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Welcome to Lighten Up and unstuck your what the fuck
Episode 124th March 2022 • The Trifecta of Joy • Tanya Gill
00:00:00 00:10:08

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Welcome to Lighten Up and unstuck your what the fuck. This is a brief introduction to why I am here, and what you can look forward to as we venture into the world of life’s stickiest. You know you deserve to get real about what is real in your life, and this is the place to do it! Let’s get started!

About the Host:

Tanya is your no-bs friend, teacher, social worker, and life coach! Her life has been many wtf moments including becoming a widow, struggling with weight and body image issues, dating after loss, single parenting, remarriage, and blending families. She is joyfully married to her second soul mate, the parent of 4 incredible kids (one of whom is LGBTQ2S+), and the momma to a sheepadoodle named Walter. As a speaker, writer, and coach, Tanya steps into her life’s purpose daily – to INSPIRE HOPE.

Get in touch with her at to share your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, or just to say hi! 

And follow the fun and inspiration on Instagram and Facebook!

Hugs, Hip Bumps, and Go ahead and SHINE!

Xo Tanya

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Tanya Gill:

Hi friend, I'm Tanya Gill Welcome to Lighten Up and Unstuck Your What the Fuck. Together we explore the ways through life's stickiest moments, and how to live with more peace, joy, love and gratitude. We're going to talk honestly about what isn't easy so you can discover the light within you that will carry you forward. My friend, this podcast is about you in real life, your body, mind and soul, and the opportunity to not only live your best, but shine, doing it

Tanya Gill:

Welcome, welcome, welcome friends to lighten up and unstuck your What the fuck? Episode One, I could not be more grateful that you are here with me in this moment listening to Episode One. Lighten up and unstuck. You're what the fuck has kind of been the culmination of 47 years of life, I guess. You know, it's funny how sometimes you can actually step into the moment where I am right now actually, and and realize that everything that has happened, has brought me to now. And you know, in my case, it really has been stepping through a lot of what the f moments. The lighten up part is about finding the joy and the grace and the ease and the gratitude and the way forward. So that you can still live the best life that you can. We get one shot at life, and it might as well be the best. And I know that right now there are a lot of people in this world who are feeling stuck, and who are have experienced more what the eff moments in the past couple of years than they ever imagined could happen in a lifetime. And you know, finding that way forward isn't easy. It means stepping into those fears. It means surrender. And it means realizing that there is a way forward. My biggest What the f moment was when my first husband passed away suddenly on a family vacation in Mexico. We were there with our four year old son and our eight month old son. And this was the first trip that we had done we actually had referred to it as our family honeymoon. Because we were just so responsible that we were saving for countertops and renovations stuff and trying to pay down a mortgage and of course had young kidsand that vacation turned into a nightmare when he drowned I'll get into the details of that a little bit more in a future episode.

Tanya Gill:

But what I want to share with you right now is that that was unquestionably my biggest WHAT THE FUCK moment. And it was horrific. But in no way do I want to minimize that you're What the f moments aren't just as important and just as impactful when what the facts happen, because they do because that's part of life. We're invited to step into facing our fears. And trying to find a way forward and oh my god, my friend, finding the way forward can feel so fucking complicated and hard. And yes, there's so much uncertainty. And that's partly why this podcast is here. I want to talk about ways forward I want to talk about self awareness and I want to invite you into a space of loving yourself as a means of moving through those What if moments with more ease, grace and peace because God knows there's not enough of that for each of us right now. And it has to Start with us, it's the only place that can. And if you're like me an empath and a helper, you're probably in that space of being in service to a hell of a lot of people, and potentially putting yourself last on that list. Which, by the way, makes those What the eff moments even harder, because you're so fucking depleted. And when those things happen, you step into those spaces. I know I have many times of like I said before incredible fear. In my case, my fear was, how the hell do I move forward and show these kids that even in the darkest moments, we can find light. He died in the morning, and that night before I even had an opportunity to go back and see my children, I went to the beach by myself. And I'm not a religious person. But I'm very spiritual. And I asked the universe for help. And I asked the universe to show me a way to live forward with grace and gratitude and joy. And I'll be honest, I thought, Holy fuck, I don't even think it's possible. But there, there has to be a way. This can't be the end. And it wasn't, but it wasn't easy.

Tanya Gill:

And you know, like, solo parenting is a entirely different ballgame. And an in it, trying to stay connected with who I was, was a really big challenge. Since that day, when my first husband died 14 years ago. I've had so many incredible lessons. I've made so many incredible and I'll just call them what they are mistakes. Holy shit, have there been adventures. And oh my goodness, the opportunities for growth in those really sticky moments have been there. Now let me be clear, when I say growth, I do mean that there are some crazy stories. And you know what I will honestly say I put myself in some situations I'm not super proud of, but it happens. And so this show my friends is about really being real about all of the craziness that life is and learning how to embrace it as it happens with more awareness of yourself. Because really at the end of the day, all you have is yourself. I am excited to invite you on this beautiful journey with this podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in for Episode one and I love you as you are be well my friend. Take gentle care

Tanya Gill:

thanks for joining me today my friend. If you're struggling through your own with the tough moments and are ready for a more heart centered and loving way forward. It is within you it's time for a self love adventure. Head on over to perfectlyimperfect.WTF for everything you need, including an amazing community, the collective beautiful humans on the scene self love adventure. If what you heard today spoke to you, please leave some love with a review. And don't forget to share this with a friend or 10 I hope to see you on the inside




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