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Unveiling the Future of Mackinac Island Ferries: A Conversation with the Hoffman Family
Episode 337th October 2024 • Totally Mackinac Island • Heather
00:00:00 00:35:04

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The episode features an in-depth conversation about the recent transition in ferry services to Mackinac Island, highlighting the Hoffman Family of Companies' acquisition of both Shepler's and Arnold Transit (formerly MIFC). Host Heather speaks with Jenny from the Hoffman family, who shares insights into the company's commitment to maintaining high safety standards and enhancing the ferry experience for travelers. With Shepler's stepping in during the MIFC maintenance issues, listeners will learn about the plans for both ferry lines moving forward, including the rebranding of Arnold Transit and the integration of Sip n Sail Cruises. Jenny emphasizes the importance of community connection and the dedication of the Hoffman family to preserving the unique charm of Mackinac Island. The episode also touches on the challenges and successes faced during the peak travel season, ensuring that safety and service remain top priorities for visitors.



Located on the crystal blue waters of Lake Huron lies Mackinac island.


She is tucked in between Michigan's upper and lower peninsulas.


Indulge me as I share all the ins and outs of the place that stole my heart.

Speaker B:

This is totally Mackinac Islandhouse.


Hello and welcome to Totally Mackinac island podcast.


I am your host, Heather.


I hope everyone is doing well.


We are into fall, folks.


It is here and I cannot wait.


I love fall.


It is my favorite time of year.


We are beyond excited to be heading to Stonecliff this week.


I have to say they have been super accommodating even before we have arrived there.


So beyond excited to be doing that.


But what I wanted to share with you guys this week is a very exciting episode.


As many of you know, back in the summer, earlier this summer, it was made aware that Starline Ferries Mackinac Island Ferry Company, excuse me, I still call it Starline, but Smackinac Island Ferry Company was purchased by the same family that owned Shepler's.


And one of the things that was brought out was the boats were going to be pulled in because of safety.




So in doing some research, I decided to reach out to the Hoffman family of companies to see if they could come on and discuss some more information with you.


To go with understanding what is being done, what it holds for the future.


And they were wonderful.


They got back to me and I secured an interview with Jenny.


And she is going to go in and discuss everything about what is going to be the future for Shepler's now.


And now back to the Og of the Arnold Ferry company and sipping sale cruises.


So I'll let Jenny take it away.

Speaker B:

Today we are joined with Jenny from the Hoffman family of companies.

Speaker B:

And Jenny, I want to thank you for joining us.

Speaker B:

Let's share with the listeners a bit about the Hoffman family of companies, if you will.


So the Hoffman family of companies is a family run multi vertical company operation and investment firm.


They have about eight sectors from everything from agriculture, real estate.


Marine hospitality is another big one.


And they basically provide capital and work across businesses to share support, insights and opportunities, and best practices.


The thing I was most impressed about most with the Hoffman family companies is they buy good businesses with good leaders.


And how do we take that and expand upon it and give you the resources to be able to grow?


And so that's really what they do.


And it was founded by Dave and Jerry Hoffman, husband and wife, who have been together since they were in high school.


And his story, just real short, is he is self made.


He was a milkman with his father growing up.


His first business was a golf course that he bought in his hometown of, in Missouri there.


And then he founded DHR, which is the number one private executive search firm in the United States.


So basically, they hire mid to senior level management coaches, like Florida State football coach, and that's how they grew their business and, you know, had a lot of capital and then decided, let's invest this in other businesses and grow our family vertical.


And so that's kind of their story.


And how we became in the Hoffman.

Speaker B:

Oh, that's really interesting.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I mean, your website does have a lot of valuable information on there, but I think it's great to hear it from that point and for the listener to get that.

Speaker B:

And as you mentioned, there's different parts of the business.

Speaker B:

And today what we're going to talk about is the marine side.

Speaker B:

So what exactly does that include for Mackinac?


Yeah, absolutely.


So our marine vertical is what I oversee.


And we have 46 boats in seven states across the United States.


And so specifically in Mackinac about two years ago is when we acquired Shepler's ferry service.


And when I was out there, we noticed sip n sail.


And so then we partnered with Sip and sail earlier this year, and then at the end of June is when we acquired McEnhauer Ferry company, now known as Arnold Transit.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And how exactly did the Hoffman family get involved with Mackinac?




s a couple years ago, back in:


So because we had such a presence in the marine space, we were approached directly from a broker to look at the opportunity.


And not only did we fall in love with Shepler's team, you know, such a world class operation that they run there, but we fell in love with Mackinac island as a destination.


It's such a special, special place, and, like, we truly feel, like, so fortunate to be a part of it.


