you? Or make things worse?”

That said:

Julian frowned and reached out for my hand.

That said:

I let him take

That said:

it and I felt him give my fingers a squeeze.

That said:

“If you’re facing something like that,

That said:

you shouldn’t let it fester.

That said:

Have I ever shown you that I’m not, at least,

That said:

willing to listen to you when you feel bad?”

That said:

I was about to respond when I heard the familiar tone go off from the kitchen.

That said:

The tinkling sound of a unique text message.

That said:

We set our sounds similarly for our friends

That said:

so we both knew who was messaging.

That said:

It was from Alex.

That said:

I groaned and sat down,

That said:

pulling my hand back and resting my face in my palms.

That said:

Julian was staring at his phone and then me…my

That said:

brilliant lawyer dog was putting the pieces together as best he could.

That said:

“This has something to do with Alex?

That said:

Did Alex hurt you?

That said:

Insult you? He’s a bit crass but he’s never been mean…”

That said:

“No,” I said with a sigh and took the hands away from my face.

That said:

Julian had sat down on the other part of the L-shaped sofa,

That said:

his hands between his knees and

That said:

his eyes focused on me with intent and worry.

That said:

“He’s actually been really nice.” “Then

That said:

what about him has this made you all worked up?”

That said:

“It’s just…it’s just…”

That said:

My voice cracked and I looked down at my hands once more,

That said:

wringing them together as I felt on the verge of an anxiety attack.

That said:

“Hun, wait,” Julian moved to sit next to me and

That said:

put his hand on my knee,

That said:

his scent was warm and welcoming and his voice smooth like melted milk chocolate.

That said:

“Before you start, I want you to take a deep breath. In, and out.

That said:

In…and out… You’re spiraling,

That said:

I think. So let’s stop that before you trigger something.

That said:

something.” He was right; a negative spiral was taking over and I had to stop it. Julian made me pause and realize that was a good trigger.

That said:

I remembered what my therapist had told me

That said:

when I had these moments.

That said:

“Focus on the world around you…”

That said:

I said out loud and looked at our apartment, our home, our life.

That said:

The coloring of the walls looked great with the morning sunbeams coming in.

That said:

The air still smelled of wonderfully delicious food,

That said:

and my boyfriend

That said:

was pushed against me. I could feel the heat from his body and smell his shampoo.

That said:

I took a few deep breaths, closed my eyes, and attempted to clear my mind.

That said:

“Feeling a little better?”

That said:

Julian cautiously inquired.

That said:

“Yeah,” I said and nodded.

That said:

I wasn’t 100% but my breathing

That said:

had slowed and my pulse

That said:

had dropped. I kept myself centered

That said:

and focused on the facts, not the emotions.

That said:

I focused on thinking.

That said:

Emotions could come later.

That said:

But if I spat everything out with it dripping with negative emotion and anxiety I wasn’t doing myself or Julian any favors. I had to be better than that.

That said:

“We’re pretty successful, aren’t we?”

That said:

It was mostly rhetorical but Julian nodded anyway.

That said:

“We spend a lot of time focused on our careers.

That said:

So much that we were willing to let things slip through the cracks…or

That said:

rather, things just happened to slip through the cracks.”

That said:

His rounded ears, not unsimilar to mine, remained perked and craned forward right at me.

That said:

He was going to let me say my peace before he added anything. It was something we did;

That said:

we let the person talk until they were done

That said:

when we had moments like this.

That said:

“I know that when we were younger and in college, we basically were always joined at the hip.

That said:

We had so much sex.

That said:

You were, really, the first person I’d ever really slept with that I

That said:

also loved. It made sex so much better for me.

That said:

“But after we graduated…Iunno,

That said:

something happened.

That said:

We both became so focused on what we wanted to do and

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who we wanted to be that we were letting things just slip by, you know?”

That said:

Julian nodded gently. Still letting me talk.

That said:

“You remember what happened when we started to,

That said:

you know…not connect as well,

That said:

physically?” Julian shifted on the seat and tilted his head to the side as he thought back to those days.

That said:

He kept his mouth closed as he

That said:

compiled his thoughts before answering.

That said:

“We weren’t fighting,

That said:

but I was frustrated at the time.

That said:

I wanted more sex,

That said:

and you were tired from working all the time because you’re in

That said:

Crunch Time or something and you weren’t in the mood…and it made me grumpy.

That said:

But I never blamed you for that, hun. Never.”

That said:

“I know,” I said contemplatively,

That said:

with a swallow while trying to keep my voice from cracking.

That said:

“But I knew you weren’t happy,

That said:

and so we talked about…you

That said:

know…” “Opening the relationship up,”

That said:

Julian finished for me.

That said:

“We talked about it for a long time and

That said:

both thought it was a good idea.

That said:

We wouldn’t stop

That said:

being lovers but we could find people, who we both trusted, to let off some of that

That said:

steam.” “Yeah, and I didn’t open it up just for you.

That said:

I was also frustrated.

That said:

It’s not like I haven’t

That said:

slept with other men, so I don’t want you to think I’m attacking you

That said:

or anything.” “I didn’t think you were, Milo.”

