The Psychic Yellow Brick Road with Corbie Mitleid
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Interview Episode with Corbie Mitleid
[:Words are my drug of choice. I'm a writer. I can tell stories and I have been interested in history since I was a wee child in single digits. You put all that together and my two favorite tools are cards and doing past lives.
[: itleid has been reading since:I love that. And she doesn't believe in bad news. We have opportunities we can go after and challenges to get past, she says firmly. After dealing three times with breast cancer, I learned that firsthand. My job is to give you the tools and courage to deal with both situations. Everything else is free will, and up to you.
I love that. That's such a fun way of describing yourself.
[: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:I think Oracle decks are something a little bit newer, so I know I've run into people who are like, they're familiar with Tarot, but not the Oracles. So what's the difference between the, let's start right there. What's the difference between those?
[:The thing about Tarot is it's been around since Moses was in diapers, I mean forever. And when you've got something that's been there and it's the same shape and the same number of cards and the same suits, it has rules and regs that people get a little scared of.
Now, when you've been reading as long as I have, the rules and regs are a great place to start, but you start trusting your intuition. And if they wanna give you a left of set or message, you deliver it because you know there's a purpose.
The cards, the same thing about Tarot and Oracle cards, if you do it right, is they are merely doorways to get you through and get your intuition popping, saying you need to tell this person this.
It's one of the reasons I explain the allegory in tarot very, very often. Because look one of the things that I say to rookies is I have three rules and the third one is there are three cards that scare rookies, death, the devil, and the tower. If they come up, I'll tell you what they mean cuz it ain't that.
I'm going through my deck now to find it. Because when you understand the allegory, you then can not be scared of a card. You can take the energy that it is presenting you and use it usefully. That's the big key.
[: [:Think of it more like the imploding Sports Stadium card. Yankees wanna build a new stadium, they gotta blow up the old one first. Clear the ground to rebuild. So when the tower card comes up, that generally means there is something in your life that has to be deconstructed, swept away, gotten rid of. Whether it is laid off from a job, a relationship goes south.
Finances go bully. But it doesn't mean God is going, mmm, it means the universe is saying shift. So that's one. This one. Oh my God. People look at this and think, does that mean I'm gonna be hit by a bus on Tuesday? No.
[: [: [: [:Death of what was never you in the first place. And this is not Mr. Horn's in a Tale. It's not even Jack Nicholson in the Witches based way. It is being bedeviled by something someone, or some situation, or holding yourself back from your highest and best. Now, is that the absolute meaning you're going to find in every how to read Tarot book?
No, but it is how this deck in particular talks to me. It is the meaning that I have found most useful and most universal when those cards come up. That's why I have a rank as a certified Tarot master.
[: [: [:And I'll usually go kind of check if it's a new deck, particularly, you know, with the little booklet that comes with them. But it's so clear to me that it is just, oh, it's a way of focusing your attention, I wanna say, on something that needs, you know, your attention.
[: [: [:So this is my dead dog serious deck. If someone says, oh, they're scary, I want the angel deck. Well, yes, I've got an angel deck right here.
[: [: [: [: [:And so one of the things that I've been reading is one of your books, which is the Psychic Yellow Brick Road, which the humor in this is lovely. I love the humor of your writing. I have to say I love humor in all things. We can't take ourselves too seriously cuz the world is serious enough.
But you talk about how to find a psychic, a legit person who actually can do it. So can you just, first of all, maybe, because not all of our listeners really know what you mean by psychic, so if you could just kind of explain that to us first.
[:Readers can use anything. In fact, if you ever want to do this and the universe hands you your draft notice and says you're working for us, first thing it will do is it will go rifling through your file cabinet to find out what you're good at in the normal world. Me, theater major at Brown University and I acted in New York for years, so I understand character arts.
Words are my drug of choice. I'm a writer. I can tell stories and I have been interested in history since I was a wee child in single digits. You put all that together and my two favorite tools are cards and doing past lives because there could be another good past life reader, but they don't have my historical background.
You give us both the same vision. They would probably say it's a long skirt. It's a big picture hat. It's in front of something very ornates, probably Europe, old fashioned, maybe 19th century. I'm gonna look at that same thing and go hobble skirt, picture hat, that kind of ostrich feather. You're in front of the Brandenburg gates.
So this is Berlin in: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:But, it's interesting cuz I love to help people feel better and I, in stories and words, I call myself a word girl. So that's definitely your same wheelhouse. A psychic can be any of those things, right? It can be…
[: [: [: [: [:Let's do that. You gotta learn to be a good puppy kids. First thing you do is you going in your do you're walkies. That means you walk around and you look at everybody. You don't need to talk to them. You just get in. Then you have to get paper trained. What does that mean? That means we all have rack cards or brochures.
You pick up everything from anybody you think you'd possibly be interested in. Then you sit down and you read it. They're usually, you know, tables, booths, chairs. Wherever you can go through, you're going to find three or four people that go ding, and you're gonna go back to their booth. If they're not busy, talk to them.
If they are, talk to our front people. Now one warning about our front people. We hire them to say they love us. My very first front person was the magnificent Laura Bickerman. Laura was my husband's office manager at the museum he ran Monday through Friday.
