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9:12 Sharp Teeth
Episode 1226th September 2024 • Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast • Don't Be A Dick Productions
00:00:00 01:05:14

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We are talking SPN 9:12 Sharp Teeth.  Garth is back! We love DJ Qualls! Then Liz tells off Nazis who think that Norse Mythology provides an excuse for white supremacy.


Jerk (:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap Podcast. I'm Diana.

Bitch (:

I'm Liz, I don't know what voice Diana was doing there. Okay.

Jerk (:

It kind of sounded like it's not just what leaned in. Season nine, episode 12, Sharp Teeth. But first, what you been up to, Liz? You've got stories.

Bitch (:

I think I have stories, know, it's it's almost spooky season. I guess it is spooky season. It's spooky season every day, but we are official fall. The equinox has happened. And last weekend was the third annual paranormal fest at Victoria's Black Swan Inn brought put on by the curious twins.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

friend and Stephen who are awesome. it was, did, they had a VIP and a VIP plus thing this year. And on the VIP plus thing, they went on a true, we had a true crime bus tour and that was exciting. So we, my friends and I got the plus so we could do this tour cause they'd never had that before. And the tour went through.

murder sites in San Antonio. But the thing is, is that, you know, I mean, I obviously I do love me some some true crime and I fall asleep to Dateline. But these were very recent and some of them were still unsolved. Some of them the trial so hadn't happened. And when when you're visiting murder scenes that are really recent.

Jerk (:

Jerk (01:25.169)

Bitch (:

It ups the creep factor in not the spooky way in just the, I an asshole? Just, you know, with some, and some of them were, am I a spectator of somebody's grief? And some of them are domestic violence issues, you know, and there was one like this, there is this park that

Jerk (:

My spectator to someone's recent grief.

that's hard.

Bitch (:

may be related to they think it may be like a grinder murder thing which is you know all it's very fascinating but then they're like and you should come to this park it's really nice so you just like you just told me two people were murdered here within the last year so i am pretty sure this park is no longer on the places i'm going to visit list

Jerk (:

Yeah, that's not a great sales pitch.

Bitch (:

I I may not fit the profile of those who were murdered, but that doesn't mean I want to go hang out in this park. Anyways, so it was still an it was an interesting addition to the weekend because otherwise, you then we went through and we did a you just a tour of the property. And I have toured that property with with these guys before. So nobody knew died on the property since the last time I was there. So the stories were the same.

And we are in its fall. So it was 100 degrees. And because Texas and the house that this place is at is a very old house and has no air conditioning and a severe lack of fans. So I don't give a shit about ghosts if I'm going to sweat that much. I'm sorry. Like, I don't I don't care. You can have full aberrations in front of me at that point. But I also like.

Jerk (:

Because Texas, yes.

Jerk (:

And you're like fine, like whatever where's the fucking AC?

Bitch (:

But I do want to see the ghost because they bring the temperatures down, right? And so I'm like, you know, it's like, if you can pop up here, can I do some seances just for some sweet, sweet air conditioning? I think so. So that was great. And then Saturday was the day where they have most. There was also that night there was a smaller.

Jerk (:

That's true. Yeah.

Jerk (:

Yeah, I mean that tracks.

Bitch (:

spirit communication where people were actually being like there was a medium there who was talking to people to their spirits who are around them. And that was at a 10 o 'clock at 11 o 'clock at night. And by that I was no, I was in bed. I was home because no, I could not stay up that late. was so.

Jerk (:

have to be in that sweater you were done. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

My friends went and they said it was a really good experience though. So Saturday was the day of mainly the vendors are out there and I got some really, there's always really good artists and people who go out there for these things. So.

I got some good art for some friends like Diana, who is also getting a giant cowboy ghost ship to her. had to, I had like ghosts is huge and I have to figure it out. So anyways, so Saturday was vendors and talks and the, I think the talks are okay. just.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And Diana and I were talking about this before the podcast. It's just, you know, I think I'm very academic when it comes to the paranormal. And obviously if you guys listen to Laura, you know, you know, my stance on this stuff. I love the spooky, but I think I am a skeptic and because, you know, I think healthy skepticism is good. And so sometimes the move stuff isn't for me. And some things got a little, I don't even know if two things got too religious for me. And that wasn't my jam, but.

Jerk (:

That's very specific, I'd say.

Bitch (:

That's a very specific thing. but there was, there was a couple of, so there was a cryptos you all just there. And I do love it. I love a group. can't remember his name right now. So, but he, he. What.

Jerk (:


Nothing, go ahead.

Bitch (:

but you know that he talked a lot about, you know, the bear, the, you know, the bear County, big foot and some two Cobra stuff. So that was always, you know, I w love some crypto. So it was, it was good. And, know, I'm glad that we got to do that. And curious twins are doing some more stances and investigations for over, for the, you know, the next couple of months. They have a lot of things they're doing a lot of cemetery tours and other things, stuff, which is kind of fun. I didn't know they were doing those things. So.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

That is cool.

Bitch (:

Yep, so that was my weekend. What about you?

Jerk (:

Interesting. Yeah, I mean, we I was.

Bitch (:

Have we talked since you went to Nashville? I don't think we recorded. mean, we've obviously we have talked.

Jerk (:

No, we have not. We have not. We have not. No, I just got back from Nashville. It's my annual trip for Americana Fest put on by the Americana Music Association. Anyways, we went out there and hosted a party on a rooftop. It was hot. It was real hot. Everybody was very tired, but it was an amazing fucking party and we had a really good time. It's networking, it's not much of basic.

Bitch (:

So the theme of this week's episode is Liz and Diana are sweating a lot.

Jerk (:

I'm just gonna say that wasn't even in Texas, but it was, it's a little more humid in Nashville than it is here, but anyway, so.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

It was humid as fuck. I was in San Antonio, so I don't know. Like San Antonio is Houston level. They've said, like, we are now as humid as Houston. Mm -hmm. What I always wanted to be.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yikes. There you go. Well, yeah, so no, but it was it was amazing. And I saw a bunch of really great music and put on some good music and had a good time overall. It just wasn't usually it's loud and crazy. And I saw five million bands and this was like chill. went to bed at reasonable hours and I still saw a lot of bands, but it was not wild and crazy.

Bitch (:

Maybe you're growing up. No, I don't want

Jerk (:

No, I didn't, that's not it. I'm very sad about, I did not get to make one specific stop that I was very sad about. yeah, and I at the hotel way more than many, not that the hotel's food was bad. I just, there's a lot of good food in Nashville and I would rather have eaten the food as opposed to eating at the hotel.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

There is, I understand that, you know, like if you go to a city that has a lot of good food, you want to go out and sample it. But also sometimes it's nice just to have your hotel bring you food.

