This podcast episode delves into the profound biblical narrative found in Acts chapter 10, verses 23 through 33, elucidating the theme that God plays no favorites. Through the lens of Peter's transformative encounter with Cornelius, we explore the dismantling of systematic prejudice and the imperative of recognizing our shared humanity. The dialogue highlights the necessity of challenging inherited biases and the barriers that insidiously separate communities based on race and culture. Furthermore, we emphasize the spirituality of everyday justice, underscoring that authentic faith is manifested in our actions toward others. As we reflect on these poignant insights, we are encouraged to identify and actively cross boundaries that perpetuate division in our society.
The "Daily Bible Refresh" is presented each day by Rev. Dr. Brad Miller who has a goal of speaking a bit of the bible into two million ears (one million people) in three years (2025-2028).
He is the author of "The A, B, C-1,2,3 Bible Study Guide" Free to you by clicking HERE.
Brad served as a local church pastor for forty years and has a background in radio and podcasting. Moreover, he is a life-long student of The Bible.
He believes in the words of Jesus that “scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:21)
The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available seven days a week by 6:00 am ET. The episodes are no longer than ten minutes long and are...
A companion resource to the Voice of God Daily Podcast is the “ABC Bible Study Guide” available by clicking HERE.
The "Daily Bible Refresh" is available every day at on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast directories.
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Remember… “All scripture is God-breathed and useful”(2 Timothy 3:16)
The exposition of Acts 10:23-33 encapsulates a profound theological discourse on the impartiality of God, as articulated by Dr. Brad Miller in this podcast episode. At the heart of this narrative is the transformative encounter between Peter and Cornelius, which serves as a salient reminder that divine love knows no boundaries. Dr. Miller adeptly navigates the complexities of cultural and racial divides, drawing attention to Peter's introspective admission of the prejudices that govern his interactions with Gentiles. This acknowledgment acts as a catalyst for a larger conversation about the systemic nature of bias and the imperative for self-examination amongst listeners.
The episode intricately weaves themes of power and privilege, illustrating how the act of Peter entering Cornelius’s home represents a radical defiance of societal norms. Dr. Miller emphasizes that authentic spiritual transformation necessitates the relinquishment of privilege and an embrace of mutual respect across cultural divides. By modeling an egalitarian approach to humanity, the narrative challenges listeners to dismantle their own barriers and engage in meaningful relationships that transcend societal expectations. Furthermore, the podcast highlights the spirituality inherent in everyday acts of justice, positing that genuine faith is expressed through our treatment of others and our commitment to social equity.
In concluding remarks, Dr. Miller presents actionable insights for listeners, encouraging them to identify and challenge the divisions within their communities. The call to take concrete steps towards inclusivity and understanding serves as a powerful exhortation, urging individuals to embody the principles of love and acceptance in their daily lives. Ultimately, this episode serves as both a theological reflection and a practical guide, advocating for a journey towards spiritual growth that is rooted in the recognition of our shared humanity and the necessity of crossing boundaries for the sake of justice and unity.
Links referenced in this episode:
God Plays no Favorites A study of Acts chapter 10, verses 23 through 33 on the Daily Bible refresh with Dr.
Speaker A:Brad Miller.
Speaker A:Hello good people.
Speaker A:Welcome to Daily Bible Refresh where we take a fresh approach to reading the Bible every single day.
Speaker A: million years by: Speaker A:I'm Dr.
Speaker A:Brad Miller and every day we bring you this reading.
Speaker A:We use a revised Common Lectionary.
Speaker A:We're in year C in the pre Lent season.
Speaker A:We are actually in the day they often call Fat Tuesday the day before Ash Wednesday, the start of the Lenten season.
Speaker A:We give you the Word of God that is understandable by using the New Testament and the Message version.
Speaker A:Relatable by offering you some points to ponder, applicable by giving you a action step to take.
Speaker A:We do all that in under 10 minutes and have a prayer too.
Speaker A: method our reading today Acts: Speaker A:Peter invited them in and made them feel at home.
Speaker A:God plays no favorites.
Speaker A:The next morning he got up and went with them.
Speaker A:Some of his friends from Joppa went along.
Speaker A:A day later they entered Caesarea.
Speaker A:Cornelius was expecting them and had his relatives and close friends waiting with him.
Speaker A:The minute Peter came through the door, Cornelius was up on his feet greeting him and then down on his face worshiping him.
Speaker A:Peter pulled him up and said none of that.
Speaker A:I'm a man and only a man, no different than you talking things over.
Speaker A:They went into the house where Cornelius introduced Peter to everyone who had come.
Speaker A:Peter addressed him.
Speaker A:You know I'm sure this is highly irregular.
Speaker A:Jews just don't do this visit and relax with people of another race.
Speaker A:But God has just shown me that no race is better than any other.
Speaker A:So the minute I was sent for, I came, no questions asked.
Speaker A:But now I'd like to know why you sent for me.
Speaker A:Cornelius said.
