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Your Money and Your Life with Dustin Serviss
11th July 2024 • Joy At Work • Lucia Knight
00:00:00 00:11:57

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In this episode, we talk to Dustin, a distinguished wealth manager, about helping successful mid-career professionals move beyond the 'save save' mentality to a more balanced approach to life and financial planning. 

Dustin emphasizes the importance of reassessing outdated financial mindsets and adopting a flexible approach to future planning. He discusses practical strategies like the spending accelerator and goal alignment while highlighting the significance of developing a diverse portfolio of memories. 

Tune in to learn about the keys to building confidence through financial clarity, managing risks, and enhancing overall life satisfaction.

[00:25] How do you respond to people who say "I'm worried I don't have enough to retire or a flexible life?

[01:34] Have your beliefs about money evolved as you have grown?

[03:40] Do you first need to decide what your future will look like?

[05:33] A method for evaluating your spending

[08:13] What difference do you see when they do this earlier in their career or life versus later? 

[09:08] What can we do that will start us on this amazing journey of redesigning our flexible life in the future? 

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If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my Life Satisfaction Assessment. It's a 30-minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you down. I call it Derailed and it's a fabulous place to begin a joy-at-work redesign.


Lucia Knight:

Our next guest is no ordinary wealth manager.

Lucia Knight:

Dustin's service saves successful professionals from waking up in their

Lucia Knight:

60s after decades of the save save mentality with a big financial portfolio,

Lucia Knight:

but a small portfolio of memories.

Lucia Knight:

None of us want to be that person.

Lucia Knight:

So let's dive in.

Lucia Knight:

So Dustin, we have an audience here today of mid career professionals.

Lucia Knight:

Many of them are employees at the moment some have their own business.

Lucia Knight:

And some are doing some form of freelance consulting, but all of them

Lucia Knight:

are interested in their potential life when they stop working.

Lucia Knight:

The biggest question I hear a lot is I'm worried I don't have

Lucia Knight:

enough to live a retired life.

Lucia Knight:

In the way I'd speak to that.

Dustin Serviss:

That's a big question.

Dustin Serviss:

What I would first ask is where that belief is coming from.

Dustin Serviss:

Is it just a feeling or has it been tested somehow.

Dustin Serviss:

Usually when we're going through, the most basic level of a wealth plan we

Dustin Serviss:

will go back and look at their cashflow.

Dustin Serviss:

And one thing we find is.

Dustin Serviss:

Many people have evolved in life, but their mindset and their goals

Dustin Serviss:

are still back when they're 20.

Lucia Knight:

Big time.

Lucia Knight:

I see that a lot.

Lucia Knight:

So tell me more.

Dustin Serviss:

One thing I wrote in my book was, are the beliefs evolving?

Dustin Serviss:

So some of the stresses that we feel when you're 18, 19, 20, young twenties.

Dustin Serviss:

You may not have money.

Dustin Serviss:

And so we got, you've got to save and you've got to really buckle down

Dustin Serviss:

and sacrifice to accumulate money.

Dustin Serviss:

If you're a mid career professional and you're making, 300, 250, 400 and you

Dustin Serviss:

still have that mindset, then feelings can leak into your projection of the future.

Dustin Serviss:

So you start saying I still don't have enough, meanwhile, you're

Dustin Serviss:

saving more and more every year.

Dustin Serviss:

When I'll say to clients, Hey, you're saving $200,000 a year, what

Dustin Serviss:

if you only saved $150,000 a year and got an assistant for $50,000?

Dustin Serviss:

If that $150,000 of savings a year is enough , again, going back to the optics

Dustin Serviss:

of the future and having a professional or a calculator online figured out for you.

Dustin Serviss:

If that number accumulates enough by the time you want to be, we don't use the word

Dustin Serviss:

retirement, we call it being flexible.

Dustin Serviss:

In the modern world there's, a lot of stigma around retirement and, my parents,

Dustin Serviss:

work to a day and that was it, and so now there's a whole set of emotions of when

Dustin Serviss:

that day happens and then a new life, it's a new chapter, which can be exciting

Dustin Serviss:

and all, also can be a little scary where being flexible gives you that permission

Dustin Serviss:

that if I didn't save enough, maybe I could still work and make $50,000 a year

Dustin Serviss:

part time doing a job that I really like.

Dustin Serviss:

I want to be a yoga instructor.

Dustin Serviss:

I want to be a photographer, whatever your thing is.

Dustin Serviss:

If you are going to work part time and make, even $25,000

Dustin Serviss:

a year, that helps a lot.

Dustin Serviss:

And if you're, able bodied and you're treating your body right and nourishing

Dustin Serviss:

it with not just good food nourishment, but good mind nourishment, then you likely

Dustin Serviss:

would be more vibrant into your seventies where the traditional sort of model is

Dustin Serviss:

that, 70, you're going downhill, that is one thing that we do talk to people.