Jerk (:

It is and they've and if my hotel has robes in the room, my god, I love a room with a robe. It sounds, you know what mean? Like you're just like, snuggle here. But anyway, so yeah, it was a really good time. I'm tired. And now like the next I'm trying to think like my next like six weeks are very busy, but good busy. And I'm just going to keep telling myself it's good busy. So don't lose my mind. Yeah, that's what I got.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

So you're ready to talk about sharp teeth. Not shark teeth, those are different teeth.

Jerk (:

Sharp teeth. Sharp.

Those are very different teeth. Sharp. So yeah.

Bitch (:

So this, yeah, the season nine, episode 12 first aired January 28th, 2014 was directed by John Showalter who we last saw in this season, season opener. think I'm going to like it here. Last season, Freaks and Geeks, Man's Best Friend with Benefits. It was written by Adam Glass who, you know, did party on Garth and he also did Freaks and Geeks and as time goes by in Southern Comfort last season. So very much, you know,

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

people who are familiar with our main dude of this, I would say, all star of this episode. So we start off with our recap. And of course, we've got Gadriel and Dean being like, need some alone time.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Jerk (09:02.13)

Yeah, Sam's big mad because he was lied to and violated by Gadriel. Dean's sad face because he's a liar and so he leaves.

Bitch (:

Because he's toxic.

Jerk (:

Anyways, the Mark of Cain and we get a little teaser of Garth. our episode opens in Grantsburg, Wisconsin. At night and we hear yelling and gnashing of teeth. Gnashing, I didn't know that word. She's describe it. I was like, what you what word? How would you describe this? Anyways, on a. Masticating.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

and rrrr. Mastication.

Jerk (:

to get word to on a farm and some dude runs out with a shotgun and is shooting at a person who is running from the farm. And this person runs through the woods to get chased, they get hit by a fucking car because that's what happens if you get chased in the woods. And it is Garth on the ground. So Garth has now been chased off someone's property and hit by a car. So the next day at the hospital, Sam flashes his badge, his FBI badge, FBI badge, to be clear, and he's looking.

Bitch (:

He's not just flashing people. was not walking and exposing himself to the staff.

Jerk (:

No, he is not. He's looking for the John Doe and Ichabod Crane looking. I found it amazing, but.

Bitch (:

It is amusing, but I have so many questions about this. So, so many questions. What, what, okay. What, no. And so.

Jerk (:

I do too. go, Dean's already there, it's the long and short, but they both heard about it on the police scanner? John Doe?

Bitch (:

Well, and they're like the police wire and like, the fuck is the police wire? There's no such thing as a police wire. And it's like what you saw some John Does for, no, this isn't a thing that exists. Okay, so.

Jerk (:

No! Especially not for some dude getting hit by a car or like some random ass shit.

Jerk (:

This is so... This is not a good enough tie -in for them to have found Garth and both ended up there. Especially because apparently Sam's and Light was in New Mexico? Like how the fuck... This makes no sense how they both ended up here. Glad they both did, makes for a good story. But it makes no sense.

Bitch (:

We're glad they're here. just, mean, granted this is an episode about werewolves and I'm saying, don't believe that you did not. So, but you know, whatever. It's just not believable guys anyways. we've, and we Dean has a large, large syringe.

Jerk (:

It's not. Garth's unconscious.

Jerk (:

very large syringe Garth's unconscious and basically they're like they're trying to figure out like what to do and Dean's like I'm gonna shoot him up with this giant syringe of adrenaline and Sam's like WTF are you trying to jumpstart him or kill him and he's like well we need to know what happened he walked out on Kevin but and on us

Bitch (:

And I'm sorry, I may have missed this when I was kicking my hat, hitting my mic, but did you not mention that Garth is being charged with killing a cow?

Jerk (:

no, I did miss that. I have not mentioned that yet.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so that was in this part too, like in this thing here. yes, so that is why, and you're like, what? And they were like, okay, so he was killing, okay, following, following.

Jerk (:

Yes, it is. He's handcuffed to the bed because he killed a cow.

Jerk (:

And then instead of shooting him with this giant fucking cartoon syringe full of adrenaline, Sam just slaps the shit out of him and Garth wakes up screaming. And he looks at Sam and Dean and asks if he's in heaven.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

But you know, he's very confused. knows who they are and then he just needs to puke.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, so they get his cuffs undone and he's like, well, I know I was on a hunt and, know, you know, y 'all just need to go back to whatever you're doing. But hold on, I to go throw up. So he runs the bathroom to puke a lot. And while he's puking, Sam and Dean are going to talk about Gadriel and Sam tells Dean about the residual grace.

Bitch (:

You know, he's a Gadriel left something inside of it at least Dean is on the same path of me that this all has been very sexual Gadriel left something inside of him and then cast took care of it and it's all just gross and teen mom

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

And Dean. Yeah, that's what Dean and Dean's like gone for two weeks and you're like an episode of Teen Mom. But then Sam's like, by the way, what's that on your fucking arm? And Dean's like, it's just from Kane and Sam. What Sam's like the wrestler.

Bitch (:

Just blows this off, like, it's just, know, market.


Jerk (:

He's like, I wish that would be awesome. Anyway, so he explains that it's not that.

Bitch (:

Yeah, no, it's just like blowing off the cane from Cain. Cain and Abel from the Bible. You're just like, Sam is just like, la da da, no big deal. And no follow up. And also the fact that

Jerk (:

The Kane. The Kane.

That one.

Yeah. Like not many, no follow up questions really. I mean, he says he does, but.

Bitch (:

Yeah, you know, and just I think he's more interested in the fact that Dean worked a job with Crowley than the fact that he has this new Mark six, the sick tribal band brand on his arm. It's a new frat brand for his Delta Sigma, whatever. So anyways, while they're doing this, they realize that it has gotten far too quiet.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

This new frat brand.

Jerk (:

Yeah, Gavin or Garth has now Garth has snuck out the window of the bathroom. He's gone. And so they run outside and they are like, where the fuck did he go? And why would he run from us? And they're like, well, I don't know. We didn't know he was for six months. Who knows? And then his get his cosplay gown is on the ground and he is gone. So Dean's going to look at the security footage while Sam goes and talks to this farmer slash cow rancher.

who's Cal Garth apparently ate.

Bitch (:

I he's probably a dairy farmer because it's Wisconsin. But this owner is telling Sam, well, you can get to this farm and the owner tells Sam that he's got, you know, basically he had chickens and he goats and that's what they were going after. And now he's just completely compared, like prepared to kill somebody over this cow because that is how you escalate. Clearly you need to die, sir.

