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The Soul Talk Episode 131: Can you heal yourself and experience a new life?
Episode 131 • 14th August 2023 • Soul Talk with Monica Ramirez • Monica Ramirez
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📻Episode 131: Can you heal yourself and experience a new life? ✨

🎙️In this episode, Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, and Sheila Seppi have a very deep conversation about their dramatic life changes; Monica is a person who was able to heal herself and give her a second chance after being sick for several years, and Sheila who experimented the life in a new body as a walk-in. 

💝Sheila Seppi is a soul exchange walk-in. She entered the body of a 38-year-old mother with three children and was immediately healed from documented illnesses. Sheila took on a new personality with spiritual gifts and memories she didn’t even believe in. Her life was transformed, and she has never been the same.

🌟Sheila is a published author, international speaker, multidimensional life coach, healer, regression therapist, and teacher. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Metaphysics and master’s degree in Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysical Sciences in California.

Contact Sheila


Facebook: ConsciousAwakeningNetwork 

Instagram: @sheila.seppi


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FB: warrioroflove11

IG: @warrioroflove1111

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Monica Ramirez 0:05

Welcome friends, to the Soul Talk podcast, a show where we explore and uncover the path of the heart, amplifying your conscience. Join me as we meet incredible souls, while in this journey and learn from their experience and different methods that will make it vibrate your heart. Let's get into it

Hello, everyone, thank you for being here. This is Monica Ramirez weary of love. And we're in Soul Talk. And today we have something that we have not talked before. Something that I believe that to might be one of them. And, and her name is Sheila Seppi, and let me tell you a little bit who she is. Sheila Seppi is a Soul Exchange Walk-in. She entered into her body when she was 38. She was mother of three children. And immediately she healed herself for her illness. And she also took the person's new personality and the spirits gift and memories that she didn't believe in. I bet that was a hard one for you.

Sheila Seppi 1:19

Absolutely, yes, it was. So really what happened is, you know, I was a very sick person. And I went to bed that way one night, I had been diagnosed over the last several years with bone cancer, brain tumors, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, a walked with a cane, I had erythema nodosum, I had the beginning of multiple sclerosis. And I had recently been diagnosed with the beginning phases of rheumatoid arthritis. And so I was taking Celebrex every day just to be able to open my hands. And obviously, I was in a state of despair. I had three small children I couldn't play with I basically worked came home laid on the couch. And that was about it. But one night, I went to bed and what seemed to be seven o'clock the next morning. It was as if someone reached down, grabbed me by the hair of the head, pulled me bolt right up in bed. And it was like lightning ran through my body. And then I was in white space. And I don't know how long I was in white space. But when I came to myself, I was sitting upright in bread. And first my peripheral vision came in, and then my frontal vision. And as I sat there looking around the room, everything was the same. But everything was different. Everything felt fresh, new alive. It was as if, when I looked about the room, the articles of clothing, I knew where those articles of clothing had been worn. Whether they were mine or my husband's, I knew I could look at the photographs. And all of a sudden I had all these vivid flashes, it was kind of like watching the Harry Potter movie, how everything comes to life. They when I got out of bed, and I walked across the carpet, it was as if I'd never walked across carpet before. Then I walked by the mirror, and I stopped. And I was just staring at myself, because it was as if I was looking at someone else's eyes. And the day continued to get stranger and stranger. Because all of a sudden, I had all of these memories that I did not believe in. I did not believe in past lives the night before I went to bed. And all of a sudden I had these memories of past life flooding through my body. Now I didn't know at the time that it was the past lives of the body. But I was having these past life memories. The next thing that happened is all of a sudden I started knowing about healing modalities that I had never even studied, I started knowing about the body. And I've never studied that. I started remembering universal truths and the structures of the soul and how we incarnated anchor in and how everything is here for just experience. I didn't believe in any of those things the night before I was in a very tight little box. And if someone had told me that I would become a walk in, I would not have believed it. And I would not have believed it if it hadn't have happened to me. But the children immediately knew something was different because I was instantaneously healed. And when I went back to the doctor, they couldn't find any residual anything with my illnesses. And they were basically dumbfounded. It's like, well, we don't know what to tell you but we can't find anything. And then the next thing that happened is all my behavioral patterns changed. Everything I ate changed everything I drank changed, including the marriage, which was already dysfunctional. To begin with, I left that marriage within three months, because it was like, Oh, I'm out of here. And so all of a sudden, everything in my life was turned upside down. Now, when I came in, I did not have a lot of memories. But I did have an instant love for the children. I had a few memories about their birth, a couple about birthdays, but that was about it. And then I didn't have any memories, hardly at all attached with the husband. And I remembered my parents, but I had no memories of growing up. I had very few about high school or anything. And even my mom within a couple of months, sat me down on the couch, and said, she wanted me to see a doctor. And I said, Well, why. And she said, I think you have the beginning phases of dementia or Alzheimer's, because you can't remember anything, you're a totally different person. And so everyone around me noticed these changes. So as I said, within three months, I had left the marriage, within another three months, I had moved to a different state, and found my first spiritual teacher, and working with her was kind of by accident, I wasn't seeking a spiritual teacher, I was seeking someone to help me, because I felt by that time that I was having a psychotic break, my background had been in psychology. And the only way that I could explain this, because I had no metaphysical background, had never read a metaphysical book in my life. And if I would have, I wouldn't have believed it. But anyway, I found her as a desire to bring some mental clarity. And I went in and explained everything to her. We set had a couple of meetings, and she introduced the idea of a walk in, she's like, Honey, you there's nothing paranoid, schizophrenic, delusional, you're not having a dissociative disorder. And you're also not having a psychotic break. And I'm like, Well, what the heck is going on. And that's when she introduced the concept walk ins. And again, everything in my world was rocked. Because all of my foundational beliefs were shattered. Everything that I knew to be true, was gone, because if I was a walk in, then that meant there was a whole lot more than I had ever been told about before. But studying with my teacher, I was able to learn. She was also a shamanic practitioner, because she was of the Hopi lineage, and had been asked to take the teachings of the people forward and to set up women's groups. And I had joined every woman's group that she had, and I was on a fast track. And so I learned very quickly about shamanic travel, and it was in a shamanic journey, working with my guides that I learned all about walk ins, I learned about who I was I, and even then, I still had a hard time accepting it. But I just kept on and kept pushing through it. Just imagine you wake up one day in a bed and you're looking at someone, it's like, Who the heck is this guy? You know? And so everything was like that in my world. As I looked around, well, why do people do this and why this and why that. And so it took me literally about 10 to 12 years to fully be able to wrap my brain around the concept except it fully for who I was, you know, I was working on releasing all kinds of cellular memories. I was working on cellular healing. I was working on changing behavioral patterns and responses. And you know, it may not have taken that full 12 years but to really get comfortable in my skin. It probably took about 12 years.

