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158. Dr. Donald Dennis - Breaking Down Mold: On Sinusitis Root Causes and Treatments
Episode 15816th September 2024 • The Accrescent: Bioenergetic Healing • Leigh Ann Lindsey
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TA Ep. 158 Dr. Donald Dennis - Breaking Down Mold: On Sinusitis Root Causes and Treatments

Dr. Donald Dennis: [:

Leigh Ann: I think that's a really interesting place to start, because I read a little bit of your bio. You, you know, you had been practicing for a bit, but at some point it seems like you started to make more of a shift of maybe seeing mold is coming up more frequently or something of that nature. And so, yeah, I was a little curious about when, when did mold start to become more of a core focus?

ennis: probably, uh, prior to:

Leigh Ann: Wow.

Dr. Donald Dennis: And so they prove that in the test tube. And if you take the white cells of people who don't get it, uh, their white cells don't react

Leigh Ann: Hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So that's the difference. And, uh, that they have 23 papers, yet most of my specialty doesn't believe it.

Leigh Ann: Isn't that wild?

Dr. Donald Dennis: Sort of like, you know, the earth is still flat. It's not round.

cause those were good papers [:

Leigh Ann: And, and I imagine, correct me if I'm wrong, but I imagine from what I understand a little bit, that conversation around mold being a potential root cause to sinusitis in such a large percentage, that probably wasn't included in your med school. And so even you at some point had to go out and seek and continue learning and gather this additional information, which might have, I don't know, you might've had a lot of colleagues going, no, that's.

That's, you know, that's boo hockey. There's nothing there.

Dr. Donald Dennis: well, when you're in, uh, I went to Johns Hopkins and so you're in each, uh, clinic for about three months. So you have a three month experience. And at the end of that, you think that that's the way everything goes. Because you hadn't seen anybody long enough

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

t didn't matter what you did.[:

Um, you could do surgery, you could do steroids, antibiotics, allergy shots, everything and nothing worked. And so, I never saw that, but you know, it didn't work. So, um, then I started thinking, well, what is wrong with these people? Why don't they get better? And so, uh, this guy came in every time I saw him doing everything known to man, he was always infected,

Leigh Ann: Mm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: had purulence in his nose, didn't matter what I did, and he was doing his part.

He was doing everything. So, uh, then one time he came back and he was totally clear and I knew it wasn't anything I was doing. And

Leigh Ann: Uh huh. Yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: I asked him, what have you been doing? And he said, well, I've been to the beach for two weeks. And then I knew it was environmental

Leigh Ann: Oh, wow.

: we figured out it was mold [:

And that's how it all started.

Leigh Ann: Yeah. I do want to take a sec to highlight maybe more of a conventional approach to chronic sinusitis. What does that entail? And you actually kind of already just gave off a quick list of some of the things that might have entailed you know, surgery, some of these different things. But, for someone who is Looking to kind of compare the conventional approach to maybe this approach that's more full being full body What is sort of the standard conventional approach to chronic sinusitis that maybe you were you kind of taught in in med school?

gut from those. Yeah. Okay. [:

That's it. There's no other stuff, you know. And so, if you do all that and they don't get any better, then you got to go plan B. Plan B is the air. It's the air, stupid, right? So, you got to fix the air. And so, that's, I got involved with the environmentalist piece. And that's been a long journey, but it's been a lot of, uh, A lot of gratitude for that.

Leigh Ann: Right to your point of You know, even as you're explaining, okay, we do, we do antihistamines, we do steroids. Already, that's speaking to, they're trying to address the inflammation. But if we're never asking this question, well, why is there inflammation?

Dr. Donald Dennis: Right. That's it. Inflammation to what?

Leigh Ann: Exactly.

came out, and then when they [:

So, uh, the, but 80 percent of the population doesn't have it, just 20%. So if they're, if they're continuing to get recurrent sinus infections and you guess they have a moldy environment, you're only going to be right 93 percent of the time.

Leigh Ann: Which is still pretty high. That's pretty high.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Yeah, that's good enough, right?

Leigh Ann: Yeah. Now, say more briefly, because you started mentioning genes. Say a little bit more about, About this part specifically is are you saying that there's a gene that some people are even more sensitive to mold than others or What is the correlation

Yeah, that's right. So, um, [:

That's a different problem. Uh, and polyps is a separate gene. So everyone with chronic sinusitis does not get polyps. But the group that get polyps, um, every time they get in mold, they get the polyps back. So many of these people have had oral steroids, uh, nasal spray steroids, multiple surgeries. Because the polyps obstruct their airway.

er and over and over. And so [:

Leigh Ann: Oh my gosh 40 surgeries Wow

Dr. Donald Dennis: And so, um, then I said, okay, you've got an environmental issue. And he was glad to hear that, so he could stop having surgeries. So, uh, basically, if you fix the environment, uh, you get them well. almost all the time unless something else is going on. But it's usually their home office or car. washing machine, those kind of things, or they got a bunch of animals in the bed with them.