Jerk (:

That's true. That's true.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, so he's like, and the organs of the animal are ripped clean out. And he's certain it has to be devil worship.

Bitch (:

Must be hell Satan. Sam calls Dean to tell him about the cow, who I will not call Bessie for obvious, soon reasons.

Jerk (:

must be.

Jerk (:

And and they're like, I guess he's hunting whatever killed this cow, because obviously that has to be what's happening. Right. And Dean has a photo printout photo from the security footage of Garth in his boxers getting into a station wagon very clearly. And he tells, but he's telling Sam he's lying. And like, he's like, well, if he wants to be gone, he's gone because he's a hunter. So I guess we just lost him. So.

Whatever. You go on, you go your way. We don't really need to worry about this anymore. And Sam's like, nah, and shows up and looks through the security footage printouts.

Bitch (:

Well, mean, the thing is that Dean is lying to Sam and Sam is there. And it's like, you can't lie to me. Like I can see the fucking photographs in your hand. Stop. You're lying my goddamn face now. And just, just stop it, Dean. Like, are you just obsessively lying now? What the hell? Yeah.

Jerk (:

I'm standing here. Yeah.

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

Jerk (:

Well, he's just trying to get rid of Sam. so he they have picture is of Garth getting into a station wagon on the passenger side. And Dean's like, I told you we can't hunt together for good. And Sam's like, I hear you, but we'll find Garth. And then we're to get to the bottom of this first. So they're going to go to Best Meyers apartment, who is the owner of this.

Bitch (:

and she lives in the next town over. once again, this episode is just about people being excessive and they don't knock, they just burst through the door guns out.

Jerk (:


Yeah. And Garth is standing there packing a bag and saying that he can explain. And they're like, where is she? Because there's a bra laying around. They know there's a girl. And after Garth tries to be like, no, no. And a blonde chick with fangs pops out of the closet and grabs Sam.

Garth is stopping Dean from shooting her. Sam cuts her arm, there's guns pulled. Anyways, Garth steps between them and asks, basically doesn't want them to hurt each other. And Dean announces that she is a werewolf.

Bitch (:

because her claws have been growing and she is a werewolf but so am I! Garth is a werewolf that's where he's been!

Jerk (:

No, Garth is a werewolf!

What the fuck? So we cut to Garth kindly, gently bandaging Bess's cut on her arm and saying, insisting to her that Sam and Dean are his friends. she's like, yeah, but they're hunters. And he's like, a child? That she is a child? Yeah, he talks down to her. She does. She seems like a very capable woman. And he talks down to her. And Bess is his beloved.

Bitch (:

Why does he talk to her like she's got like... Yes! She seems like she's a capable person.

Jerk (:

This is his wife, apparently. he gives his Garth gives his assessment of Sam and Dean, which I did find amusing.

Bitch (:

Yep. but you know, TLDR on that is Dean is a teddy bear and Sam is insecure.

Jerk (:

Pretty much. So he's like, yeah, so here's what happened six months ago outside of Portland, Maine. I was hunting a wolf. I took it down, but it bit me. I messed up. I know there's no cure. I accepted my fate and I ate my favorite dinner and I was going to watch my favorite movie and I was going to eat a bullet. But Bess found me and we've been married for four months and her pack. Yeah, she smelled him as she found him and her pack has taken him in.

Bitch (:

because she smelled them.

Bitch (:

and they're a good pet, they don't hurt people.

Jerk (:

Yeah, which is extra hard for someone that's bitten instead of born. Wow.

Bitch (:

And Dean also gives Garth shit for going Wolverine on a cow, but seriously Dean Winchester, how many cheeseburgers have you eaten? You've eaten a lot of cow, I don't think you can judge anybody on this.

Jerk (:

This is true.

That's true. That's a very valid point. That's like his like primary food group other than pie. Hmm. Anyway, so they're all like, what the fuck still? And he's like, hmm, Dean's like, Garth, we need to talk to you alone. He's like, no, really, this pack is clean. And he's like, well, she just, you know, she just attacked us. He's like, yeah, because you fucking bust into our apartment with your guns out. What the fuck do you expect? It's fair.

Bitch (:

I think so, yeah.

Bitch (:

Your jawlines and your hair are also very intimidating. I do also want to say that it's a very important Addition to this lore now that we have werewolves can be born So and this goes about your alpha shit that like this all the alphas were bitten they but

Jerk (:

I'm his true.

Jerk (:

Yes, it's huge.


Jerk (:

Does it have to be two wolves or can it be a wolf and a human? If we have a wolf and a human, is the baby wolf or human? We need some genetic research here.

Bitch (:

I don't know. So we do need some genetic werewolf talk here, Chris versus wolves.

Jerk (:

So go to this super country. So Garth wants Dean to come pray with them. So they go to this real like house out in the country.

Bitch (:

That's never a good thing, I'm sorry. No diss on your religion, but it's just not gonna end well if that's the first thing usually. You never know, but small town, we'll see how this works out. I'm suspicious.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

You never know.

Jerk (:

Well, Dean's pulling up this country house while Sam's at the sheriff's office. And I'm talking to each other and Sam now has his beautiful 72 dodge dart demon. It's bright blue. Dean gets a bunch of weapons from his trunk and I trunk. It's been a minute, right? So he's just like arming to this himself to the teeth to go into this house.

Bitch (:

Bye Chunks!

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

And while Sam waits to talk to the sheriff and he's like creeps up and you can hear them singing hymns through that door.

Bitch (:

So today I learned that that song is because I learned it because of the captions on my show that the song is bringing in the sheaves and not the sheep. I thought it was sheep, but apparently it's sheaves. It's like the wheat sheaves, guess, like a shaft or something. But I always thought they were bringing in sheep. Nope.

Jerk (:

Sheep. Sheeps. I it sheep.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Which I think it was funny because it's like wolf in sheep's clothing, like layers of like.

Bitch (:

Wilson Wilson she that's and I always thought that's what they were I always thought it was really funny and That's not what they were saying at all

Jerk (:

No. No. Good to know. I'm sure we're not the only ones that thought that.

Bitch (:

Nope, but Garth is accompanying this and he's got a little flair on his piano playing and having met DJ Qualls was going to throw that in there. We are best friends after all. We had drinks and all, know. Also, he does have very long fingers, so I can see him like being a very good pianist.

Jerk (:

So playing piano. Yeah, he does.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Good pianist, good pianist. Yeah, so I didn't know it's not my fault. The word started. I didn't make the word up, but the woman answers the door is Joy, who is Garth's mother -in -law or stepmother -in -law because she is Bess's stepmom.

Bitch (:

Don't make it dirty. I saw you. You did.