Lucia Knight:


Lucia Knight:

So I want to go back to that concept of enough, because I see

Lucia Knight:

people saying at some point in the future, I will have enough.

Lucia Knight:

But often in my experience, that doesn't seem to be just a number.

Lucia Knight:

Do you help people to figure out what the future could look like first?

Dustin Serviss:


Dustin Serviss:

So it just, call it foo foo, call it whatever.

Dustin Serviss:

But if if you've got somebody that prompts you into imagination and visualization

Dustin Serviss:

and what does the future look like?

Dustin Serviss:

I think a lot of people are confused, me included sometimes, of where is the

Dustin Serviss:

orientation, where is the true North?

Dustin Serviss:

Because you get.

Dustin Serviss:

Not off track, but you just get, there's so many different things coming at you.

Dustin Serviss:

And so really spending that time and, it doesn't have to be deep meditation,

Dustin Serviss:

it can just be sitting down at a coffee shop with a piece of paper

Dustin Serviss:

once in a while and just phone off, just like what's interesting to me.

Dustin Serviss:

One of the concepts I talk about is being interesting to yourself.

Dustin Serviss:

And I think a lot of times we're trying to be interesting to other

Dustin Serviss:

people when, as you get mid career, it's I'm already successful.

Dustin Serviss:

I don't need to really prove that much anymore.

Dustin Serviss:

Now it's so then now what?

Dustin Serviss:

And that's a scary thought of okay, I got the money or I got cars or

Dustin Serviss:

whatever your kind of thing is, but what are the meaningful things?

Lucia Knight:


Lucia Knight:

And that sort of, is this it moment?

Lucia Knight:

I hear people experiencing that all the time.

Lucia Knight:

Yeah, so I'm earning well, I've got the things I want,

Lucia Knight:

my family seem happy enough.

Lucia Knight:

Figuring out what you want seems to be incredibly hard

Lucia Knight:

for people because we're not.

Lucia Knight:

Or, in our society so far, we're on a treadmill, often a heavy work

Lucia Knight:

treadmill, where we keep going and going.

Lucia Knight:

How do you help people just pause for a minute?

Lucia Knight:

Do they hit a trigger point where they have to pause or are

Lucia Knight:

they more proactive about it?

Dustin Serviss:

In my background is civil engineering so I'm very

Dustin Serviss:

much like numbers, logic first.

Dustin Serviss:

And then let myself free to imagine or certain things.

Dustin Serviss:

So one concept we use for people is called the spending accelerator.

Dustin Serviss:

So if you think of a successful mid career professional, they, again, the context

Dustin Serviss:

is this person that can save money and usually a fair bit of money, not, 5,

Dustin Serviss:

000 a year, they're going to save maybe more than 50, 000 a year they're saving.

Dustin Serviss:

And so you think of a conveyor belt, coming out of a machine.

Dustin Serviss:

So there's a machine and a conveyor belt coming out the back of it.

Dustin Serviss:


Dustin Serviss:

So every month call it a bucket, call it a bundle of cash comes out on the machine.

Dustin Serviss:

That's your income.

Dustin Serviss:

So as your income is going along the conveyor belt, there's

Dustin Serviss:

little things that are kicking off a little bit of your income.

Dustin Serviss:

So we're going to kick off, it's $10,000, say your income is $10,000, we're going to

Dustin Serviss:

kick off $5,000 for your living expenses, mortgage payment, car payment, groceries.

Dustin Serviss:

$5,000 kicked off.

Dustin Serviss:

So now there's a $5,000 pot going down the treadmill conveyor belt.

Dustin Serviss:

You pump off maybe a thousand or $2,000 for savings, like

Dustin Serviss:

emergency liquid savings.

Dustin Serviss:

Then you've got a little bit more gets kicked off for investments,

Dustin Serviss:

maybe crypto, you know, and that's a smaller amount than the investments.

Dustin Serviss:

Then you got some maybe to real estate and more of real estate as an investment So if

Dustin Serviss:

you've bought a piece of real estate and it negative cash flows, you know a little

Dustin Serviss:

bit But you're waiting to develop it or you're gonna, kick the renter out and get

Dustin Serviss:

a new renter for a higher rent Then you got to fund it maybe so a little bit to

Dustin Serviss:

that if it's built and architected, right?

Dustin Serviss:

There should be some money left at the end of the month falling off the end

Dustin Serviss:

of the conveyor belt And that money we purposely spend, as in that money

Dustin Serviss:

can be spent on whatever you want.

Dustin Serviss:

So alignment of spending with goals.