Speaker A:Four days ago at about this time mid afternoon I was home praying.
Speaker A:So suddenly there was a man right in front of me flooding the room with light.
Speaker A:And he said, Cornelius, your daily prayers and neighborly acts have brought you to God's attention.
Speaker A:I want you to send you to Joppa to get Simon the one they call Peter.
Speaker A:He's staying with Simon the Tanner down by the sea.
Speaker A:So I did it.
Speaker A:I sent for you and you've been good enough to come.
Speaker A:And now we're all here in God's presence, ready to listen to whatever the Master put in your heart to tell us.
Speaker A:Wonderful verse of Scripture.
Speaker A:A wonderful passage of scripture here today.
Speaker A:And it's really about breaking barriers and building bridges.
Speaker A: me points to ponder from Acts: Speaker A:One is the dismantling of systematic prejudice.
Speaker A:Peter's stark admission.
Speaker A:Jews just don't do this.
Speaker A:Visit and relax with you people of another race.
Speaker A:Boy, that's a powerful moment of self awareness about systematic prejudice.
Speaker A:Notice how he doesn't defend or justify these cultural barriers, but acknowledges them as problematic.
Speaker A:This challenges us to examine our own prejudices, which are problematic, which are problematic, and any inherited biases that we may have and any social systems that keep communities separated.
Speaker A:Why we just don't do that kind of phrase.
Speaker A:Can you say in your life persist or persistent communities you're a part of?
Speaker A:Here's another point to ponder.
Speaker A:It's about defying disruption of power dynamics.
Speaker A:There's two powerful moments in this passage which illuminate the theme.
Speaker A:First, when Cornelius, a Roman officer, bows to Peter and Peter immediately stops him, declaring their equal humanity.
Speaker A:Second, when Peter enters Cornelius home, a Jewish religious leader entering the home of a gentile was breaking significant cultural taboos.
Speaker A:This mutual surrender of power and privilege models how authentic spiritual transformation often requires us to step out of our comfort zone and release our grip on our social status.
Speaker A:One more point to ponder, and that's the spirituality of everyday justice.
Speaker A:Notice how Cornelius is described in his daily prayers and neighborly acts.
Speaker A:And that is what brought the divine attention.
Speaker A:This suggests that authentic spirituality isn't just about religious rituals, but how we treat our neighbors and work for justice in our daily lives.
Speaker A:It challenges the false divide between spiritual and social justice work, suggesting they're inseparable.
Speaker A:Here's your actions for step four for the day.
Speaker A:Identify a boundary in your community that separates people along racial, cultural or social themes.
Speaker A:And choose one concrete action or something you can do to cross that boundary.
Speaker A:A few examples here.
Speaker A:Attending a worship service or a community event where you're in the minority, or initiating a conversation with leadership about any exclusive practices in your organization.
Speaker A:Or build a relationship with someone from a community you typically don't interact with.
Speaker A:Remember here about Paul's example to go, no questions asked.
Speaker A:When the opportunity for connection presents itself.
Speaker A:We're going to come back and have a prayer in just a moment.
Speaker A:But I want to just share with you that we have a resource for you that's going to help you read the Bible of your own accord.
Speaker A:It's called the ABC123 Bible Study Guide and really does make reading your own Bible as easy as ABC.
Speaker A:And 1, 2, 3, it's a resource we have for you.
Speaker A:It's free.
Speaker A:All you got to do is go over to our website, which is voiceofgod and it's there for you.
Speaker A:Let's pray.
Speaker A:Source of God, you are the source of all love.
Speaker A:And we confess that like Peter, we too have our we just don't do this moment.
Speaker A:Our comfortable separations, our unexamined prejudices.
Speaker A:Thank you for holy disruptions that shake us from our comfortable segregation.
Speaker A:Give us courage to cross the boundaries that keep your children apart.
Speaker A:Help us release our grip on privilege, our addiction to power, our fear of difference.
Speaker A:May we recognize you in faces different from our own, in customs foreign to our experience in the holy ground of another's story.
Speaker A:Make us brave enough to go where you call about, no questions asked, and trust that you are already there working for transformation.
Speaker A:Amen.
Speaker A:Well, it's always a joy and a happy time to be with you.
Speaker A:Hey, enjoy.
Speaker A:If this is Fat Tuesday for you, the day before Lent, enjoy it.
Speaker A:It's really a time to kind of feast.
Speaker A:Before we talk tomorrow, we're going to talk a little bit about fasting and prayer.
Speaker A:So until then, I look forward to being with you on Ash Wednesday as we begin the Lenten season and just come back to us every day.
Speaker A:We drop these episodes about 6am Eastern Time.
Speaker A:Come join me and bring a friend.
Speaker A:Until tomorrow.
Speaker A:My name is Dr.
Speaker A:Brad Mueller.
Speaker A:Remember that God's loyal love doesn't run out.
Speaker A:His merciful love hasn't dried up.
Speaker A:It is created new every morning.