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Using Quantum Reality for Success – John Jay McKey
Episode 2628th September 2023 • Faith Based Business Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 01:00:50

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Using Quantum Reality for Success

John Jay McKey

What is success?  Many people may define it financially, others politically. Still others as contentment. But – what is it really?

If you are like about 100% of the other people in this world, you’ve had plans go awry. You’ve had some major setbacks. You’ve had things turn out completely different from your goals were going in!

Is this because you did something wrong? Is this because the world was stacking the odds against you?  Not all the time – no.

So, how do we define success?  To answer that question, our guest today says that “great personal growth only comes as a result of great challenge in our lives.”

For 28 years John Jay McKey has been a student of success, building and leading data analysis teams at a Big Four firm, with a Fortune 100 corporation, and also at the Office of Inspector General in Washington, DC. While commuting from Chicago to Washington D.C. to work for the OIG, Jay had an epiphany that uncovered the underpinning of all success.

This epiphany then led to the writing of his book. Leverage the Field for Success: Using Quantum Reality to Succeed in the Corporate World,” which details how to use the core dynamics of the quantum energy field (expansion and balance) to achieve higher levels of success.

This is going to be a truly interesting interview for sure!  Help me welcome to the program, John Jay McKey!  John, thank you for taking the time to come on the program and share with us today. I do appreciate it!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is John Jay McKey?”

I’ve heard of “Quantum Mechanics,” “Quantum Physics,” but what is the “Quantum Field” to which you are referring?

You actually use modern scientific breakthroughs in Quantum Physics, etc. to prove the existence of this “field” you are referring to. 

You define the Quantum Field’s core dynamics as “Expansion and Balance.” Can you explain that for us?

How does these three things, “The Field; Expansion and Balance” relate to spirituality as a whole and to the Christian Faith in particular?

You say the “only constant in the world is change.” Based upon what we just talked about with “The Field, Expansion and Balance,” if change is the constant – would you define the other three as variables in this equation?

Let me see if I got this right… basically, life throws us lemons to see if we will make lemonade?” 

You asked, prior to the recording, if there was a time in my life where everything was turned upside down, but ended up being one of the biggest turning points in my life…

Let me define that time for you…

My life long goal of a military career was suddenly snatched away from me, with almost no notice, when I did not make the Captain Selection Board’s list back in 1989.

No plans. No back up plan. I was 100% committed to the Army (and my record showed it). But, I had 10 days’ notice that my lifelong dream was over due to the “Reduction in Force” which took place in 1989, starting with the officer corps.

It took me a good 12 years of bouncing around to get over that. But, I became a police officer and excelled in that until my retirement (and my calling into media ministry – which is another story all unto itself).

Looking back, IF I would have been promoted, I would have, more than likely, been in charge of a Cavalry unit in Desert Storm in 1991.  Only the Lord knows what would have happened to me… Looking back now, I see it as His Plan to protect me for what I’m doing now…ministry.

Is this what you are talking about in your book?

I also took your quiz on your website and emailed you the results…

Can you go over the results for us, here on the interview, so our listeners can hear how the “Quantum Field for Success” works – especially in the business or corporate world?

What do you hope to accomplish with this book?

John, this has truly been an interesting conversation. Your book sounds like something everyone needs to get into their hands. How can someone obtain a copy of your book? Is it on Amazon?

If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or receive more information or possibly to do an interview such as this… how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the shown notes below…

Folks, as believers, we know God is control. Despite our best efforts sometimes to control things ourself – God is ultimately in control. Amen! 

But, just as he created the universe and all that is… he created “Quantum” everything!  Physics, math, even the “Quantum Field” as described by John Jay McKey. Amen!

In this book, John actually provides the pragmatic “how to’s” of using “the Field” to better your career advantages. Whether that means defining stronger progress in an individual career, or raising the bar for an entire team or business that you are in charge of. You can find something in here that is going to help you. Amen!

What John is bringing to the table is a way for you to conceptualize and “tap into” the “Field” (as he calls it) to help you learn things and grow BEYOND what you thought was possible! 

I urge you to drop down into the show notes and reach out to John. Go to his website and take the quiz. Read over the results and see if that does not match up with “you!” Amen!

Be sure to order his great book, “Leverage the Field for Success: Using Quantum Reality to Succeed in the Corporate World.” Amen!

Just click the links right there and do this now – while you are thinking about it…

Remember, the “Field” has brought you across this podcast for “such a time a this.” Amen! Take advantage of it right now. Glory to God. 

You never know how God is going to use this to take you to the next level – where He wanted you to be all along! Amen!

John, thank you for taking the time to come on the program today and talk about all of this and about your great book. I do appreciate it!

Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For John Jay McKey and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!




Book:  “Leverage the Field for Success: Using Quantum Reality to Succeed in the Corporate World” – on Amazon

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