Discover the connection between bees and quantum biology in this captivating episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast. Join host Meredith Oke as she delves into the world of bees with guest Amber Hargroder, a modern-day Renaissance woman with a deep understanding of beekeeping and quantum biology. Through the metaphor of bees, Amber explores key principles of quantum biology, highlighting the importance of our connection to nature for our health and well-being. Learn how bees communicate through light, navigate their environment, and create structured water, all while embodying a sense of love and unity within their hive. Uncover the fascinating parallels between bees and humans, and gain insights into the regenerative power of bees when left to their natural instincts!
- "Consider each hive a cell and each bee a mitochondria. The honey is structured water that the mitochondria produce." (12:08 | Amber Hargroder)
- "The bees teach us how to listen to that [vibration and frequency]. And, you know, quantum biology principles and structured water aside, I think one of the things that the bees teach us is what love means." (18:04 | Amber Hargroder)
- "So, if you're a conventionally kept hive, the pollen that you're getting is not going to have the diversity that it would normally have. And so even being mixed with these enzymes, and again, they don't have the genetic diversity, so they don't have a diversity of gut bacteria either." (36:00 | Amber Hargroder)
- "So, they are in complete relationship with the sun at all times and they are bringing that… and if light is information that is the information they are also bringing back into the hive to teach their young." (40:59 | Amber Hargroder)
- "If you want to help bees just plant native plants. The best thing about planting native plants is they want to be there. So you don't have to baby them. You don't have to worry about them. They'll just do their thing. And I think that's more the direction, you know, trust your own instincts, trust yourself, trust that nature has got it, like just give it the tools that it needs to succeed. And it will do that. And the same thing as with your health, it's taking away things that are preventing you from being healthy while giving you, kind of setting you up for success, with small lifestyle changes that may seem inconsequential, but they do add up." (1:09:03 | Amber Hargroder)
Connect with Amber Hargroder:
Instagram: @amberhargrode
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