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Ecosystem-driven forestry on private land, with Pat Wiggin
Episode 1825th July 2023 • Shared Ground • Amanda Bostlund
00:00:00 01:04:33

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On a mild summer's evening, Pat Wiggin met for Shared Ground to give us a window into the world of forestry on private lands in Nova Scotia (within Mi'kma'ki).

Discussed in this episode are some of the programs that exist to support people and forest ecosystems, and the exciting emerging option of working forest easements (through the Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust). Also, hear thoughts on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification and related questions: If there was more transparency about where forest products came from, what would people choose to purchase? And in Pat's words, "What if wood had more of a story to tell?"

The conversation also touches on the local energy market, including important considerations on the use of biomass for heating.

Pat Wiggin was raised in the Halifax Regional Municipality and first became interested in Natural Resource Management while studying Environmental Science at Mount Allison University. He funded his education by tree planting in the wilds of northern British Columbia and eventually decided to go back to school where he obtained a Forestry Technology diploma at the Maritime College of Forest Technology in Fredericton, New Brunswick, and has since held positions within various organizations, providing forest management, support, and advocacy to Nova Scotia’s small, private woodland owners.


Nova Scotia Working Woodlands Trust

Federation of Nova Scotia Woodland Owners

Forest Innovation Program

The Lahey report pdf (An Independent Review of Forestry Practices in Nova Scotia)

Forest Innovation Voucher through NSCC

Western Woodland Cooperative Service

Forest Steward Certification (FSC)

Maritime College of Forest Technology

Natural Resources Environmental Technology program at NSCC

Save Our Old Forests campaign:


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