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Small Steps, Big Dreams: Your Guide to Goal Achievement
Episode 13725th January 2024 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
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We often have these incredible visions and goals we want to achieve, but we can get so wrapped up in the big picture that we forget about the small steps and consistency needed to make those dreams a reality. We might have our vision boards and magazine clippings, and those are fantastic, don't get me wrong, but the biggest part of the puzzle is the tiny steps we take and the unwavering consistency that propels us toward our goals.

Today, I'm thrilled to revisit a previous conversation we had on Instagram. We're diving deep into how I take a step back and assess my goals. I'll be sharing the nitty-gritty details of what it takes to achieve success – those small, actionable steps and the commitment required to make your dreams come true!

What you'll hear in this episode:

[1:45] Setting goals and being productive.

[4:10] Setting and achieving small, consistent goals.

[8:00] Consistency and self-improvement for mothers.

[9:35] Prioritizing self-care and consistency for moms.


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Take time to go through your day. And take note of the things that feel really good. You're like, oh, this makes me feel good. This makes me feel like I'm on track with who I want to be, or it makes me happy. And then take note of things that don't feel great. And then is there a solution to those? Or can they be removed from your life? So if it's a dynamic of communicating with a certain person, if it's a we're showing up to work, or an event or anything like that, how can you flip the script to allow yourself to


welcome to mama has goals, your weekly reminder that you shouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams to take on the role of mom. I'm Kelsey Smith, mom of two boys, wife, an entrepreneur who's passionate about helping other moms current and aspiring to reimagine mom life. I'm bringing you the resources, support and relatability to debunk that limiting belief that you may have about your ability to achieve your goals while raising a human. We're covering everything from mom guilt, marriage, relationships, careers, finances, mental health, physical health, you name it, your life doesn't have to fully shift. Once you become a mom, you can have it all. And we'll show you how.


To mama, you know, when we get this vision or this goal, this thing we want to accomplish. So often we forget about all the little steps and the consistency that is required to achieve that. And we can focus so much on that vision board cut out or that magazine vision, that dream. And that's amazing. And that's great. And that's a part of the puzzle. But a big part of the puzzle is actually the little steps that we need to take and the consistency and the things that we have to do in order to get ourselves there. Right. And today, I want to bring you a previous conversation that we've had over on Instagram Live to talk about what I do to take a step back and think about what are my goals? And how am I going to get there? What are the small steps and the things I need to consistently do in order to achieve that success. That's your intro for this, go ahead and grab those headphones and jump in if you're ready to really create some clarity and some progress and some action around that thing that you are dreaming of. This is a great conversation to do that.