Monica Ramirez 9:19

Wow. That's a quite story. My story was not the same, because I did a quantum jump, because it was still me. When I had lupus and fibromyalgia, and just from one day to the other, my reality was different. I was healed. I did not have any more of this or those. I did not have anything, and yes, I was accused that I was crazy. That I was... that that could not happen (my husband)... And the doors were not in the same place where they were before, as I say was a quantum... It is, similar but different because I was still in my own body. My body, I never lost my body. It was just a different reality. Yes. And that is different and similar because your body has a different experience.

Sheila Seppi:

Right? Well, the one thing and I'll talk about the different types of spirits in a moment. But one thing that also happened to me that once I had left, this was probably nine months into my journey, I experienced timeline shifts at least twice, once I went to grab the door handle, and when I turned it and walked in, everything was different. But I was so used to feeling crazy at that point that I just accepted it. And then the next thing that happened, I was at work, and I pushed the button. When I got into the elevator, everything was fine. When I got out of the elevator, everything had shifted. Now, there wasn't a noticeable physical difference in my reality. But everything had shifted with all the people around me. And so these this quantum jumping or Timeline Jumping, is, you know, something that's very, very familiar to me. And it's kind of freaky, if you don't know what's happening. The

Monica Ramirez:

Thing is, it gets... It is so subtle, but it can be so drastic, or it can be subtle.

Sheila Seppi:


Monica Ramirez:

The majority to the human beings pass through those quantum jump ins, and they don't even realize it. Because they're just, they were not they were fine. They were not sick. They just suddenly, oh, oh, suddenly, oh, my car, I thought he was green, and now is red. Uh, Okay. Like, maybe, I'm crazy. It was always red. You know? And things like that, and they will not realize that they just did a quantum jump, and that their car, it was used to be green. But because they're not aware of this. In a way, I call them magic. Did you just "PUM", did something happened? The people that carry the memories. And those are the ones that are suffering, because a lot of them they ended up in a mental hospital because they wanted to tell to someone and like no, I remember it was green, and this car is not mine. And so and so when they go to a psychiatrist like, Oh, yes, you have to be crazy.

