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Activating Data to Power The Revenue Engine with Robin Spencer, Chief Strategy Officer at Clearbit
Episode 4925th March 2022 • Revenue Engine • Rosalyn Santa Elena
00:00:00 00:32:15

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We all want data. We want more data. We want more meaningful data. Data is in abundance, but what we really need is to activate that data to drive better revenue outcomes and better experiences for our customers.

In this episode of The Revenue Engine Podcast, Robin Spencer, the Chief Strategy Officer at Clearbit, discusses how organizations should approach their data strategy to power the Revenue Engine. Grab your headphones and listen to these great insights about data, but you will also learn a thing or two about seeing potential in something that isn’t built yet, betting on yourself, and paying it forward.


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I always say revenue operations attaches every part of the business. It is probably the most cross-functional role in the company, whether that is engineering, product legal. Finance HR it or any other team we will get into your business. In this episode of the revenue engine podcast, I'm joined by Robin Spencer.

The Chief Strategy Officer at Clearbit, Robin might not be your typical C-level technology executive. She grew up in a small rural town, majored in psychology in college and started her career in consulting. But don't let a small town backdrop. Robin's role leading strategy at Clearbit sits at the intersection of go-to-market and product.

And as Robin describes is like a two-sided coin. You'll hear her describe strategy as the vision and operations as the execution and much more.

Today's podcast is sponsored by Outreach is the first and only engagement and intelligence platform built by revenue innovators, for revenue innovators. Outreach allows you to commit to an accurate sales forecast, replace manual processes with real-time guidance and unlock actionable customer intelligence that guides you and your team to win more often. Traditional tools don't work in a hybrid sales world. Find out why Outreach is the right solution at

So please take a listen to this episode where we will talk about revenue operations and the overall customer journey. But even more importantly, we talk about being a female leader in tech, paying it forward and betting on yourself.

So super excited to be here today with Robin Spencer, the Chief Strategy Officer at Clearbit. Clearbit is the marketing data engine for all of your customer interactions, helping you deeply understand your customers, identify future prospects and personalize every marketing and sales interaction.

So welcome Robin, and thank you so much for joining me.



You know, you spent time in different roles at Accenture, as well as at Google, prior to joining Clearbit. And I saw that you actually have an educational background in psychology, which is really interesting. Can you share more about your background and maybe your journey, you know, leading up to your current role?


Yeah. It was pretty wild and I wasn't particularly interested in the technology, but I really, really loved working with people and learning how they work. And when you traveled to that many countries in such a short amount of time, You're not only meet a lot of people, but the success really is about how quickly can you establish rapport with them because you're coming into going, hi, I'm going to change your entire way of working.

And oh, by the way, we have one week. And, and I think it really was about learning to, to understand people and build those relationships early. And that, that became true at Google too. You know, I've, I've found in my time at Google. I, I was so nervous when I first joined that I wasn't going to kind of like fully fit or understand all of the tech technical components and realized that the part that was common for me was that I got really curious about how people work and whether I was working with the team in installing fiber optics in cities, across the country, or developing the philanthropic strategy that spans the globe.

The most important unit of change came back to the individuals and how they work together. And I think. Part of it. I've always been a big believer that you should follow your strengths and your strengths and your passions. And when they align that's, that's like the sweet spot. And I ended up honing that skill, going to a master's program in social and emotional intelligence.

And I think that I credit that program a lot to helping me become aware of my own influence and particularly how we each have these opportunities and every single moment. Conversation or a project forward or backwards, depending on how we show up. So I think when it comes to kind of how that led me to Clearbit, in retrospect, in some ways it was, it was a little bit serendipitous, but I think it was ultimately the opportunity.

Take those concepts that I learned and practiced on bigger teams and apply them on a smaller scale of bringing together all of these different components of how people work together, how we can operate, how we can, how we can move at scale. And I remember my, my first week at Clearbit, I was in this meeting and I caught myself saying something like.

Well, isn't there a team for, you know, we've got to go get approval from that team and really think, oh my God, there's like that team. There's not this that's that's me. Really eyeopening and totally daunting. I think the entire first year I was completely daunted and, and over time, One of the best learning experiences to date.





And he's like, oh my God, that's building has so much potential. And I think, you know, I learned from him that value of seeing potential in things that don't yet reveal, they have potential. And it's so applicable to startups. You know, I think about that every day of like this thing isn't totally built yet, but there's so much potential there.

