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#83 HACK #1: Write a Letter to Your Future Self
Episode 181st January 2024 • The Happiness Challenge • Klaudia Mitura
00:00:00 00:03:31

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This episode is part of the Happiness Reset Campaign where Klaudia brings you 25 bitesize episodes to inspire you to refocus on your happiness and fulfilment. 

In each short episode Klaudia shares one practical hack to create more happiness at work, in relationships and in your own skin. 

In this first happiness hack, Klaudia encourages you to send a letter to your future self.

Why? Writing about our goals, strengths and values have a positive impact on our resilience and wellbeing.

Tune in to learn more how to craft a personal letter to yourself to inspire and encourage you on tough days.


Klaudia Mitura:

Hello Happiness Seekers

My name is Klaudia and you are listening to The Happiness Challenge.

This episode is part of the Happiness Reset Campaign where I bring you 25 bitesize episodes to inspire you to refocus on your happiness and fulfilment.

In each short episode I bring you one practical hack to create more happiness at work, in relationships and in your own skin.

Follow me on Linkedin and join my newsletter to share what hacks you are finding useful and to get free tickets to a webinar on the science of happiness that I will be hosting in February.

In this happiness hack, I encourage you to send a letter to your future self.

The reason for that is that writing about our goals, strengths and values have a positive impact on our resilience and wellbeing. There has been an array of research showing that if participants wrote down short essays about their strengths and values, they were able to perform better in the job interviews (increasing their chances of being hired by 81%), solve complex mathematical problems or stay calm under the harsh eye of unfriendly judges with their body producing less stress hormones. It is incredible to know that our resilience and wellbeing increases if we are reminded about our strengths, values and plans for the future.

In light of these fascinating findings, my happiness hack for you to send a letter to your future self using Future.Me. Head to their website to write a letter to yourself, in which you can share some words of wisdom and encouragement for you to be reminded about on the bad day, goals that you wish to achieve in the upcoming year or perhaps a reminder of what your values are and what truly matters to you.

Then you choose when you wish the letter to be delivered back to you via email: in 6 months’ time, 2 years or even 20 years into the future. I personally like the letter to be sent to me at the end of year so I can see whether my hopes and dreams are fulfilled.

Thank you for listening to the Happiness Reset Campaign, I hope this happiness hack is useful and impactful. And if you are currently setting some dreams and goals, listen to episode 4: How to set bold dreams and be excited about the future

I would love you to share this episode with others and subscribe to my podcast and newsletter so you don't miss out on any future hacks. Thank you again for listening and I dare you to be happy. Bye



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