Sheila Seppi:

My oldest daughter has the gift of clairaudience. And she used to hear her guide speak to her all the time. Well, when she was in college, she was having some issues and wanted to go speak to a counselor about it. And she started talking about the voices in her head. And oh, yeah, we had to straighten that out pretty quick. You know? It's like, you just can't tell everybody because like you said, then you can end up getting a western medicine diagnosis that really has nothing to do with you. But that's the only way they can explain it. And I was so grateful that my spiritual teacher was able to express to me and explain to me in detail enough about a walk in that I was able to accept that at face value, and then grow into that. But once I left, I was living in Kentucky at that time. And I was there for about five years. I and during that time, I had met and remarried, I had moved to Colorado with my new husband and children. And I set up my own healing business. Because there was no way I could not function in a nine to five job there. I mean, there was just no way. Because I'm still I mean, I couldn't do it now. And I'm so open that yeah, I just can't do it. It's hard to even go grocery store shopping some time. And I live in a in a little town that there's only 3000 people and a lot of times that's too much for me. But during this time I had opened the business and was working with my guides because business was slow. I was developing the practice. So I had that luxury to, to sit back and to just drop in to meditation and in working with them. I asked them one time I said, so did I steal this body? That would happen? I mean, if I'm a walk in what happened to the other person just walked out just vacate give up. And they explained to me that there are two things that happen first, there's a soul contract, and everyone has their own birth plan before they come in. They decide the types of experiences that they want to have. Now the experience might be compassion, and so they're thrown all different types of situations in order to learn how to be compassionate, or to extend compassion, they may want to learn, you know, what is it like to feel disconnected, you know, so there's all different types of things that we set in place for ourselves. And as a walk in, when you decide that you have a walk in experience, and you're dropping that down from nonlinear time into physical linear time, that can take thousands of years, because all of the players, you know, have to be in the right place, everybody has to be born, everyone has to get to a certain timeline, even though on the other side is just instantaneous. Oh, yeah, we just we develop this. But then for us here on the planet, it seems like it takes forever. So it can happen is we have a birth plan, but also a walk in. Like, in my case, I came in at an emergency situation, because this body was dying, the children have very strong life plans of their own. And if they had been left with the man I was married to, they would not have come to fruition for these children. And also, I was part of a soul group. And there's many, many step downs in, you know, souls and soul groups and layering in individual souls and shanty ISKCON and multi dimensional selves. And I was I had enough resonance with the body that I could come in. The other thing with the body is the soul that had been in this body was an arcturion soul. And so there had already been an energetic framework placed inside the etheric field, which made it easier for me to be able to come in. And I'll explain why. But it made it easier for me to come in. Because that way, I would not fry the biology of this sick body. And the reason that it was easier for me to come in is Yes, I had been a multi dimensional aspect within the oversoul. So there was that resonance. But the other thing is, I was part of a collective. Now when you become part of a collective, there are various layers of consciousness. And there's very, very, you know, there's a lot of density layers within consciousness. And so I had progressed to the place where I had already merged my consciousness with my multi dimensional aspects. And then we in turn, had merged our consciousness with other beings. And we were in the Andromeda and system when there was a cry that came out from Gaia, and was asking for assistance. Now, Dolores Cannon calls that, you know, the Three Waves of volunteers and I didn't know anything about that until just a couple of years, even after my first regression, which verified a lot of the memories that I came in with. And so we came to the earth and was working in the crystal and grid, when the soul of this body cried out to be released. Now, you cannot consciously ask for a walk in to happen. Otherwise, everybody on the planet would be a walk in, oh, I'm having a bad day, I want to walk in being here we go new person didn't work that way. You know, the things you have to live through the changes in the life, it can be pure chaos. But anyway, so it was decided by my collective, that I would be the soul aspect that would come in. So this soul essence came in bringing in more of that arcturion frequency. But over time, now I have been able to bring in more and more of my multi dimensional aspects of Palladian, the Andromeda and the Liron, the Syrian and excetera. But I operate now more fully as an Andromeda and because that's what's needed. You know, I came in with a very firm mission to be a way-shower. And there's many ways that you know that I do that. But coming in with a mission. It's not like when a soul is birthed into a body, and you have a mission I came in, it's like, this is what you're to do, and you hit the ground running, to try to achieve that mission. So everything that I do in my life supports my mission. And if it's not me, if it doesn't have anything to do with the mission, I just I don't participate.

Monica Ramirez:

I have a question for you, because the majority the human beings will have to heal layers of layers of trauma.

Sheila Seppi:


Monica Ramirez:

And in your case, from our childhood, and many of the... And in your case, you didn't have to go through that.