Bitch (:

stepmom and this exchange is very awkward.

Jerk (:

Very. And we've got our patriarch who is our Reverend Jim Myers. And this is Bess's dad. And this house is full of wolves. There is children. There are adults. There are some real sketchy looking cousins hanging out eyeballing everybody. It is the whole family. Yeah. And the reverends like, hey, you know, I'm going to introduce myself to you, but Dean won't shake his hand.

Bitch (:

They all look very judgy.

Jerk (:

Garth makes the excuse that he's got a crazy fear of germs and Reven's like, hey, look, I get it. Hunters and Archon don't really get along with the best history, but you know that you should. We're not on the like you should. You should. You should eat with us. Let's let's have a meal. And Dean like says, why would I do that? Which is just fucking rude. It's too much. Too rude. The handshake in that I was just like.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I don't... He's too rude. And it's just, it's too... I get... Yeah, so...

Jerk (:

Anyways, so at the dinner and here's the other thing, too, is the reaction. I get like the whole thing is the minister's gonna be super nice, but somebody's that rude. You're still not going to be like, come on, man. You're gonna be like, fine. Bye. Anyways. No, I extended, but there we go. So at the dinner table, there is everybody's sitting there to eat and there is everybody gets a very, very, very bloody plate of meat except for Dean, who has a cooked steak on his.

Bitch (:

You can't kill the fuck out, man. I don't care. Like, I don't need to bend over backwards for you that much.

Bitch (:

I think there was a couple other people who had like cooked food on their plates. Yeah, I think somebody else had that.

Jerk (:

Well, they all had the sides which were cooked.

Jerk (:

And then they had pie for dessert. So you think Dean will be happy, but no, he's just real rude about watching everybody eat, which I also thought was interesting. They all ate very differently. This was my weird observation, because like they're sitting at the dinner table, number one. So it's kind of weird. Like, what are they? So when Garth was eating the cow, was he harvesting it or was he eating it on the fly? So because when they were sitting there doing this, like the reverend is using a knife and fork. And then

Bitch (:

You think, right?

Jerk (:

Bess is like tearing off little small eating with her hands, but using little small bites. Whereas the cousins who the, they're real creepy cousins, these two boys, they're like holding it with hands and just like eating what full fisted this, these organs and chunks of meat. thought that was interesting.

Bitch (:

thought I hadn't thought of that that that Garth may have taken the organs for somebody else but and brought them back for them yeah but I guess you could also just go to the butcher shop and buy them so there isn't really that need but I hadn't thought of it that way

Jerk (:

Or I brought him back to be cooked or something. It's family dinner.

Jerk (:

I don't know.

I don't know, it's always weird. And then we notice that the Reverend has a bullet on his necklace.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so one thing to before that, well, Dean, while he's being really judgy, was asking them why they didn't say a prayer. And the preacher says that they're more spiritual than religious, which I think is a weird thing for a preacher to say.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It is, especially when he runs a church and then he's like, yeah, we're like the American Indians, like nature in manner one, but you have a church.

Bitch (:

Your preacher. That's a strange thing. Okay, anyhow, moving on.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and they notice as all of them are wearing these bullet necklaces and ask why they're all wearing silver bullets. And he says werewolves wearing silver. And I like that Garth corrects him and says, we don't use the W word. prefer light.

Bitch (:

Yes, it is a better word. Yes, please call them like in throats.

Jerk (:

But best says the bullets are a reminder that we are not indestructible and of our fragility. And yes, it burns, but only a little.

Bitch (:

And it kind of makes sense, right? We're not invincible. These are the things that can kill us. And it seems like a good thing.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And then the Reverend tells the story about Bess and her mother because Bess was born a lycanthrope and he said it was the best day of his life. And then a hunter killed his wife and he wanted revenge, but realized that wasn't the answer. He decided to look forward. And shortly after he found joy, his now wife, not happiness. And then she raised Bess as her own.

Bitch (:

Got a new lady!

Jerk (:

And she's like, you know, he was so lucky to have found her and blah, blah, blah, brought together by the universe. And she's like, but her daddy, Joy's dad, apparently had a hand in it too, as he was the previous reverend of the church. And she is a fourth generation where.

Bitch (:

Which is pretty impressive. I mentioned this, I have this in my notes later, but I'm just gonna say it now. It really bothers me when grown ass women use the word daddy. It's just, it's not good. Don't do that. Yeah.

Jerk (:

It is.

Jerk (:

So Sam is talking to the sheriff and asking him about Reverend Jim and the fam. And he's like, yeah, they're kind of new agey and hippie, but they're clean. They're pillars of our community. And why the fuck is the FBI asking around about them? Sam's like.

Bitch (:

I mean, that sounds like something every cult says.

Jerk (:

Fair. And Sam's like, I'm more into murders and X files type stuff. Any of that go on? And Sheriff's like, So.

Bitch (:

No, no, Boulder, go away.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Back at the house, Dean is now like excused himself from the table and going through the fridge while everybody's eating dinner still like what the fuck is happening here? Like, do you just this is so disrespectful to Garth and that's what I don't like, but that's

Bitch (:

I don't know.

Yeah, I don't like that. He's disrespectful for growth. I also just don't understand why all this meat is open in the fridge. Do you not have legs? Nothing is covered like sometimes. And the only thing is, it's like, you know, there are times where I have had me uncovered in my fridge because I want to dry it out. And I do that 24 hours before I put a steak into an oven. Honestly, if I'm doing a slow, slow sear because it dries out the moisture and then I get better salt in it. See that I get a thumbs up for that.

Jerk (:

That's I know nothing is covered in this fridge. Why is a bunch of uncovered plates?

Jerk (:

Even even even the even the studio knows to give that a thumbs up. Yeah, no, I've done that like before if I'm like, yeah, if I'm getting ready to cook something specifically, but otherwise, no, you cover that shit.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

But it's like a steak for like a day. And I really get concerned about it like taking out other flavors or other, you know, there's a lot of things.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

At this point.

Bitch (:

I don't, I'm not sure. I know I have frozen. Can you hear me? So I know I think it is so I just like the picture that it's frozen on. It's pretty good. I mean, we can continue. Maybe.

Jerk (:

I can still hear you though, yeah.

Jerk (:

Jerk (29:42.626)

Maybe if it's working. I made a note just in case. So we are. He looks up from the fucking fridge and now we have our two creepy cousins watching. And he's like, I was looking for a beer.

Bitch (:

Which seems like a plausible reason for it to in the fridge. I'm like, yeah, I want to get a beer.

Jerk (:

Yeah, but it's still things like you don't live there you'd ask like soon you realize all is good here. you're not being recorded anymore.