Leigh Ann: break all of this down because yes, where where are some of these exposures coming from? I do think people At least my first thought would be just the home. Maybe I'm in an old space, an old home, there's mold in the home. But you gave some even more specific examples here. The pets one is a little bit new to me.

now, pet hair and just some, [:

Dr. Donald Dennis: doesn't mean you can't have pets, but you have to have them in a certain way. All dogs and cats, if you, uh, tap test with a SDA or agar mold plate on the animal, uh, you will get a tumors to count reading. So in nature they have, they're totally full of mold. That's normal for

Leigh Ann: Okay. Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: when when you put a by your face on the pillow, you got all the mold on your pillow now, and it's not static.

It's going to grow like lice, you know, and so then these people get sick all the time because they got the dog in the bed. So they don't put them in the bed. They wash them once a week. Usually they're okay with that. It's just when you put it in your face and, you know, get all the fungus in your face, then they get sick.

d you can, you can live with [:

Leigh Ann: Right. Right. Right. Well, and we're going to, you know, we're going to get into this a little bit later, but are there, talking all about microbalance health, but do you guys have some product lines for like washing your pets? I haven't even looked at

Dr. Donald Dennis: well, uh, you can use a regular, uh, dog shampoo and put about a cap full of the, uh, most solution in there. Now that'll be fine. It'll work.

Leigh Ann: Okay, yeah, I'm excited to cover some more of the, the like, product and supplement side of this, but say a little bit more of some of the common places or ways you see individuals being exposed to mold. You said washer machine.

is static water. This starts [:

And so, uh, with your, if you've got it in your washer, that means you're wearing it and you're sleeping in it. So you're never getting away from it, even if your house is fine. So that's one of the first things we, we look at. And they, uh, the patients will finish their clothes. And then they, they put a mold plate in the dryer after it's finished and tap all the clothes and you can tell they have a mold issue.

Uh, so that the front loaders, the worst ones, the LG is all kinds of wipes about that one. But, uh, basically the one that we like is the top loader. with the spindle. It's called a SpeedClean TC5. And that's the correct machine now. That's old school. You know, there's no water saver. It actually gets your clothes clean.

d, uh, the ones that are top [:

Leigh Ann: Mm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: get fungus. Um, and so they don't clean your clothes either.

Leigh Ann: Oh my gosh.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So it's all on the, Uh, you know, glove it to, to save water, but you're giving people mold and not cleaning the clothes.

So forget it. It's not going to work

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: to do that. You have to have something that actually agitates the clothes. And so, uh, we tell these people that up front, then the other thing is the car, just about every old car is full of mold for one reason or another, say it got rained in or, you know, it's just life.

get full of mold because it [:

So those are the two low hanging fruit I say. Cars and washing machines, if it's that, that's the cheapest thing you could have.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: But the, then the house is the next thing. The house is the most common, uh, and it's all, all kinds of way water gets in. You know, the shower leaks or the John, John liquid had a leak in a pipe, or you have brown water that got in in the rain that have a bad landscaping.

ck. And all that fungus goes [:

We had a couple of companies that we used that we trained in this to do all the things that need to be done. You can't have any fiberglass inside your system because fiberglass is like cotton candy for fungus. So the fiberglass, uh, gets damp just because of humidity and it is full of fungus. It's black in about a year and then the fiberglass starts falling off and then you breathe it and it gets in your lungs and your sinuses.

broblasts hit. And then, uh, [:

So, uh, fibroblast lining of ducts is really common. It should be, you can't use that stuff. Um, you think of it like, uh, the, the fibers that, you know, used to cause cancer, uh, that they took off the market, uh, asbestos.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So it's like that, but it's early on and it's, it hadn't gotten notoriety enough and linked to illness, but we see it every day and you see these people with lung disease so that you can have sinus sensitivity to fungus and fibroblasts and not have any lung symptoms or you can have both, but, but they're not related.

you can have with that just [:

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: They start really paying attention to it. So people with asthma and bronchial issues, uh, they, they have to fix their air because they can't live without it.

Leigh Ann: Yeah, there's, there's now a whole discussion we could go down about remediation and clearing out some of the mold and some of that gets pretty intricate and I do want to chat about some of the products you guys have that can help with that. But what I want to start with first actually is this question of, I think sometimes the thought process is, well, if I just get out of the mold, that's it.

Like then whatever's going on inside of me will clear itself out. And is that true? If not, How come?

question. Um, if you get out [:

Oh no, we're not doing that. So do the same thing. It's really, it makes it easy. And don't sit back and start using mold because you'll do the wrong thing.

Leigh Ann: I like that. [:

Carrying or that you might have picked up.