Sheila Seppi:

That's not true. I didn't have to experience the trauma, but because I inhabited a body that had already been imprinted with number one, the galactic trauma that the soul brought in, plus the genetic trauma, and even the ancestral lineage that had already imprinted onto this body. So I didn't get a brand new body, I got a used car when I came in. And so I had to number one take on the karmic debt, which I have cleared for the body also had to take on all of the cellular imprinting. And I thought I had worked through 100% of that imprinting until last November. And I was somewhere visiting with people. And I was like, I don't understand why this one woman responds to me the way that she does. I just, I don't understand that. Because I've never been anything but kind and helpful and loving towards this person. But there was always this kind of standoffishness. And just by asking that question, my guides answered it, by bringing forward memories of trauma that had involved this woman, or a situations that had caused trauma to her that she then kind of superimposed over onto me. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, now, when that type of deep seated trauma comes up, I had two choices. You know, I could break down crying and sobbing, like, Oh, my God, I can't believe on it, you know, I can't believe it, I can't believe it, and go through and relive all of that hurt. But in my case, even though it hurt, I sat back and I'm like, This person is not the same person that they used to be, number one. And number two, I am not the same person that this actually was inflicted upon. And so in that case, it made it a lot easier, I believe, for me to be able to extend forgiveness, even though you know, you extend forgiveness to someone, it doesn't mean those memories go away. And the forgiveness actually is not for them. Anyway, this person has absolutely no idea that I remembered all of those things all the way back to where this body was even four and five years old, I remember things that had happened, things that had occurred. In a way I told my guides on what I was asking for an answer to a question, not all of this trauma and a site that's associated with the trauma. And so I learned very quickly, that a lot of times in our lives walk in or not, when people respond to us differently, nine times out of ten, it has nothing to really do with us as who we are in this moment. It might have to do with a previous version. But even it doesn't matter who it is. Every day is a different day. Every day people are bringing in new and higher frequencies. Every day, people change their minds about things, they get more information, they they move in a different way. They may have a spiritual awakening, and then they're definitely not that same person. And so it became very, very clear to me that the other reason that my guides shared that or I should say my collectives, but I call them my guides, because they guide me through my life. Through my collective, I understood that it's very, very important right now, this time on the planet to begin to heal all those traumas, because we cannot take them with us in these higher vibrational states and into the New Earth. It's just not possible. We have to clear it. And so right now more than ever, people on this planet are experiencing trauma. And the biggest thing that I can tell people who are is to understand that it's coming up for healing, even those people that trigger you are really doing you a favor, because they're reflecting to you areas of yourself that really need to be healed. And when you can bring that healing, those traumas begin to go away, and all of the sudden those people that triggered you well, they don't do that anymore. Isn't that amazing?

Monica Ramirez:

My ancestors... I am native, Mexican native and my ancestors used to called that, Tezcatlipoca. That's the God precisely of themirrors. So basically it is connected anybody who triggered you or a who starts judging you or things like that, in reality is the image of themselves. They're the one that, the one that gets triggered, is the one that have to work with. It is not yourself.

Sheila Seppi:


Monica Ramirez:

And that's are we getting bugged with... "Oh, they're judging me for that." And that's one of the beliefs that actually get them stuck.

Sheila Seppi:

Right. Right. And that's also one of the addictions that we have in life, is being attached to what other people think about us. When really, it doesn't matter. The only thing that really matters is who we are, how we live, and how we choose to move through life.

Monica Ramirez:

I wanted to ask you, okay, if do you know, the beam that came into you, it is mentioned it was Acturian, from the collective of Acturians. Okay, that you still have all the memories of Acturian and plus Sheila human? She was Acturian too, but there was asleep, Acturian Sheila. And now this is the soul that it was awakened, that it was kind of here, but it was not human. Right. So you have the two of them.

Sheila Seppi:

Yes. And so one of the things that happens is initially as the body was healing, imagine a faucet that just has a drip, drip, drip, as that one soul left, even that little bit that came in was enough to instantaneously heal this body, because all of a sudden, now the biology is operating from a different frequency and not the sick frequency. So that immediately changed. But that was still just a drip. And as I was able to heal, as I was able to accept more of who I am, and it came in, I mean, that knowledge came in very fast and furious, but really to be able to drop into that. And live that, you know, took a little bit of time. But it was still that drip, drip, drip, drip of information coming in from the soul. Because first off, I had to accept who I was, I had to operate from that place. And then they could give me more. And then they would uplevel a little more and uplevel a little more and tell me more and more as my psyche was able to handle it. Because remember, this body barely believed in angels.

Monica Ramirez:

I have a question because I bet many of our viewers are gonna have this question to themselves. What are the symptoms? Because I had been asked as a coach as a healer blinds like am I a Walk-in? And uh... And that's the question that I would like to ask you: what are the symptoms you're a walk-in? Because I bet many of our viewers might be walk-ins.