And it was like I just said on that visit to check out Shepler's where we learned about sip n sail.


And I started, you know, contacting Veronica and Andrew and be like, hey, this boat, like, really fits into what we do.


And started those conversations there.


But, you know, I'll say the Hoffmans are Midwest, from the Midwest Chicago area.


Myself, I'm from Wisconsin.


So we all knew of Mackinac, but really never got to spend a, I mean, a lot of time there.


And we're just blown away with, with everything about the island.

Speaker B:

Right, right.

Speaker B:

Because the majority of your business is based out in Florida, am I correct?


Headquarters are.


But we only have two boats in Florida, so.


Well, three boats and a marina side of it.


But, yeah, we're very diversified around the US.

Speaker B:

That's great.

Speaker B:

I know, because I think for some people, if they're not familiar with Mackinac, you know, it's always something a little bit different with it, and especially finding out, and then when you go there, it's a whole different experience.

Speaker B:

And, of course, starting with Shepler's, this purchase was made.

Speaker B:

What are some of the changes that you've put into with this ferry company?




So Shepler's, I mean, Chris and Billy, the family that have run that business with their entire family and their team, or cast members, as they like to call them, are world class.


They, when we, like, arrived and we saw their operation, we're like, we don't have to do anything because they just literally run an amazing, amazing business.


So really, the only thing we've had to do for them is just provide support and resources and capital to continue to maintain the boats to the standards that they've always have been and ensuring that we're just providing that so that they can continue to operate.


They wait that they have.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, they really do.

Speaker B:

Because if you go, if you have anybody has taken either one of the ferries, there is.

Speaker B:

And nothing to disregard the other.

Speaker B:

But there is a difference.

Speaker B:

There is a difference with how the fairies are and what they offer with some of the stuff.

Speaker B:

So in June, it was brought to everyone's attention.

Speaker B:

The Mackinac Island Ferry company was purchased from you as well.

Speaker B:

So can you go into a bit about this purchase for the listeners?


Yeah, in, typically, when we buy businesses, we look for, like, bolt on acquisitions, we call it in our family of businesses.


And it's a, you know, businesses in the same space that we're in.


Do what you do and do it well, and so.


And how do you make things more efficient?


And so, naturally, when we had acquired Shepler's and we knew we were in talks with sip n sail, what is the leftover marine business out there?


And it's the other ferry service.


And we had been talking to them for a while and finally felt like, you know, we had come to a good spot with the shareholders and that this was the time to now that we had been in with Shepler's for two years, felt comfortable with the area and how things operate, and that it was a good time to, you know, make that transaction happen.

Speaker B:

Right, right.

Speaker B:

And as somebody who is not up there all the time, you're just seeing parts of what is being set out there.

Speaker B:

And so I think it was important for me to want to come on and share with the listeners what exactly this was, because I think that there was a lot of questions, there was a lot of rumors going around, and I just wanted to kind of squash that and be like, no, this is what exactly happened.

Speaker B:

And so once MIFC was purchased, it was made public that not all the ferries would be running due to maintenance repairs, but a few were still running, but then they were pulled as well.

Speaker B:

And, of course, I do have to applaud you guys for recognizing the need to make these as safe as possible.

Speaker B:

And when this was going on, were you in constant conversation with sheplers and what the game plan was going to be?




Thank you.


And thank you for your kind words.


You know, about that.


It was the most difficult decision for all of us.

Speaker B:

I don't envy you at all for that.




But we do hold ourselves to a very high standard, and we don't ever want to put not only our crew, who are our family, but passengers at risk, ever.


And when we see something unsafe or something not up to the standard that not only us nor the coast guard are comfortable with, we had no choice but to do that.


And it was extremely difficult because, obviously, we're in the busiest time of the year.


And so, I mean, I was.


I was up there, and so Chris and I work together on a daily basis, and so we could see this start happening.


You know, it's fine.


When it was one boat, and it was fine, it was two boats, but it was getting to the point, too, where it wasn't fair to customers.




And then people are standing in long lines and they're on the dock, and.


And now it's not the other ferry company anymore.


This all us, and it's our responsibility, and how do we make that better?


And, you know, it was one day where Chris and I just looked at each other and we're like, we have to do something.


We have to do it now.


And we immediately grabbed those shepler's tickets, and we walked over to the Mfic docs, too, and, like, just take that.


I'm taking your ticket, and you take this.


And you don't have to worry about exchanging or refunding or just take it.


Just take it and get on a boat.


And, um, you know, then Shepler's team just kudos again.


I cannot say enough amazing things about their team.


And they just started running every 15 minutes, and from that point on, they ran every 15 minutes all day long, every single day through the end of season.