That said:

“But we do need to be honest

That said:

—you sleep with more men

That said:

than I do, and far more often than I do.

That said:

But your schedule usually lets you do that, and you’re always so much more outgoing than I am,

That said:

and these guys are so much better looking than

That said:

me—” “Milo!” Julian growled.

That said:

“Stop it. Stop trying to justify things by blaming yourself.

That said:

You aren’t ugly and you aren’t the reason we talked about opening it up.

That said:

You aren’t a problem, even if you think you are.”

That said:

“Aren’t I?” I asked and wiped my eyes.

That said:

I could feel tears forming under them and I let out a shuddered breath.

That said:

“If I was a better

That said:

lover—” “No!” Julian growled again. “You aren’t a problem!

That said:

You never were, not to me. I never thought that you were to blame for anything.”

That said:

“Then why am I not enough?”

That said:

“Who says you aren’t enough?”

That said:

Julian took my hands in his.

That said:

“Who says you don’t make me feel loved and fulfilled?

That said:

Who says that you need to be more than what you are?”

That said:

After a short pause, he looked me in the eyes.

That said:

“Milo, you are a beautiful, handsome, talented man.

That said:

But no matter how perfect we are, how similar our tastes,

That said:

we aren’t going to always be 100% compatible.

That said:

That’s normal, and that’s what sharing your life is all about.

That said:

I was really horny when we opened up the relationship, and you were also curious about it.

That said:

We talked about it for hours.”

That said:

I sniffled and nodded my head.

That said:

It was hard to not blame myself, to not shoulder everything, but Julian was taking some of that weight off me.

That said:

Sharing the loud. The way

That said:

he always had. “Milo,”

That said:

he sighed and held my hands.

That said:

I was crying still, more tears trickling down my face.

That said:

“Hun, you’ve been torturing yourself over this, haven’t you?”

That said:

I couldn’t talk. If I did a sob was probably going to come out.

That said:

I nodded and looked down once more.

That said:

“Milo, you have such a big heart, and it’s why I love you.

That said:

But you try to take

That said:

all the blame when we have fights or disagreements when you shouldn’t.

That said:

I don’t know why you do that but it’s not right.

That said:

Why wouldn’t you talk to me?”

That said:

“I was terrified I’d ruin us.

That said:

Our life. I was scared

That said:

you’d just get so fed up with me that you’d

That said:

break it off with me.”

That said:

“Why would I do that?!”

That said:

Milo said in surprise,

That said:

sitting up and looking particularly stunned.

That said:

“What…why would you think

That said:

I’d be done with you?

That said:

When have I ever shown you that you can’t talk to me and we’ll work through it as a team?”

That said:

“I was afraid the team would end.

That said:

This is serious, and I felt guilty about it because

That said:

you seem happy and content and I didn’t want to take that from you.”

That said:

“So you’d rather live in misery and doubt to make me happy?

That said:

You know I can read you like a book, Spots. I wouldn’t have let you do that,

That said:

because when you aren’t happy, I worry about you,

That said:

just like how you worry about me.”

That said:

I clenched my eyes closed and pulled a hand away

That said:

to cover my eyes

That said:

and curl up a little,

That said:

leaning forward as I tried to hold back the sobs I was holding in.

That said:

I had been so worried,

That said:

so terrified…and it was all coming out now.

That said:

“Miloooo,” Julian said, his hand on my back and rubbing it in slow, comforting circles.

That said:

“You stupid hyena, you shouldn’t have been torturing yourself like this.

That said:

Look at you! You’re hurting so much…I’m

That said:

sorry I didn’t see it sooner.”

That said:

“Been busy,” I managed to croak out.

That said:

We have been so busy the last few months.

That said:

There were days when we only saw each other for a couple hours,

That said:

Julian usually in bed before me because he had to get up earlier,

That said:

and I was working well into the A.M. to finish working on the assets

That said:

for my game. “You’re right…we

That said:

have been, but I should have focused on you

That said:

more,” Julian put his arm around me and pulled me close,

That said:

pulling my head into his chest and wrapped

That said:

both his arms, drawing me close.

That said:

I clung to his chest because I had been so scared

That said:

for so long that this conversation would end it for us.

That said:

How many scenarios had I imagined where he would just up and leave me?

That said:

Or get mad? How many ways had I pictured him reacting

That said:

in a way that wasn’t him at all?

That said:

Why, out of all those scenes, did I not see the painted dog currently holding me and kissing me between the ears?

That said:

“I think,” Julian began with a cracking voice. Was he crying too?

That said:

“I think…we jumped

That said:

into this ‘open relationship’ thing too quickly.

That said:

We didn’t really try anything else…and

That said:

it worked for awhile,

That said:

but…I can tell it’s not anymore. Not for you.”

That said:

I shook and nodded, not lifting my face up from his chest.

That said:

I turned my muzzle so when I spoke it wasn’t into his chest fluff.

That said:

“It’s not that I hate Alex…it’s that…it’s that

That said:

I miss doing those things with you.”

That said:

“Hun,” Julian said calmly,

That said:

“if I thought you were capable of jealousy, I wouldn’t have agreed to opening the relationship,

That said:

and absolutely would not have let it go on for this long.