Sheila Seppi:

Yes. And so I want to share a couple of different things first, because there are different types of walk ins. Right now, because of the energy that we have on our planet. Yes, there are still walk ins coming in. But the walk ins that are coming in are almost fully awake. So the energy has changed, where higher vibrational frequencies can be hailed. And people know that there will walk in. The other thing is that because of all the spiritual work, all the personal work that people are doing now. And because of all the photonic energies, all the solar energies that are coming in, people are able to hold higher divine frequencies, they're able to hold higher light codes, they're able to hold more of their original divine essence. And as such, they're able to bring in a lot more of their higher self. Now when I came in, I came in as my higher self operating through the collective. And a lot of people now are bringing in more and more of their higher self without having to become a walk in. You know, mine was a totally different case. And I want to talk about the different types of walk ins but you know, people on the planet now are having spiritual awakenings, a spiritual awakening can mimic a walk in because all of a sudden, people are everything is different to them. And they don't act the same. They don't walk the same. They don't talk the same. They might change their jobs. They may change relationships. That's exactly what happened to me as a walk in. But mine happened because of a soul reversal. A lot of what's happening now are the spiritual awakenings and people are having a lot of the same symptoms. So walk ins, a lot of people think they're a walk in when in fact they've had a spiritual awakening. Some people have had a kundalini awakening and they're not a walking And, but they have a lot of the same symptoms. Now people I call when people receive more and more of their higher soul essence, they are then having a soul infusion. But there's also a soul infusion of a walk in like with my son. And it's very rare to have to walk ins in the same family. And no doubt, this is one of the guiding principles that led me to become a walk in to take this assignment on. But he is is very strong healer, he comes from the angelic realm. And he has memories of even going back as far as the war of the angels. He remembers when there was that war in heaven, he remembers a lot of the stories through the Bible, and he's like, you know, they just don't have that right mom, and it's up, up up above. And so one of the things with him that happened is he's what called a soul and fusion part of his soul left. And another higher divine aspect came in, he only retained 13% of his original soul. And the rest of it was from the angelic realm straight in, there's also what's called a soul overlay. And that is when the original soul of the body stays. And another aspect comes in and attaches to it kind of like a neoprene suit. And it helps to give energy to that soul. And it may hold space in the body while that soul goes off and complete something and comes back. And then this aspect will either leave, or they will become one soul.

Monica Ramirez:

That's also kind of like many of the lines are Starseeds, we embody our higher self consciously.

Sheila Seppi:

Yeah, but there's a little bit there's a yeah, there's a difference. And I'll explain that too. And then with a walk in, there's also what's called a braided soul, where you have two souls that come in, and then there is what's called a jumper. And that's when one souls in, and then it hops out, and then another soul might come in, and it hops out. But this is also an agreement that's been made, and people who have experienced the jumper, you know, they really, that energy is so strong, and it imprints so strongly on the physical vessel that once that energy is gone, if they say they really miss it. And then there's the multi dimensional aspects sold that comes in. That awakens over time where many, many facets now to the star seed, question or comment, souls have to come from somewhere. Okay, so nine times out of 10, they're coming in from a planet, my definition of a star seed might be a little different than some people's but my understanding through witnessing what I have through time is a star seed would be like if a soul left Piladies it was born into a body, and then it wakes up to the fact that it's a Palladian okay. And some people have the multi dimensional so that comes in at birth. But most star seeds come in at birth. But a walk in has to come from somewhere. I know walk ins that have come in from the 13th dimension. I know walk ins who have come in from the 17th dimension. I know walk ins and have come in from the end draw system. I know walk ins, I don't know a lot of walk ins that are from a collective. And so, you know, mine was I had already had all of these different soul experiences. I had lived in Arcturus, I had a family. I was there for many, many years. And I have three children, two boys and a girl. I was also a mantis beam. I have two daughters from that. Okay, those were mainly the children that I had, when I incarnated prior to coming in as a walk in a lot of the seeds from the old soul, but from this body were harvested. And there are some great children, there are some Zetta children that have 12 of those, but those are from the body from the eggs of the previous soul that were harvested. And so there are many, many different experiences that we have. Some people remember all of their experiences, and I tell people, you know, it doesn't matter. But I do all these soul readings for people, and the aspects that will come through is exactly what they need at that time. And they're like, oh my god, you know, and I'll say you started maybe you started in the angelic realm and then you went here and you did this that that then then you went here and that you know, and it was for so many incarnations, cycles, and then you came you came here You already came from another universe or whatever. But I tell people, you because they're always shocked. I didn't know I could have that many lifetimes. It's like we are eternal beings. We've been around for ever. And right now, we're being an Earthling. Okay. And so if we go back to a home planet, let's say someone is a Palladian and they go in to outer on and they're on their planet, then they might say, Wow, I just woke up to the fact that I was an earthly, you know, it's so just like we're doing, there are many, many different types of life forms, not all of them look just like us, many do not. But most of them that I've come across are hominid, you know, with the head, bipedal, you know, the head to arms, the trunk, and the legs, although they can look very, very different. There are some that look like geometric shapes in their heads, you know, there are some that are light beings, but all of us, regardless, we're still having soul experiences. And a star seed can come from any of these places, and wake up to the fact that, oh, gosh, I'm an XY and Z being in this human form.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, I totally understand that. My my higher self that she has played me that I'm as a multi-dimensional being and come from Pleiades. Her name is Maia, you may recognize her as a planet. So I understand completely that. And yes, and if the people will understand that's the part I was one of my works to make them understand about our multidimensionality