I think about that every day, especially with my team. And I think the other one was a mentor that I had in college who had suggested that I joined Accenture. So I remember I thought I was going to drink consulting. I had never even heard of what consulting was. I was a psychology major who thought I was going to become a therapist or a psychologist.

And, and I remember her saying, I think you should write. Try, this you'd like solving problems. You like being around people. And I remember going into my final round interview, I was so nervous and I got this one email from her, had no subject line, it just said forwards. And it said, go get 'em R. And I think whenever I'm preparing for something big or stepping into something completely unknown, I go back to that statement because there was so much bolder than I felt in that moment, but it really helped me kind of step in of like, yeah, you just got to go get them.

And. And I think, you know, when I was leaving Accenture, she wrote another one that was equally as powerful, only six words this time. And it was, don't forget to pay it forward. And I, I think about that a lot, especially as I step into spaces that I never thought I'd be, remember my roots and, and pay that forward.

I, you know, I, I grew up in rural Vermont with parents who had never worked in corporate America. Didn't own a suit. And I recognize I have a lot of privilege and I got a lot of support through my career to get into. World of business. That was just so different from my upbringing. And I'm, I'm really grateful.

And think it's really important to keep creating more, more spaces and pay it forward, especially for people who are not. White males or, or kind of, of the descent that you think of in business.


That really helped push them forward. But one thing that you said about, you know, someone who could really believe in you and kind of see you for your potential and kind of where you could be and what you could be versus kind of what you are. I love that. So let's talk about Clearbit a little bit, you joined Clearbit over two years ago, starting in a Chief Operating Officer role and then moving into a Chief Strategy Role.

So what first interested you in joining Clearbit, and how has that changed if at all over time?


And that's honestly, got me here in the beginning and keeps me here today. I think first I'm such a big advocate of data being applied. Well, it's such a powerful tool when we can figure out how to use data to drive forward action. And then I think second, I've just, I've always loved growth. I think it starts with that kind of background in psychology.

I think you can lead from wherever you are and getting to watch individuals grow. Startups are so good for that. I think teams are successful when everyone can invest in each other's success. And that's what growing as a team means together. And then I think it's been so incredible to be part of a company where we get to support that for other companies, particularly small and medium-sized companies.

Use data and creative ways to reach more of the right customers and to accelerate their own growth and men, I think when I first joined Clearbit, I remember someone saying, you know, you, you're going to watch this company is to grow you too.

And I think all of those things have been true. I've gotten to watch the team grow. I've gotten to watch the company grow. I've gotten to watch other other customers grow and I've grown in that process too.


And as you know, Talk about how no one in the company is safe from rev ops and we will touch your business and get into your business. So maybe can you share a little bit more about your role and your responsibilities and how, what you and your team are doing to help really enable the go to market team?


And I think the ways in which my role has shifted even over the course of the last two years is such a representation of that. And from my perspective, strategy and operations are so much, you know, really two sides of the. Coin where we're headed is so much about our strategy, how we're doing that is the operations.

What's the vision, there's the strategy again, how we execute against that vision operations. So my, my team really oversees and sits over both of those, which brings the alignment across all of go-to-market and all of product. So I team consists of our core operations teams, our monetization and new initiatives or strategic partnerships, team, and rev ops.

Essential for all of that. And it sits right alongside our strategic bets for a couple of reasons. Like you said, you know, our, our core customers are rev ops buyers, and the reason. Which means that the role of our rev ops teams becomes highly strategic to both support all of the go to market functions and be able to really help them drive faster, better acceleration and execution, but then also to be able to collaborate and innovate with our product and enj function.

To figure out what does the next version of this product look like? What is the, what's the best thing for the future rev ops team? And I think as we're in the business of growth, accelerating our own company growth has to start from this centralized engine and rev ops plays such a central role in orchestrating that and being able to meet every single team to help accelerate that type of growth.

And, you know, I think our goal is to create the best revenue, operations teams for others to learn from as well. We're obviously still in that journey. We're not totally there yet, but I think we're definitely growing into that vision.



And all the cool parts about, about being in the seat and touching things that, you know, other rev ops teams would also want in there.


Obviously using your own product as well, right. To try to help enable your, your go to market team. So let's talk about data. You know, you touched on this a little bit before, but I think, you know, data is in abundance, right? There's so much data, but everyone is trying to get their hands on more data, right.

Better data, kind of more meaningful data. And Clearbit provides this level of enrichment, right. Especially at the top of the funnel, but throughout the customer journey.