Bitch (:

But they are creepy, yeah.

Bitch (:

Yep. Okay.

Jerk (:

It's just black on my side. can't see your camera. there you are.

Jerk (:

Are we back? It looks like you're

Jerk (:

All right. So these creepy ass cousins are like the sooner you realize all is good here, the sooner you can go. Which is not like reassuring at all. At all. But anyways, Garth's going to come into the kitchen and call, like run them off and call Dean out. And he's just like, it just can't be this good. And Garth is like, what the fuck? I found love and a family. Why do you care where it comes from or how this works?

Bitch (:

Well, and he gives him a shit for disappearing. And that's when we realize that they haven't told him about Kevin.

Jerk (:

like what the fuck and Dean's like I do.

Bitch (:

Uhhh, yeah indeed it's just not nice in its explanation and blah. So.

Jerk (:

Mm -hmm.

No, that's the upset. This is upsetting. And that's what it dawns on it. He's like, what? I was embarrassed. I thought of, you know, I was thinking of and missing you guys. And then he's like, Dean's like, fuck. You see it like Dean's eyes dawn like, shit, Kevin's gone. And when he needed me, I wasn't.

Bitch (:

India and Sam's just like, can they just not be a friendly family and monsters? They exist. We don't have to kill at remember, you don't have to kill every werewolf Dean.

Jerk (:

It's stupid. All right. So we cut to Sam and Dean standing outside the country house. Creepy with their cool cars. Just stand there looking at the werewolf house. That makes everybody really comfortable.

Bitch (:

I'm like, it's just a fucking deer like on the side of the road. That looks like any deer that I've seen got hit by a car.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

No. And so they're standing there like, the fuck? And then the sheriff calls Sam and he's like, yeah, you got to come meet me in the woods. So they go to the woods and the sheriff's like, you wanted weird. What tore up that deer? Nothing from these parts.

Bitch (:

That's not, what? No, Detective Winchester. You cannot, like, medical examiner Dean Winchester. You don't know when that deer fucking died.

Jerk (:

Yeah, doesn't look weird, but they get in close to it and Dean's like, this is really fresh. And he's like, it's still fresh. It's still warm. So it died after we got the call from the sheriff.

Bitch (:

seems like a very thing they could do all the time. Can you just like throw knives at people that seems like maybe you don't need as many bullets like it's just it seems very effective.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

No, he doesn't. But either way, the sheriff's like, you just couldn't accept it. All was good. Move on. And he's going to shoot them. So Dean throws a knife at him.

Bitch (:

so you're going to explain Ragnarok now? Are you taking Laura? Okay, all right. It's also a movie with screaming goats.

Jerk (:

Yeah, very efficient. Yeah, effective, efficient, unexpected. You know, all those things. so he's dead. And they realize that he's also wearing one of these silver bullet necklaces. But this bullet says Ragnarok on it, which is from the Norse mythology referencing the end of days.

Bitch (:

What the fuck, Dean? Slow down!

Bitch (:

I guess fine, I won't kill another one of the people we love.

Jerk (:

No, that's all I got. That's all I got. No, that's all I got. It is a movie. It does have screaming goats and they're like, what the fuck? We need to find out what's going on here for real. I thought we knew what was going on. And Dean's like, we already know enough. And he's like, Sam's like, what the fuck? We're not going to kill Garth. He's like, fine.

Jerk (:

Yeah. So Dean's going to go to this chapel because now he's going to go investigate the church. He's decided. And while Sam goes to to grab Garth, that's their plan. Going to go grab Garth. No big tree. He'll appreciate that. So while Dean's breaking into the back room of the chapel, Sam realizes that Bess and Garth's apartment has been ransacked and they are gone. So.

Bitch (:

It's got a pop right on it.

Bitch (:

And you're expecting to have pictures of puppies in it because that's what goes inside those things.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so Sam Dean uses a computer to pull up this myth, right? And it and Sam calls Dean and to tell him about Garth and best and Dean tells Sam about Ragnarok and the wolf finnest killing Odin. But y 'all met Odin in season five, 19 Hammer of the Gods. And in that episode, he said, you know, talking about Ragnarok.

Jerk (:

But then Dean finds a really cool book in the back room and it's leather bound book and it has a pop room.

Jerk (:


it is. But it's not quite what it is. It talks about wolves and it references Ragnarok.

Bitch (:

There's no Armageddon, everybody knows when the world comes to an end, the great serpent Jermonger Narar rises up and I myself will be eaten by a big wolf. But he was killed by Lucifer during that episode. then Dean starts talking about, was like, look, know, like apparently he found this on his computer that there are cults that consider Fenris a wolf deity. So Fenris is the wolf that is supposed to eat Odin,

Jerk (:

Of course.

Bitch (:

and they call themselves the Ma of Fenris. And so he's, Sam's like, what a cult of werewolves. That's just crazy. And Dean's like, no, this is not just a Bible story. And it's not just a myth. It's a plan, right? It's how we're going to get our total werewolf domination, which also sounds like a, like a wrestling thing, right? Like come to this Sunday, we will have complete and total werewolf domination and human extinction, right?

And the thing is, is that the maw of Fenris isn't real. So we're going to talk about what is real and it's It's time for lore.

Jerk (:



Bitch (:

Alright, so the Maw of Fenris is supposed to be a cult of werewolves who are, and you can tell by the ones in here, they're kind of overly testosterone people who want to bring on the end of the world, right?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

and dies total werewolf domination.

Bitch (:

And if you ducked up go that what you're not gonna get is articles about that What you are gonna get is articles about how Norse mythology is used in white supremacy gangs So I just want to talk a little bit about that because as always Nazis are stupid and they're completely wrong in how they relate these things. So

Jerk (:

It's time for lore.

Bitch (:

I had a bad day and I just want to yell at some Nazis. Okay. So some examples of Nazi shitbags who have used Norse symbolism and their bullshit. So we have Peyton Gendron, who was a mass shooter at the Topps grocery store in Buffalo, New York. The terrorists who attacked a summer camp in Norway, who named his guns after Norse gods. The Christchurch New Zealand mass shooter. God... Loot motherfucker, damn it.

The video's going again.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Yeah, there's some Nazi shitbags, okay. Where are you, Blanken?

Jerk (:

I know, just thought.

Jerk (:

I like that they thumbs up in the middle of your Nazi talk though.

Bitch (:

How many things can I unplug?

Bitch (:

Bitch (38:38.062)


Bitch (:

Alright, where do you want to sit?

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

You ready?