Sheila Seppi:


Monica Ramirez:

But at the same time, now, we're here as human, for humans, we are in another place, living exactly the same time. Yes, and I know it is very hard to grasp, but because it's not going to be only do adamant play in, in a planet, you may be also at the same time in a spaceship on top of my top of your house. And you can may be in many other places at the same time. Time and distance, it is a human construct, that is not been true.

Sheila Seppi:


Monica Ramirez:

That is hard to explain, when we are so conditioned, to actually understand that time and space exist. When he doesn't.

Hi, everyone, this is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. Are you a healer, starseed coach, practitioner, or reader. And you still doubt yourself, that when you get one of your clients, that you did enough for them? Are you still self doubting yourself? Well, this is coming from a past trauma that it was created from this timeline or past lives, that you have not worked at yourself, because we all have blind spots that sometimes we need to someone to marke it for us. And when we're working with an inner child, that we alle have to, because or else we're going to continue repeating the same stories and not feeling good enough. And we're gonna even be a people pleasers, we're going to be overachievers because we don't feel good enough. And those traumas are still there. So in the moment you work with those things, you're going to learn how to love yourself, how to accept yourself, and that is going to be for my Path To The Heart, the level one. The level two, we go into past lives more deeply. And to actually clear family lineage, we're going to be also doing a soul retrieval there am way much more. And in the third level, you're going to learn how to use the practice that you already know how to do. But you're going to be adding the channeling because you're going to learn different types of channeling. And you're going to learn how to develop your magical gifts that we all are born with. And not only that, you're going to learn how to work in theta level with your own clients. So like then you can go deeply and profoundly and you will feel more secure. I will give a certification from that from Path To The Heart. So if you want more information, you can book a call with me. And it's a free 30 minute session. So like that we can discover together our can help you better. This is Monica Ramirez, the Warrior Of Love. And thank you for listening.

Sheila Seppi:

And the other thing too is you know most people have been taught through religious mechanisms that we live we die we go to heaven, we go to hell. And that's just not the way it is. It is not I remember I bring those memories in with me. And you know, when the soul starts out, we have, there's a whole process to get to the templates of creation. But there is a template for the oversoul. And there's like a master oversoul. This called the monad. And contained within that master oversoul are all of the soul groups. And from within that soul group, then there's soul families, and within the soul families, then there's over souls. And within the oversoul, there are many, many, many different layers of like the individual oversoul. Because one oversoul can have many, many different individual over smaller souls, then we have like the Shantias Khan, that's where we all have our multi dimensional aspects. But we all come from the same individual oversoul, we come from the same oversoul we come from the same family, the same group, the same wonder,

Monica Ramirez:

I wonder if that what part of the problems of the humans in this planet Earth in these three deep moments that we're having that there's racism? Yes. And it is very ingrained, it doesn't matter the country, they can call it racist, or they can call it. I forgot, I used to just let the name they had it here. But well, there is a big separation between all the races and all the countries and cultures and so forth, and all the plantets. And that has to do, because we come from different planets? Not necessarily, we're all humans, yes, they're human links. They are, but there's the majority is not. The majority comes from different stars, different races. And they were very in conflict since the wars of Orion. They were already in conflict over there. And when they come over here, is that's why there's so much division also the same time?

Sheila Seppi:

You know? I don't think so. I don't think so. Because most of the people that are involved in wars are not conscious. And if they were conscious, they wouldn't be involved in war. Okay, so that's the first thing. People that wake up and remember who they are, are not going to be warry. Now, that doesn't mean that all life outside of Earth is blissful, because it is definitely not. Just like here, they're great people, they're not so great people, they're great races, they are not so great racist. It's the same everywhere. But here we have the veil of forgetfulness. And unless someone wakes up, they think they're a human with a soul, not a soul with a human body. Because our human body is like our spaceship for planet Earth. And so if people did remember these things, I think that it would be a much nicer planet. It But don't get me wrong, because there are the Draco. There are all types of other races that are very greedy, that are very dominating people fall down thinking they're gods, well, no, they just, they're just coming from a different dimension. You know, they're not a God, they just can do things that humans can't do. But that doesn't make them a God-

Monica Ramirez:

At the end will have the same potential to become God because we all come from the same source.