And to accommodate that and, you know, luckily, too, again, Shepler's, Shepler's was involved knowing that this purchase was going to happen.


And we had already been talking about efficiencies and what can the ferry business hold and how many passengers are going in, like, can we do this, you know, and still do it?

Speaker B:

Well, right.

Speaker B:

And I will say this, like, people did reach out to me and they're like, you know, we did have to wait, but they felt that it was run very smoothly, like, even still.

Speaker B:

And, you know, and I kept emphasizing to people every week, listen, you've got to remember they are behind, so if you're going there, know that you're going to have to wait.

Speaker B:

So, you know, bring something to do it.

Speaker B:

Just, they can only do so much.

Speaker B:

And I, for the staff to have to step in there as well on top of that.

Speaker B:

But I never, people said that they were so gracious that they were so accommodating that, you know, and the, the other thing is, too, I mean, you, the safety was such a big concern with some of that, too, because, again, rumors that would be out there is that they're like, this shouldn't have been even, some of them shouldn't even have been in the water from the get go.

Speaker B:

So, I mean, that's right.

Speaker B:

There says a lot.






And that's, again, like, when it became our responsibility, we have to do it the way we know.


And it was difficult, but it also, doing it earlier gives us time to get those boats to the condition that they should be in to be able to operate.


And that's what we're so excited for next season.


And I also have to do a little shout out.


Like, you know, it was with the staff.


You know, they've always been competitors, and we were able to kind of bring them together.


And I'm sure people saw, too, there was a handful of McNally Ferry company employees that went over to Scheffler's or we had their ticket sellers in their booths and being able to, like, help make it easier for customers.


And so that as a family of companies, was nice to see that kind of conjoining.


And we're not competitors anymore.


And how do we work together to bring people to and from the island.

Speaker B:

For sure, because that's, at the end of the day, that's the ultimate goal.

Speaker B:

Like, we, everybody's trying to get over there.

Speaker B:

You know, that's, that's what we have to do.

Speaker B:

And so at what date did Shepler's take over all of the ferry routes?

Speaker B:

What was that again?


So August 19 was the day that we took over.

Speaker B:

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker B:

I mean, not that you would have wanted it, but I mean, it's, you were still in that complete peak season.

Speaker B:

I mean, that is, that is crazy.

Speaker B:

And now I do have to say this.

Speaker B:

Like, when I've gotten on your, the Hoffman family's website, and it takes you right to the Shepler's website, and it tells you that all MIFC tickets are honored and that you can save money on Shepler's by pre purchasing your ticket ahead of time.

Speaker B:

Are there any other deals that the listener should look out for that you can tell them?


You know, I think the biggest thing with that is that, you know, some people, if you had an MFIC ticket, we were just trading them in.


So the ticket boosts had a little bit longer lines at that time.


So we were encouraging people, if you were a new ticket, buy it online right then and there, and you can save that online also has the discount.

Speaker B:



So it makes it a little bit better, too.


Um, I think we're through that craziness that now it's, it's a little bit smoother.


Um, so, yeah, I think we're good there now.

Speaker B:

Good, good.

Speaker B:

And at this point, I mean, Starline, MIFC, like, that's completely shut down.

Speaker B:

There's not, people can't go there, buy tickets.

Speaker B:

It's all going through Shepler's, correct.




So we just went in front of council this, this week to talk about the winter service plan.


Um, and so we're actively, the new website should be up towards the end of this month where then it will be back to separate websites where people can purchase, like, the winter service tickets.


And so we'll have that back going here shortly.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And, you know, again, Shepler's, they've done a phenomenal job stuck stepping in like that.

Speaker B:

Have they seen some of the lines lighten up now that it's gotten to be off season?


Yeah, absolutely.


And thank you again for saying that, because they did do a phenomenal job.


You know, there were some busy weekends, and we learned ways to kind of mitigate those lines and help control.


I mean, the city of Mackinnell island and the police department and the council were so great in supporting us in that and kind of, you know, making it better as we go.


But lines have definitely lightened up now and getting ready for the end of this season and starting up winter service, which starts on November 1.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, yeah, we head up there actually next week.

Speaker B:

So yeah, I'll be getting my tickets ahead of time.

Speaker B:

And for the listener to know now that MIFC is now Arnold transit again.

Speaker B:

And can you share how that came to be back?

Speaker B:

Because Arnold is what I know.

Speaker B:

Like the OG back in the day when I used to go there.


Yeah, yeah, you're right.


So we knew, you know, there was both ferry companies carried a lot of people, and people chose what line they wanted to run for a reason.




And we knew that it was important to keep some differences between the two.