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So some examples of Nazi ship bags who have used Norse symbolism in their bullshit. Peyton Gendron, who is a mass shooter at the Topps grocery store in Buffalo, New York. The terrorists who attacked a summer camp in Norway who named his guns after Norse gods. The Christchurch, New Zealand mass shooter. The Virginia prisoner who stabbed another inmate 68 times for not taking their blot ceremony seriously enough. In the early 2000s in Indiana,

Jerk (:

It's back. You're back.

Bitch (:

a racist skinhead group called the Vinlander Social Club, who identified as odinous formed in Indiana and they grew to be one of the largest racial skinhead racist skinhead groups in the country. Mostly died out by the mid 2010s, but they remain entrenched in the prison system. So why are we why are they dumb? Besides if we there are obvious reasons they were dumb. Yeah.

So the mixture of white supremacy and European paganism actually goes back to the mid 19th century as disorganized European states search for national identity and reach back to their heritage, but not in an accurate way at all.

This is largely from Dorothy Kim's Time article. White supremacists have weaponized an imaginary Viking past. It's time to reclaim the real history. And the other sources are in the show notes. So really get the basic premise of this, of my argument here and why Nazis are stupid at this point is they

Jerk (:

Besides the obvious, yes.

Bitch (:

a lot Nazis like symbolism, right? And these supremacist groups like to take on these traditions and think they they're using them as an excuse to say that their bullshit is on point and real.

They're basing it on things that were were true to begin with, right, because when most of this history was being written, we didn't have the level of science and archaeology and other things. This was just being made up for the most part, right. So in the 19th century, romantic German nationalism evolved into the Volkisch movement.

But you think we've talked about somewhat on this show, but basically that was historical narratives that supported a white German nation state. And they rewrote a lot of history and drew from folklore like the Brothers Grimm medieval epics and a commitment to just general supremacy. But you're pulling your history from folk tales. Maybe not necessarily going to be that accurate. Then scholars to the late 19th and early 20th century

both used and reinforced this racialized conception of the medieval past. A pivotal work in this was, boy, this is a good name, Wilhelm Grunbach's multi -volume, Vol Fokkeret in Orgytun. I think that was perfect, whatever language that was. I think it was ancient Germanic in the cultures of the Teutons. And that envisioned an ancient Germanic lineage, which never existed.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

Right. As the Third Reich loomed on the horizon, German scholars like Gustav Nicol and Bernhard Kummer were spinning narratives that blamed socialism, Jews and class revolutions for what they the decline of a noble Germanic race when they believed descended from a proud Viking legacy. It is very interesting because we don't often associate Vikings with Germany. I don't, at least.

Jerk (:

That sounds like.

Bitch (:

It's more Scandinavian.

Another notable figure, Otto Herfler, drew on ideas of Grünbach to explore the concept of Mörnerbunde, which Stephanie von Schörnerbein describes as all male warrior associations in so -called primitive societies. Herfler's interpretation of these warrior brotherhoods became a twisted lens through which to view the past and present Germanic identity, fueling the ideologies of notorious Nazi

Jerk (:

Hmm. No, he's more Scandinavian typically.

Bitch (:

groups like the SS. After World War II, the idea is instead of going away like they should have, experience a disturbing resurgence in certain circles. Various far -right neo -pagan groups like the Scandinavian Nordic resistance movement known for their neo -Nazi violence began to embrace these narratives. Grondberg's extensive work, now translated and readily accessible online alongside the writings of his contemporaries, continues

to influence far -right extremists across Europe and North America today. Criminologist and civil rights attorney Dr. Brian Levin also notes, this kind of Nordic mythology fits in well with groups who talk about conquering and being a warrior for your cause and your homeland and your race. So it was really bastardized and then exploited in a new toxic venom, Levin said. so to be clear,

not all followers of Norse Paganisms are Nazi bastards. And also not all Nazi bastards are Odinists. But for those of you who are, you never reach Valhalla, may you instead rot in Nastrand, which is Corpse Shore, and that is the area of the underworld reserved for cowardly murderers and liars to wade into the poison until the end of the world of Ragnaröt when the wolf comes in noms from an Odin.

So that was my rant at why Nazis are dumb. But I think you see, I kind of feel like there was parts of this that were being hinted at in this episode just because of the nature of the creepy cousins. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, but...

Bitch (:

Yeah, another reason why Odinism tends to be popular among white supremacists is that when you're in prison, you can get religious exceptions for things. So you have to have a religion.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Well, it's a dominant, it's a speech, it's like a, it's a perception of otherness and a domination, like that kind of concept. I saw that, definitely I saw that, that implication here. And tied to their religion, which I'm not saying it's always the case, but it is sometimes the case. like.

Bitch (:

Well, it's not even it's not even. It's interesting and it's fuck you for taking like the same reason I get mad, you know, with people, you know, don't like don't take away paganism is my thing. Stop it. Get away from my stuff. You Nazi bastards. Nobody likes you go away. You don't get to have cool things. You don't you don't get to have the good things. Anyways, so.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

You know, as someone that just happens to be of Norwegian, I was really into like studying Norse mythology when I was younger. And then I realized just because I thought it was interesting. And then I realized that there was this connotation. I'm like, no, no, no, no, I'm fucking Catholic. Hold on. I have nothing to do. I'm Italian Catholic. It has nothing to do with any of this. I just think it's interesting, guys.

Bitch (:

I just, you know, I really just wanted that exploration. The other option today was I was gonna read a children's story of Ragnarok. And this just, was in this mood instead. I promise one day I'll read you guys a children's story, I promise. So, yep, probably.

Jerk (:

I know,

Bitch (:

I do them anyways, so you can't stop me. All right, so on that note, so Dean has, this is writer where we're at, Dean has figured out that they are using Ragnarok as a human extinction plan and he now is all gung -ho to take down Reverend Jim.

Jerk (:

You can't sit with us.


Jerk (:

It's fine.

I'm excited. Are we going to do voices? Take it. I mean, you do, so I'm making sure.

Bitch (:

by the cousins.

Bitch (:

Teen smells He does point to say something really interesting that after all this time you still get nervous And I think that's kind of a cool like I don't know it was a cool thing, but a very human thing. Yeah

Jerk (:

Yeah, he's going to go after Jim and Sam has got to go find Garth. But Sam gets knocked the fuck out with a tire iron by one of the creepy cousins. Of course, and this reverend has now come into the church because he was going to go work on writing his sermon because they're not anyways, whatever. So it doesn't make sense, but he can smell and hear the heartbeat of Dean and Dean's pointed gun at him and he's.


Bitch (:

He fixed it. He just came in and he fixed all these generations of just you know hatred and things that they had. Reverend Jen came in and just knocked that right out.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, it was a very human conversation about fear and blah, blah, blah they had. But yeah, and Dean's like, look, I read all about your fucking plan. And Reverend's like, there is no plan. That was generations ago. I don't buy into the hate and anger belief structure. And especially since I've taken over the church, that's not what we do.