Hello, hello, love. Today, we're going to be talking about consistency and how we show up in a way that feels good alongside all the different areas of our life, if you watch the live last week, because I my husband's family lost a family member. And it's really affected us all in a way that just feels really heavy and hard. And so we've been navigating what that looks like and how we support people going forward. And just really trying to navigate that throughout our days. And with that, I also have to figure out how in the inconsistent with what I need for me and for my own mental health and my goals and what that looks like going forward. So for me what that looks like, is really getting deep and okay, what are my goals, whether it's this week, the rest of the year, what it is that I want to accomplish, and what it is that I want to achieve, and really setting up a plan for success about that. And as I always say, communicating it to the people that you need support from. So when I think about okay, where do I need to be productive? Or where do I need to show up? Or where do I need to spend my time and my mental energy and all of those things? I really go through and say, Okay, what is it that I'm looking to accomplish? What are my goals, because really a theme that we've been talking about lately is that you can't accomplish something if you don't know what it is that you're trying to accomplish. And if you do accomplish something and you don't know what you're trying to accomplish, that doesn't feel good, because you don't even recognize it. You're not even consciously aware of the successes that you've had, in the goals that you've achieved. My first step for you would be just like, what is it that you want to do? And this could be like a bigger goal, or it could be just a smaller consistency goal. And that's really what I want to focus on today is those smaller things. So when you think about okay, how do I want to feel what do I want to show up as I went to this higher self Gala? Last week, and that was the theme of a showing up is your higher self? And so have you even asked yourself that question like, What does my higher self want? And what does my higher self do? And who does that person wake up as? What choices do I make? What food do I put in my body? What type of movement do I have throughout my day? And those are the things that I think really helped you move the needle and your goals in your life get you and your family on the same page, being able to sit down and say okay, here's what I want my life to look like. I want To do this when it comes to food and movement in my job or staying home, I want our home to feel this way, knowing what that day should feel like for you. And then working backwards in that, how do you get there. And so for me, it's usually small things, it's having food prepped, it's having time to move my body, it's communicating our schedules to each other. And sometimes I think we can get caught up in this really big goal, we can be like, oh, I want to make X number amount of money, or I want these types of things in my life and in my house. And I want to achieve this. And that's great. I'm here for that all day long. But really breaking it back down and saying, Okay, on Tuesday, I want our family and our house in me to feel this way. And what are the things that are behind those feelings to allow you to get there? So if I could give you anything for today, what I would do is I would just take today and say, Okay, what is the way that I want to feel this next seven days? What are the things that I want to make sure that I have as a non negotiable are top priority things that I can feel consistent with? And pick no more than three? One to three each day? So if it's moving your body be like really clear with yourself? What does that mean? Does it mean that you're walking for 15 minutes? Does it mean you're going to the gym? Does it mean you're stretching every night? What is like your bare minimum that you're like, Yep, I was consistent. And because of that I feel successful. And same with your food? Is it? I just want to make sure you eat every day? Or is it certain things that you're feeling your body with? And how does that feel for you? Because there's no one right answer. Of course, there are like health recommendations and things that you can take in. But it's about where you're at in your life and what your goals are, what season of life are you going through? And what do you want to be consistent with. So sat down one to three things and make sure that if you need support, that you're communicating it with your family, maybe you don't need support, I still recommend communicating it with anyone in your home that can understand so they know what your priorities are. So you can say, hey, my priority this week is to make sure that one of my this week is to not drink coffee before I eat food. Because I don't want to drink coffee, the first thing when I wake up in the morning, so communicating that and saying, Okay, that's one of my goals this week. And why and working through that. So 123 things that you can be consistent with just for the seven days, just do the seven days. I posted yesterday, and I'll share in the comments here to a link to a podcast I listened to by Jenna Kutcher yesterday, chakra are journaling practice and how she wasn't really into journaling before, but she tried this one practice. So maybe that's something you want to take on for seven days, you want to take on journaling and asking yourself questions. If you're going to do that, and you don't want to listen to the podcast and get the full framework. The two questions I would ask you to ask yourself this week is what is something you're grateful for? And what is something you're proud of yourself for each day, just write down those two things to say I'm grateful for today, I'm proud of myself for and you can do that at the end of the day too. For that one, see what you're proud of for your full day. So we're talking about consistency. We're talking about goals, we're talking about how do we achieve the things on those daily basis, those small thing, one to three things that you can be consistent with each day that make you feel good, that make you feel accomplished. It's not just a check box, because mom has goals isn't just about hitting a goal and checking a box and getting a title. It's about you consistently wanting to be the best version of yourself alongside motherhood for you doing those small daily actions each day to challenge yourself to be your happiest, best, most full version, and whatever that looks like for you. So I always say it could be the best snack to the top of the corporate ladder, it could be drinking green juice in the morning, or just taking a shower really doesn't matter. But allowing yourself to say okay, what is the thing that I'm going to do today that feels consistent with who I want to become what I want to feel what my higher self looks like. And if you need some time to think about it today, that's okay, take time to go through your day. And take note of the things that feel really good. You're like, oh, this makes me feel good. This makes me feel like I'm on track with who I want to be, or it makes me happy. And then take note of things that don't feel great. And then is there a solution to those? Or can they be removed from your life? So if it's a dynamic of communicating with a certain person, if it's a way or showing up to work or an event or anything like that? How can you flip the script to allow yourself each day to become more of that version of the person that you want to be and it's always in those small consistency things. A couple of things I'll be doing, outlining my week what all my appointments are, what all my things are on my calendar, have them of course all on my Google Calendar, but really getting them on a piece of paper and communicating them with my husband and making sure we're on the same page. Making sure that we both have downtime mentally, because something that I didn't realize for a long time how important it is to me Not just fill every moment of your day with something, but to be able to have time to like process and be like alone in doing that. So I'll be trying to find time for each of us to have periods of time where we are solo, downloading, how our day went, processing what we need, and mentally, making sure that we have family time scheduled in and not just like being in the same room together, because that happens a lot with I know my family and a lot of brothers. But like, actually, what are we doing with that time, not just like physically being in the same location, but quality time of inactivity or conversation or something like that, and making sure that I'm feeling my body good. So those are my top priorities for the week, and my consistency goals. And then of course, there's a long list of other things that I hope to throw in there. But those are truly my top goals. And the other thing that I like to do is think of one to two. And anytime I set a priority, it's no more than three, right? Three or less things that you want to accomplish in your house each day. And that could be like doing a lot of laundry, having an empty, like simple things, not giant projects, and then staying on top of it that way. When I do that, it works the best for us as well. But overall, we're looking at the small things that we do daily to allow us to feel as our highest self to hit our different goals and hit the things that we want to accomplish in life, right. Instead of thinking of one day, I want to buy this house or I hope to have this amount of money or I have to do these amount of things. Allowing yourself to each day just focus on being that person in the small ways. So maybe it setting one goal in your house for working from home to say, look, I'm going to make sure my one workspace clean each day, even as the rest of the house. It's like having and allowing yourself to focus on one thing at a time, whether it's going for a walk or really being present with your family or showing up for yourself physically allowing yourself to read or write whatever that looks like for you. So that you're having those small consistent activities each day to set yourself up for those bigger goals because we can't get there if we can't be consistent. So think about what that is for you. What's the one thing you're gonna focus on today for that consistency. What's the one thing you're going to do that you're like today's my goal is this for consistency that I hope to carry through the rest of the week. And you guys so much less, have a


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