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Mastering Energetics, Personal Power, and Sustainable Success
Episode 18417th September 2024 • Amplified Impact • Amber Hagberg
00:00:00 00:24:41

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In this transformative episode, Amber dives deep into the journey of multi-passionate female entrepreneurs who are navigating the intersection of strategy and soulful embodiment. Amber shares personal stories of burnout, spiritual awakening, and realignment, this episode emphasizes the importance of balancing masculine strategies with feminine energetics. Tune in as we explore how to create a business that thrives sustainably—without sacrificing your joy, creativity, and life force. Whether you're seeking to scale your business, rediscover your passion, or unlock your personal power, this episode offers profound insights on how to build wealth from the inside out.


07:03 – Sustainable Strategy: Sticking to aligned strategies and content creation

07:45 – Success Without Strain: Achieving 20-40k months with ease

09:02 – Retreats and Rebirth: Leading retreats as a key to sustaining business

09:34 – Love for the Process: Nurturing and falling in love with your business journey

10:15 – Energetic Work: How thoughts and feelings block or open success

12:04 – Heart and Soul Connection: Sales come from deep, authentic connection

15:26 – Impact and Ripple Effect: Visionaries creating global movements

20:52 – Million Dollar Moves Masterclass: Free training on creating your unique strategy


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Amplified impact.


For multi passionate female entrepreneurs turning their gifts into assets, this is a space to open your heart even deeper as you learn how to tune into your mission and connect with your clients, the ones who you dream to serve and create massive impact in their lives.


I'm here to inspire you to take, take time for yourself so you can be the leader in your life and your business, one who stands out and thrives.


This is the place where women just like you create wealth from the inside out.


Because I went from not wanting to be alive, having no idea what my passion and my purpose was, to soul searching, discovering yoga, finding the deepest desire for impact and growth, my own growth, my own impact, the changes that I was making within myself.


Have you ever experienced like this huge transformation and then this part of you where you're like, wait a minute, I want to give this to others.


If I was here at one point in my life and now I am here, I can't not help but serve.


That's how this happened for me 14 years ago.


And as a newbie coach online, I accidentally found the coaching industry.


Anyone accidentally stumbled upon the coaching industry, like, what is this industry?


What can we do?


What's pop like?


Is that even possible?


I'd love to hear from you in the comments.


Like, what's your story?


How did you get into the coaching world?


How did you get into what it is that you do?


Because that is not an accident.


Your heart and your soul was divinely guided to do and to become everything that you've done in your life thus far.


Like there, there are no accidents.


Do you agree?


Like no accidents.


Everything that you've gone through, there was a reason, there was a purpose, something bigger at play here.


Because I know for me I have to get the bangs out of my hair.


I'm like, which side is that on?


I know for me, as a newbie coach, with this deep desire to change people's lives, I was so spiritual daily devoted practice to not just my physical body but my mental body, my emotional body, my energetic body, because I knew that's how I transformed my life.


It was the work I did on myself.


But with that deep desire to change people's lives, I was chasing strategy, I was hiring coaches, I was seeking following this lie, I was telling myself that someone was going to show me the way to get my business to work.


Have you ever felt that way?


Like I just need the strategy, I just need to know what to do that's going to get me here and I'll do it.


Have I ever felt that way because I was willing to do anything to get my business to work.


And then I found myself in a coaching program with a guy that helped me come up with an email sequence in a new masterclass.


And I left with, I help women lose weight through yoga.


And I was like, how did I get here?


I was helping women tap into their personal power, devote their lives to themselves, and becoming the best mother, wife and person, human being, loving themselves, devoting their life to who they were becoming.


And I left this coaching program like I needed something tangible to sell.


I love when we get those celebrations.


And it worked.


I served over 125 clients in my first year and a half.


But I was doing so many different strategies with so much different marketing and messaging, and none of it felt like me.


I was doing webinars and sales call, drawing traffic and ads, getting people on sales calls.


I would stop on the side of the road to take a sales call on the way to a waterfall.


I had eight calls on my calendar a day.


The strategy worked.


I juggled with all this different type of marketing and messaging because I was in the wrong field.


I went from spiritual devotion, becoming energetics to swinging all the way to the other side of the pendulum with bro marketing.


And I lost myself.


Ever lost yourself in your mission, your big mission?


And then I was burnt out, was tired, was exhausted.


I was questioning everything, and I lost the passion to my business, chasing the strategy.


And that's when I stopped completely selling the program.


I stopped the sales strategy, and I started over completely, a clean slate.


I let go of my multi six figure.


I had already made $240,000 in my business.


It was working financially, but longevity.


I was not happy with the way things were going.


You can will your way there, you can masculine strategy your way there.


You can do DM's, you can do cold calls, you can do overcoming objections, you can turn on ads, and you can do it in a very, very masculine way.


