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19: Better Late Than Early
Episode 1922nd July 2020 • Homeschool Made Simple • Homeschool Made Simple
00:00:00 00:26:53

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The phrase "Better Late Than Early" coined by Dr. Raymond Moore and Dorothy Moore, changed the course of education in America. book they wrote in 1975. I first heard the Moores on Focus on the Family, and it was basically the launch of the homeschool movement in America.

Unfortunately, we have never had more reading failure and learning disabilities in our country, and we have never taught our children to read, write, and do arithmetic as early as they do now. In Dr. Moore's research, he found that there was not one reputable study to support the start of early education and that there was actually the ability for early learning to cause harm.

In this episode, I share from the Moore's book, "Better Late Than Early".

You'll hear:
- Why we need to look at the facts instead of the neighbors.
- The question to ask yourself each day to guide your parenting.
- The socialization our children really need.
- How kindergarten has become the new first grade.
- Why attachment plays a part in effective education.
- The stimulus of children's development and how to raise a lifelong learner.

Better Late than Early looks like waiting until a child is 8-9 years old to teach them to read. Reading incorporates all the the senses. Waiting for readiness means the experience of learning to read can be painless and enjoyable, because as John Saxon taught us, "We're good at what we like, and we like what we're good at." 

Click HERE to listen to that original Focus on the Family broadcast with the Moores.

Click HERE for more on the Gesell Institute of Child Development. 

Visit the website to learn more about my literature based approach to education! 

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