Sheila Seppi:

Absolutely, absolutely. And even those who we would consider evil, they have an opportunity because I have worked with many people who have had a Draco soul. And they have come to the light side. And when I'm working with it, whether they're in hypnosis, or whether we're doing a galactic reading session, whatever it is, they come to that point when they wake up. And remember, they're a soul having this experience, and they made this choice for whatever reason that their soul needed to learn. Because you have to remember we are all divine aspects of source all of us, good, bad, ugly, different, it doesn't matter. We are all the same when it comes to the soul. And the only reason that we exist is for the experience. And so it doesn't matter there really on the other side is no good. There is no bad there just is it is the experience so that it can go back into the Source consciousness.

Monica Ramirez:

Yes, I totally agree with that. Because yes, it is. We understand that people are so scared of the dark, or the tense, but we forget thats part of it the dark and the tense is also part of us, as the light and the and the fluffy part, lets put it like that because that is also us and we're ego the people wanted to make a war against the ego when they use part of us, at the same time, and the more than we do a war with the ego the ego is not going to be showing us in what do we have to work with ourselves.

Sheila Seppi:

Right. Right.

Monica Ramirez:

And I know that you're part... you're the creator of the Galactic Alliance, correct?

Sheila Seppi:

I am. I am.

Monica Ramirez:

Can you explain us a little bit about that?

Sheila Seppi:

Sure. So, in 2019, I released a book called "Walk-ins: Cosmology of the Soul". And... or maybe it was 18... 18 or 19. But a couple years ago, I released this book, and afterwards, we decided, all of the people in the book, we wanted to have a conference so that we could share the information about Watkins. And that's what we did, I formed a partnership with Alan Steinfeld of new realities, and Neil Gar with portal to ascension. And we had the first walk in conference. As a result of that I was inundated with letters and people getting a hold of me telling me how much they appreciated that conference that it gave them the first point of reference that they had had in a long time. And for the first time in their life, that they felt like that they were among people who understood them. And that was so profound for me, I developed an organization called Walk ins, Indigo, Starseeds and Hybrids. My friend, Phil Gruber helped me to name it. And we began to have meetings on a regular basis. Then, in working with the group, we're like, Okay, what do you need this like? Well, we like education, we want to know more about this than the other. So we now have two nights, Mondays and Thursdays, everything is open and free to anyone who'd like to join us, where we have speakers from all across the globe that come on, and they will make presentations. And then people that are there can ask questions. And then my guides told me that I needed to be able to get this information out even more than I was doing. And they dropped this idea of having a television network in my lap. And I'm like, I don't know anything about television networks. And I started researching and I gave this guy a call and bam, every every door just opened. And so he was talking to me, let's just put you know, we'll put the conscious or we'll put the Galactic Alliance all of its meetings. Oh, and then we did change the name to the Galactic Alliance, because people were like, wait a minute, I'm an angelic, or I'm a dimensional are I am I'm an ultra dimensional llama light beings come on what you know, it's like, okay, we'll just call it the Galactic Alliance, because now we're so encompassing. And in addition to these meetings, you know, we keep those stored on our website. But also we have what's called galactic ambassadors, where people sign up. And then they have all of their services listed on our website so that people can find good quality people, and we do vet them. So it's not just like anybody can put in an application, there is a vetting process, we check on their websites, we, you know, we might call some people, that kind of thing. But that grew into this need to continue to promote even more. And so that's when this television network fell in my lap. And now it's called the conscious awakening network. I still have the Galactic Alliance, but the Galactic Alliance is one of the hosts on the conscious awakening network and the conscious awakening network is in an explosion phase, and we're getting ready to revamp I just met with a branding specialists this morning. And they're working with us, we're developing all kinds of marketing plans, you name it, we're getting it done, because we're still very young, we're only not even six months old yet. And so we have platforms on Roku, Amazon, Apple TV, we have a we're going into Android, we also are on a variety of social media. And that works as well as on 12 different podcast formats. And so we're on Spotify and Google and all of those too. And so what we the goal of this is to bring in other individuals who have high quality programming and a message to share, because one of the things that my collective made it very, very clear to me is that we need to get more word out being a Wayshower doesn't mean I have to do everything all the time by myself. That's impossible. And at first I thought it was and I was working seven days a week and you know, I was making myself sick and you know, they must have gotten a good laugh on the other side. And then I was like, watch that crazy one. Mi. Ne. So now I have about 34 different hosts, we have nearly 500 videos up in a ton of categories. So anyone who's looking for any type of programming, to help them to support them on their spiritual path, they'll be able to find it on the conscious awakening network, and everything is free. If they have Roku, they obviously are paying their Roku fee, but they can download our apps for free. We also have a website, the conscious awakening, that's all free, they can go on watch anything. And they can also watch on our downloadable phone apps. And so you can go to your iOS or Google or android store and, you know, download our apps, and it's all free. And my goal is that we're trying to get out more and more information to the general public, so that it can help to spark spiritual awakenings and support people that are already on their path. Because we are living in a time when we need to really be able to hold those vibrations. And sometimes just hearing someone talk about something, it can spark a spiritual awakening, or it can transform the way that they think about things.