But we also knew after everything that went on, that there was already confusion between, is it Starlin, is it McIntyre Ferry company?


They were still in that branding transition with everything that happened.


Being a family of companies.


You know, in talking with Veronica a lot, obviously she became very close with our family.


When we purchased Sip and sale, you know, she kept just kind of reiterating like, Arnold, Arnold, Arnold.


It was original line, like, you're a family of companies.


That was a family run business.


And then when we partnered with her and Dan Musser and Bill Carmody and Bob Brown, you know, in taking the helm, they were so excited to bring that back to the island too.


And seeing that passion, we knew, like that was the right move.


And it showed our commitment, I hope, to from the Hoffman family of companies to the history of the island and kind of how we want to ingrain our family in there too, that we're not just a big capital firm.


We actually are a family of companies that invest and like to live, work, and play in the communities that we do business in.


And so we kind of felt like that was a natural fit.

Speaker B:

Oh, 100%, yeah.

Speaker B:

I had Veronica on the podcast before to talk about the sip and sale, and she's wonderful and so, so excited that she's back with that.

Speaker B:

And when I read that, it just, it made me so happy because of her connections with the island.

Speaker B:

You know, that's, as you have probably seen, that's very important on the island.

Speaker B:

Family connections, huge part of that.

Speaker B:

So will the mighty Huron be the only fairy gain for the winter?

Speaker B:

And are you hoping to have that out November 1?

Speaker B:

Is that the one you're hoping to.


What we went to council with that I believe, you know, we had strong support.


And we're finalizing all the details of that is because of the condition some of these boats were in, we are going to have Shepler's run the first month of winter service.


So they would be running out of their docks, their heated boats in St.


Ignace for that first month.


So from November 1 to November 30, and then starting December 1 is where we submitted to the council a couple of boats, the Huron, the Ottawa, the straits.


So for those busy times, maybe we can run two boats and having backup boats and just ensuring that all the boats are safe and ready to go.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And this is something that I learned when all of this started happening that people put out there, and I didn't know this.

Speaker B:

Everything that you do for the ferry company has to be approved by the Mackinac council, doesn't it?

Speaker B:

Like, you guys just can't go in there.

Speaker B:

And I don't think people knew that because something that people were really concerned about that they were saying was a monopoly.

Speaker B:

And I'm like, this is not like that because you guys aren't going in there with that.

Speaker B:

The Mackinaw city council has to approve everything.


Yes, absolutely.


We go in front of them for everything, and anytime we need to make a change to our license agreement, it all has to be approved by them.


And we are in constant communication with them, too.


You know, we want what's best for the island, too.


I mean, it benefits us.


It would be dumb, in our opinion, to do anything that would go against that.


It would just hurt our business as well.


So, yes, we are regulated by that, too.


And that's too part of the reason why we kept two companies.


We believe healthy competition is a little bit good, too.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So with that being said, you know, there are the two different ferry companies, but they, will they, will they be run the same or they'll be run differently?


So we're still working through things like that.


But, you know, they have different boats, and so, like, Arnold has some of the classic ferries, and we've noticed from analyzing things that sometimes that's a little bit more affordable for families when you have kids and that don't need to rush over to the island or not the workers on the island, that could take a little bit of, you know, longer of a ride over there.


So we think those price points, having some lower price points are good.




And also, you know, until we really get.


It's going to take time to get that entire business.


And we're working hard up to Shepler's.


Shepler's is, you know, and so they'll be run differently, but with the same ultimate goal of a safe, efficient, and, you know, first class experience getting to and from the island.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

For sure.

Speaker B:

You know, and the sip and sail cruises is also on your marine page and that is a great time for all.

Speaker B:

And I noticed that they offer them up until the second week in October.

Speaker B:

Is there anything new that is going to be coming up this next year for that line that you guys are going to be working on?


So I'm going to say stay tuned on that.


I have a lot of exciting things working for sip and sale.


So excited to bring them to the family and you know, with their cruises, with that live music and going under the bridge, it's just such a beautiful service that they provide and we're so lucky to have them a part of the family.


But we are working on some exciting things for the upcoming season.

Speaker B:

I love the sip and sail cruise.

Speaker B:

I think somebody has not done that.

Speaker B:

They are really missing out on a fantastic opportunity because you see obviously sometimes different parts of the island, but it is just beautiful and it's so relaxing.

Speaker B:

And then they relax.

Speaker B:

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker B:

And the music and everything.

Speaker B:

It is a really fun.

Speaker B:

I've done the morning one and then I've done the evening one and they were both so fun.

Speaker B:

It was just a different experience and I love, I've seen it grow over the years.