Dr. Donald Dennis: That's right. So, uh, what happens is it comes in through the nose and the sinuses act as a filter to try to protect your lungs. So it gets hung up in the sinuses usually, some of it goes in your lungs, but usually people don't react to it. Their body flushes it out. So. Once it gets hung up in your sinuses, especially the ethmoids, those are the ones between your eyes.

this stuff. So when you look [:

Leigh Ann: Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: using a cyclone.

A cyclone is a device that It's like a pressure washer. Uh, it goes in each sun. It has six ports that, uh, squirt water out and it sucks at the same time. So it removes all the mycotoxins.

Leigh Ann: Oh, wow.

Dr. Donald Dennis: so that, with that, that's the main device. If you, if you just irrigate the usual way, it won't work. Uh, it's very little result from that.

They, it makes it better, but not like a cyclone. So

Leigh Ann: And is that, sorry, is that a surgical treatment or a treatment you have to do somewhere? Or that's a product you can get at home?

nuses. So you open all eight [:

And I was always irrigating the usual way you were taught to do it. It's helpful, but not like this. So I did the cyclone and this. This particular patient had had a hearing loss issue for 10 years

Leigh Ann: Oh my gosh.

Dr. Donald Dennis: his left ear. So in the recovery room, this guy's jumping up and down, says his hearing is back. And so that caught my attention because I would bet you, you know, a million dollars, you couldn't fix a hearing loss that was 10 years old.

sults. Improvement of vision [:

So if you breathe it in through your nose and it ends up, uh, that the mycotoxins come out in your urine, uh, you know, intellectually, you know, it's all over your body.

Leigh Ann: Right,

Dr. Donald Dennis: it coming through the nose and exits to the urine? Well, it's everywhere by then, because it's went through your whole bloodstream.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So we know now by artificial intelligence software, when we image the brain and the sinuses, we can now see the mycotoxins in the brain.

Leigh Ann: Wow.

nt to do something about it. [:

Leigh Ann: Oh my, well, and even just pausing for a second on the implications of that, you know, I, I personally in the emotional work I do in my practice work with a lot of cancer and chronic illness patients. I'm thinking particularly even of MS and they're starting to see now like so many MS patients have parasites in the brain.

And, you know, why not mold as

Dr. Donald Dennis: And some of them have mold too. And you, some of the MMS is reversible, uh, if it's related to mold. And so we've had, I've had a couple of patients like that and they really got a lot better. So basically it goes in your brain. It's a neurotoxin. So it's sitting there destroying your brain cells, you know, like 24 seven.

excrete the toxin, which is [:

But 20 percent can, they get anything you can think of. They get blind, they deaf, you know, they can't smell, uh, memory loss, concentration problems, uh, cognition, comprehension, it's all gone or any, any kind of combination of that. So we notice that when we get these people out of the environment and they don't take anything with them, then the medical treatment and or surgical treatment really does work.

sort of like if you, if you [:

Leigh Ann: as like more information, you know, gets shared.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So if you, if you're not going to do, get involved in environmentally, you can't fix chronic sinusitis longterm. Now you can keep doing the medicine and all that stuff. Okay. And you'll keep having periods where you're okay and periods where you're not, but it'll always cycle to your, to where you're sick because you're breathing approximately 3, 000 gallons of air a day and then you wash it out with eight ounces, so who's going to win? The 3, 000 gallons wins,

ick question kind of along a [:

You have been out of that home for a long time, but you've had chronic sinusitis your whole life. Do you, do you think Any, everyone who has chronic sinusitis, there is always a present day, um, source of mold, or can it sometimes be from like an exposure a long time ago that just never got resolved?

Dr. Donald Dennis: both, uh, and the reason for that is, uh, you intellectually when you remove yourself from the environment, you stop the contamination. And at some point you ought to be able to excrete the toxins and get better. If, but if it's hung up in your sinuses and it's making more mycotoxins, it's like you never left.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

rgery, but about half of 'em [:

Leigh Ann: Oh, really?

Dr. Donald Dennis: you're not able to see reality

Leigh Ann: Uh

Dr. Donald Dennis: scan, but you can see details.

It lets you know it's there and it's worse than what you're seeing.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. I

Dr. Donald Dennis: you, you have to remove it from the sinuses either medically or surgically, or the patient just can't get better because they keep reproducing the toxin.

know it's time that you need [:


Dr. Donald Dennis: step one, get your air fixed. You gotta get your air fixed or nothing's gonna work. No trim oil will ever work, because you're putting in more than you're taking out. It's just really common sense. So, the people who've gotten their air fixed, you've gotta do saline washes, and you can use acetyl drops in there, because it kills everything.

