Episode 230 Show Notes for Pastor Mike Hall Interview
Attended Liberty University
Started Grace Church which became LifeBridge Church
Turned over the church to Pastor Jeff & Pastor Bobbie as he moved into another phase of ministry
I’ve known Pastor Mike Hall for over 17 years at this point. He is on our Board of Directors for our ministry. Recently, I have had the honor of being asked to be on his Board of Directors for Sharing Real Hope. He is a broadcaster on Evangelism Radio with his three times per week podcast on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday’s from 1 to 115pm ET on Evangelism Radio…
Tell us about your ministry life and what you are doing right now…
Tell me a little bit more about your work in Haiti…
What does the current ministry look like?
Who is your target audience?
What is the need for a ministry like this?
If you are accomplishing all of this right now, what does the future ministry opportunities look like?
Are you looking for more help to minister in Haiti – and even to help with your ministry here in the States?
What about sending along support for Haiti? How can they do that?
Listen to ER from 1-115pm ET
Can a mass murderer be saved?
How can we know Heaven is for real?
Why Do Some Receive their miracle and other go without?
Why does matter the pastor always talk about paying tithes?
Last Question
If someone wanted to contact you, to ask a question or ask you to come and speak to their church or group – how can they do that?
Email: sharingrealhope@gmail.com
Website: www.sharingrealhope.org
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