Monica Ramirez:

I totally agree with that. It is just a matter of AHA moments that is one of my favorite words. Because in the moment that people understand something that they didn't understand their conscience just amplifies and they can put it on any they put it on, they can understand and now they can project it and work at it, or work on traumas or whatever it is needed to. So that is very, very important. Yeah. And the question of the year, I believe so this, I believe, is between this year with all the UFO sightings that they're increasing by the moment, I cannot even say by the days, by the moment in this timeline, that not finally the governments are saying yes, we are seeing them now it was more open. What I was observing it is that it concerns me that I was checking the new movies that are coming out from Hollywood and independents. And they're putting fear of the the ETs, and of course I totally disagree with that. Because at the moment is the ETs is finally they show up, and there's a disclosure, people are gonna be afraid. Because Hollywood and independent films that they're putting, "oh, they're cannibals" like, we forgot that human beings are cannibals, we used to be cannibals. They're still tribes in this planet that are still cannibals. So how would you manage that? There was still, because I still work with that. Are they not necessarily the ETs are bad? Yes, they are bad as also their tribes. They have humans that they're cannibals. So how you can still teach in those these things that are important? Because I believe the time is very close. Yes. That not necessarily the government's are going to do the disclosure, the ETs are going to make the disclosure themselves

Sheila Seppi:

Yes. You know, as the individual is ready, they they do appear, and they will come they will begin to come in their dream time. They may come in meditation time. And they may come you know, in physical awareness. You know, I've got so many photographs of chips, some of them are so clear, it is undeniable that they are chips. Some people you show it to him and they don't even really see what you're talking about. And so I think that a lot of it has to do with the level of consciousness that people have. And I think that, you know, a full disclosure will only come when the human species is open and ready for that. But Hollywood is doing a great disinformation campaign right now. Because you first off, you have to go back and look at who's funding Hollywood, number one. And then you know, if there's nothing to be gained, if people understood that we come from the stars, if people understood all of a sudden, there's med beds, that they can go on to a ship and be healed of all their illnesses. If people understood, there's so much out there that they've never even been told. They're going to awaken at such a rapid rate that all of a sudden people are not going to be using Western medicine the way that they did. People are not are going to be running back and forth. And you know, consumerism is going to fall, all of these things where there are strongholds on monetary gain on this planet are going to change. What if people understood that they could live in peace and harmony, and not even us money? You know, and so that's going to be that's a drastic change. And so, you know, the powers at be, do not want us to even begin to consider these concepts. So of course, they're going to have these disinformation campaigns. But you know, the reality of it is, most of the people out there listening to this are probably already consciously awakened. And most of these people themselves are probably already star seeds. And a lot of the people very well could be walkins. What happens if we all wake up at one time? You know, what happens if we walk into, you know, the government's at B and say, sorry, this is going to change? You know, we understand we there's there's going to be a different world. It's not going to be taken very well. And extraterrestrials, who are our galactic families have that propensity and that potential of doing that they're drastically going to change the way that the powers that be do business?

Monica Ramirez:

And they see that coming very fast.

Sheila Seppi:


Monica Ramirez:

In our lifetime.

Sheila Seppi:

Absolutely. As as do I, as do I.

Monica Ramirez:

Do you have some last words, Sheila, that you would like to share with us? Before we close?

Sheila Seppi:

I do. You know, I just want everyone to understand that you are so much more powerful than you've ever been told. You have so much inside you. You are eternal beings. There is no fear in death. It's closing your eyes and waking up. There is no death. Absolutely no death. And so as a soul, we are eternal. So have fun. While you're here, lighten up, you know, enjoy the day, stand in the sun's sunshine and really take time to slow down and appreciate being here because everything happens just like that. And before you know it, we're going to be back on the other side.

Monica Ramirez:

It is so true. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. And thank you for all our viewers for being here. And if this helped you, please click like and share with someone else. It might be helping someone else too. Thank you so much. This is Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love. And thank you for being in Soul Talk.




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