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7. How To Break Free From The Lies That Are Holding You Back
Episode 727th February 2024 • Radiant Womanhood • Tabitha Blue, of the Fresh Mommy Blog
00:00:00 00:26:32

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Do you have dreams, plans and good intentions but find that in reality, you keep hitting a wall and can’t seem to progress? Do you find yourself falling prey to self-destructive habits or behaviours that aren’t aligned with your true goals and desires? If this sounds familiar, then this episode is for you.

If you’re feeling stuck, or if you find yourself falling into bad patterns and habits, it might be that it’s your own limited beliefs and underlying lies that you’re telling yourself that are at the root of these issues. And the crazy thing is, these lies are often so ingrained in us that we’re not even aware of them and the power they have over us. 

In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you three steps to identify the lies that are holding you hostage and keeping you small,  the questions you can ask yourself to reveal the root of these lies, and how you can break free from these lies, leaving you free to create a life of joy and abundance.

If you’re ready to break out of the shackles of the lies you’re telling yourself, hit the play button and tune in!

And I’d love to hear from you and encourage you on this journey. Drop me a message me over on Instagram @radiantwomanhood or  @tabithablue and share with me the lies that you’ve identified that have been holding you back!

If you’re enjoying this podcast and know of another woman in your life who would benefit from this episode too, please share this with her!

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