And, uh, you can use any kind of device you want to use. The one I like the best now is that Navage product, which is, uh, it has two nozzles and all the stores have it now or Amazon has it and it's got two nozzles and one delivers and one sucks. So it does a U turn in your nose and it sucks it back into the machine.

it the way you have it. So, [:

But that does work. And then, uh, we do the, uh, It's a device called a Rhinoclear Sprint, like the phone company Sprint. And it's a device especially used to nebulize inside the nose, unlike most of them. So it has one nozzle at a time, which is important because you put it in your nose and when you squeeze the push the button, you inhale.

s how you get in the ethmoid [:

So you're, when you inhale, you're directing it. to where your air current goes where all the fungus is. It goes right to what size is and that's how you can get it out medically. And, uh, that'll work about half the time.

Leigh Ann: And real quick on the nasal nebulizer, are you adding, is it just, just straight water you're nebulizing to flush, or are you adding like a microbalance, citry drops?

and fill it up and shake it. [:

Leigh Ann: Okay, I'll pause this for a sec because I, I did get the microbalance health. You guys have like a, like a total protect package because about a year ago, I was in very bad shape. Chronic headaches, horrible, horrible pain, um, brain fog, all the things. I was so desperate and then a friend recommended I try you guys.

And so I just out of desperation bought this kind of total care package. As soon as it came, I got home, and I did the flush, the flush that comes in your package,

Dr. Donald Dennis: right.

Leigh Ann: the relief was immediate, immediate, and I was just like, oh my gosh, I can't even believe,

Dr. Donald Dennis: That's why you, you remove the cause.

Leigh Ann: yeah,

Dr. Donald Dennis: So it comes through your nose, so you gotta get your nose cleaned out first.

us pain for at that point it [:

Dr. Donald Dennis: That's right. You flush first, which cleans it all. It's like cleaning the wall before you paint

Leigh Ann: Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: it. Then you put your nebulizer in. Because you want that to not hit, because you want to hit clean mucosal surfaces. So it absorbs through there.

Leigh Ann: right.

Dr. Donald Dennis: why you're doing it this way. If you just put it in there, it doesn't work as well.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Mm

steroid in there without an [:

Steroids makes fungus grow really well.

Leigh Ann: Oh my gosh, isn't that wild? That we've been treating it this way all these years

Dr. Donald Dennis: So, so you want to, if you're going to use a steroid, you've got to use an antifungal.

Leigh Ann: and is that like an antifungal spray or an antifungal oral? Oral?

ong term without protection. [:

Leigh Ann: So as you're going along this process, I guess a broad big picture question is when someone comes in Do you, I'm sure there's testing you do. What does that look like? But again, is it something that once you've done that testing, can you pretty immediately tell if they'll need surgery or not? Or is it like, we kind of have to do some of these foundational things first and then just see if they're not working.

That's how we know they need surgery. Or can you sometimes tell right off the bat that they'll need it?

Dr. Donald Dennis: uh, sometimes you can tell they're, they're going to have to have surgery because they're so bad, you know, and you know, by experience, you can't get that much stuff out of there with the irrigations, but the way the, uh, world is now, you have to go show, prove that all this stuff doesn't work before you're operating, but you already know that it's not going to work.

anyway because you get some, [:

Leigh Ann: mm hmm, mm hmm, mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: So those people, you know, they're going to have to have surgery, uh, but you still have to do all the medical stuff anyway,

Leigh Ann: mm hmm,

Dr. Donald Dennis: and they do get better with treatment, but they won't get good enough to not have surgery. That's a smaller group of people.

Leigh Ann: yeah, yeah. Do, would you say that most people don't need surgery?

Dr. Donald Dennis: I say half of them don't,

Leigh Ann: Okay. Okay.

Dr. Donald Dennis: and some of the ones that I think, uh, don't need surgery end up needing it

Leigh Ann: Mm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: just don't get better.

Leigh Ann: Yeah. Yeah.

to have the surgery. So, uh, [:

They unknowingly have still got mold in their environment. Cause they've missed something and it's usually the simple stuff. They still got a bad washer, or the car is bad, or they got, uh, some HVAC problems where they got fungus inside the system and it's in the filter and it's just blowing out. It's usually they're still in mold unknowingly, you know.

And so we just, when they come in, we do a tap test on the clothes. That's taking an STAR, a mold plate, and tapping their clothes with it, which forces the mold on the clothes into the media. And then we grow it. and send it to the lab. So when they come back, if their clothes are totally full of mold, basically you know they're still in it.

Leigh Ann: Right.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Because, [:

Leigh Ann: Mm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: If it's, if you have mycotoxins in your nose, and they come out of your urine, it's in your brain.

So then you have to start all the detoxification therapy. We can get it out of the brain now without, you know, you can't operate on the brain to get, knock mycotoxins out. So we've got a protocol that we use and it includes oxygen, uh, oxygen masks for two hours a day while they're doing something else.

mplete thiamine formula, but [:

And it's got, it's only got 14, 413 items in it.

Leigh Ann: Oh my gosh.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So,

Leigh Ann: Now is this, this is a supplement or like a something we're taking?

