1) We are exploring a remarkable truth in the Book of Romans, beginning with chapter 6:11. I plan to thoroughly examine this because it’s crucial to comprehend that our awareness of the truth, Jesus, His Word, and the Holy Spirit’s presence within us, infuses us with divine energy. The authority derived from Jesus’ name grants us freedom from the bondage of sin.
2) The world laments human slavery as a calamity, but it is insignificant compared to the tyranny of sin, which brutally subjugates humanity, leaving us without the hope of liberation. No external attribute—whether skin color, wealth, or any other—can alter one’s inherent state of bondage if not liberated by Jesus.
3) Romans chapter 6, verse 12, offers us a revelation: we are not destined to be ruled by sin. Thanks to Jesus Christ’s redemptive work, the tyranny of sin over us has been vanquished. We are indebted to sin no more, and through Christ, we wield power over it.
4) Verse 13 clarifies that we should not permit our bodies—our very selves—to be used as instruments, weapons, or tools of evil for sin. We are not bound to employ ourselves in sin’s service. Scripture urges us to dedicate ourselves entirely to God in every facet of life, for we have been reborn. Our new selves, born again, are not subject to the old self’s servitude. Scripture instructs us not to let sin reign, indicating that we possess the freedom to choose. Jesus empowers us, granting us the ability to make that choice.