Mind Kinetics
Betska K. Burr pt 1
We always need to be aware that we are a spirit, living in a body and we have a soul. The soul is our mind, will and emotions. How does all of this fit together?
Our guest today is Betska K. Burr, from CoachingandLeadership.com. Betska is business coach and expert in Mind Kinetics. She is also a contributing author to a book titled, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.” Her chapter in this book is titled, “Mind-Kenetics for Permanent Positive Change.”
What is Mind Kenetics? Well, to help us understand this, help me welcome to the program Betska K. Burr!
Betska, it is a blessing to have you with us today!
What is “Mind Kenetics?
What are “Modalities” and what does that mean?
You share that Mind-Kinetics heals the heart first, which then flips the negative beliefs we have about ourselves and others into positive ones. How does that work?
The Science of Mind-Kinetics has helped individuals become stronger in 7 areas:
Life; Financial; Spiritual; Social; Career; Family; Health; Intellectual
Folks, we all want to draw closer to God. We all want to know why sometimes our prayers seem not go any higher than the ceiling. Amen!
I urge you drop down into the show notes and reach out to Betska and check out her chapter in the book, “Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery.”

Email: betska@coachingandleadership.com
Website: https://Coachingandleadership.com
Book: Unleashing Potential: Strategies for Life Mastery
Free Offer: www.thebrainwalk.com
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