Speaker B:

So this is going to be exciting to see as it comes along.

Speaker B:

And will that be on the sip and sale website that you guys will be sharing and.

Speaker B:

Okay, great.

Speaker B:

So the listener can be looking for that because obviously we're winding down for the season with that.

Speaker B:

And now, obviously then you have been to Mackinac, you're familiar with it.

Speaker B:

And is there anything that you love to do when you're visiting the island?

Speaker B:

Is there anything that really sticks out to you is when you're visiting Mackinac?


Oh, yeah.


I mean, so I'm from the Midwest, Wisconsin originally.


And, you know, my parents, I get mad at them.


I'm like, why did you never take me there?


Like, it was so close, like, I was so angry with them.


But prior to this last purchase, I had been up there maybe like five times.


But quick little visit.

Speaker B:



When we did this purchase, I spent almost two months on the island, so I lived there.


My whole family came up there.


My son is seven.


He had the best summer of his life.


I bet the parks and rec, like, did such cute programs for the kids.


And, you know, I have to say, like, and you touched on this earlier.


I think one of the most special things that I took away from the island is the business owners and how they work nonstop, seven days a week in their businesses.


And it's just so cool to see that.


Like, I have so much appreciation for all of the business owners on that island, and it's just such a.


It's beautiful.




It's beautiful there.


I mean, you feel like Cinderella when you get off, right?


There's a horse and buggy waiting for you.


So, I mean, where else in the world do you have that?


The restaurants, I think, are incredible.


The beauty and the people.


It's just.


It was really nice for me to be back in the Midwest and just that middle Midwest hospitality everywhere there.


But it's just.


It's just really, truly like a very magical, magical place.


And I really honor that we're a part of it.

Speaker B:

I'm so glad that you guys could come in and.

Speaker B:

And do this for, you know, a very important part of getting to Mackinac.

Speaker B:

But I think it was important with wanting to share this with everyone, what the goal was, because there's so much stuff that's put out there that if you don't know, and it said, and, you know, and people were trying to say one thing.

Speaker B:

And I'm so grateful that you guys reached out and agreed to do this because I just.

Speaker B:

I'm really excited to see where this goes.

Speaker B:

I'm so excited that Arnold is back and we're the sip and sale, what you guys have planned for that.

Speaker B:

And it's just.

Speaker B:

It's going to be.

Speaker B:

I think we're really heading in a good direction for both the ferry companies.

Speaker B:

Obviously, Shepler's is at that and where your goal is with that.




Thank you so much, Heather.


And thank you for asking us to be on here because we love being able to tell it, too.


And, you know, for the longest time, we couldn't say much.


You know, we had been talking with council, but until we made sure we had their support and approval of everything.


And we're very excited to be up there and our commitment to the area is, you know, very exciting and excited to see next season in a much better spot than this.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I'm sure that it is like you're, like, you're kind of relieved that you're getting to this end point because, you know, okay, we're going into next year.

Speaker B:

You're going to have that.

Speaker B:

And it just takes a weight off.

Speaker B:

But I really do.

Speaker B:

I mean, because I would tell people that we're going, I'm like, heads up that you have to know this ahead of time because I think if they didn't know they would go there and almost be frustrated.

Speaker B:

But you're like, it's not anything that they're doing.

Speaker B:

It's for the safety.

Speaker B:

And that that was the hardest thing to get people to understand.


Yeah, 100%.


And for our staff, too, you know, it was very hard on them.


And, you know, we sat in a room and had to be like, this is not your fault.


It's nothing you did.


You are employees.


We paid every employee.


We did not lay off any employee.


And, you know, now I think, I'm sure you've seen some of the changes on the island, or maybe you haven't been back yet, but, you know, things.


The blue stripes are turning green and there's painting and the employees are doing that.


And we really want them to have pride, too.


So when next season these boats come out, they're prideful.


You know, the captains have been painting and working on the boats and building camaraderie and just, you know, a very positive thing for when we're ready to get back cruising.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Because I think if anybody has ever gone there back when they, you know, when you first started going, when I went in the late nineties, you'll see that and it will trigger it back to you and you'll be like, oh, my gosh.

Speaker B:

This is what I remember.

Speaker B:

And I think that's going to be a huge advantage point for so many people with this.



Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, thank you, Jenny, so much for coming on here and talking with the listener and sharing everything about what you guys are doing for the island.

Speaker B:

It's very much appreciated and I'm so grateful that you've stepped in to take over for this.

Speaker B:

And we'll be watching to see what all you have updates, and I share with the listeners on that, too.

Speaker B:

So thank you so much.


Thank you, Heather.


We appreciate.




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