So, what are some of the things, you know, as I, before I jumped into this question, I mean, one of the things I've mentioned to, you know, as we were chatting is that, you know, I've been at Clearbit customer, I'm a current, I might take current Clearbit customer, so I know the power of, you know, having that information and just that enrichment and how powerful it is for, you know, helping to really drive your prospect journey, your buyer journey and your customer journey sort of throughout the entire funnel. But what are you seeing companies, you know, doing right or maybe doing wrong when it comes to data enrichment and how they apply these data tools to their business?


How can you glean insights from that data? How you can take actions from data that's where the value of data lies. And I think that's both what we're seeing companies that are doing things that are really brilliant and. Those and really, honestly, one of the, the kind of common misconceptions, I think one of the, kind of other they're doing it wrong, or just the misconception about data, is that the most important thing about data is accuracy and coverage.

Don't get me wrong. Accuracy and coverage are critical. I would say that they're table stakes in the data world, but I think the more important question and the one that we aim to facilitate with our customers, as well as what we see our best customers doing for themselves is what is it that we want to do with the data?

Because the utility of it comes with what can, what can be done. And our. Best examples of this, the highest performing marketing teams that we see are using that data at every stage of their funnel. So starting with that data to discover and attract more ideal prospects. So using it to target and tailor ads or generate more leads to engage.

Capture those leads, revealing companies on their site, and then being able to shorten forms because of the data they have behind the scenes to, to, to convert those customers. And finally, to enrich all of their core, go to market systems from their CRM, to their marketing automation platform, to improve lead scoring, and routing, to really accelerate their entire motion and our goals.

At Clearbit is to give you that full picture. So you can optimize that entire funnel and have a data-driven impact at every stage of the buying journey. And that's really why we built the state activation platform that we just recently launched. And the concept behind it is really let's take that data as your premium fuel.

And then also give you the engine. The platform to activate that data where marketers need it, whether that's their email campaigns or their advertising on their website or your backend systems and do it without engineering resources. Because early on what we were learning is that the teams who got the most value from Clearbit, when back when Clearbit, it was just data enrichment.

They were taking that data and building really custom growth engines to optimize their entire funnel. And they were doing that through being able to send really interesting experiments, taking that data can moving it through the entire parts of the funnel. And what we've done today is build a data activation platform that gives marketers that one place to compile their data, use it across any system that they're using and not need all those engineering resources that some of those the high-performing marketing teams had just had those skills.


But the real question is what are you doing with the data, which is exactly what you said, right? It's the insights, it's the information that once you have that data, What business decisions are you going to make, right? How is it going to change your processes? How are you going to go to market differently?

You know, those are, that's the real value. And I think as you pointed out, I think folks get hung up on just getting tons and tons of data, or just making sure that it's clean. Right. And then it's really the, what are you going to do with it? Very powerful. Thank you. So with this increased focus on data, do you have any predictions for where the market is heading?


Can people use that intent data as purchasing decisions get made by groups rather than individuals and every company starts to use digital channels. It's going to put a lot more pressure on marketing to be delivering seamless experiences for every prospect and current customer, because I think buyers are expecting the interactions, whether you're on your mobile phone or on your computer, or whether you're on a social site.

Expect that experience to be seamless and the ability to not just provide that, that seamless experience, but then also to be able to cut through the noise and reach the most high fit customers and leave everyone else alone. I think it was more as, again, back to with data becoming abundant. How do you use that to, to reach the customers that you want, but then leave all the other ones.

You know, to go buy the things that they're looking for. And that's really what Clearbits focuses on. We want to help transform companies go to market efforts. When customers come to us, you know, they only know a fraction of their market, really, either who's already in their CRM or who's already on their email list and we can help provide additional data points to help them identify.

Current customers have in common, what really, what is, what is their ideal customer profile based on their current customer base, and then help them to start to reveal other perspective, customers that look like those best customers. And from there, again, with all of those great data points, being able to activate a bunch of different custom strategies, whether they're product led growth company or they're focused on account-based marketing, or just an inbound, we can help provide the data for them to improve how they acquire customers.

How'd they convert those customers and ultimately how they're operating their entire revenue operations. And I think that that becomes key and that intent data is going to be so, so essential for, for where the market is headed. And then I think the other thing it's just going to keep changing the role of operations.

I think operations is going to become more front and center. I mean, Scott Brinker at HubSpot always talks about. And saying we're going to be heading towards a big ops and, and that phrase stuck with me and probably cause I love ops generally, but I think I share that opinion with a slightly different take of, you know, as data becomes more relevant.

