Intentionally setting money aside for things you love ahead of time, can add a lot more happiness to your life!
Quote for the episode: "If money blocking every year allows you two extra massages, an extra let's say hockey game, make sure you take a vacation and let's say an extra daily shot of espresso in your coffee for the next 30 years, that's a lot of extra happiness that I don't want to be missing out on." (04:46)
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Welcome to the EnjoyMore30s Family Finance
Voiceover Audio:podcast. The only podcast dedicated to making life more
Voiceover Audio:enjoyable for young families by hitting on the financial topics
Voiceover Audio:that tend to weigh on us, stress us out, and distract our focus
Voiceover Audio:from simply enjoying life.
Joseph Okaly:Hello, and welcome. Thank you so much for
Joseph Okaly:joining me once again on the EnjoyMore30s Family Finance
Joseph Okaly:podcast, where we're aiming to try to help you take steps
Joseph Okaly:forward, gain that confidence and really therefore remove that
Joseph Okaly:financial anxiety that you might have, so you can focus solely on
Joseph Okaly:making your life more enjoyable. We're entering the middle now of
Joseph Okaly:our new years series, Setting Your Compass for the New Year.
Joseph Okaly:As always, if you like what you're hearing, please make sure
Joseph Okaly:to subscribe, follow us on Apple podcasts, wherever you listen.
Joseph Okaly:Clicking those stars leaving those reviews it really helps us
Joseph Okaly:reach the literally millions of other young families out there
Joseph Okaly:that are just like you.
Joseph Okaly:So far this season, we've covered a lot, covered setting
Joseph Okaly:your compass with your spouse, so joint goal setting, then we
Joseph Okaly:discussed the importance of actually paying yourself first,
Joseph Okaly:giving some of that hard earned money to yourself, crazy I know,
Joseph Okaly:to reach those goals that would actually make you happy each
Joseph Okaly:month. And finally last week, we discussed bucketing your goals.
Joseph Okaly:So separating out different accounts for each individual
Joseph Okaly:goal. So you can easily see the track for each goal, you can
Joseph Okaly:easily achieve each goal. So if you haven't checked out those
Joseph Okaly:episodes yet, definitely definitely want to do that soon.
Joseph Okaly:Today's episode is titled Money Blocking for Fun!, where we're
Joseph Okaly:going to cover easy ways to set money aside, aka what I refer to
Joseph Okaly:as money blocking for specific things that will increase your
Joseph Okaly:happiness throughout the year. The goal really for today's
Joseph Okaly:episode is for you to think of ways to easily do more of the
Joseph Okaly:things you love without the anxiety that tends to come with
Joseph Okaly:it. Sounds good, right? If you've ever received a gift card
Joseph Okaly:to something that you love, maybe your favorite restaurant
Joseph Okaly:or the movies or really anything else you enjoy doing, you know
Joseph Okaly:what a great feeling that is. It's kind of like literally a
Joseph Okaly:free pass for fun. There's no anxiety around the spending or
Joseph Okaly:the financial outlay or the money you're given because it
Joseph Okaly:doesn't matter what else is going on for you right now in
Joseph Okaly:your life. You can go out and enjoy this completely guilt
Joseph Okaly:free. It's a free pass, it's not your money. This feeling is
Joseph Okaly:something you can actually feel more often though, throughout
Joseph Okaly:the year within your own control with something that I call money
Joseph Okaly:blocking.
Joseph Okaly:Money blocking is basically a term I came up with to describe
Joseph Okaly:intentionally setting aside or blocking money for certain items
Joseph Okaly:that make your life more enjoyable on a more daily basis.
Joseph Okaly:So for example, let's say that you love getting massages,
Joseph Okaly:however, you may get them sporadically or there may be
Joseph Okaly:times when money is tight during the year and you just don't feel
Joseph Okaly:like you can even you know do that though you really really,
Joseph Okaly:really may need a massage. Generally when things are tight
Joseph Okaly:and you're stressed, a massage could probably be pretty helpful
Joseph Okaly:right? Now, the easiest way to go about this is when you get a
Joseph Okaly:lump sum. So think of a bonus or a tax refund, somebody hands you
Joseph Okaly:a big chunk of money, maybe your parents give you money for
Joseph Okaly:Christmas every year, they gift you money, something like that.
