Show Notes for The Aspiring Psychologist Podcast Episode: 4
The importance of Self-Compassion as an Aspiring Psychologist
Thank you for listening to the Aspiring Psychologist Podcast. Today I will be talking about how discovering and utilising the practice of self-compassion will lead to an all-round nicer experience as an aspiring psychologist.
The Highlights:
- Welcome: 00:30
- My history with compassion & Prof Paul Gilbert: 01:00
- Recommended books: 05:00
- Demand for Places: 09:00
- Mutual Exclusivity: 11:30
- Terms you’ll recognise from undergrad! 16:00
- Learning to Salsa – Badly! 17:00
- Compassion in Neuropsych 19:00
- Feed & Water yourself: 20:00
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