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Meet Mary Veatch
Episode 623rd February 2023 • Ladies In the Lead... She Stock Shows! • Joan Garner
00:00:00 00:51:08

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In this week's episode we meet Mary Veatch! Someone who leads by example, makes herself "present", and calls herself a lucky penny! Nominated to me, not once but three times, I knew I had to talk to her. Can I say, "I loved it!"

As the foundation couple in developing the 13 county regional show, Best of the Best, Mary has been a "present face" in fundraising, recruiting and manager of the details. Mary is working hard to give these kids, "one more show" to get too. Mary and her husband Rob, have spent their lives supporting and building opportunities for Stock Show kids.

Mary's day job keeps her busy in the Extension office of Iowa County. 17 years she's been there, coaching and encouraging families to "Make the best better." What's she's most proud of though is her family. Commuting each weekend to be a cattle producer in Bloomfield, IA, she talks about how the family comes together to make it work. The memories, the fun, the struggles, how it's all worth it when you do it together.

She surrounds herself with good people, works hard, and has stayed true to herself. An avid Stock Show junkie, you'll always find her on the top row, steer side, at the State Fair. I'm been blessed to have spent a few hours with her in that row too, so from now on save me a seat... Ladies in the Lead meet Mary Veatch!




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