Dustin Serviss:

And then that spending accelerator also, if you're already in alignment and

Dustin Serviss:

there's still money falling off the end of the thing, that money can be put into

Dustin Serviss:

investments and the higher, highest risk.

Dustin Serviss:

So you're actually enjoying and celebrating making the money instead

Dustin Serviss:

of being, mindset when you're twenties and it's always a sacrifice.

Dustin Serviss:

And so you're never actually enjoying life.

Dustin Serviss:

So you get people save.

Dustin Serviss:

And then they get to 60.

Dustin Serviss:

They've got, a very small portfolio of memories.

Dustin Serviss:

Versus someone who along the lines has got less money, but they've got

Dustin Serviss:

a diverse portfolio, and it's a big portfolio of memories and experience.

Lucia Knight:


Lucia Knight:

What difference do you see when they do this earlier in their

Lucia Knight:

career or life versus later.

Dustin Serviss:

I think on a real global sense, you're giving a

Dustin Serviss:

person more confidence in life.

Dustin Serviss:

And so if you're biting off a sliver of something that seems like a big unknown or

Dustin Serviss:

uncertainty, and all of a sudden you give yourself clarity in that realm, that seems

Dustin Serviss:

complex, now your workouts get better.

Dustin Serviss:

Now your relationships get better.

Dustin Serviss:

Now, your relationship with your kids get better.

Dustin Serviss:

Cause it's oh, okay.

Dustin Serviss:

I did that.

Dustin Serviss:

And it's just everything's dominoes.

Dustin Serviss:

It's like people who, stop drinking, or whatever.

Dustin Serviss:

It's or you don't, you're not on a sugar diet and you're getting rid of that.

Dustin Serviss:

And everyone has their thing, but little things add up and start.

Dustin Serviss:

And, your overall life and lifestyle gets better.

Lucia Knight:

So the listeners at the moment may or may not Have thought

Lucia Knight:

about wealth planning in depth, but what one thing would you recommend

Lucia Knight:

to someone listening right now?

Lucia Knight:

What could they do that will start them on this amazing journey of redesigning

Lucia Knight:

their flexible life in the future.

Dustin Serviss:

Without being sort of biased, we do have tools

Dustin Serviss:

in the book, in our website with a course but really the courses.

Dustin Serviss:

It's five minute long modules.

Dustin Serviss:

So if you think of a pyramid, you want to think of three main things.

Dustin Serviss:

You're spending, which I already mentioned.

Dustin Serviss:

Your goals.

Dustin Serviss:

So where are you going and what are you curious about?

Dustin Serviss:


Dustin Serviss:

Then you're asset map, which is a picture of all your financial buckets.

Dustin Serviss:

So just write that down.

Dustin Serviss:

Doesn't have to be fancy.

Dustin Serviss:

It could be just a piece of paper.

Dustin Serviss:

If you did those three things, you would be ahead of probably like 40, 50 percent

Dustin Serviss:

of people because you see what you're dealing with, then the next layer up

Dustin Serviss:

from that would be managing your risks.

Dustin Serviss:

So between you and your goals, there's probably a timeline

Dustin Serviss:

that's going to happen.

Dustin Serviss:

So what could maybe knock you off that, and the main things are you die that

Dustin Serviss:

would affect your family and your spouse you get critically ill or disabled.

Dustin Serviss:

So what happens then and these are all tools that when you're

Dustin Serviss:

younger, you don't want to pay for it cause you're invincible.

Dustin Serviss:

But when you're mid career, it's Hey, 500 a month or 200 a month or whatever.

Dustin Serviss:

It's like irrelevant.

Dustin Serviss:

To the money that you're making.

Dustin Serviss:

So once the risk match accumulation is the next zone.

Dustin Serviss:

And we already talked about the spending accelerator in that regard.

Dustin Serviss:

And then again, top of the pyramid would be your, what you're teaching your kids.

Dustin Serviss:

Estate planning would be the more traditional term, but it's passing the

Dustin Serviss:

knowledge on to the kids and helping them understand some basic framework to

Dustin Serviss:

approach life from a place of offense.

Lucia Knight:


Lucia Knight:

Getting into this pyramid of personal understanding, what's

Lucia Knight:

going on, is where people start.

Lucia Knight:


Dustin Serviss:


Dustin Serviss:

Thank you so much for your time.

Dustin Serviss:

It's called the Life Clarity Summit.

Lucia Knight:

That's what all mid career professionals need to do.

Lucia Knight:


Lucia Knight:

If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy my Life Satisfaction Assessment.

Lucia Knight:

It's a 30 minute program where I guide you through a deep dive into 10 areas

Lucia Knight:

of your life to assess what's bringing you joy and what's bringing you down.

Lucia Knight:

I call it D Railed.

Lucia Knight:

It's a fabulous place to begin a joy at work redesign.



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