Matt Curry, who is diagnosed with A.D.D., successfully built Curry’s Auto Service and ultimately became one of the largest independent auto repair chains in the Washington, D.C. area with annual sales close to $20 Million. In 2013, he sold Curry’s to a publicly traded $1 billion corporation.
He has worked in the automotive aftermarket business for over 30 years. He started changing tires when he was 15 and worked his way into management, overseeing seven automotive stores for several different companies, doubling and tripling sales and profits at every store he managed.
Show Highlights:
Having A.D.D. gives me the opportunity to create unique solutions to problems. @matthybrid1I started my business with $103,000, $35,000 in loans and 13 credit cards and paid it all off in two years. @matthybrid1In the beginning, be prepared to do it all and anything you have to do to make it work. @matthybird1Hire people that compliment you the most and are good at what you’re not. @matthybird1Be tolerant of risk. When you jump to achieve any goal there will be risk involved. @matthybird1If you have expertise and a plan, you can achieve anything you want. @matthybird1Be blunt. Be respectful and kind, but always be blunt. @matthybird1You need to have policies and procedures that are scalable and repeatable in your business. @matthybird1It’s not always good news, but it’s always good information. @matthybird1Problem solving is the key to entrepreneurship. You will always have problem to solve. @matthybird1Empower your employees to be problem solvers. @matthybird1You get your best customers by how you solve their problems. @matthybird1
The Action Catalyst is a weekly podcast hosted by Dan Moore, President of Southwestern Advantage, the oldest direct-sales company in America, and Partner with Southwestern Consulting. With more than 45 years in sales leadership and marketing management, Dan has a wealth of knowledge to share on how to make better use of time to achieve life, sales, and other business goals. Each week, he interviews some of the nation’s top thought leaders and experts, sharing meaningful tips and advice. Subscribe on iTunes and please leave a rating and review!