Hey there, folks, Earnest Mann here, diving into the intriguing world of YouTube health multimillionaires. Today's spotlight is on Dr. Steven H. Gundry, a former heart surgeon turned product peddler, whose presence on YouTube raises several ethical questions.
Reflecting on my teenage years playing Monopoly, I realized how it mirrored the personalities of those who would later dominate in life, just like Dr. Gundry on YouTube. Initially a fun, social platform, YouTube has transformed into a realm of cutthroat capitalism, echoing the ruthless strategies in Monopoly. This shift has contributed to social isolation and overshadowed the platform's original intent.
With an impressive career as a heart surgeon, Dr. Gundry's switch to selling health books and supplements on YouTube is puzzling. Despite a net worth of around $12 million, he continues to aggressively market his products, raising questions about his motivations and ethical boundaries.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:00 [Music] thank you for tuning in folks I'm going to be giving you a different perspective on YouTube Health multimillionaire Dr stevenh R gundry Who as a surgeon used to fix Hearts now his sales hustling breaks them before I get started I want to add something really important and you can apply this to any future videos I put up on YouTube if you like what I'm telling you please tell a friend and if you find what I'm saying very informative download it immediately because according to the powers that be
00:49 if it's even the slightest bit controversial the thought and word police will have it taken down when I was a teenager one of the things I frequently did with all my teenage Pals was play Monopoly it's something that we did fairly frequently and even though I didn't know it at the time I didn't know such terms as narcissist or psychopath what I did know was that certain players were what collectively the group recognized them as there were players that for example not only wanted to win but did so at all
01:39 cost absolutely destroying any other player's chance of getting back in the game being utterly ruthless in their pursuit of absolute domination I didn't fully understand it then but it spoke volumes about the personalities I was dealing with and what would be their future lives so the ones that played with absolute power regardless of their success did without fail end up being absolute later on in adult life what many particularly younger people who engage seriously in YouTube don't understand is that what YouTube
02:29 wants was compared to what it has evolved into it was a social extension a really fun place that people interacted and had fun then a famous soccer sucker player got hooked up with a Nike promotion and after that the whole thing went to it became business it became Cutthroat capitalism and it has only spiraled down ever since many people complain about social isolation well here's one of the many reasons now before I go into ripping Dr gundry's ass apart just some brief information about myself I currently am not and probably
03:26 never will be monetized on YouTube there are several reasons for this and they are mainly ethical as I do not want to be a hypocrite for those of you who don't know I'm a 60s yearold guy semi retired with a disability I do everything I can to keep my life's ship afloat doing odd Consultation business work and generally trying to repair the Devastation that happened in my life around 4 years ago but I want to be as independent as honestly and ethically as I can and even though I'm very fortunate to have those
04:14 that love me I do not want to be a burden and I'm doing everything in my power to have an honest existence unfortunately in our current Society the same cannot be said for certain others whose primary desire seems only to be greed when there are so many in need and I am of the opinion that Dr gundry is one of them for those of you who are not familiar with Dr gundry I'll Loosely fill you in Dr gundry is a retired heart surgeon who who no doubt has had countless heart surgery procedures under his belt most
05:06 likely he has saved many lives that's fine that's what a surgeon is supposed to do but there are other aspects of his life which in all fairness should be brought to attention especially his YouTube viewers which are many but for the sake of time and not wanting to talk your ear off I only want to speak briefly the very short of the short is Dr gundry has absolutely no business being on YouTube unless you take into account his real reason for him being there to sell his products which is the tragedy I was
05:52 talking about when YouTube became a business as most of you probably know or work can guess heart surgeons especially good ones which is what Dr gundry apparently was make a shitload of money they make big money big time and Dr gundry whose current net worth is somewhere around 12 million uh that's the amount that is at least currently reported and has made that much money for many years so Dr gundry is certainly not in the poor house by any stretch of the imagination but he also hasn't been in the poor house for many years so as far
06:43 as I'm concerned that begs the question why the hell is he on YouTube could it be to make even more money apparently even at age 73 it is not dawned on the good doctor that the accumulation of wealth like life is finite just to be clear I am not in any way against making money I'm not saying it's an inherent sin but one has to recognize certain ethical limits if you're young for example you know your 20s through 40s have stars in your eyes and think you're going to be the next to YouTube sensation I don't
07:32 necessarily have a problem with that but what I do have a problem with is when a Huer such as gundry who not only made their big money pile long ago being a heart surgeon then because apparently all those millions are not enough for a comfortable retirement relentlessly is pitching his health books and his supplement comp uh Company on YouTube taking up a tremendous amount of Social and financial bandwidth which forces out average YouTubers average people from being able to have any success on YouTube just like the narcissist and
08:22 sociopaths did when I played Monopoly all those years ago and speaking of being hypocritical I hope you don't find my little message here to be that I have some very special items that I believe former president Trump could describe far better than I can I believe he would say you know folks I've got something here I know you're just dying to get your hands on and this picture simply doesn't do them Justice no folks it doesn't doesn't do them Justice at all they are beautiful and wonderful
09:06 wonderful and beautiful folks they are wonderful and magnificent Beyond description folks they are simply magnificent how's that for doing Donald Trump folks let's make arnest great again hahaa the item on the left is a 3in by 3-in refrigerator magnet extraordinaire and it's even bendable on the right an absolutely beautiful 8x5 in vinyl sticker for your window this is highquality vinyl that will not fade and is easy to remove if for some unimaginable reason you should ever decide to do so so what makes these
09:56 items so special you may ask well these are the only items remaining that have my original shows logo they are the last of the original I don't have that many when they're gone they're gone never to be seen again and just like cabbage patched dolls are destined to become family heirlooms so if you missed your chance with cabbage pets dolls here's your last chance to get the original artwork of the earnest man show just pick which one you want when you send me the coffee which is in the feed the fridge Link in
10:42 the description below I want to sincerely thank you now because whatever you are willing to send my way is definitely very appreciated now let's get back to the show now I fully understand that perhaps many of you might argue with me that you actually respect and admire Dr gundry for all of the health advice that he gives on YouTube fine I accept that hell for that matter perhaps even advice that he has given in his many videos has helped you physically again fine that's a good thing he's a doctor that's what
11:29 he's supposed to do yet if you've listened so far and I certainly appreciate it if you have I would like to remind you that the vast majority of advice that he gives is really rather simplistic when you break it down overall it's a Mediterranean diet with a greater focus on protein you see we're not talking about Einstein Chan medical Revelations here we're talking about generally known dietary science and research we're not talking about someone who is Reinventing or revolutionizing the Health
12:17 wheel I'll finish up by saying this you may feel that Dr gundry is wonderful hell maybe even the second coming Christ and you can't understand why I'm being so critical of him well it's a good thing my thoughts are not based on feelings they are based on truthful observation you see a really good person let alone someone with the title of Doctor Who happens to be worth many multi-millions of doll dollars doesn't need to take up public bandwidth on a soci social media platform promoting their books vitamin company or any other
13:05 product to make their obscenely wealthy ass even wealthier and they sure as hell don't need or should be using a patreon account apparently Dr gundry has forgotten a doctor's sacred oath the hypocritic oath to do no harm which is exactly the opposite of what this Mega rich but money obsessed book and vitamin Hustler is actually doing until next Monday or Friday this is earnest wishing you peace and good things