She worked for me weekends. Do you think she's gonna dismiss his museum director?
Probably not. And I can say I'm wonderful and that doesn't count. You want to go for our testimonial books? We all have them. And if you're looking online, there should be some on their website. You need to look at, are we good? Are we funny? Are we accurate? Do we have specialties? Children, dogs, dead people? Were they comfortable and would they come back?
But the last thing you gotta do is check in at heart level. You are putting your hard-earned money on the table. If the psychic doesn't feel like they have a brain in their head, they really care about what they're doing or they're gonna give you good information, don't go there, no matter how cool the Wiki Woo looks on the table.
And if you're just looking for someone you know, Yellow Pages or someone recommended them, make sure you get some client references from them. If we're pros, guaranteed. We have at least a half a dozen people will say, oh yeah, give them my email and I'll be happy to give you a reference. Okay?
Because you need to make sure that you're not gonna get upsold on lots of extras, like blessed candles, cuz you have a curse. You have to make sure that they don't say the same thing all the time, things like that.
[: [:But the most important thing is if you feel uncomfortable, you get up and you leave, whether it's at a show or whether it's in their offices. If you are 70 and they say, of your four children, it's your youngest who will take care of you in the nursing home and your postmenopausal and childless, then connecting petunia.
I'm sorry. And Madam Hoja, you're not connecting. Can I have my money back please? And leave.
[: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:Number one. Her PR staff went out and looked at all the Wegmans on Long Island and chose one. Then they interviewed people and had them sign model releases. Then they rehearsed six times. But psychics who aren't professional, and by that I mean they understand ethics, et cetera, think that they have a right to walk up to you and give you a message.
You have a right to say, I'm sorry, I don't know you, and I don't want the message. And if they follow you and keep trying to give it, you get the manager and you say, I'm being harass.
[: [:Well, you know, the, the glurpy Purple Little Dancing Raccoons go, I know Reiki. I can pick that for you. And they come at you with your hands like this and you say, Excuse me. No, please don't, Don't really, I can, I don't like anybody touching me that I don't know. Just trust me. Back off. You're not very love and light, are you?
Well, you didn't listen to no.
[: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:They want you the client to go to the right person, even if it isn't us.
[: [:I'm fast. One of the fastest card readers you will ever meet. But if we only have 20 minutes, 30 minutes together, it is important when you sit down to say, this is what I wanna learn today. Because as fast as I am, I could go from A to F of your life encyclopedia, but if what you wanna know is down at M and I don't get there, you go, Oh, she didn't tell me anything.
[: [:Okay? I do encourage questions, but listen carefully. Don't keep saying, I don't think so. I don't think so. I don't think so, because what that does is that says la la la. I'm not listening in your six-year-old with your fingers and yours, okay? No, we're not going to be a hundred percent accurate. The only one a hundred percent accurate is God, and God is not doing psychic fairs this week.
You take what we've told you, you listen. Some of it is bang on some of it no, and some of it maybe, but you put the recording, you'll get from me away and come back to it in a couple of months. You work with the information, you expand it. If I say your daughter is really gonna need you at the end of the year, don't say she and I are estranged.
You don't know what if she is pregnant and then sudden infant death syndrome and her daughter dies at seven weeks old, she'll need her mother. So it doesn't mean that it'll be bad things. What if your daughter is a teenager and all of a sudden she's given a semester in Barcelona and she's never been away from home?
She's a little nervous. She comes to you for reassurance. So listen to what we say. Let the universe expand for you and act on the information in the most positive way possible.
[:So that, for me, that's just letting it come into the subconscious really. And then the other part is eventually it's gonna make sense and you gotta take action.
[: [: [:If someone comes to me with the age-old question, does Bruce love me? I will do five Tarot cards. Maisy Bruce, the relationship, what she needs to know and best possible outcome at this point. If she still goes, I don't know what to do, then I'll pull my three threes, three cards for status quo. She just kind of bumbles along three cards for the Come to Jesus meeting where it's serious gambling and three cards for hostile abide by.
It's been nice. I'll send you postcard, but she's gone.
[: [:Then my reader's turbine comes off. My reverend collar goes on, and I will counsel her about leaving because you don't leave someone in a situation where they are being physically and emotionally badly harmed.
[: [: [:And it's taken me a lot longer to get where I am because I didn't do that.
[: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:So those two.
[: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:So he's one of those.
[: [: [: [: [: [:But my motto is lifted right from Robert Highland's Book, Time Enough for Love, in life, moderation is for monks. Take big bites.
[: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [: [:Thank you so much for joining us today on Curiously Wise If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe so you don't miss future fabulous conversations. And if you had any ahas, please share them in a review on Apple Podcasts so we can continue to pay forward the unique wisdom we all have.
If you want to know more about me or my intuitive energy healing practice Heartlight wellness, please head over to my website.
Curiously Wise is a team effort. I am grateful for the skill and enthusiasm. Arlene Membrot, our producer, and Sam Wittig, our audio engineer, bring to this collaboration. Our music is Where the Light Is by Lemon Music Studio.
I'm Laurin Wittig. Please join me again next week for another episode of Curiously Wise. From my heart to yours, may your life be filled with love, light, joy, and of course, curiosity.