Dr. Donald Dennis: it sort of eliminates all the supplements because it's got everything in one time. And it's got, uh, carbon, you know, charcoal in there. So, the vitamin goes intracellularly and it takes the carbon with it and the carbon pulls out the toxin. That's why I like that. So, and it also eliminates a lot of bottles and stuff.

Leigh Ann: Can you say the name again just so we all have it? I'm going to write it down too.

full of yeast and that's got [:

Leigh Ann: You already answered the question I was going to have, which is if it does go to the brain. Okay. you know, how do we start to detox that? And I guess kind of a question even before that is, if you're having cognitive symptoms, brain fog, confusion, memory, does that by default mean it has gotten to your brain?

Dr. Donald Dennis: means you've got mycotoxins in your brain

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: every time.

Leigh Ann: Okay.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Okay. So you want to get them out. And I have a large number of patients that, uh, went to severe neurological problems that are totally well now because they did everything.

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: you got somebody with significant neurological problems like MS or severe tremors, you know, Parkinson's are really significant cognition issues.

ight. They need to seriously [:

Trying to, you know, deal with your environment when you're really severely ill, it's not a good idea.

Leigh Ann: Right. It's just sometimes you don't even barely have the capacity to do some of those things.

Dr. Donald Dennis: And you want to, you want to, your most precious possession is your brain. And, uh, you want to really protect it. And that means you want to get out of the cause of the poisoning ASAP,

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

n deal with the house later. [:

Leigh Ann: Right, right.

Dr. Donald Dennis: not people who, you know, just have a little bit of this or that they can stay in there and do fine and clean it while they're getting everything done while they're living in it.

But I'm talking about the really sick people.

Leigh Ann: Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: So, uh, We always advise them when they have all these symptoms, you know, like difficulty walking would be one visual issues where they're getting some blurred vision or eye paralysis or hearing loss. Those are serious complications and you need to get out of it immediately so you don't get permanent damage.

Leigh Ann: hmm. And so some of the things you were talking about for helping detox the brain of mycotoxins, you mentioned oxygen therapy, you mentioned that Intramax.

incitates lung disease, you [:

So that's to be 10 So you get high oxygen flow. And then you breathe that for two hours a day while you're sitting down doing something else, you know, spend extra time doing it. And then that opens all the capillaries because they're slammed shut from the mycotoxins. So you got to open the capillaries in order to get stuff into the brain to get it out.

he nose. So that's the whole [:

Leigh Ann: Yeah. The, the NACs, the glutathione, are those supplementation or is that IV?

Dr. Donald Dennis: It can be either one, but you can still take it orally, orally you can, we use it orally.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: You can do high dose, just figure out what the right dose is, and take it twice a day. Okay. Thanks. So you can take a large dose and eat both of those, it won't hurt you.

Leigh Ann: hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: And then the liver cleanse is a pill that, you know, has got the usual herbals in it to clean the liver out.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: And that's just once or twice a day, depending on the individual. And that works pretty well.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Right, because we're also like stimulating all this gunk to come up. We want to make sure it can then actually kind of pass through these channels and actually be excreted. We're not just like backing up all the systems.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Right.

you're referencing, is that [:

And then how does that compare to something like hyperbarics?

Dr. Donald Dennis: That's a good question. Hyperbarics are good, but you can't do it every day.

Leigh Ann: Uh huh.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So if you, the more you do it, the better it is. But some of these patients get really sick, uh, when you, uh, remove it too quickly, they get Herxheimer. reaction. So you got to pay attention to the patient if you're going to do that.

Oxygen at home is the same way. If you are breathing, say 15 minutes and you start feeling really bad, then that's your time. 15 minutes is it. And that means you're taking, you're removing your toxins quicker than you can process them. And that's a good thing. But you'll eventually get there, but you can't keep using it.

body's got a different, some [:

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: you're getting rid of more of it.

Now you're going to need her.

Leigh Ann: It's kind of making me think of even sauna. Sometimes when people first start using infrared sauna, they can't stay in very long, and then they start to be able to.

Dr. Donald Dennis: You just have to do what your body is able to do and your body is telling you and it's always right.

Leigh Ann: I know it's always talking. We just need to learn how to listen and translate. Yep. Okay. I do want to talk a little bit. I have so many more, I feel like specific questions. Um, but I do want to talk a little bit about the microbalance health products. First of all, because they've been so impactful for me.

me from, Such a bad place to [:

Dr. Donald Dennis: All that, all that's designed, we tested all that and it does remove mycotoxins, which is important. You're not just removing mold. So that's why those things work so well. The cantaloupes work and uh, the laundry additive, they're, they're very effective in removing not just the mold, but the mycotoxins.

getting mold and mycotoxins [:

And it's not just one kind of fungus. You usually get several at a time. So it's, It's a large toxic load you're getting from the air, especially when you're in a really moldy place. That's probably the worst case scenario environmentally that you can be in because it affects so many people differently.

And it really affects learning, especially in schools.