Bitch (:

do think it took them to carve shit into this? But also how many people like how many bullets do they have to do like when they try to spell Ragnarok but they ran out of room? It was like Ragnarok. You know, so it's just like it's like rock rooted around the side.

Jerk (:

Just squashed it done and Dean's like, well then WTF about fucking Sheriff Pat just tried to fucking kill us. And the Reverend is very surprised and seems legit surprised. And Dean's like, hold on, are you actually surprised? Let me see your bullet. Not in a dirty way. And so he looks at the bullet that that the Reverend is wearing around his neck and it's blank. So it does not say Ragnar.

Jerk (:

God damn it, start another one?

Bitch (:

And then these poor actors have the unfortunate job of hauling a dead wig padalecki across the room.

Jerk (:

Well, Reverend's kind of like, we hear we see kind of like the like he kind of seems to think he knows something's going on and he's like, the maw is dead, but. Wake Garth and Bess are missing, too. shit. So we cut to Garth and Bess chained to form equipment in a barn.

Bitch (:

I can imagine that chiropractor visit afterwards. What did you do? I lifted a pet of Lucky.

Bitch (:

That is your injury. There is a code, like an insurance code for Pat -A -Lucky lifting.

so yeah, there we go to... Joy is a cunt!

Jerk (:

They do have to drag a ragdoll padalecki and chain him up to another farm implement.

Bitch (:

Actually no, she's a bitch, pun intended.

Jerk (:

I lifted a padalecki. Is that like an injury report?

Bitch (:

What is, yeah, that's right, I'm just like, you are so, okay.

Jerk (:

OK. Well, now, good old good old Joy's there. That's the that's the thing. Joy is a cunt. Yeah. And she's. There you go. So she's like, basically, it's like slaps best and is like, by the way, I'm not your fucking mom. Like, what the hell?

So mean. Mean and guys like I'm going to hurt anybody hurt me. She's like, that's cute. I'm going to hurt her and him, point Sam and especially you because you brought the fucking hunter here. So get ready for this. And Garth is apologizing and blah, blah, blah. So she's Garth is getting punched by joy.

Bitch (:

So I'm just kind of like, well, so is this like all like, could you not have your own kids joy? Like, is this just all like a woman who's just pissed off because she couldn't breathe? Like, I don't understand what the fuck your problem joy is. Like, joy.

Bitch (:

What about those cousins in there? Like aren't they at the plug line? Who are those cousins?

Jerk (:

and it refers to Bess as her stepdaughter because she is the last of her, Joy is the last of her bloodline and she's mad about it.

Bitch (:

think you understand what bloodline is, Joy.

Jerk (:

Apparently not. I don't know, like why?

Jerk (:

It's really weird.

Jerk (:

Well, I guess it's because she expected her brother to or her brother to carry on the bloodline and then he got killed.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Who knows? Very unclear. Very unclear. Who are the cousins? Where do they come from?

Bitch (:

and she is sick of it. You know, true, I get that, but this is perhaps not the right solution, Miss Joy.

Jerk (:

No, she doesn't. And because her little brother, Charlie, was killed by a hunter and her husband just counseled patients. But she had this whole like new direction for the church about coexistence and peace. But instead of dominance, but Charlie's murder reminded her of her daddy's sermons. As long as there's a man, there can be no peace because man destroys.

Jerk (:

Well, Dean is now sneaking around the property and kill werewolves. So that's that's what's happening now. Sam's like, yeah, I get it. Why coexist when you can rule? So he's just going to go to her, I guess. And she's like, you know, my husband was bitten and not a born. So he holds on to his humanity. So his claws will start riding the rock. I like saying it that way. But basically.

Bitch (:

Yep. And then she used to say, killing you gives me no joy.

Jerk (:

Her whole thing is like, this was a blessing because what we're gonna do is we're gonna pin, she's like, I'm gonna kill Bass and then we're pin the murder on Sam and Dean so that the Reverend will blame Sam and Dean. He won't turn a cheek again after his wife was killed by hunters. He's definitely gonna freak the fuck out and do the Ragnarok thing. Definitely.

Bitch (:

Well, Joy makes a mistake of putting her gun above Sam's very long legs.

And it was this impressive long kick that just like, cha -cha!

Jerk (:

know I was dying. I was dying when she said that. I'm like, OK. Thanks, writers. I appreciate that. But yeah, Garth is starting to wolf out, though, because he is upset that Bess is about to get murdered in front of him, which is reasonable for him to get upset about. But Sam does a crazy kung fu kick thing and knocks the gun.

Bitch (:

That's smart.

Bitch (:

Yeah, they basically have like a dual.

Jerk (:

Well, yes, but is it impressively like crazy kick? Yes. Yeah. And she starts to wolf out, but Dean has been able to sneak in, except he does get jumped, but he stabs the wolf. It's a whole thing. But he apparently when he killed the wolf outside, he stole their jacket so he could like sneak around smart. Good. Good job, Dean. And he is able to shoot joy.

Bitch (:

The wolf.

Jerk (:

Mini -Duel, he wins.

So back at the Wolf House, the Wolf House, Sam and Garth have their goodbyes and they hug while Bess and Reverend Jim are sitting there like very distraught at the table, rightfully so. Garth and Dean have their moment. And Dean tells Garth that the Reverend seems like a good man.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and Garth really wants to take, and he is really taking the blame for Kevin. And so fuck you, Dean, because that's also your fault. And Dean is just like, no, no, Garth is my fault. mean, Kevin's my fault.

Jerk (:

And then Garth's like, yes, but you were also right that things were not all good here because Joy was a psychopath. but he's really upset that he screwed up because first Kevin and now this.

Jerk (:

Very, yes, very much so.

Jerk (:

David's my fault. Yeah. It's a fucking martyr to martyr off here. But then Garth's like, fine, look, what do you think about me with using my wolf mojo as an advantage? Can I go hunt with you? You know, you know, Kevin was our friend and you know, I don't want to I want to make things right. We don't want to I don't want to leave things that way. I shouldn't have left. Nins comes around and references back to something from the beginning of this episode. He said, you said it. Who cares where happiness comes from?

Bitch (:

Just a little weird a little wacky. Yeah Hug me

Bitch (:

So they hug and then we cut to Dean and Sam and baby and Dean is taking Sam to his car.

Jerk (:

We're all a little weird and all a little wacky, some more than others. And if it works, it works.

