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EP 21 Are You Stuck?
Episode 2130th August 2023 • The Iron Women • The Iron Women
00:00:00 01:08:48

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Connection card question!

Spiritual stagnation: what does that mean and why are we talking about it?

Lauren’s experience

  • “All or nothing” patterns

Deanna’s experience

  • “Humility” and guilt in common legalistic mentalities

Overcompensating from our guilt

Defining spiritual stagnation

“Doesn’t move”, “just sits there”, “unattended to”, “unaddressed”

Miriam Webster: “stagnation: a state or condition marked by a lack of flow, movement, or development”

The Holy Spirit producing fruit vs intentionality on our end

Eph 4 “grow up in Him”

Phil 3 “press on”

2 Peter 3 “ grow in grace and knowledge”

Hebrews 12 “strive/pursue holiness”

1 Tim 4:7 “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness”

Action verbs, the “do’s” are clear

How much is it us and how much is it the Spirit?

It’s a both/and not an either/or

The heart and attitude behind the “doing”

We were created to take part in disciplines

Justification (one time at salvation, relationship with God) -> Sanctification (ongoing growth process over earthly life, fellowship with God)

Sanctification is an ebb and flow over the course of your life

We are not “doing” for the status of our relationship, relationship has been won and secured

The “doing” is the pursuit of growing in that relationship with God

Faithfulness in the pursuing of holiness are rewarded with primary benefits of godliness (to be like God and to be with God) plus some secondary benefits of peace, power, love, joy, wisdom, etc

You can get off track in the “doing”

Community is key

The mental battle in the “doing” for those who fight legalistic tendencies

“Checking the box” 

Love breeds obedience which breeds more love

It is a parental/authoritative relationship with the Father, He does ask us to do some stuff, and we are to obey, even when we don’t feel the love sometimes, we still obey Him as commanded 

God is a God of order, not of confusion

Diagnosing spiritual stagnation

He can grow your appetite for Himself to be thirsty for Him more and more

The natural progression in the wrong direction away from the disciplines, it’s a slow fade

Eph 5: 15-17 “be diligent in the pursuit of righteousness”

Justifying your lack of diligence is easy and natural, but of the enemy, not of Christ

“The doing” we are referring to are the spiritual disciplines, not just being busy with the same stuff the unsaved/world are busy doing too

Those that you look at and think “wow they’ve always got these disciplines under control” are also struggling to pursue holiness, no one is perfect, but you can learn to maintain the pursuit amid valleys, hurdles, and busyness

He is constantly working even when you don’t see it

The tempting lie to step away for awhile is actually idolatry

The Causes of stagnation: idolatry, busyness, SIN

The ownership of sin

Sin is chosen not stumbled upon

We choose the idolatry, it has not chosen us

The constant battle of the believers to choose sin/flesh or spirit/power over sin

Confession/agreement and repentance/to turn away from

Relationship never changed, but fellowship is restored when believers confess and repent their sins post salvation

The prodigal son parable

Believers are covered in grace every time they turn back to the Father in repentance

Are you stuck? You don’t have to stay stuck! Come back next week!

Fun Cup question about deodorant?.... You’re welcome, friends lol

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