Leigh Ann: Yeah, oh gosh, I can't even imagine. I mean, there's such a bigger conversation here, right? Which is, yeah, how many people are in these environments they don't even realize? How is that then affecting learning outcomes for students? Then, I mean, there's huge implications to this actually, you know, and that could be a whole conversation on its own, certainly.


nd, uh, the way they usually [:

Leigh Ann: hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah. It's just wild. It's just wild. But you think about they don't do well in school and then maybe that affects if they go to college, what college they go to, again, kind of that ripple effect that starts to make this be a thing where it's like, Hey, we should really be

Dr. Donald Dennis: Well, college dorms and colleges, you know, all these universities, uh, are big institutional buildings are really high risk because they don't really take care of the systems. Uh, and, and it's, you know, I think the future is going to be, um, it's going to be ionization, but ionization, when you say that word, most of the time, it's the wrong thing that the device either makes ozone or hydroxyl, uh, both of which you can't have in the nose because it destroys the cilia.

It needs to be like the ones [:

Our system's about 1, 200 or so, in that range. So you put that on the blow side of the fan and then that puts that throughout the house and then there's. Uh, our two, the two companies that I used to to treat houses, they put these in fans and put a HEPA filter on the back of the fan and put the ionizer in the fan.

om the air you're breathing, [:

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: because that that's something that's an easy low hanging fruit. Just anybody can do that But not any ionizer is okay.

The word ionizer means like 50 different things that do the wrong thing

Leigh Ann: hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: It has to be zero ozone not low ozone.

Leigh Ann: Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so you've led me to kind of a selfish question that I want to ask. I recently moved into a almost brand new apartment complex. I have the molecule air filter and What I, for the most part, cause I live by the beach, I always have the windows open, the air is circulating and the, you know, air filter is saying it's all good air levels, but whenever I close everything up and turn the air conditioning on the air quality goes up to moderate.

And the key thing is [:

Dr. Donald Dennis: Okay. Well,

Leigh Ann: is that, is that like, is that a big problem? Like, okay, the whole air vent system of the building has an issue.

Dr. Donald Dennis: it can be both or either one. So You do you have control over your central HVAC system?

Leigh Ann: I think I do actually.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Okay, so, uh, in that system, uh, you need to get somebody to put a proper filter in the, just to make sure they clean it out and it doesn't have any fiberglass lining the duct system. Because fiberglass is like cotton candy for fungus, they just grow in there, uh, and it causes damage inside the nose and the lungs.

here Uh, and then just clean [:

So if the coil gets wet and starts growing mold, then it just spreads the mold throughout the house just every time the system comes on.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Those are common systems don't have central dehumidification, which is really stupid.

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: It's just like nobody has a brain doing these things.

Leigh Ann: Well, we're just so dated, you know? We're doing things the same way we were doing it 50 years ago, and I just think when you think about how fast our medical knowledge is improving, or the research that we're gathering is improving, versus how fast things are actually changing in practice, there's such a dissonance there.

ld Dennis: that's right. So, [:

You know, they can do pulse and blood pressure, well, you know, the usual stuff. But it's going to have particle count and VOC count. And it's going to have, you know, red, green, and blue. You know, red, green, and yellow. And so, green is okay, yellow is watch out, and red is run. You know, and so, people are going to go into buildings and they're not going to.

pressure because of the lack [:

Leigh Ann: a great idea.

Dr. Donald Dennis: they're going to be educated. I know that I don't want to breathe this stuff. And so that then there'll be a list of places are okay.

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: You know, on the web, I think I'll have pretty fast once.

that technology gets out there. You can buy a particle counter in the VOC meter now, but it's not connected to your phone.

Leigh Ann: Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: Uh, and, and the other point there is that values they consider to be healthy for humans are incorrect.

Leigh Ann: Totally.

Dr. Donald Dennis: It, it, it is much lower than that. Uh, and so I see all those patients. And so if they say, oh, well, the air quality says it's okay, but it's not for them.

l data because none of those [:

Leigh Ann: Right.

Dr. Donald Dennis: And then they made up a number.

It's all made up. It has no validity whatsoever. So we're gathering the data now to make, to make the numbers what they should be. And then. That's the number that we consider to be okay for everyone. Because if it's okay for the sick people, it's okay for everyone.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: So you don't want it to be okay for 80 percent and the other 20 percent are sick all the time. And in reality, it's going to be best for everyone to breathe the best air,

Leigh Ann: hmm. Right.

Dr. Donald Dennis: not almost best.

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: You know,

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

happen. And it needs to be. [:

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. On that note, again, two quick questions, and then I want to open it up too to just make sure if there's anything we didn't cover that you really want to make sure we do. But, first of all, is there some kind of expectation we need to have of We are going to get exposed. So if we're trying to limit all exposure to mold, that might be a little idealistic.