Little weird, a little wacky. Aww. And then they get a hug. Aww.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And James, I'll send you a postcard. And so Dean's like, no, let's talk. You we went our separate ways because I was messed up with Kevin being dead. And I don't know, it just doesn't seem right. You know, what's right is the playbooks changed and we just, you it was just kind of he just kind of talks in circles. It's very awkward and weird.

Bitch (:

And so I was just like, that's not going to fix us. And I can't trust you because you basically let somebody come inside of me without my consent.

Bitch (:

I didn't mean it that way, but you know, whatever. But you know, well, I mean, he left some grace in there, but I mean, really, his trust has been so vile. And see, if he was my brother, I mean, you can. But I also get it because, you know, I've had, you know, he's your brother. So he's going to be like. So we're going to we're going to hunt together again, but we're not going to be brothers.

Jerk (:

And, but when they're together, it's all crappy, but we split the crappiness when we're together. And Sam's like, yeah, this is kind of broken. Not in a good way. Dean's like, yeah, I'm not saying it's not broken, you know, I don't know, maybe we get a couple of wins on the board. I don't

Jerk (:

Ew. And Dean's like, well.

I was like, whoa, whoa. And Dean's like, we're family.

Bitch (:

I don't understand, he also says those are my terms and he doesn't give any terms. so basically I think the idea is that they're just gonna be business partners. It never works and they always, Sam and Dean fighting, which I understand is most of the show is just so obnoxious. I just want them to get along because it's just easier. Fight with other people, no enemies but the state. All right.

Jerk (:

Yes. Violated.

Jerk (:

Yeah, he's like, we're a family.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And Sam's like, it's not a cure all to say we're family. And they're like, we'll work together. We can work together, but we won't be brothers. I don't understand. How does that work? That doesn't make sense.

Bitch (:

So now that that whiteness is done, do you have people to tell us about who acted in this thing?

Jerk (:

No. But what's the definition?

Jerk (:

Yeah, but that doesn't work. That's stupid.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I do. I have a pretty decent little casting list here. It was a pretty good cast. say they're all generally speaking, we get some really strong casts. But this week's casting coach, Bess Myers, was played by Sarah Smith. And we'll see her again. Funny, she's been episodes of Big Wolf on campus and Vampire High. It's not amazing as well as Smallville, Human Target and Supergirl a handful of times.

She had a bit part in the Percy Jackson, the Olympians movie. She has been ongoing character or she was ongoing character named Justine in the Hallmark series, Cedar Cove, plus a ton of other Hallmark movies. And then was Ginger in the film Bad Times at El Royale. Our Reverend Jim Myers is played by Tom Butler. He's been a lot of stuff.

episodes of Highlander, X -Files, Stargate, Smallville, Painkiller, Jane multiple times, Fringe, Cedar Cove a bunch of times also, which is kind interesting. The Flash, Chesapeake Shores a bunch of times, Louder Milk, as we've kind of known for more recently, and Virgin River a few times. He was Dr. Glenn Cliff in Ernest Rides again, going 90s flashback moment. He was Phil in in.

Jerk (:

The Life Size, was a Lindsay Lohan and Tyra Banks movie. Agent Kelly and Josie and the Pussycats, Dr. Campbell and Freddie versus Jason. Bob in Miracle, a Colonel in Flight 93, a Captain in Snakes on a Plane, Crane in Codename the Cleaner, the President in the Film Shooter, WSU University President in Fifty Shades of Grey, Police Captain in Tomorrowland, and the Vice Chairman

Vice Chairman Walters in Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2.

in a bunch of Hallmark movies. So a lot of pretty big crew. Joy Myers was played by Eve Gordon. She's been in episodes of her career goes back to 80s and 90s. So Cosby Show, Murphy Brown, Ellen, Party of Five, Felicity a bunch of times, Veronica Mars, House, Grey's Anatomy, Two and a Half Men, ER, Medium, Ghost Whisperer, American Horror Story a handful of times, Mad Men Scandal, Big Little Lies, and Walking Dead.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

She was Diane in Honey and We Shrunk Ourselves, school counselor in The Grudge 2, and regular reoccurring character of Connie in Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23. Yes. And then our sheriff Pat was played by Matt Hamilton. And he has been in episodes of Arrow, Turner and Hooch, a bunch, the TV show, and then a lot of Hallmark as well.

Russ, which is one of our creepy cousins played by Adam Lulisher. And he was Mr. Mugs in Riverdale. was only a couple of episodes, it was towards the end. So it's kind of a big deal. But I was in also in episodes of Batwoman, Travelers, Arrow, Once Upon a Time, Fringe, and Smallville. And then just kind of he's done a lot of like production work. He was a production assistant on the TV series Blockbuster, which was out last year. And then Joba, the other

s done episodes of smallville:

Bitch (:

Yeah, that is such a shame.

Cool, cool. All right, so what did you think about our Welcome Back Garth episode?

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

Yep, see it a lot. So there we go.

Bitch (:

I think that was a very important thing. But what do you think of Garth being a werewolf?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I was very happy because I feel like the more like we I've the more you watch and like or learn about like DJ Qualls and the character of Garth, the more you like Garth. That's just all there is to it. So I feel like I was very excited to see this character back. I do like the ongoing theme of acknowledging that not all monsters are bad.

Bitch (:

Yep, well, you know, some monsters were born that way, but also he didn't ask to be bitten.

Bitch (:

And he's not eating people, he's only eating cow.

Jerk (:

mixed feelings because it depends on how accepting our Winchesters will be in the long run of his monsteriness.

Bitch (:

I don't understand why he's just not going to the, I I think it was a hunt thing, right? It's just getting your, that way you get through your instincts and hunting in the supermarket's not the same as hunting a cow but can't run away.

Jerk (:

He didn't and that's why they've kind of let things slide before if they've found people that are like, well, it's not really your fault but

Bitch (:

I guess.

Bitch (:

As chasing a cow.

Jerk (:

Yeah, which he I mean, he could just be going to the fucking butcher shop apparently for but isn't that's nonsense.

I guess. I guess. I don't know.

Bitch (:

Yeah, no, I think it was it was a pleasant episode.

Bitch (:

Yeah, Dean and Sam bullshit. Sometimes it's just there. We take it with the show. All right. I think on that note, cheers jerk.

Jerk (:

Probably not. Chasing the Styrofoam tray is not nearly as exciting. Yeah. I don't know. But yeah, so now I thought it was a I liked the actually find that other than the gaps that we freaking destroyed talking about, I thought it an interesting episode, too. I like the story.

Bitch (:

Dean of Sam bullshit.

Jerk (:

Other than this conversation at the end that made no fucking sense about we're work together but not be brothers. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Jerk (:

Cheers, bitch.

Jerk (:

and insane bullshit. I've got three notes, they're not impressive.




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