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Sensory Friends – Christine Goulbourne
Episode 151627th May 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:34:00

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Sensory Friends

Christine Goulbourne

Often, special needs families are unable to attend church services or participate in faith-based and community events due to challenging barriers like, access (ramps and space to accommodate their equipment, etc.), sensitivity and acceptance of intellectual differences and appearances, accommodations needed and more. This sadly leaves the disability community disconnected and isolated. It continues to isolate and ostracize members of the disability community and their families even more.

Which is why our guest is here today to help us understand this and how she is helping to “Get the Word Out” about how we – who are not familiar with what they go through on a daily basis, can better understand and offer help.

Christine Goulbourne is a special needs mom, advocate, and writer. She started a blog about eight years ago to help other families like theirs. Her son, Richie, she says, is a great guy who is intelligent, funny and has autism. Their family is actively involved in supporting the disability community and their families.

She has a business called, “Sensory Friends.”  She helps special needs parents navigate the comprehensive and often confusing special education processes. She does this by providing  resources and information to parents and family members on how to become inclusion advocates for their children.

She is also an author of children’s book, “God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice?” – which we will discussing today.

Help me welcome to the program, Christian Goulbourne.  Christine, thank you for taking the time to join us today…

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Christine Goulbourne?”

Share with us about your son, Richie.

You have been a special needs advocate for over 20 years. How has things changed, for better or worse, during that time?

You have spoken at conferences about how to use “Positive Behavior Support” processes for dealing with challenging behavior issues. Can you explain that for us?

Let’s talk about your book, “God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice?”  Why did you write this book and how has it been received?

What is the biggest takeaway you would like anyone who reads this book to remember?

Share with us about your business, “Sensory Friends.” What is that and what services do you provided through this website, etc.?

What is something you would like our listeners to know that they probably do not know or understand, when it comes to children with disabilities such as autism and things like that?

You have something special you would like to see churches do when they have a family come into the church with a special needs child. Can you share with us what that is?

You also have a second book right now. I believe it is called, “The Rabbit in the Window.” Can you share a little about that book with us?

Your current book, “God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice?”  - how can someone obtain that book? Is it on Amazon?

Is “Rabbit in the Window” available on Amazon as well.

Christine, this has been so interesting and educational. I do appreciate you taking the time to come on and share with us. If someone has a question or would like to get in touch with you, maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that?  How can someone reach out to you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes as well.

Folks, this has been such an interesting, and I believe an educational, conversation with Christine Goulbourne. I want to urge you to drop down into the show notes and get in touch with her. Find out how YOU can become a advocate for those with disabilities in your area.

Get in touch with her right now and you may qualify to receive one of the FREE copies she is providing to our listeners, right now. Amen!

You definitely need to order her book, “God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice?”  Just drop down into the show notes and click the link right there.  I’ll also put “Rabbit in the Window” link down below as well.






Book:  “God, Can You Hear My Non-Speaking Voice?” – on Amazon

Book:  “Rabbit in the Window” – on Amazon


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