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Embracing Help: How Vulnerability Leads to Strength with Jessica Smith Dos Santos
Episode 2018th June 2024 • Finding Your Fierce • Carolyn Colleen
00:00:00 00:19:45

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CEO of Badass Love Coaching, ER nurse, author, coach, and speaker Jessica Smith Dos Santos is here to share her personal journey about how she challenged the conventional markers of success. Despite having a career, a family, and a home that seemed ideal from the outside, Jessica confronted the difference between societal expectations and her inner turmoil. She talks about how accepting support and confronting her vulnerabilities led to profound personal growth and a complete life overhaul. This episode invites you to think about the true meaning of happiness and success, and how critical periods of struggle can lead to significant personal awakenings and fulfillment.


  • 00:00:00 - Introduction: The Struggle Behind a 'Perfect' Life
  • 00:01:06 - Welcoming Jessica Smith Dos Santos to 'Finding Your Fierce'
  • 00:01:45 - Jessica's Battle with Life's Expectations
  • 00:03:42 - Critical Life Changes: The Role of ‘1Life Fully Lived'
  • 00:05:00 - From Darkness to Personal Strength
  • 00:08:07 - Jessica's Life Overhaul: From Breakdown to Breakout
  • 00:11:03 - Empowering Others by Sharing Personal Battles
  • 00:16:24 - Embracing the Hardships as Life Lessons
  • 00:17:47 - Wrapping Up: Reflections and Goodbyes

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