Again, going, going back to knowing what to do with the data, how to glean insights, how to take actions, how to pull it from all the different data silos that happen across a company, be able to be able to do that. In a way that it's not just left to two data science teams are relying on that. And I think that's going to mean that being, being able to have that operational execution prowess is. Be something every single team knows and needs to know, regardless of where you say.


I'll be thinking about when it comes to data. Like, do you have any advice, I guess for fellow operations?


To jump to the immediate conclusion. Like I need more data or I need the 360 view of the customer. And I think the better question to start with is, yeah, what am I trying to do with this? What's the business outcome I'm trying to drive? What is it going to help me understand about my customer so that I can serve them better?

And when you know that information, then you can come back and say, okay, what's the data that I need to get the answer. It's so easy to jump to. Like more data is better. And I, I just, I don't think that's always the case. Pausing and asking the bigger business value question is going to help us lead to the right sources of data.

And. And that's the advice that I think I'd give to any revenue operations team regardless of size.


Right. It's it's crazy. It definitely is. I mean, I was on a leadership call and I'm literally the only. You know, woman in the room and I'm actually, I think that happens more often than not. But I think we're starting to see, you know, definitely a lot of movement and change there. But what advice, I guess, do you have for other women who are really looking to elevate their career and sort of continue to move up that ladder?


And I think as a connected people I think it can be so easy to kind of either doubt yourself or doubt your thinking. And so I often will say don't outsource your thinking, consider other people's perspectives, challenge. You know, what it is you believe, but also trust yourself and your experience because it's valid.

And oftentimes, especially in these rooms, we're not ever be, looks or thinks like you, you have to trust your own experience and trust yourself in that moment. And I think it comes back to then betting on yourself. I don't know about you, but I honestly, I think I feel like an imposter at least one time a week.

And I've found that the best way through that is to just keep going. And sometimes it means being like, great, I know this and I. This is something I don't know. And being, being really honest with myself about where my, my own limits are and where my strengths are, but I think then continuing to come back to betting on myself has been so huge.

And I think it then leads to my final one, which is fighting for a better outcome for, for, for all of us. And I would not be where I am without people taking a bet on me. And I think it's so essential to do that for other women to build those, you know, To, to, to make sure that we're not requiring women to build the same bridge or the ladder that we did, but instead like let them walk over that bridge or that ladder so they can build the next one, because we want more of us in the room to continue to build the, the diverse teams that we want.

And, and bring the diverse perspectives that we need to, to grow companies.





It doesn't mean you listen to every single thing they say, but if you're a continually focused and delivering value to them, there's so much growth can come from. And I think the same goes for, for your team. I think particularly, you know, in these God, how many months are we into COVID of like, it's just kind of crazy.

I've totally lost track of time in that sense, but yeah. Taking care of your employees and supporting them where they're at and inspiring them to keep digging in should be a top priority for every exact, because. I, you know, I think it's so easy to S to, to forget the people on the other side of the screen, when we're thinking about revenue growth, but this is the team that's making that all happen.

And being able to inspire, inspire them to go above and beyond every day. I think is just, it's just essential.



And, and then I think on a more tactical level, I think, and I think this probably applies to everyone in a leadership position is you have two main jobs, which is to hire well and to give away your Legos. And I think, especially with. Startup it that's so essential. And I kind of, I cognitively knew that like, yeah, I think this is the thing, but I think when a million different, small asks are pulling for your attention, being able to know how, how to delegate and, and how to also, I mean, startups are all about some days you are totally the IC on things and you have to be the one picking up the pieces.

But I think being able to, if you're, if you are going to be kind of handling the small details, hiking, you also step back and be like, is it time to give away this Lego piece and have somebody who can really run against this? And you know, I, I, you know, this just as well as I do, startups do not stay the same week over week.

If you are going to dig in and, you know, flex and admit what you don't know and, and being willing to kind of like keep pushing, then, then you definitely will. But I think I wish I wish I had known some of those things earlier on.





And I know I've had a few, two friends come, come visit and be like, oh my God, this is where this is where you lived. And I think it, it just, it speaks to my love of the outdoors and everything kind of out in the woods. But some people would be, I think, surprised to learn that.

And then let's see one thing that I want everyone to know about me. Let's see, I think it would be, you know, I care a lot about the little moments and, and the reason I love them is I think it's how we can build a better, more just world for every, and nowhere, no matter where we work or who we interact with. I'm just such a big believer that, and I think the world needs it more than ever now to start, start with those little moments.





This episode was digitally transcribed.



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