Joseph Okaly:So for purposes of illustrating this point, let's say that every
Joseph Okaly:year you have a $5,000 bonus from work. Now normally without
Joseph Okaly:a plan for this kind of money, which I've talked about before,
Joseph Okaly:it has a tendency of disappearing. With money
Joseph Okaly:blocking, what you could do is say take a piece of this bonus
Joseph Okaly:and buy four gift cards for that massage place that you love. You
Joseph Okaly:now have one guilt free massage every single quarter. So you see
Joseph Okaly:what I mean? You can do this with anything to. Hockey games,
Joseph Okaly:Starbucks, your favorite restaurant, if you set money
Joseph Okaly:aside money blocking, and buy those massage gift cards. When
Joseph Okaly:you're super stressed during the year, money may feel tight, you
Joseph Okaly:could walk right into the massage parlor and say, you
Joseph Okaly:know, hey, here's my gift card, get a massage, and there's no
Joseph Okaly:extra outlay for you. You can do this same concept on a monthly
Joseph Okaly:basis too. I would say it's generally not quite as easy. But
Joseph Okaly:let's say every month you put $150 aside into what you would
Joseph Okaly:call a separate vacation account, separate bank account
Joseph Okaly:that you reserved just for vacations. Now every year you're
Joseph Okaly:going to have $1,800 to take a vacation to stop, pause, enjoy
Joseph Okaly:life with your family. So money blocking is all about enabling
Joseph Okaly:yourself to have more fun.
Joseph Okaly:So from today's episode, hopefully you're taking away how
Joseph Okaly:you can adjust how you're going to go about doing things you
Joseph Okaly:already enjoy. You probably take vacations every year, you
Joseph Okaly:probably get a couple massages a year. But if you're more
Joseph Okaly:intentional about setting money aside for them ahead of time, it
Joseph Okaly:can add a lot more happiness to your life. It can guarantee a
Joseph Okaly:lot more happiness is going to happen in your life on a daily
Joseph Okaly:basis. If money blocking every year allows you two extra
Joseph Okaly:massages, an extra let's say hockey game, make sure you take
Joseph Okaly:a vacation and let's say an extra daily shot of espresso in
Joseph Okaly:your coffee for the next 30 years, that's a lot of extra
Joseph Okaly:happiness that I don't want to be missing out on. And I don't
Joseph Okaly:want you to be missing out on either.
Joseph Okaly:So thanks for tuning in today and join us for next week's
Joseph Okaly:episode called, Yes, There Can Be Too Conservative!, where
Joseph Okaly:we're going to cover how paying yourself first, separating out
Joseph Okaly:your goals is all well and good but if you're using
Joseph Okaly:inappropriate types of investments for certain goals,
Joseph Okaly:they may take much much longer to achieve or perhaps you even
Joseph Okaly:may never achieve them at all.
Joseph Okaly:So overall, if you're able to implement what we covered today,
Joseph Okaly:that's fantastic. You have less to worry about than before, you
Joseph Okaly:could focus more on enjoying life. If you are wanting help
Joseph Okaly:with these things though, where you have questions you need help
Joseph Okaly:in clarifying, check out the ASK JOE section on the show's
Joseph Okaly:website That's Until next
Joseph Okaly:week. Thanks for joining me today and I look forward to
Joseph Okaly:connecting with you again soon.
Voiceover Audio:The conversations on this show are
Voiceover Audio:Joe's opinions and provided for general information purposes
Voiceover Audio:only. They do not constitute accounting, legal, tax, or other
Voiceover Audio:professional advice for your specific situation. You should
Voiceover Audio:always seek appropriate advice from a financial advisor,
Voiceover Audio:accountant, lawyer, or other professional before acting upon
Voiceover Audio:any content or information found here first. Joe is affiliated
Voiceover Audio:with New Horizons Wealth Management LLC, a branch office
Voiceover Audio:of TFS Securities, Inc., and TFS Advisory Services an SEC
Voiceover Audio:Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA/SIPC.