But what sparked me was the attraction, the embodiment, the energetics, the becoming of it.


And when I restarted my business from the ground up, I had a massive income dip, $60,000 from 100 to 150.


And I coasted there for some time, year and a half.


But I was in love with the strategy.


I fell in love with creating content and being the storyteller, being the artist, being the embodiment of the work.


And I just stuck to that strategy that was long standing, sustainable, something that I could continue to do again and again, no matter how long it worked.


Like, I don't know about you but I'm here to do this.


As long as it works.


I don't care how long it takes, I'm here for it.


Last year, I was able to three x 2020 one's revenue.


2020 three's revenue.


In the last eight months, I doubled last year's revenue.


Doing it my own way.


And it wasn't changing the strategy that I've been using since 2022, when I stopped everything that I was doing that was not in alignment, I just kept doing the same strategy that was really good in my body, that felt really aligned, and I did the same things every single day.


And now, without trying, without thinking about what to do, without even showing up, like, I gotta do it this way, which is living my every single day life, I sustain 20 to 40k cash months without even trying, with just being.


I became the strategy.


Once I owned what I was really, really good at and I knew what I could help my clients with, and I was really like, this is what they, the results that they get.


I really tapped into personal power through Kundalini practices, through meditation, through the mind, through the way I lived my life, living and leading by example.


And that was so powerful for me, to be able to lose almost everything in my business financially.


The only reason I was really making any money at all in my business was because I was leading retreats.


I still lead several retreats a year because there's nothing like in person.


Hint, if you're not coming in December to Costa Rica this year, get yourself a ticket.


We have a live event, a retreat.


That's the only reason that my business was really doing anything at all.


And then things just started to take off.


But it took time for me to till the garden, to plant the seed, to water it, to love it, to nurture it, and fall in love with the process.


That's what I really help my clients do, to fall in love with the process and make money easily just by the way in which you breathe, the way in which you live.


Like coming into the energetic body.


We have seven energy centers within the body.


And how we think and how we feel will either open or close these energy centers.


And we can literally, from the thoughts that we think, block ourselves from success.


And sometimes those blocks, we don't even know what they are.


Ancestral lineage, other people, something that we can't actually see with the conscious mind, which is why doing energetic work, somatic work, breath work, breathing, writing, journaling, doing the inner work, is the key to wild success.


Because sometimes you don't even have to know what the limiting belief is.


And you eliminate it through the power of sitting with yourself in your energy body, transmuting the energy to become more alive, where it doesn't mean that you need to do more, create more content, turn up the dial on your Facebook ads, create more funnels.


It just means that the power behind the content that you create, the emails that you sent out, the way that you walk in a room without saying a word, is a frequency, and that frequency is a magnet.


Now, I am not just an energetic embodiment like, woo, woo, think your way there.


I spent half a million dollars, a little less than that, on ads.


I have sales funnels galore.


I know exactly what to do and how to do it, to scale and grow my Instagram account from 9000 followers to 23,000 followers in a year and a half.


But not in a way that's like, I have a lot of followers and not a lot of sales.


I have a lot of followers, not a lot of engagement, but a lot of sales.


Engagement doesn't equal sales.


Heart and soul connection equals sales.


So what we do is we look at the relationships that you're building and the foundation of your business, starting with the root chakra, the very first center within the body.




We have to get out of survival.


And sometimes there's this block from survival of just like I need to pay the bills and old conditioning that we have of nine to five, I just need a job to pay these bills and I'm safe and I'm secure.


We all need a house, we all need money, we all need to be able to pay the bills.


But once we get out of these lower centers, there's an ascension that you become the frequency.


And this is Kundalini awakening from the I to the we.


And that's the power of doing the inner work.


You can learn the strategies all day long.


I tried them on.


Many of them work.


But I like to weave them both in.


Like, how the heck do we weave a baby?


I'm pregnant, four months pregnant right now.


I didn't do that alone.


But my body is the one creating the baby.


The masculine is the seed of the feminine is the energy where you don't do, you be?


And we see that with women that create life force.


It's like the man gives us the baby, the seed to create, and then the woman is the creation of it.


And so what we get to do is we get to be the creation of our heart's deepest desires.


Is this landing with you?


How does that feel in your body to know that you have the power to not just allow life to continue more and more human beings, but you have the power to create your life, your business, your success.


But like with me, the last thing I want you to do is to create a business that drains your life force.


Where you hit burnout, where it's like, why not just get a job if this is how you're going to feel in your business?


Where growing and scaling gets to be sexy and fun, playful and creative, where there gets to be so much joy in the process of it.


Have you ever tried to actually make a baby?


Like, what's the love making like when you're making a baby?


Let that be your business.


Let that be your life.


What are the things that you get to do because of the freedom of your business?


The more impact that you have on your own life, the bigger ripples that you make, the more impact that you have on other people's lives, the bigger waves you make.


