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Binary 4.2, 110723, The Binary System
11th July 2023 • Institutum Provisorium • Franco Santoro
00:00:00 01:17:39

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(in English & italiano) Binary 4.2, 110723

Il Sistema Binario: un viaggio multidimensionale dalla frammentazione all’unità - A Multidimensional Journey from Duality to Unity: The Binary System

Questo corso esplora esperienzialmente la spiritualità, il misticismo e lo sciamanesimo usando come riferimento strategico i cicli del Sole e della Luna, e le relative 144 combinazioni (sistema binario astrosciamanico). L’intento del corso è condividere informazioni e pratiche di recupero della nostra natura multidimensionale, considerando il rapporto verticale con il mondo spirituale, insieme alla conflittualità o integrazione della relazione orizzontale con la realtà materiale. A questo scopo integreremo il sistema binario con riferimenti alle tradizioni spirituali occidentali, mediorientali e orientali. Vedi note preliminari a fondo pagina.

The aim of the course is to share tools for soul retrieval and spiritual or multidimensional healing, considering the vertical relationship with the spiritual world and God, together with the conflict or integration of the horizontal relationship with material reality. For this purpose we will refer to the Astroshamanic Binary System, and the related astrological archetypes, accompanied by references to Western, Middle Eastern and Eastern spiritual traditions. The course explores the 144 binaries combinations between Sun and Moon, and the Lunar cycles for one year, with a total of 12 series, each consisting of three sessions. See preliminary notes at the end.

Per informazioni generali vedi/For general info on binaries see:

Per informazioni sul binario 4.2/For info on binary 4.2 see:

Musiche 4.2

Eugenio Finardi, “La canzone dell’acqua” (1993; Stasera ho chiesto al caso che cosa devo fare Sono stanco del mio ruolo e ho voglia di cambiare Non so se andare avanti o se è il caso di scappare O se è solo il bisogno di un nuovo sogno da sognare Adesso che ho quello che ho sempre voluto Mi sento un tantino legato Vorrei sparire per ricominciare da capo Con un nuovo mazzo di carte, un nuovo gioco Ma il libro mi ha detto: “Tieni la testa a posto” “Datti una regolata e guarda bene dentro te stesso” “Non giudicare gli altri e cerca invece di capire” “Butta via lo specchio, ché c’è il mondo da guardare” Vorrei esser come l’acqua che si lascia andare Che scivola su tutto, che si fa assorbire Che supera ogni ostacolo finché non raggiunge il mare E lì si ferma a meditare Per scegliere se esser ghiaccio o vapore Se fermarsi o se ricominciare Dovrei esser come l’acqua che si lascia andare Che scivola su tutto, che si fa assorbire Che supera ogni ostacolo finché non raggiunge il mare E lì si ferma a meditare Per scegliere se esser ghiaccio o vapore Se fermarsi o se ricominciare)

Tonight I asked the case what should I do I'm tired of my role and I want to change I don't know whether to go on or if it's time to run away Or if it's just the need for a new dream to dream Now that I have what I always have wanted I feel a little tied up I would like to disappear to start over With a new deck of cards, a new game But the book told me: "Keep your head straight" "Get your act together and look inside yourself" "Don't judge others and instead try to understand" "Throw away the mirror, because there is the world to look at" I would like to be like water that lets itself go That slides over everything, that lets itself be absorbed That overcomes every obstacle until it reaches the sea And there he stops to meditate To choose whether to be ice or steam Whether to stop or whether to start again I should be like water that lets itself go Gliding over everything, letting itself be absorbed Overcoming every obstacle until it reaches the sea And there it stop to meditate To choose whether to be ice or vapor Whether to stop or whether to start again).

Sohail Sen, “Jiya” (Instr/Voc; Jiyaa.. Main na jiyaa Rezaa Reza.. mera jiyaa.. Life, I didn’t live, My heart, all its pieces.. Main begaana sa.. Tha deewana sa.. Mujh ko teri chaahat ne bata diya.. Jiya, jiya, main na jiya.. I was away from the world like someone mad, your love has told me, I haven’t lived my life.. likhoon hawaon pe main Nainon se naam tera saaye se main haathon ke saaya loon thaam tera I write on the winds your name, with my eyes.. With the shadow of my hands, I’ll hold your shadow.. Ishq ka tu haraf Jis ke chaaron taraf Meri baahon ke ghere ka bane haashiyaan.. You’re the word of love, around which, there be a margin of my arms.. Jiya.. Main na jiya Reza Reza.. mera jiya.. Your eyes are a turquoise colored canal, where, in the water of dreams, our house exists. Such I am without you, as a morning of desert.. You fill in my breath, away from both the worlds, I wish to come and meet you, O my beloved..)