That said:

You trust me, I trust you,

That said:

and we both like what it’s like to sleep with other men, but it’s not

That said:

what you need right now.

That said:

It’s not what we need right now.”

That said:

“So, what do we do now?”

That said:

A hand slipped under my chin and lifted my muzzle up

That said:

so I could see Julian’s eyes.

That said:

He had been crying but he was smiling

That said:

even with the dampness under those beautiful orbs of his.

That said:

“Well, let’s talk about it.”

That said:

“O…Okay,” I nodded and sat up,

That said:

wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

That said:

“But you have to be

That said:

honest with me, too.”

That said:

“I promise I won’t hide behind any lawyer tricks,”

That said:

Julian smiled. We often joked that he could always win a debate because of how he knew how to talk.

That said:

Really though he was usually just that much smarter

That said:

than anyone else in the room.

That said:

“We both need to make changes to make this work.

That said:

For me…yeah, I like

That said:

having the freedom to have sex whenever I want, but that’s not fair to you,

That said:

either. What we need to do is find a way to balance ourselves.”

That said:

“I can..I can make sure I”m not doing so much O.T.

That said:

at work,” I offered. Julian nodded.

That said:

“You aren’t always in Crunch anyway…and

That said:

I can be more patient with you when you are.

That said:

You still want to have sex with me, right?” “Are you kidding?”

That said:

I said with a chuckle.

That said:

“I was going to jump your bones last night, but you had just got out of the shower and I didn’t—”

That said:

“Milo,” Julian huffed.

That said:

“If you want to have sex, just tell me.

That said:

I’m the hornier of the two of us and I’m not going to say no. I’m a stupid male like that.”

That said:

He grinned and stuck the tip of his tongue out,

That said:

as if he was commanded only by his hormones.

That said:

“I think,” Julian took a breath again,

That said:

“I need to also come to you more for sex.

That said:

We haven’t had it in awhile because I’d been getting it from Alex,

That said:

but I miss having you in bed.

That said:

You’re better at it than he is, anyway.”

That said:

“What?!” “Half your stamina.

That said:

Plus, he falls asleep after he orgasms.

That said:

Face down in the bed with his

That said:

butt up in the air.

That said:

It’s like throwing a switch if I’m not making sure he stays focused.

That said:

“We just need to talk more,

That said:

be more open, and be a little more eager to show each other that we want

That said:

one another. I’ve left you alone because I thought you were tired.

That said:

Or too busy. I wanted

That said:

to give you space.”

That said:

I nodded my head, sniffling and feeling my head swim with exhaustion.

That said:

So much anxiety and stress was dripping off me.

That said:

“Can I ask a favor?”

That said:

“Always.” “Can you take me out sometimes?

That said:

Like what you do with Alex. I want to just…go

That said:

out and have fun.”

That said:

“I can’t make you do anything, Milo,

That said:

but I’ll definitely prod you into coming with me. It’s a two-way street.

That said:

You have to put effort forward.”

That said:

“I will.” I nodded, and repeated more emphatically.

That said:

“I will!” “I know you will,”

That said:

Julian smiled and kissed my forehead.

That said:

“Because if there’s one thing I know about you, it’s that you stick to what you say you’ll do.”

That said:

“So, we’re okay?” I asked tentatively.

That said:

“Like…there’s nothing I’m missing?”

That said:

“We’re always going to be okay,

That said:

because both want this to work.”

That said:

His large hand cupped my cheek and tilted my head up to look into his eyes.

That said:

“You wouldn’t have been crying and hurting yourself if you didn’t love me. I’m just

That said:

sorry I missed it.”

That said:

“You don’t have to apologize,”

That said:

I said with a gulp.

That said:

“I was trying to process it alone.”

That said:

“Which is bad,” he fake scolded me,

That said:

giving me a glare which slowly peeled away into a smile.

That said:

“Talk to me more, I promise I won’t bite.”

That said:

“That’s a lie,” I quickly added.

That said:

Julian’s ears turned a shade of pink and he huffed.

That said:

“You like it when I bite.”

That said:

I smirked and shrugged slightly.

That said:

“You like it when I squirm.”

That said:

A growl, this time laced with an emotion other than frustration, echoed from Julian.

That said:

He pulled me close and kissed me, hard, on the lips.

That said:

Our muzzles locked together and my world became him

That said:

—the whole sensation of this man wrapping around me made me swell with love

That said:

and arousal. With a squeak he pushed me onto my back,

That said:

his body looming over me as we kissed.

That said:

The one good thing about having a fight,

That said:

even one as civil as the one we just had,

That said:

was the make-up sex.

That said:

And just like that,

That said:

all was well with the world

That said:

—our world, shared by Julian and

That said:

I. This was the second and final part of “Open and Shut Case of Love”

That said:

by TiberiusRings & Fruitz,

That said:

read for you by Rob MacWolf,

That said:

werewolf hitchhiker.

That said:

As always, you can find more stories on the web

That said:


That said:

or find the show wherever you get your podcasts.

That said:

Happy Pride, and Thank you for listening

That said:

to The Voice of Dog.



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