And, you know, I don't want people to live in fear. That's a big, big thing. And I sometimes see it going there.

Dr. Donald Dennis: I, I'd say, um,

now before, before they know.[:

Um, And so they're gonna be able to say, okay, with the device, if they can't smell it, most people can. They can smell it. If you can see it or smell it, it's too high for human health. And maybe you go in a store, but you're only going to be in there five or ten minutes. Well, so, so what? You know, you're probably okay.

But if they're really sick people, they can't do that. We have patients that can't do that. But that's, Probably more like 5% of the population that, that can't do that. So you, you just use common sense. If, if it smells really bad, don't go in,

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: you, you know, if it's just a slight hint of smell, you're probably gonna be all right for a while, but not long.

I wouldn't stay in it for hours. Uh, but if you can A, see it or B, smell it, it's too high for human health. That's all you need to know. Um,

Leigh Ann: Yeah.

it, but they just, they, it [:

Leigh Ann: You, you know what it makes me think of is I just feel like I'm seeing more and more. We just need to, I think, shift our mindset of the way we look at our health and the way we maintain our health of less of like, Okay, I'm, I'm gonna do some mold detox one time and then I'm never gonna have to do it again.

And I see this, the same thing with parasites, for example. Okay, I'm gonna do a parasite cleanse one time and I'll never do it again. And I actually think we just need to shift it to, hey, we're gonna get exposed to stuff. That's a part of living on planet Earth, and rather than looking at it as these, like, one off things, it's more of like, hey, let's, let's have these regular check ins, let's have these regular cleanings, etc.

Both in the nose and all the [:

Leigh Ann: Oh yeah,

Dr. Donald Dennis: you know,

Leigh Ann: something like 90 plus percent, I think.

Dr. Donald Dennis: yeah. And then they don't know it. So it's nice to get rid of them. It's a dump parasite week, you know, this is my week for doing that.

Leigh Ann: super moon, super moon week, so super parasites. Um, but yeah, and I think kind of to that point, maybe if you've never done anything with mold or with parasites, that initial detox treatment you're going to do might be more intense than usual, but if you're doing fairly regular maintenance every year, It's not going to get to that peak capacity.

So you won't need to do and have these like huge interventions as often.

Dr. Donald Dennis: That's right. That's right. So what is your favorite parasite cleanse?

ling Center for New Medicine [:

In parasite cleansing is a mixture of coffee enemas, um, supplements, and then something they have there called the F scan and the Firefly. I don't know if you've heard of this. This is where they're actually, they're doing like an energetic scan to see what pathogens are coming up. And then the Firefly is where they're actually programming these lights with high infrared and red light with the frequencies that have been found to target those specific pathogens.

And they will run that over, you know, some of the key areas, the liver, the intestines, some of these different areas, sometimes even the brain.

Dr. Donald Dennis: yeah.

the real secret sauce for me.[:

Dr. Donald Dennis: Probably everybody ought to do it,

Leigh Ann: You know, they, they, they're working with cancer so much there, but I think they've seen every single cancer patient has parasites.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Yeah.

Leigh Ann: so it's just, it's one of those things that, but to your point with kind of mold as well, there's, there's this general idea of, no, no, no, first world country, we don't have parasites, that's not something we deal with here.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Well, if you eat food, you deal with it.

Leigh Ann: Yeah, yeah, well that's what we're saying, but most of the people who are coming to that center are So much more open and hip to that kind of information. So anything we didn't cover that you really want to make sure we include before

tion concentrate. Uh, if you [:

You just missed it. So we, and we have patients that come in here that are really toxic and I fog them first.

Leigh Ann: they come in. I

Dr. Donald Dennis: It fogged them and then I gowned them with a fog gown inside and out and a, and a surgical hat. Then I do the same thing for myself and then put 100 percent oxygen on, positive pressure. So I don't get any of the toxins because I used to think I was Superman, but after about a few thousand patients, I got sensitive to it.

and just breathe it a little [:

Leigh Ann: fogger is actually one my doctor did recommend. I just haven't gotten it yet. Um, but I like the idea of that. And particularly as I'm figuring out what might be going on with the AC, having that as kind of like an extra backup.

Dr. Donald Dennis: Yeah, you can fog it. And then, uh, other thing you can do for the vents, uh, you can't do this long term, but you can do it short term. There are little vent covers you can buy. You look, you know, just Google vent covers. You don't want the real thick ones, but they come with a Velcro. You just Velcro them to your vent and then you can fog them or spray them.

And so, uh, if you got fiberglass or something, that's going to catch that stuff.

Leigh Ann: It's like a [:

Dr. Donald Dennis: It's not ideal, but it does remove a large amount of stuff. Now, long term, it puts a back pressure on your fan, which isn't a good thing. But at least until you can get the right work done inside of it and get all that done inside, it does stop you from breathing it.