I work with visionaries that tap into the desire, the vision, and then the co creation of the impact you've had on your life with the deep desire to give that to others, to do life together, and to let that be how you create wealth.


Insane amounts of money.


Money that, like, we literally can't even comprehend.


Because, like, before it was like, go to school for like eight years and become a doctor, a lawyer, a surgeon, to make really good money.


Now things are different.


Your life experience.


The wounds, the challenges, the struggles that you went through become the wisdom that turns into wealth when you learn how to share the transformation of being here and going all the way over here.


And the gap is the how you did it, who you became because of it, and sharing that process.


And then you make ripples in your life, you make waves in your community and together, globally.


We are changing consciousness, we are changing the vibration, we're changing what the lineage thinks and feels.


Every morning since coming into second trimester and I'm doing breath work and kundalini and energetic movement, knowing that there is a baby girl in my womb.


I'm so grateful for what we are doing together for the future.


Not just for our clients, but for our clients children's, children's children and the freedom that this work does on us.


No more binded by the old limiting beliefs that hold us back.


No more being binded by the what our parents parents did.


It's a new time.


And if you don't have friends that get you, if you don't have family members that get you, now's the time to collaborate in masterminds.


In person events, retreats, getting yourself in an actual room where people get you, because that's how another way we can collapse time quickly, seeing what's possible through other people's evidence.


And that's what you get to be.


You get to be the evidence for other people of what's possible when you grow for what you desire, the vision, the impact that it has on your life, the wisdom that you create from doing it.


The business strategy is easy.


That's why you can go onto YouTube or Instagram, Facebook groups and literally just learn any strategy.


But just like there's so many different weight loss techniques, diets, exercise routines, it's unique to you.


And the more you let yourself become the strategy, you let yourself become the evidence, the quicker that you will collapse time and create a life and a business that is unique in your own.


And that's not easy because there's no roadmap to doing it your way.


You get to create that roadmap and that's personal power.


That solar plexus energy spinning at your womb space.


And the fact that there is no one or nothing out there that can give you anything you desire but you is so liberating because you hold the power in your hands to create whatever it is you desire.


But it's the inner work of the thoughts, the feelings and the emotions that you allow to guide and direct everything that you do, think, say and be.


It's easy to say we want something.


It's not as easy to take big moves and grow for it.


This is the difference.


And if you're really ready to unlock and untap and dive deep into what the heck is possible for you, comment million below.


I'm doing a free masterclass.


Million dollar moves, entirely free.


What do you need to do to create your own unique strategy?


Who do you need to become?


I want to share with you how to get crystal clear on what it is you're good at, what would actually make you more money and get you the results that you desire and get your clients the results that they desire.


It's a win win for you and a win win for them.


Get clear on the thing that will stop you, like me abandoning the parts of yourself, of what other gurus say will work to ditch the their strategy and tap into me strategy and learn how to once and for all remove the phrase I wish I could and say I am.


Now when you act and you move like it's all here today and now everything changes.


And the life that you live and lead in six months from now, is going to be so far different from what it is today.


An entire free masterclass for you.


Just comment million below.


I'll share the link with you.


September Mountain standard time.


A zoom room with visionary entrepreneurs who have a big vision, ready to blow up the stage, create their own stage, get on other people's stages and really build a global movement through the becoming of the inner work that it takes.


The human never will disappear.


I don't care if you make $0 a month or a bajillion dollars a month, there will always be a human being inside of you.


Self mastery is not a shortcut.


It's a lifelong practice and one that is so rewarding when you can choose how you think, feel and are, every single day, in every single moment, a better leader, a better wife, a better mother, a better human, a better example.


And I know that this conversation is going to change the way true leaders, visionaries show up and pave the way.


That's real impact and the wealth that is going to come from that, the things that we'll do with the wealth that's created from that, it's going to be a conversation that is not forgotten.


So comment below.


Million I'll see you in just a couple weeks on the interwebs Internet.


I love you.




From Costa Rica, pura vida.


Oh, Ingrid, I love you.


I love you.


I love you.


I needed to hear this and I'm so glad that we got to share this space today together.


I miss you and if there's anything that I can tell you, meeting people in person will change your life.


We can follow each other on the Internet, we can cheer each other on.


But meeting at live events and at in person retreats which, like I said, reach out this December.


Hear for more live.


Come be in the jungle.


It's the.


It's a different type of business conversation, different business convert conference.


We're going to do inner child healing, Kundalini somatic dance practices, sisterhood connection.


Like, there's going to be tears, there's going to be laughter, there's going to be stories that shake you to your bones.


Get in person, because I just can't wait to hug Ingrid again.


Meeting her in California in June was literally such a gift because now I know who she is in the flesh and it brings so much power to the conversations that we have online.


So I'm so glad that you were here live and I can't wait to hear all of your takeaways.


I'll see you soon.





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