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Episode 207 – Business Men and Women of Color – Anne Alston
12th January 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:29:56

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Episode 207 Show Notes for Anne Alson Interview

Hello everyone everywhere, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau and I want to thank you for joining us today on another DUAL BROADCAST of the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast and the Everything Church Related podcast. Is we are holding a dual broadcast – then you know we are bringing you something special today.

Are you looking for a career change and need assistance? Are you pursuing entrepreneurship? Are you an existing small business owner in need of promotional services? Or perhaps you need help with a military-to-civilian life career transition or need advice on making a college decision? 

Well, my guest today has made it her mission to help those who are in those transitional modes we just discussed above. Anne Alston is the CEO of AlstnTEC.

With more than 25 years of combined in experience in the Information Technology and Administration field, Anne’s extensive background comes with the precision of providing Career Transition, Professional Development, Mentoring, and Empowerment Services.
Anne’s consulting experience began as the owner of A & M Creations in 1997 operating as a desktop publisher and business strategist. The company’s motto was “Serving the Needs of Small Businesses.” Not only did she support small businesses, she also served the needs of individuals who aspired to become entrepreneurs or needed career guidance. The company name changed to ALSTNTEC to reflect the new type of services offered.
As an activist for adult/youth education and small business supporter, Anne actively participates as a workshop presenter Prince George’s County Public Schools, the Maryland Future Business Leaders Association, and the Maryland Roundtable for Education STEMnet program. She is also a Mentor with the University of Maryland University College (UMUC), and recently received the UMUC Alumni Achiever Award for her dedicated service to UMUC students and faculty.

Anne earned her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Information Technology from the University of Phoenix. She furthered her education by obtaining her dual Master’s of Science degree in Information Technology with a specialization in Information Assurance and CyberSecurity Policy from the University of Maryland University College.

She is the author of the book, “Empower Thyself” which is a guide to Improving Personal Health and Professional Growth for Women and is also the founder of the VeteransBizUp Conference in support of military veterans seeking career transitional assistance.

Help me welcome to the program – Anne Alston! Anne, thank you for taking the time to join us today!

Ok – other than that brief bio I just read, tell us, “Who is Anne Alston?”

How did you get started in this line of serving the needs of others?

You also have a podcast – tell us about your podcast and how people can listen?

Now, about your book, “Empower Thyself” – what caused you to write this book?

Your book is a step by step guide on women can empower themselves to ignite their dreams, goals and aspirations. Give us a couple of examples of the steps involved…

You list 34 techniques that can help them improve their health and professional growth. That’s a lot! Give us a couple of examples that, perhaps our listeners could implement…

You also share how to use technology for improvement – how can women – and men, I am guessing, can do that?

Your book helps people to overcome low self esteem; negative feedback, depression, feeling stuck and many other issues – how can one book help in all of those areas?

How long did it take you to write this book?

How is it you came to the point you felt you had to write this book?

Do you use the ideas in this book in your conferences?

How has your conferences inspired you in the writing of this book?

Anne, if someone wanted to get in touch with you, perhaps to hire you or get advice on a situation or decision they are contemplating, concerning a job transition, leaving the military, etc…how can they get in touch with you?

And if someone wanted to buy you book, I take it is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc?

Ok, I’ll leave links to all of this in the show notes.

I thank you for joining us today…folks, I believe in what Anne is doing…she is making a difference in the lives of many people facing transitions, especially in mid-life or from the military to civilian life – these service were not as readily available back when I needed them…I transitioned from the military in 1989 after almost 13 years of service – and had a VERY difficult time. Services like Anne’s were not around then. So I highly encourage you go to her website at and look around – reach out and contact her – ask questions!

And if you don’t want to do that – YET – Then I would encourage you to order her book from Amazon and read it over. It is entitled as a guide for helping women, but I think you can tell from our conversation today – there are some things in there that will help men as well.
BUY THE BOOK as a gift…maybe a late Christmas gift for someone going through a life transition. JUST BUY IT FOR YOURSELF! You don’t need a reason – just DO IT!

Anne, I want to thank you again for joining us today…that’s all the time we have and for Anne Alston and myself, This is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!




Podcast: Business Men and Women of Color:

Book: “Empower Thyself” on Amazon:

Veterans Biz Up Conference:

The post Episode 207 – Business Men and Women of Color – Anne Alston appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.



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