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What's so Funny About Depression? | Frank King | Ep 11
Episode 1118th May 2021 • The Brodhisattva Podcast • Enoch Daniel
00:00:00 01:19:27

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In 2019, 12 million Americans considered suicide. 3.5 million made a plan. 1.4 million attempted suicide. And 47,500 Americans died by suicide, making it the 10th leading cause of death. By the time you finish listening to this podcast, 7 Americans will have killed themselves.

None of that is funny, but Frank King is hilarious even when he's talking about suicide. He's been doing standup since he was a kid. He's been in show business for decades and was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years. He has given 5 TEDx Talks with a 6th on the way. You should look him up on YouTube; he's great. And if you have a dream of giving your own TEDx talk, he can help coach you and make that dream a reality. 

He has evolved from a comedian who speaks into a speaker who is funny. And along the way, he has found his "why." His purpose. Sometimes his very reason for getting up in the morning. That "why" is the connections he makes when he shares his personal journey with depression and suicide. He quite literally lives for the moments when he can let someone else know that they are not alone. 

This conversation was a blast. The Bros and Frank talk about comedy, mental health, depression, suicidal ideation, wildfires, cats, hallucinogens, heart attacks, self care, diet, exercise, and the most inappropriate song to play for a suicidal person! It's a serious topic but also a lot of fun. 

You can find Frank on: 

And PLEASE if you or someone else needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 

1-800-273-8255 (TALK). 

There's someone there to take your call 24 hours a day. You can even text.

Frank's Book Recommendations:

Other People and Things Mentioned:


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