Sohail Sen, “Bikhri Bikhri” (Cancer/Kark; Bikhri Bikhri Si Zulfein Hain Kyun Why are Your hair unkept? Khoyi Khoyi Si Aankhein Hain Kyun Why are You eyes lost? Gham Ka Yeh Pal Guzar Jaayega This moment of sadness will pass Phir Koi Humsafar Aayega And some life partner will come for You Bikhri Bikhri Si Zulfein Hain Kyun Why are You tresses untidy? Khoyi Khoyi Si Aankhein Hain Kyun Why are You eyes lost? Gham Ka Yeh Pal Guzar Jaayega This moment of sadness will pass Phir Koi Humsafar Aayega And some partner will come for You Hey… Na Ra Re… Beete Pal Bhool Ja Forget the past moments Woh Pal Nahin Hain Kahin They don’t exist anymore Laayenge Pal Naye These new moments will bring Ek Zindagi Phir Haseen A new beautiful life in them Yeh Bheegi Palkein Utha Look up from Your drenched eyelashes Yeh Soch Ke Muskura Think about this and smile Laayega Phir Samay Koi Zamaana Aisa Yahaan Time will now bring a new world here, where Phir Chalegi Hawa Manchali The free spirited winds will blow again Phir Se Mehkegi Koi Kali A flower bud will blossom again Phir Koi Humsafar Aayega A new life partner will come again Dil Koi Geet Phir Gaayega And the heart will sing a new song again Raat Lambi Sahi, Phir Bhi Yeh Ek Raat Hai I agree that the night is long, but it is just one night that You have to endure Subah Ho Jaayegi, Sau Baaton Ki Baat Hai The fact of the matter is that morning will soon come Phir Jaagegi Yeh Fiza The atmosphere will wake up again Phir Dil Ka Ek Rassta Then one road of Your heart Le Jaayega Wahin Tujhe Tere Hai Manzil Jahaan Will take You where Your destination is Sach To Yeh Hai Ki Hona Hai Yun The fact is that, this is about to happen To Inn Aakhon Mein Aansoon Hai Kyun Then why are there tears in these eyes? Gham Na Kar Tu Jo Murjha Gaye Don’t feel sad if You feel that You’ve withered/weakened Phool Khil Jaayenge Phir Naye New flowers will blossom again)

Sohail Sen, “Tune Maari Entriyaan” (Instr/Voc.; Tune maari entriyan re Dil mein baji ghantiyaan re, Tann! Dil ki sun commentriyan re Pyaar ki guarantiyan re, Tung! You took entries and bells struck in my heart, Tung! Listen to the commentaries of the heart, the guarantees of love, Tung! Arey taada taadi karna Na ab nahi sudharna Phootne laga hai re chaahaton ka jharna To see, no, now we don’t have to become good. The waterfall of love has begun to break off from the heart.. Dil ki na marammatein hoN Naa koi warrantiyan re, Tang! There be no repairs of the heart, nor any warranties, Tann! Tune mari entriyan re Dil mein baji ghantiyaan re, Tan! Seeti veeti, aankhein vaankhein na yoon maaro Phenko na chaahat ke daane Majnoo-Ranjhe saare jhoothe hain yahaan pe Jhoothe hain dil ke fasaane Don’t whistle, wink etc. like that, Don’t throw me grains of love… all the lovers are fake here, the stories of hearts are false.. If you so wish, you can today take from us promises of faith, love Neither am I there, nor the heart, in control here at all, see for yourself.. Following me there are complete countries of lovers, Tang! When I took entries, bells struck in the heart, Tang! With sweet talks you want to come closer to me slowly O dear.. O innocent bird, you don’t know what I am, You think of fireballs as stars.. Whatever you are, howsoever, You’re my life I have admitted, However, in whatever way, I have to get you dear..).

Eugenio Finardi, “Amore diverso” (1983; Amore diverso Io ti proteggerò Oh sì ti stringerò E mai niente ti farò del male Io ti accarezzerò E poi ti cullerò Per farti addormentare E ti canterò canzoni Di forti emozioni Quando fuori tuona il temporale E sempre ti sussurrerò Quelle dolci parole Che so ti fanno stare bene Sarà un amore diverso Grande come l’universo Che il tempo non potrà toccare Farò una casa di carta Su un’isola deserta Dove il vento verrà a giocare E una finestra sempre aperta Per chi sa volare Che da noi possa arrivare A riposare E ho braccia forti E larghe spalle Per poterti meglio abbracciare E se fa freddo La notte col mio corpo ti potrai scaldare E dopo ore e ore e ore d’amore Sul mio petto ti farò dormire E sognerai di ballare A tempo col mio cuore E il sole ti verrà a svegliare Sarà un amore diverso Grande come l’universo Che il tempo non potrà toccare Piccole cose da riscaldare Grandi aquiloni da far volare E sarà sempre un nuovo gioco Per tenere acceso il fuoco Nel lungo tempo da venire Piccole pietre da trasportare E da seguire per ritornare Io ti proteggerò Oh sì ti stringerò E mai niente ti farà del male Io ti accarezzerò E poi ti cullerò Per farti addormentare E dopo ore e ore e ore d’amore Sul mio petto ti farò dormire E sognerai di ballare A tempo col mio cuore E il sole ti verrà a svegliare Sarà un amore diverso Grande come l’universo Che il tempo non potrà toccare Piccole cose da riscaldare Grandi aquiloni da far volare E sarà sempre un nuovo gioco Per tenere acceso il fuoco Nel lungo tempo da venire Piccole pietre da trasportare E da seguire per ritornare),

“Different love” (1983; Different love I will protect you Oh yes I will hold you And I will never hurt you I will caress you And then I will rock you To put you to sleep And I will sing you songs Of strong emotions When the storm thunders outside And always I'll whisper to you Those sweet words That I know make you feel good It will be a different love As big as the universe That time won't be able to touch I'll make a paper house On a desert island Where the wind will come to play And a window always open For those who know to fly May it come to us To rest And I have strong arms And broad shoulders To be able to hug you better And if it's cold You can warm yourself up at night with my body And after hours and hours and hours of love I'll let you sleep on my chest And you will dream of dancing In time with my heart And the sun will come to wake you up It will be a different love As big as the universe That time won't be able to touch Little things to warm up Big kites to fly And it will always be a new game To keep the fire burning In the long run time to come Little stones to carry And to follow to return I will protect you Oh yes I will hold you And nothing will ever hurt you I will caress you And then I will rock you To make you fall asleep And after hours and hours and hours of love On my chest you I'll let you sleep And you'll dream of dancing In time with my heart And the sun will come to wake you up It will be a different love As big as the universe That time won't be able to touch Little things to warm up Big kites to fly And it will always be a new game To keep lit the fire In the long time to come Little stones to carry And to follow back).





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