Leigh Ann: I have kind of a broad question that you might not even be able to answer cause it's so broad and we're all so bioindividual, but on microbalance health website, there's an amazing array of. Things for the body, supplements, things for cleaning the home. If someone was just kind of listening to this conversation and you were going to say, Hey, if you start with anything for the body and for the home, here's like the couple things you might start with.

say get, get the fogger, the [:

Because candles will, within two hours, all the mycotoxins are out of the air with the candles. And then I would say use the detergent and all your laundry, not the detergent, but the additive. Use any detergent you want, but the additive. And the first run, I would probably use more of a bottle. And then once it finished, you know, I would, um, Like you can leave it soaking in there for an hour if you use like a quarter of a bottle, which it doesn't say so on the bottom, but if you had a lug that you knew was contaminated, you would [01:05:00] get it going and then turn it off and tell your watch to alarm in an hour and then go back and finish it.

You only have to do that one time for that close and then put those separately from the other ones. That and then uh, the uh, the um, I would say wash your nose out. You know, the body system, wash your nose out with saline and put citra drops in there and then use a citra drop nose spray. That's anti fungal.

her things on there, but the [:

Now those are some of the original ones that the pharmacist and I that did all this ended up with 600 different nose sprays over years. We had a library of stuff and uh, he died a few years ago, but he and I did all this stuff. for mold. And, uh, the, uh, the, the, the nose sprays are, are important. Uh, but the, the, the formulas in there are safe and directed at fungus and other organisms besides fungus.

ansfer factor in it like. It [:

Leigh Ann: Mm

Dr. Donald Dennis: So, and you can dial it up or down. If you drank the whole bottle, it wouldn't hurt you. You know, so it can't, so you spray it under your tongue. And then if you've got a sore throat, You spray the back of your throat with it and hit the place that's sore, and then that, the sore throat is gone

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: you do that.

And then the, uh, Celltropin is, is like, uh, making you make your own growth hormone, you know. So you spray that on your tongue and you, uh, it's improving your, uh, growth hormone status. You know, it's

Leigh Ann: Which, which kind of ultimately improves your immune response. Mm hmm.

Dr. Donald Dennis: [:

Leigh Ann: I think I'll probably link a couple of, you know, every product you mentioned are part of that total protect package. I think there might be one or two extra in there. So just because that's the one I've used and I've shared with people, I'll make sure the total body protect package is linked in the show notes, but of course they can also get these products kind of one off as well.

Dr. Donald Dennis: And then you, if you have the citrus drops, uh, you know, it's antifungal, viral, bacterial. But those are unique because if you put about five or six drops in three ounces of water and you start, you're starting to get sick, you got a sore throat. That's one reason. You just take, put that in there and you, Gargle just with a small amount, and it'll suds up so you don't put a lot in your mouth, and then you swallow.

That's pretty nasty. [:

You let them soak for a few minutes and then take them out.

Leigh Ann: Oh, that's, that's so fascinating because I do have the drops because again, in that total body protect package, those drops are a part of it too. So

restaurant in question, you [:

Leigh Ann: yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: then as soon as you get home, you take some of the citrus drops and it will totally obliterate anything you had that was bad,

Leigh Ann: Oh,

Dr. Donald Dennis: kill everything.

Leigh Ann: this is so, I'm like, I'm really loving this because it's kind of, these might not necessarily be uses that are on the bottle, right? These are some of like the extra things.

Dr. Donald Dennis: the time. Oh, you go to the XYZ restaurant, you know, as soon as you didn't look right, you know, as soon as you figure that out, just take it right then and you will not get sick.

Leigh Ann: Yeah, I love it. What a good, what a good tip. Okay. Last question. And then I will let you go. Cause we're going a little bit over and I want to be respectful of your time. The candles. I did find myself wondering, okay, how much is enough? I had two candles burning in one tiny little room at one point. And I was like, is this enough?

Is this too much? How many candles per room?

room, it removes [:

Leigh Ann: Okay,

Dr. Donald Dennis: Okay, so one candle is enough, but more is better. I do that too. I do two candles, but you don't have to. And I, if, if it's in question, I just leave them on. I don't put them out.

Leigh Ann: right, right.

Dr. Donald Dennis: I just let them go, you know, because you can't have too much, uh, anti mycotoxin stuff in the air.

Leigh Ann: Yeah, exactly. Because it's non toxic. It's not a, it's not a chemical. It's not something that's causing issues. So yeah.

Dr. Donald Dennis: There's some, there'll be somebody who can't use them, but that's going to be very few people.

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Oh my goodness. Well, I feel like we covered so much ground. Thank you so much. This was absolutely fascinating. I think it's gonna be such a great kind of introductory conversation on this topic for so many. Mm

ay if you get your air right.[:

Leigh Ann: Mm hmm. Yeah. I love it. Thank you so, so much, Dr. Dennis for coming on. This was fabulous.

Dr. Donald Dennis: You're welcome. Thank you.



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